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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for November 1998

CHASE, SLAVENS posted by Billie J. Fletcher on Wednesday, November 4, 1998

Looking for information on my Gr.Grandparents John and Eunice CHASE,they lived in Bel Plain, Benton Co, Iowa in 1862. My grandfather,Archie Llewellyn Elmer Ellsworth CHASE,was born in Belle Plaine on 7-25-1862. also information on my Gr.Grandparents James Henry and Permilia SLAVENS.They lived in Carydon,Wayne County,Iowa from 1858 to 1865.

FULTON posted by Richard Fulton on Wednesday, November 4, 1998

FULTON Francis J., born in MD, married Palmer, Anna Maria. They had a son Byron C. FULTON born February 5, 1860 in Iowa, belived to be in Benton Co., Polk Twp.. If any one can help me with further info I will greatly be appreciated.

WILLIAMS posted by Helen Peterson on Wednesday, November 4, 1998

WILLIAMS, Stephen Would like any info/obit on Stephen Williams who died in Vinton, Feb. 17, 1886. Also, where do I write for his probate records if available. Thanks in advance.

MARINE posted by Helen Peterson on Wednesday, November 4, 1998

MARINE family in Vinton wanted! Mid-to late 1800's from Indiana. Thanks in advance.

BERGSTROM, KINT posted by Doris (Bergstrom) Clement on Friday, November 6, 1998

I am looking for a copy of my great grandmother's obituary. She died in the spring-summer of 1947. Her name was Ida Ella (KINT) BERGSTROM and she lived most of her life in Troy Mills. Could someone look it up and see if her obituary was published in Benton County? Doris (Bergstrom) Clement 8932 E. Copper Drive Sun Lakes, AZ 85248 (602) 317-0043

FRADY posted by Steve Frady on Friday, November 6, 1998

FRADY, Calvin. I am seeking the location of Calvin Frady's grave. He died of virulent smallpox in April of 1855 while living in a log cabin outside of Marysville (Urbana). The neighbors burned the cabin and the surviving family members were forced to move to Minnesota. A photo of the grave was taken around 1910, but has been misplaced. Any help will be appreciated.

BROENDEL, BRONDEL posted by James Faulconer on Saturday, November 7, 1998

Johann BROENDEL Came To Iowa In 1853 And Settled In Benton County. A few years later his younger brother, Henry BRONDEL joined him. I am interested in sharing research on these families with other descendants.

BEDNAR, KOUTNY, ROMPOT, YOUNG posted by Kenneth W. Bednar on Thursday, November 19, 1998

BEDNAR, KOUTNY, ROMPOT and YOUNG See my web page

KNAPP, SWARTZBAUGH posted by Harold D. Hileman on Thursday, November 26, 1998

KNAPP Clarance (Clarence); Vinton, Benton Co., Iowa, USA c1870 - c1950. My great grandfather Clarance KNAPP married Carrie Bell SWARTZBAUGH c1890. They had four daughters: Lola, Marie, Oatie and Abbey. Clarance and Carrie later divorced. Carrie lived her life and died in the Ceadr Rapids/Waterloo area. Little is known of Clarance KNAPP. I am interested in establishing this family's presence in Benton Co.. Also, any other family connections or information of KNAPP or SWARTZBAUGH. Thank You!

HENRY, JAMISON posted by Ray Henry on Saturday, November 28, 1998

I am looking for any information that I can get about my great great grandfather and grandmother, John HENRY Sr .and his wife, Matilda JAMISON HENRY. they came to Belle Plaine, Ia. around 1884 from County Antrim, N.Ireland and lived the rest of their lives in Belle Plain.they had nine children.

GRAHAM, PALMER posted by Judy McMichael on Sunday, November 29, 1998

Clara GRAHAM was born 1861 in Harrison Co, OH. In 1880 she married Aurelius Hawthorne. On the 1910/20 census of Vinton, Benton, IA she was married to John PALMER and they had children Helen (1893), Donald (1895) and Dorothy (1896). Looking for other researchers of this family.

ROBYN posted by Edward J. Wurtz on Monday, November 30, 1998

I am researching ROBYN family. Edward ROBYN died on January 13, 1881 in Luzerne. He was listed as Dr. E. ROBYN in the 1872 Atlas of Benton County as a druggist. His brother William may also have lived in Luzerne, however he died in Chicago in 1912. Any further information would be appreciated.

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