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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for February thru March 2000

BARBER, BLANCHARD, PARKS, ROBERTSON posted by Shirley Vinsand on Wednesday, February 2, 2000

Looking for family members of Simeon ROBERTSON and Missouri BARBER and Eliza Ayers. Simeons parents were Samuel ROBERTSON and Mary PARKS.Samuels parents were James Robertson and Mary BLANCHARD, Simeon and his wife are buried at Walnut Creek Cem near Belle Plaine Iowa. Simeon born 3 Nov 1828 at Indiana or Illinois.

DOWDEN, HOWARD, ROUSH, VOSBERG posted by Betty Daley on Friday, February 4, 2000

Searching surnames,DOWDEN-HOWARD-ROUSH-VOSBERG,in Benton co. & Eldora twp. Timeframe probably before 1890.

WOODARD posted by Julianne Thomas on Sunday, February 6, 2000

WOODARD,Frances-Died May 1, 1879, buried Redman Cemetery, western Benton Co. at 38 years after 7 children. Looking for cause of death, obituary and residence.Cannot find family in 1880 census in Iowa.

FISHER posted by Herb Fisher on Wednesday, February 16, 2000

Searching for any info on John L. FISHER b. ca 1800 in Pennsylvania. He was m. 24 March 1822 in Washington Twp., Lycoming Co., PA to Sarah Farley. They lived in Belle Plaine. He died in Tama Co., IA. Thanks.

TOBIASON posted by Lynn on Wednesday, February 16, 2000

TOBIASON, Helen b. 1894, Lived in Benton County app. 1915.

HOOKER, OSBERN, OSBORN, OSBURN posted by Linda Hedlund on Tuesday, February 22, 2000

HOOKER; OSBORN(E), OSBURN, OSBERN I am looking for information on Robert HOOKER and William OSBORN(E), OSBURN, OSBERN. I know they were in Benton Co. in 1856. Also, can someone tell me what quarterly covers Benton County before they had their own Society?

GILL, METZ posted by S. Wolfe on Monday, February 28, 2000

I am looking for information on Bernard GILL (abt 1860-1945). Bernard was married to Isdora METZ and had several children including William, Lydle Orin, Frank, and George Dewey. Bernard was also Sheriff of Sioux City at one time. Any information on any of these would be appreciated.

BERRY, SIMONTON posted by Jim Pearson on Friday, March 3, 2000

Elizabeth P. (SIMONTON) BERRY's 1898? obit was written from Vinton where she and her husband Frank M. BERRY has lived since 1883 after coming to Iowa from Boston that year. Her father, Benjamin SIMONTON died in Atlantic, Cass County in January 1883. Looking for information on the BERRY's in Vinton

COLLINS CORNERS posted by Jan on Saturday, March 4, 2000

Has anyone heard of COLLINS CORNERS in Homer Township in Benton County? There was apparently a small school house there at the turn of the last century.

WILL posted by James Quigley on Saturday, March 4, 2000

WILL; arrived in Iowa in the 1850s from Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. I'm looking for information about my gggrandfather, Heinrich Carl WILL (went by Henry in the 1870 Federal Census) and his parents, Casper and Anna WILL. They lived in Leroy Township. Heinrich moved to Holstein, Iowa, about 1885, and he died there in 1912. I'm interested in any locally available information about him and his parents during their stay in Benton County. All I have is the Holstein 1982 Centennial book and the Federal Census data.

POHLMAN, WILL posted by James Quigley on Saturday, March 4, 2000

POHLMAN; arrived in Iowa in the 1850s from Eldenor, Mecklenberg-Schwerin, Germany. I'm looking for information about my gggrandmother, Louisa POHLMAN. She married Heinrich Carl WILL in 1858 and moved with him to Leroy Township. They moved to Holstein, Iowa, about 1885. I'm interested in any locally available information about her or her husband during their stay in Benton County. All I have is the Holstein 1982 Centennial book and the 1870 Federal Census data.

MEEK, MOULDS, MUSSEN posted by Toni Reed on Tuesday, March 7, 2000

MOULDS>MEEK Looking for anyone that might have some information on the MOULDS family. Joseph MOULDS married Flora Belle MEEK. They are buried in the Shellsburg cemetery. Joseph's father is John MOULDS and mother Sarah MUSSEN. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You ! Toni Reed

HOWARD, OSHEA posted by Gordon Howard on Thursday, March 9, 2000

O'SHEA, HOWARD. Looking for information on HOWARD O'SHEA son of Jane HOWARD O'SHEA and Unknown O'SHEA. He was born Oct 1880, probably in Luzerne or Belle Plaine area.

BERRY, SIMONTON posted by Jim Pearson on Friday, March 10, 2000

Lizzie Parker SIMONTON was born July the 19, 1830 in Portland ME. She was married to Mr. Frank M. BERRY at Lawrence, Mass., June 3, 1852. She with her husband came to Vinton in July 1883 where she died in 1898?. She united with the Baptist church with her husband in July of last year (1897?).

MATHER posted by Kelly Loveless on Sunday, March 12, 2000

Do you have any information on U.S. MATHER or Samuel B. MATHER

SHEELY posted by Kelly Loveless on Sunday, March 12, 2000

Do you have any information on Rachel SHEELY who married Samuel B. Mather

SHEELY posted by Kelly Loveless on Sunday, March 12, 2000

Do you have any information on a J. SHEELY farmer S7 PO Shellsburg (like a wife, children, parents, origins?)

PARKER posted by Kelly Loveless on Sunday, March 12, 2000

I am looking for any information on an Albert PARKER. He had a daughter Sara that married a S. Gulick in about 1877.

HOEFLING posted by Kathryn I. Pearson on Sunday, March 12, 2000

Magdalena HOEFLING wife of John HOEFLING died 1878 near Dysart Iowa in Benton County. Where is she buried? What is the date and month of her death?

BRODY posted by Norm Cilley on Monday, March 13, 2000

I am still searching for information on Rebecca BRODY who live in Benton Co. Her mother was Caroline BRODY.

KIRKPATRICK, PARKER posted by Toni Reed on Wednesday, March 15, 2000

KIRKPATRICK>PARKER I'm looking for information on Harriet Kirkpatrick b. 5 Apr. 1833, in Ohio d. 30 May 1903 buried at Oakwood cemetery in Shellsburg Iowa. Harriet married John Parker 1854, I think in Ohio. They came to Iowa in 1849 and had 5 children, I'm looking for relatives or someone who may know something on this family. Any information would be appreciated. Thank You!

BRADFORD, GRANBY, HUNT posted by Fran Hunt on Thursday, March 16, 2000

Looking for Frank W. GRANBY. Parents A.GRANBY and Sarah E. BRADFORD. He was 26 years old and from Belle Plain, Benton Cty in 1893. He married Minnie HUNT on July 25, 1893. They had one dau. Beulah Granby Kalanquin Smith born 2-16-1893. Looking for descentents.

COOK, ROBBINS posted by Connie Hunt on Saturday, March 18, 2000

I'm seeking information of the Robbins family listed in the 1860 census of Benton County. Rhoda Robbins was my GGgma. Her youngest daughter, Mary M. ROBBINS (widow), was my Ggma. She left Benton County, IA and married John COOK in Pierce county, WI. I am looking for a death record on Rhoda, her husband Walter, and/or any of her family members. Connie

MEREDITH posted by Nancy Eckerman on Saturday, March 18, 2000

MEREDITH, Marion, Physician B In 1829? Medical College of Cincinnati 1866 President of Iowa Union Medical Association Founder of Vinton Canning Co. Asst. Surgeon 68th Indiana Infantry lived in Vinton, Iowa after Civil War and possibly before 1860 as he is not in the 1860 Census of Indiana. I am doing scholarly research on him. I have an obituary from the Iowa State Medical Journal but know nothing of his family. Will pay for copies, esp, portrait. Nancy Eckerman Indianapolis, In Ruth Lilly Medical Library 317-274-2076

OSBORN, OSBOURN, OSBURN posted by Linda Hedlund on Friday, March 24, 2000

I have changed my e-mail address from: to I am looking for any information on Jerusha, Augustus, and William OSBORN(E), OSBURN, OSBOURN. They were in Benton Co. on the 1850 & 1856 census. Their mother's name was Sarah, I think their father died between 1845-1850. I have the 1850 & 1856 census's but any other info I'd be very happy to have.

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