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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for June thru July 2001

GOON posted by Lowell J. Sanders on Sunday, June 3, 2001

GOON Elias and Jane d.1905 and 1915. I am looking for the cemetery that this set of Great Grandparents are buried in. I believe it is the Fairview UB cemetery on route 218. I am planing to visit Benton co. in early July to photograph my relatives gravesites. Does anyone know if this address is correct?

WILLIAMSON, YERKES posted by Renee Adams (Williamson) on Monday, June 4, 2001

I am looking for the will of my great, great grandfather Daniel WILLIAMSON, husband of Priscilla Jane YERKES (Jane Williamson). Daniel was born in Indiana about 1825 and died in Vinton, Benton County, Iowa September 10th, 1911. He is buried in the U.B. Prairie Cemetary. He was a resident of Benton county since 1870-1871. His obituary is currently listed here on the Iowa GenWeb site, as excerpted from the Cedar Valley Times. However, I have been unable to find his will or any land records. If someone can help me locate his will or any land records, I would sincerely appreciate it!

SMYERS, STIVER posted by Dorothy Smyers on Thursday, June 14, 2001

I am looking for information on the STIVER family. Balcer & Lucinda (SMYERS) STIVER are listed in Shellsburg in the 1880 and 1900 census records with their daughter, Lura, her occupation was schoolteacher. The history book of Jefferson Co., PA, where the family originated, lists 5 children, Daniel "Webster", James, John, Maude & Lura. The 1880 mortality index lists an Emma, who may also have been their child.

HAMILTON, MOREY posted by Lea McDonald on Sunday, June 17, 2001

Looking for info about Oscar HAMILTON whose wife was Elizabeth. They married in Henry county Ill. Moved to Blairstown,Ia. They had a son Lon Frank HAMILTON who married Ida M.MOREY. They lived in Blairstown and Norway and then in Marshalltown.

SANDERS, VERPLANK posted by Dorothy Perkins on Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Clara Eliza VERPLANK was bornin Vinton, Benton co, iowa in 1880 daughter of Charles VERPLANK her mother was Nancy SANDERS would like to find some one working on this line

BENSON, FISH, HALL, HICKS, MCBROOM, MILLER, SPENCER posted by Kirk Hall on Sunday, June 24, 2001

BENSON, HALL, MILLER, MCBROOM, SPENCER, HICKS, FISH in the 1856 census of Benton county, James BENSON (21) and his wife Christina (18) are listed along with two young sons James Oliver BENSON and George W. BENSON. they had been living there three years and lived in Henry County, Illinois where that where they were married. Cristina was the daughter of Mary SPENCER and Umphrey MILLER and the step daughter of Isaac MCBROOM. her sisters were Mrs. Eli (Malinda) HALL, Mrs. William (Maryanne) HICKS and one other sister named Elizabeth who may have married a Henry FISH. she also would have had half sisters - Martha, Phoebe and Rosa MCBROOM, a half brother Charles MCBROOM, and step brother and sister Thomas MCBROOM and Margaret MCBROOM (Margaret was William HICK'S second wife). does anyone knows more about them or any of the individuals here or the families?

PRIZER, SPARRENBERGER posted by Brian Erland on Monday, June 25, 2001

Information on Henry SPARRENBERGER and wife Sophie PRIZER. Henry was from Wiesbaden, Germany, moved to Benson Co., on a farm in the freemont township area in the early 1860s. I belive a brother or father (John) owned a farm in the eldorado township area. Henry and Sophie had at least one daughters, Margaret, born 27 Jul 1882. If you have any additional information please contact Thanks

DANIELS posted by Margaret J. Ford on Tuesday, July 3, 2001

Any info on Sullivan DANIELS, my great great grandfather, came to live in Vinton, Iowa after the Civil War in 1866. He was a Vetran of the Civil War. He died 1895 in Vinton and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery. Any info you may have will be greatly appreciated. I will gladly share what I have.

ATHEY, SCOTT, SMITH posted by Dennis Devereaux on Tuesday, July 3, 2001

Looking for the birth parents of Laura Rosalie SCOTT who was adopted or taken in before the age of three by Chas.D. and Mary SMITH, both of Leroy Twp. She is 3 year old child living with them in 1870 US Fed Census. She marries Judson W. ATHEY, 5 Sep 1883 in Marengo, Iowa Co., Iowa. She has at least one brother, Charles E. Scott. Some records later record her maiden name as SCOTT and Michigan as her birth place. Her death certificate gives her father's name as William. Are there cemetery records for the Blairstown for her parents death and burial, a will for Charles and Mary Smith or guardianship papers? e-mail me at

ATHEY posted by Dennis Devereaux on Tuesday, July 3, 2001

I willing to information on James Washigton ATHEY of Leroy Township, Benton Co. and his wives and children.

WELSH posted by Mike Welsh on Saturday, July 7, 2001

WELSH John and Mary WELSH of Taylor township Benton Co 1860 Federal Census. Looking for any info on them.

AMMERMAN, PITTS posted by Thomas L. Ammerman on Thursday, July 12, 2001

Looking for info on the PITTS family shown in the 1860 Benton Co. census. C. J. (father age 43, No Car), Susan J. (mother age 33, Tenn), Elizabeth (age 9), Emmery F. (age 7), and Thomas A. (age 5). Elizabeth died 1871 giving birth to my grandfather Oscar F. AMMERMAN in Vinton, IA. Also Wm. H. PITTS (age 49, No Car. bro to C J),wife Cynthia Ann (age 49, No Car), Sarah L. (age 20, Ind), John W, (age 17, Ind), Wm A. (age 16, Ind), Geo M. (age 14, Ind), Elias H. (age 12,Ind), and Rachel L. (age 6, IA).

ENGLEDOW, HUTTON, INGLEDOW posted by Mark Engledow on Monday, July 16, 2001

I'm looking for information on Isaac Angus HUTTON -- parentage, descendents, etc -- he was in the household of William & Mary INGLEDOW (ENGLEDOW) of Cedar Township for the 1856 Census, but I don't know if he lived there or was being babysat or was playing with 11yo Samuel ENGLEDOW at the time.

HOLLY, WISE posted by Sue Wood on Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Would anyone have any information on a A.A. WISE or H.A.WISE (not sure of the initials) family from Belle Plaine, Benton Co., Iowa. This man's second? wife was a HOLLY, I don't know her first name or even when they were in Belle Plaine, only that they were there. Any help will really be appreciated!!!

ATHEY, SCOTT posted by Dennis Devereaux on Thursday, July 26, 2001

I have a partial obituary for my wife's gg g-father, James Washington ATHEY who died January 29,1925 at Blairstown, Iowa. I would like to know if the newspapers for said town are still in existence and where they are located as well as how I may obtain a copy of the complete obituary. Is there any "look-ups" for Blairstown for that obit.and is there anyone who will locate the cemetery near his old farm and copy tombstones for me? I am still searching for information on the SCOTT family, too.

HAMMITT, LITELL posted by Mark Heskett on Thursday, July 26, 2001

Searching for Andrew Jackson LITELL. Wife's name Anna Margaret(HAMMITT) Litell. Their son Charles Henry LITELL was born in Benton Co, Ia Mar 18, 1870..Any info on this family would be appreciated..Land owned,other children,etc..Thank you

HILL, SIMMONS posted by Sharon Landingham on Friday, July 27, 2001

Looking for any information on Philander Peter SIMMONS family of Bruce Twp,Benton Cty. His son Henry Leander married Sarah Delilah HILL of Mooreville. This was around the 1880's early.

HENDRICKS, VOLZ posted by Jan Dahlke on Sunday, July 29, 2001

Christopher J. VOLZ married to Rosella Josephine HENDRICKS on May 2, 1873. I am trying to confirm that my people were married in Benton co.

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