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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for July thru August 2002

HOUSE posted by Charles House on Friday, July 5, 2002

HOUSE, looking for info on Alexander House my ggrandfather. lived in Bellplaine early 1900's had 5 children born in Benton county. Moved sometime to Oregon. I belive he was a rail road employee.

SCHOETTMER, STARK posted by Bob Morgan on Monday, July 8, 2002

SCHOETTMER Looking for information on Louis B. SCHOETTMER born 1895 die July 8, 1978 Newhall, Ia. His wife was Catherine STARK and his children were Gerald SCHOETTMER, Joanne SCHOETTMER, and Louis John SCHOETTMER who was born on Jan. 18, 1942. If you would happen to have any information, please E- mail me.

ERLAND posted by Brian Erland on Monday, July 8, 2002

Looking for information on Sigve ERLAND (nicknamed Signor/Segnor) Specifically trying to find a date of death (somewhere around 1895-99) and any naturalization information. He came to Iowa around 1866-69 from Norway. Married Sarah Ann Olson. He was born in 1841-42, I believe in the Tysvaer area. I would appreciate any and all information. Thank you

STEPANEK posted by Leighton Kaloupek on Friday, July 12, 2002

Joseph STEPANEK listed in Benton County Recorders Office records as died Taylor Twp., Benton County on 25 Sep 1932. Undertaker was Fay W. Hite. If no family claimed the body, where might he have been buried? Does anyone have a burial record for this person in a Benton Co cemetery?

FRANKE, HACH posted by Leighton Kaloupek on Friday, July 12, 2002

Looking for Esther FRANKE, b. about 1913, daughter of Edward J. & Emma HACH. Listed as a resident of Belle Plaine in 7 Feb 1957 obit of her mother. Also thought to have lived in Vinton. Any information about Esther, her husband, and children will be helpful.

ALDRICH, HAINES, HANIFY, HEINEN, HINES, STEPANEK posted by Leighton Kaloupek on Friday, July 12, 2002

Needing information on the children of Joseph & Katie HANIFY STEPANEK. Living in Belle Plaine in 1915 were George, b. Mar 1885, a C&NW machinist; Mary, b. Sep 1887, married M(W?)illard E. HAINES(HINES?), C&NW machinist, on 6 Feb 1907; Beatrice, b. May 1890, married Carl HEINEN, a merchant, on 22 Sep 1915; Winifred, b. Sep 1895, married an ALDRICH in 1915.

GUINN posted by Martin L. Skubinna on Sunday, July 14, 2002

William S. GUINN, photographs wanted. Have the family picture with MaryAnn and children, but William not included.

JOHNSON, MOORE, POTTER, REMINGTON posted by Mary Kaye Lyon on Thursday, July 18, 2002

REMINGTON, POTTER, MOORE I am looking for ancestors of Jacob REMINGTONwho married Sarah Jane JOHNSON

EDWARDS posted by Bill Saunders on Thursday, July 18, 2002

I am looking for information on James Dowling EDWARDS who was born Nov 17 1887 outside of Vinton,Benton Co.Iowa. Also like information on his father Clarence EDWARDS.My e-mail is you Bill Saunders

STRAWHACKER posted by Wm. Strawhacker on Thursday, August 1, 2002

looking for STRAWHACKER family in Benton Co. In 1856-1860. Any information will be most gladly accepted, as my data is rather lacking on my ancestors and thier families.

AURACHER, GIPPLE posted by Regina Mathews on Thursday, August 1, 2002

Searching for Christian AURACHER d 23 Sep 1879 married to Mary Buzzard b poss Mahoning Twp Armstrong Co Pa in 1861-7. known dau Elizabeth b. Northampton Co Pa married Thomas Jefferson GIPPLE b.15 July 1859 in Louisa IA

GORMAN, PAYNE posted by Kathleen Wagner on Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Looking for gravesite for Eliza GORMAN PAYNE, b. 1832, Ireland, m. 15 May 1855, Victor, Ontario Co, NY, George E. PAYNE. George and Eliza homesteaded in Vinton, Benton Co, IA c. 1859, had 4 daughters;Phoebe, Hannah, Maud and Weltha Eliza. Eliza d. in childbirth, 30 Jan 1863, presumed buried in Benton Co.

RAUCH, STEINAGLE posted by Colleen Nickerson on Wednesday, August 14, 2002

STEINAGLE Looking for info on the family of Andrew and Anna Mary (RAUCH) STEINAGLE. Children- Lizzie, Letitia & Louis. Parents rumored to be buried at Belle Plaine, Benton co.,IA. They were in the 1860 Linn co., census.

BAKER, EDWARDS, LOWE, SONTAG posted by Bill Saunders on Saturday, August 24, 2002

I am looking for Frank BAKER and his wife Eddea SONTAG. Also am looking for Clarence D. EDWARDS and S. Ida LOWE. Both couples are my Great-Great Grandparents,and all four have connections in Benton County. I would appreciate any information I can recieve or if you can tell me where to find it. My e-mail is Thank you Bill

RAILROAD posted by Kelly Loveless on Saturday, August 24, 2002

1800's RAILROAD question: Late in the 1800's there was a railroad called the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Minnesota. It's tracks did go through Mt. Auburn. Would anyone know what the route of this railroad was: beginning to end? And how long it existed?

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