updated 07/29/2024


Allamakee Albums

Researchers are invited to contribute family photos or other historical Allamakee co. photos for an Album page. The Allamakee Album pages are not intended to replace personal websites, or for your personal photo archive. If you have lots of family photos you'd like to share, please choose your favorites for an Allamakee Album page. I'll make a family album for you. Interested researchers can then contact you to exchange additional photos and information.

All albums must include at least one family photo. See more detailed instructions at bottom of this page.

In addition to the photos in the Allamakee Albums, there are many others on this website - in nearly every section!

The most recently added albums are marked NEW!

Miscellaneous Photo Albums, not part of a family album

Allamakee people & misc. group photos

Family Albums

There are LOTS of other photos on this website, you'll find them in nearly every section!


Do you have special family photos or an Allamakee co. area photo that you would like to share?

To obtain instructions on how to submit photos please contact Sharyl

Important notes:
*I reserve the right to crop and/or resize your photos, limit the number of photos in an album
and to edit your text or notes for clarity if necessary.*