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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for July 2000

TILFORD posted by Norilee Peterson on Monday, July 3, 2000

I'm inquiring about John St. Clair TILFORD. He was responsible for the Tilford Middle School. I would like to know more about his family. I believe I'm a descendant of his. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Norilee (TILFORD) Peterson

PEPER, WOLLESEN posted by Robert C. Peper on Tuesday, July 4, 2000

PEPER, Claus came to Luzerne about 1865-7, from Hollingstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, married Catharina WOLLESEN on 08 Feb 1870 in Vinton, became a citezen in 1871 in Vinton, and they had 4 children at Luzerne, before moving to Linn County, MO in 1876. I cannot fine them on the 1870 census. Looking for any insight as to where they might have lived.

BAKER, BLICKENSDERFER, BURBACH, ILGENFRITZ, PURBAUGH posted by Paul A. Studly on Tuesday, July 4, 2000

Interested in Descendants of Martha Ellen (4.138) PURBAUGH - 4 Jul 2000 1-Martha Ellen (4.138) PURBAUGH b: abt 1852 in Londonderry Twp, Bedford Cnty, PA sp: Thomas BAKER b: abt 1851 in PA m: abt 1876 2-James Edward (5.313 BAKER b: abt 1878 2-child 2 girl BAKER b: aft 1880 2-child 3 girl BAKER b: aft 1880 Moved to Vinton, Benton Co., IA in 1880s. She descends from Philip BURBACH a DAR recognized Rev War patriot. "The Burbach-Poorbaugh-Purbaugh Family in America 1771-1974" , compiled by Treva E. Calder (1976) "The Burbach-Poorbaugh-Purbaugh Family History 1771-1974", The Poorbaugh-Purbough Association, Somerset Co., Pennsylvania 1976 Philipp BURBACH (c 1750-1812) Palatine Settler, Lancaster County, PA Soldier, American Revolution Catherine Elizabeth BLICKENSDERFER, nee ILGENFRITZ (1755-1842) Daughter of Palatine Settlers, York County, PA The Poorbaugh-Purbough Association Family History Book 1976 and 1988 Supplement new Family History Book update expected in 2000 1999 Dick Poorbaugh, President 200 Sawmill Rd, Port Matilda, PA 16870 Dale Hartman, Vice President David W. Poorbaugh, Treasurer, 1675 Poorbaugh Road, Fairhope, PA 15538 Pam Hetrick, Recording Secretary; Karin Cotter, Corresponding Secretary e-mail info & scanned pictures to Prepared by: Paul Studly Janice Albright Studly (Mrs Paul A.) 12911 Lynn Drive, Chesterland, OH 44026 e-mail

HAUSER, HOUSER posted by Mona Houser on Friday, July 7, 2000

This is to replace my query of March 1999. Tinlis HAUSER/HOUSER, a Civil War vet, lived in Blairstown and then in Van Horne. His daughter Mary died in 1884 while they lived in Van Horne. Tinlis and his wife Lucy separated, and I think divorced, while living in Van Horne, in about 1894. I'm looking for any information about this family. Thanks!

WIESE posted by Roger D. Ferguson on Sunday, July 9, 2000

WIESE. Still looking for information on my grandmother Catherine Wiese. Born 1864 near Hamburg, Germany. Imigrated to near Mt. Auburn in 1872. Parents or siblings unknown but understand a William Wiese from the Hamburg, Germany locale imigrated to the Mt. Auburn area in 1872 or 73. He married Minnie Shuth and reportedly lived in Reinbeck, IA when he died. It is possible that William was my grandmother's brother or a relative. My grandmother Catherine married Charles Fredrick Jacobs in Vinton in 1892 and moved to either the Gladbrook (Tama Co.) or Beamon (Grundy Co.) area immediately after marriage.

ANDERSON posted by Joanne Grauwen on Monday, July 10, 2000

Looking for information on James ANDERSON b. 1825 in PA. Found in 1870 census for IA., Benton County, Canton Township. Family: spouse Ann Children: John, Elizabeth, William, Eliza, David, Frances Lee. He died sometime after 1874.

DE LONG, HUNGERFORD posted by Carolyn Mark on Tuesday, July 11, 2000

Looking for Helen HUNGERFORD DE_LONG of Vinton, IA late 1800s or early 1900s.

JACOBS, WIESE posted by Roger D. Ferguson on Friday, July 14, 2000

WIESE. Still looking for geneaology information on my grandmother Catherine (Wiese) JACOBS. She migrated from the Hamburg, Germany area to the Mt. Auburn area in 1872 at the age of 8 years and married Charles Fredrick JACOBS in Vinton in 1892. I have information that a Daniel WIESE also migrated from Germany to the Mt. Auburn area in the same time frame. His parents were William and Minnie (Sluth) WIESE. Catherine and Daniel could be relatives; even siblings. Daniel is reported to have lived in Reinbeck late in life. I have found no records to confirm these. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Roger D. Ferguson

SHIFFER posted by Lynne Baillargeon on Saturday, July 15, 2000

Samuel A. SHIFFER, wife Margaret A., daughters Mary & Nannie M., son William W., were living in Vinton twp., Benton Co., IA in 1880. I am trying to trace Samuel's parents, Daniel & Mary SHIFFER.

HUGHES, ROCK posted by Elizabeth Argus on Sunday, July 16, 2000

Elmira Florence HUGHES-born 1985, Cape May NJ, George Taylor ROCK-born Cedar Rapids, 1851 Rev. D.L. HUGHES GEorge Horridge Augustus ROCK

BURKE, MCKENNA, SCULLEY posted by Shawn Harkin on Monday, July 17, 2000

Searching for Peter MCKENNA, married Catherine SCULLEY. Children are William James MCKENNA Francis P. Theresa Elnora BURKE, b. Van Horne, Benton County, 01-28-1880. Married Patrick Burke. Died Henry, South Dakota. George M. b.1882

PRICE, YOUNGLOVE posted by Dena Ellis on Thursday, July 20, 2000

YOUNGLOVE, Adam Sanford dob 1 Sept 1846 in Canada. Married 11 July 1866 to Nancy Elizabeth PRICE in Vinton,Benton County, Iowa Please supply any additional information to: Dena Ellis

BENTZ, BLUE, FRY, SCHLARBAUM, WOLF posted by Richard Blue on Wednesday, July 26, 2000

BENTZ, WOLF,SCHLARBAUM, FRY. A Benton Co. marriage record for 20 Feb 1901 involves the following: groom: Charles M. BENTZ age 30, Van Horne, born Elkhart, IN, father E. Bentz, mother Barbara Stoll. bride: Elsie M. WOLF age 20, born Mt. Auburn, father F. N. WOLF, mother Fannie SCHLARBAUM, witnesses J. M. and A. E. FRY. Affadavit by A. A. BLUE. Charles Bentz is a nephew of A. A. Blue and of J. F. Blue with whom he had been living. J. F. Blue's spouse is Kate Newell Schlarbaum, sister (I believe) of Fannie. The Frys also have a Schlarbaum connection. What I would like to learn is where did Charles Bentz and his bride settle?

BARBER, SHERMAN, SHIFFER posted by Lynne Baillargeon on Sunday, July 30, 2000

SHIFFER, Daniel: Born 6 Aug 1808 in Buffalo, Union, PA. Wife Mary (6 Aug 1807-23 Nov 1899). Family moved from Clarion Co., PA abt 1856. Daniel died there before 1870. Mary moved to Taylor Twp., Vinton City, Benton Co., IA perhaps around 1867. With her were her grandaughter, Susan BARBER, son Samuel A. SHIFFER, and son James M. SHIFFER. James M. SHIFFER was a Civil War Veteran, 2nd Massachussets Co. F (his brother John F. SHIFFER was killed in Fredericksburg in 1864 - served in same Co.)He died in Vinton City on March 23, 1902. He and his mother are buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Taylor Twp. James and brother Samuel A. SHIFFER owned a restaurant. A sister, Harriet Alice, married Eugene Leland SHERMAN in Benton Co. I am looking for others researching this line to share information with.

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