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Allamakee Album
Wachter family

Fairview twp.

Anton and Christena Grace (Sprool) Wachter were natives of Wurtemberg, Germany, Anton was born in April, 1821, and Christena on January 8, 1825. Their marriage occurred in Germany, where the father was a teamster and a freight and grain hauler, driving four and six-horse teams before the days of the railroads.

They crossed the Atlantic to America in 1853 and settled first in Indiana, whence they removed to Wisconsin, where for sixteen years they resided upon a farm in the vicinity of Seneca. At the end of that time they came to Iowa settling in Fairview township, Allamakee county, where the father became an extensive landowner and prosperous farmer, making his home here until his death, which occurred May 8, 1898.

His wife afterward removed to Harper’s Ferry, where her death occurred May 8, 1909.

~source: biography of their son Joseph F. Wachter; Past & Present of Allamakee County; by Ellery M. Hancock; S. J. Clarke Pub. Co.; 1913

Mollie's notes:
*Christena's given name is spelled various ways in State and U.S. censuses. Her maiden name also has an alternate spelling of Sproehl on some documents.
*Anton's birthdate on his gravestone in the Spaulding cemetery is engraved May 20 1822. This differs from the date of birth given in the biography.

Wachter home in Harpers Ferry
Heidi Shaffer: "Grandma Wachter's house in Harper's Ferry was torn down in the 1960's and another house built there."

Their Children:

- Ellen Wachter Worth, 1851-1924
- Joseph F. Wachter, 1854-1921
- Anton Wachter, 1857-1925 - aka Antone Walker
- James R. Wachter 'Jim', 1859-1933
- Frank Wachter, 1861-1938
- Mary Ann Wachter Boardman, 1863-1923 - see Boardman Album for photos of Mary Ann
- Paulina 'Lena' Wachter McCormick, 1868-1940
- Emma E. Wachter Angell, 1865-1926

Obituaries of some of the Watcher family have been posted on the Allamakee co. Obit board. They may contain additional family information.


~The photos are courtesy of Heidi Jo Shaffer, and the information was contributed by Mollie Meade. Mollie is the gg-granddaughter of Anton and Christene Wachter. Heidi is their ggg-granddaughter. Interested researchers can contact Mollie at the email address shown for her in the Surname Registry for Wachter


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