IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.


Clayton Co. Iowa Cemetery Records

The burial records are updated very frequently, often daily!

*Offsite cemetery records are marked as such - please report broken links so they can be fixed!

Have you walked a Clayton co. cemetery?
Please consider sharing your information with other researchers.

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Iowa Gravestone Photo Project - Clayton co.

View or submit gravestone photos! Click on the logo.

Gravestone photos have been submitted for these Clayton co. cemeteries - A new feature is that GPS coordinates can now be added to individual gravestones when they are contributed. Direct links to the cemeteries with gravestone photos are also provided from the individual cemetery pages in the directory below.


Obituary Index
Thousands of obituaries have been shared by other researchers, more are added nearly every day.

Iowa WPA Project - Click here for the Clayton co. Surname Index

Clayton co. Surname Index - 12,641 entries!
Click here to search all of the Iowa WPA records


Iowa Veterans Cemetery, Dallas co. IA
Veterans with a Clayton co. connection
(updated 9/17/2024)



Northeastern Iowa Memorial Company, Monona

The Memorial Messenger
Customer Directory 1890-1926 - A-E * F-K * L-R * S-Z

Cemetery Directory

Amish - on Amish farm) Volga Twp.
Apostolic - aka Dunkard/German Bottoms cemetery
  * A-J * K-Z
Sec 29 NW/NW, Marion Twp. 42.935ºN / 91.582ºW
Asbury Sec 9 NE/SW, Elk Twp. 42.711ºN / 91.320ºW
Baumgartner - Art Baumgartner's baby Sec 28, Sperry Twp
Baylis SE corner of SE NE, Sec. 8 (south) Mendon twp.
Kimberly Ave.
-91.211000   42.972213
  * A-G * H * J-M * N-R * S-Z *
Sec 11 SW/SW, Mallory Twp. 42.704ºN / 91.169ºW
Berns -The cemetery was located near Ceres, on a farm homesteaded in 1847 by Theodore & Mary Berns. It was witched in the 1990's by Herb Kann and 80 graves were found. Gilbert J. & Mary A. (Berns) Muller owners of the farm, made plans to level, plant prairie grass & fence the area. It is unknown when all the gravestones, trees and iron fence around the cemetery were removed. Sec 2 NE/NE, Jefferson Twp.
Bierer Sec 4 SW/SW, Millville Twp. 42.725ºN / 91.083ºW
Bischoff - one grave, name unkn. Sec 33 center, Jefferson Twp
Bismark - aka Winkowitch cemetery Farmersburg, Sec 6, Farmersburg Twp.
42.979ºN / 91.350ºW
Blanchaine - aka Ruegnitz
  * Burials as recorded by Dwight Hansel, 2005 - updated when additional burials are found
  * WPA records
Sec 28, NE¼ / NW¼, Volga Twp (42.759919 / -91.310660)
north of Grandview Rd. out of Elkport
Bolsinger Sec 24 NE/SW, Mallory Twp. 42.678ºN / 91.142ºW
Borcherding Sec 1 NW/NE, Jefferson Twp. 42.818ºN/ 91.141ºW
Brookshier - aka Elk Valley cemetery, aka Taylor cemetery 26 SW/NW, Elk Twp. 42.671ºN / 91.290ºW
Brorby - abandoned Sec 4 SW/SW, Marion Twp
* Alphabetical Name index A-K * Alphabetical Name index L-Z * Section A * Section B * Section C *
* unknown section & cemetery association * News article: re-interments (1900)
Sec 33 SW/NE, Mallory Twp. 42.653ºN / 91.201ºW
Brown, John L. - one grave/marker; 3 yr old Sec 8 SWSW, Millville Twp.
Buell Park - town of McGregor - compiled history of the burial site of James McGregor, Jr. Sec 28, Mendon Twp. 43.017ºN / 91.200ºW
Buena Vista Twp Sec 27, Buena Vista Twp. 42.678ºN / 90.954ºW
Cass township - see Strawberry Point cemetery Strawberry Point, Cass Twp. 42.681ºN / 91.523ºW
Ceres - aka Independence/Pioneer Rock Sec 34 NW/SW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.823ºN / 91.186ºW
Clark Family cemetery St. Olaf, Sec 31, Wagner Twp. 42.917ºN / 91.475ºW
  * A-H * J-Y
Clayton, Sec 2, Clayton Twp. 42.904ºN / 91.164ºW
Clayton Center & Zion Lutheran cemeteries - either may be referred to as "Read cemetery" in some records
  * A-G * H-L * M-R * S-Z *
Sec 9 NW/SW, Read Twp. 42.884ºN / 91.323ºW
Colony Catholic -Abandoned - remains re-interred) Sec 7 NW/NW, Read Twp. 42.883ºN / 91.358ºW
Communia Communia, Sec 18, Volga Twp. 42.787ºN / 91.363ºW
Cook Sec 26 SE/SE, Marion Twp. 42.958ºN / 91.542ºW
Cords - aka Osborne Osborne, Sec 9. Cox Creek Twp. (part of SE NW 9-92-5) -91.438049  42.797285
Council Hill - gravestones recorded as of 2010, with continuing updates: A-L * M-Z
  * Council Hill plot map - the file is in .pdf format & opens in a new window. To view, you will need Adobe-Reader
  * Archived files, incomplete & mostly WPA records - no longer updated: A-L * M-Z
Sec 3 NE/SW, Giard Twp. 43.072ºN / 91.300ºW
County Corners 10027 A Ave.; Sec. 31, SW/SW, Cass twp.
-91.606004  42.64410
County Home - aka Poor Farm or County Care cemetery Sec 7 NW/NE, Read Twp. 42.892ºN / 91.350ºW
Dittmer - aka St. John's/Niehaus Section 30 SE/SE, Jefferson Twp. 42.750ºN / 91.113ºW
Dohrer Sec 5 SE/SE, Cox Creek Twp. 42.813ºN / 91.458ºW
Duff - one marker against tree Sec 29 NW/NE, Highland Twp. 42.842ºN / 91.583ºW
Dunkard - aka Apostolic/German Bottoms cemetery Sec 29 NW/NW, Marion Twp. 42.935ºN / 91.582ºW
East Clermont Lutheran
  * A-G * H-M * N-Z
Clermont, Sec 3, Grand Meadow Twp.
42.997ºN / 91.592ºW
  * Burials * Cemetery restoration
McGregor, Sec 29, Mendon Twp. 43.001ºN / 91.219ºW
East Side - Elkader
  * A-C * D-H * I-K * L-N * O-Q * R-S * T-Z
  * East Side Cemetery Association
  *off-site - East Side cemetery records (Elkader Chamber of Commerce website .pdf file opens in a new window)
Elkader, Boardman Twp. 42.854ºN / 91.400ºW
Ebenezer - aka Wood Community/Woodland - gravestones as recorded by Phyllis Peterson
Ebenezer - WPA records
Sec 21 SW/NW, Elk Twp. 42.678ºN / 91.325ºW
Eberhard Littleport, Sec 29 NW/SE Volga Twp
*Edgewood - Honey Creek twp. Delaware Co. (many people buried in this cemetery lived in Edgewood, Clayton co.) Edgewood, Honey Creek twp. Delaware County, Iowa
Eggart Sec 12, Volga Twp
Ehrhardt / Erhardt - private) Sec 31, Boardman Twp. 42.825ºN / 91.475ºW
Elk Valley / Elk Creek - aka Taylor cemetery, aka Brookshier cemetery 26 SW/NW, Elk Twp. 42.671ºN / 91.290ºW
Eno Sec 6 NE/NE, Wagner Twp. 42.993ºN / 91.469ºW
Evangelical Lutheran - Reformed Congr. Sec 11 NE/SW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.883ºN / 91.167ºW
Farmersburg - National - aka National cemetery
  * Burials * Plots * Plotmap
Sec 15 SE, Farmersburg Twp. 42.954ºN / 91.290ºW
Farmersburg - Wagner - aka Wagner cemetery
  * A-J * K-M * N-Z * Farmersburg-Wagner Cemetery Assoc.
Sec 24 NE/NE, Wagner Twp. 42.948ºN / 91.370ºW
First Evangelical Lutheran - aka Swedish/Norsk cemetery McGregor, Sec. 10, Mendon twp. 42.971ºN/ 91.176ºW
Friedlein - aka Millville or Richardson cemetery
  * Burials * History of Friedlein cemetery
Sec 8 SW/SW, Millville Twp. 42.708ºN / 91.111ºW
Friendship Center - abandoned Sec 10 (south), Mendon Twp
Fry - aka George Fry cemetery Sec 26 NW/NE, Grand Meadow Twp. 43.015ºN / 91.518ºW
Garber - Old Garber cemetery - aka Garber family cemetery Garber, Sec 25, Volga Twp. 42.756ºN / 91.258ºW
Garretson - compiled records Sec 30 NW/SW, Sperry Twp
Garnavillo - aka Garnavillo Community cemetery
* Sexton's Records -transcribed by Jane Thein
* Alphabetical index: A-H *I-N *O-S *T-Z
* Burials: Block 1 * Block 2 * Block 3 * Block 4 * Block 5 * Block 6 * Block 7 * Block 8 * Block 9 * Block 10
* Block 11 * Block 12 * Block 14 (as of 8/3/2023 there are no burials in Bl 13)
Sec 18 SW/SW, Garnavillo Twp
Garnavillo - Old cemetery Sec 18 SE/SW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.866ºN / 91.241ºW
  *A - D * E - K * L - R * S - Z (includes misc. cemetery assoc. records)
  *Mowing the Cemetery - by Bev Bernhard
  *Giard (archived file, incomplete & mostly WPA records)
Giard, Sec 3 Farmersburg Twp. 42.993ºN / 91.308ºW
Gillett - markers removed - no other information 8 W 1/2, Garnavillo Twp
  * Burials * Cemetery Association history * Plot map (undated)
Sec 3 SW/SW, Wagner Twp. 42.987ºN / 91.419ºW
  * Record of burials
  * WPA records, soldier burials & lot owners
Sec 15 SE/SE, Millville Twp. 42.691ºN / 91.054ºW
Graham Graham, Sec 19, Millville Twp. 42.683ºN / 91.119ºW
Grand Meadow - aka Ridley cemetery
  * Burials * Cemetery Association records 1862-1900
Sec 12, Grand Meadow Twp. 43.063ºN / 91.508ºW
Greenhill / Green Hill - aka Platt cemetery
  * Walked & photographed by P. Peterson, 2004 - updates will be added as needed
  * WPA records - records will not be updated or edited
Sec 22 SE/SW, Lodomillo Twp. 42.674ºN / 91.421ºW
Greybill - Neoma's baby Sec 16 NE, Millville Twp.
Griffith - aka Livingston cemetery (2 markers, remainder in nearby ditch) - no burial list known to exist Sec 18 SE/SE, Millville Twp. 42.683ºN / 91.117ºW
Guttenberg City -researchers should take advantage of both burial databases.
* 2013 burial index by J. Klein - includes the cemetery Plat Book records & much more
  A-B * C-E * F-G * H-J * K-L * M-O * P-R * S * T-Z (includes unknown surnames)

* Compiled burials - WPA records, gravestone inscriptions & obituaries
  A-E * F-J * K-O * P-Z

 * Guttenberg Cemetery Association

Sec 20 NE/SW, Jefferson Twp. 42.769ºN / 91.104ºW
Hall - aka Mount Harmony
  * A-I * J-Q * R-Z * Cemetery Association
Sec 11 NW/NE, Elk Twp. 42.718ºN / 91.280ºW
Hall - Hannah Hall buried, abandoned Highland Twp
Hamlett - walked & photographed by P. Peterson, 2005; also WPA records 33 NW/NE, Elk Twp. 42.658ºN / 91.310ºW
  * Burials recorded by Lyle Morley: A-H * I-Z
  * Burials, source unknown
Sec 7 NE/SW, Mallory Twp. 42.707ºN / 91.243ºW
*off-site Hardin - the village of Hardin was located in both Allamakee & Clayton counties, but the cemetery is geographically in Allamakee county Franklin twp., Allamakee co. IA
Hartman Sec 2 NE/NE, Cox Creek Twp. 42.816ºN / 91.388ºW
Hartshey - no markers Sec 26 NW/NE, Volga Twp. 42.756ºN / 91.283ºW
Highland Lutheran Elkader, Sec 3, Highland Twp. 42.899ºN / 91.533ºW
Hill - abandoned Sec 21, Clayton Twp
  * A-B * C-D * E-F * G-I * J-L * M-O * P-R * S * T-Z * Cemetery Association & a few facts re: the cemetery
12818 Cass St., Volga
Sperry Twp., Sec 9 NE NE 9-92-6
Houg - aka Mork Sec 20 SE/NE, Marion Twp. 42.944ºN / 91.568ºW
Humphrey Catholic - aka Pioneer Catholic Monona, Sec 27, Monona Twp. 43.015ºN / 91.428ºW
Illyria - many Clayton co. residents are buried in this cemetery
  * A-K * L-Y
  * also check this off-site list of burials - Illyria - Highland cemetery (Fayette co. IAGenWeb)
Fayette co., Sec 2, Illyria Twp. 42.898N / 91.635W; Highway 56 on the border of Highland Twp, Clayton co.
Immaculate Conception
  * Survey - by L. Gassman, with on-going updates: Alphabetical: A-H * J-Z * Burials by row: 1-5 * 6-12

  * WPA records archived & incomplete (older file)
Sec 21 Buena Vista Twp. 42.683ºN / 90.956ºW
Immanuel Lutheran - Elkport (with St. Michael's Catholic cemetery) Sec 35 NE/NE, Elkport, Volga Twp. 42.742ºN / 91.283ºW
Independence - aka Ceres/Pioneer Rock Sec 34 NW/SW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.823ºN / 91.186ºW
Ingram (road changed, burial(s) in ditch) Sec 10 NE, Sperry Twp. East of Volga
Iowa Veterans Cemetery, Dallas co. IA - Burials of Veterans & spouses with a Clayton co. connection 34024 Veterans Memorial Dr.
Adel, Dallas county, IA
Jenkins (markers removed) 6 SW/NE, Garnavillo Twp. 42.900ºN / 91.242ºW
Johanningmeier (markers & remains removed) Sec 29?, Wagner Twp. 42.928ºN / 91.458ºW
Kahr (Kahr girl) Sec 29 NE, Cox Creek Twp
Kann - aka St. Michael's Catholic Sec 3 NW/SE, Jefferson Twp. 42.806ºN / 91.180ºW
Kenyon, John (3 yr old boy) Sec 22 NW/SE, Millville Twp
Knapp Includes burial list, 1874 plot map, 1890 Quit Claim & 1892 land sale documents Sec 8 NW/NE, Mendon Twp. 43.064ºN / 91.221ºW
Koenig (markers were removed) Sec 3 NW/SW, Mallory Twp. 42.725ºN / 91.183ºW
Kreimer - aka Krumm/Pine Hollow Garber, Sec 10, Volga Twp. 42.791ºN / 91.302ºW
Kruger Sec 9 NE/NW, Jefferson Twp
Krumm - aka Kreimer/Pine Hollow Garber, Sec 10, Volga Twp. 42.791ºN / 91.302ºW
Lamphier, Earl & Myrtle - ashes buried on farm Sec 16 NW/NW, Sperry Twp
Lenth - mother & child Farmersburg Twp.
Lewis Jefferson Twp. 42.742ºN / 91.183ºW
Lodomillo - aka Noble (original burial list as of 2004, updated 2021) Sec 28 NW/NW, Lodomillo Twp. 42.674ºN / 91.447ºW
Luana City - rural Luana Luana, Sec 8, Monona Twp. 43.060ºN / 91.468ºW
Marion Lutheran - Gunder
  * Surnames: A-G and unknown * H-M * N-Z
Gunder, Sec 11, Marion Twp. 42.971ºN / 91.513ºW
McCleland Family cemetery - historical informaton, photos & more

McCleland cemetery - gravestone photos w/GPS info.
33 NE/NW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.825ºN /91.208ºW
McGregor Family cemetery - compiled history of the now abandoned cemetery Sec 27, Mendon Twp.
Mederville (includes Cemetery Association info.) 31822 Evergreen Rd.
part of SE SW Sec 22-92-5, Cox Creek twp.
-91.419379  42.76366
Meenan Communia, Sec 7, Volga Twp. 42.800ºN / 91.358ºW
Meyer Family cemetery Sec 4 NE/SE, Cox Creek Twp. 42.811ºN / 91.438ºW
Millville - aka Friedlein/Richardson
  * Burials * History of Friedlein cemetery
Sec 8 SW/SW, Millville Twp. 42.708ºN / 91.111ºW
Millville Pioneer Cemetery - only known burial was Fenttenage or Fettenage, George (died Dec. 1877; aged 67 yrs); over 80 graves in this cemetery at one time, with the last gravestone stolen, as reported by Clayton Co. Genealogy Soc. in a 8/30/2000 news article Sec line 23SE/24SW, west of Errthum Rd., Millville Twp
Monona City (aka Monona Eastside)
  * A-B * C-D * E-G * H-I * J-K * L-M * N-Q * R-S * T-Z * Monona City Cemetery Association * Veteran Burials
Monona, Sec 12, Monona Twp. 43.053ºN / 91.380ºW
Moody Sec 34 NW/SW, Mendon Twp. 43.003ºN / 91.189ºW
Mork - aka Houg Sec 20 SE/NE, Marion Twp. 42.944ºN / 91.568ºW
Mount Harmony / Mt. Harmony - aka Hall cemetery
  * A-I * J-Q * R-Z * * Cemetery Association
Sec 11 NW/NE, Elk Twp. 42.718ºN / 91.280ºW
Mount Olivet Catholic
  * A-K * L-Z * Mt. Olivet is the newer of the two cemeteries associated with St. Mary's Catholic church, Guttenberg (the older cemetery is St. Mary's Catholic/Nieland)
Guttenberg, Sec 18, Jefferson Twp 42.777ºN / 91.109ºW
Musfeldt Sec 32 SW/NE, Volga Twp. 42.740ºN / 91.334ºW
National - aka Farmersburg - National
  * Burials * Plots * Plotmap
Sec 15 SE, Farmersburg Twp. 42.954ºN / 91.290ºW
Niehaus (aka St. John's/Dittmer) Section 30 SE/SE, Jefferson Twp. 42.750ºN / 91.113ºW
Niehaus - burial names unknown, 3 trees mark the cemetery Sec 17 NE, Millville Twp
Nieland - aka St. Mary's Catholic cemetery - Guttenberg
  * A-M * N-Z
Guttenberg, Sec 19, Jefferson Twp.
42.769ºN / 91.135ºW
Noble - aka Lodomillo cemetery (original burial list as of 2004, updated 2021) Sec 28 NW/NW, Lodomillo Twp. 42.674ºN / 91.447ºW
Noggle - as recorded by Sandy Emerick in 2001 Sec 26 NE¼ SW¼ Mallory twp. (east of 385th St.) 43.6679ºN/91.1664ºW
Norsk - aka First Evangelical Lutheran/Swedish McGregor, Sec. 10, Mendon twp. 42.971ºN/ 91.176ºW
  * A-H (also unknown surnames) * I-M * N-Z
St Olaf, Wagner Twp. 42.935ºN / 91.430ºW
Norwegian - aka Stavanger Sec 10 Mendon Twp.
*off-site Oak Hill - Colony twp. Delaware Co. Iowa (new window opens) Colesburg, Delaware County
Oakland & Oak Wood - see Pleasant Grove cemetery McGregor, Sec 21, Mendon Twp. 43.027ºN / 91.195ºW
Old Stone School - aka Stone School cemetery Sec 9 SW/NW, Sperry Twp
O'Donnell - Dr. Francis C. O'Donnell DVM, buried on his farm, 05/22/1918-02/08/1998 Sec 16 SESW, Cass Twp., along Amissions Rd
Oldfather (two baby boys of Ina & Frank Oldfather) Sec 8 SE, Sperry Twp
Oldfather (baby boy of Ina & Frank Old) Sec 7 SW, Sperry Twp
Osborne - aka Cords cemetery Osborne, Sec 9. Cox Creek Twp. (part of SE NW 9-92-5) -91.438049  42.797285
Oslien (no markers) Sec 26 SE/SE ??, Marion Twp
Osmundson (Danielle Marie-aged 2 days) Sec 34, Osmundson farm; Highland Twp
Patterson St Olaf, Sec 29, Wagner Twp. 42.928ºN / 91.458ºW
Pine Hollow - aka Kreimer/Krumm Garber, Sec 10, Volga Twp. 42.791ºN / 91.302ºW
Pioneer Catholic - aka Humphrey Catholic Monona, Sec 27, Monona Twp. 43.015ºN / 91.428ºW
Pioneer Rock - aka Ceres/Independence Sec 34 NW/SW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.823ºN / 91.186ºW
Pleasant Grove - originally known as Oakland cemetery and occasionally in old records as Oak Wood cemetery. Establishment of this cemetery is closely tied to the McGregor Family cemetery.
  * A-B * C-D * E-F * G-H * I-K * L * M-N * O-R * S-U * V-Z
McGregor, Sec 21, Mendon Twp. 43.027ºN / 91.195ºW
Point Ann Sec 27, Mendon Twp. 43.021ºN / 91.183ºW
Postville ....... Note: Postville is in Allamakee co. - the cemetery adjoins the town, but is in Clayton county
  * Area A * Area B * Area C * Area D * Area E * Area F * Area G * Area - other * Cemetery Association
Sec 4 NW/NW, Grand Meadow Twp.
43.081ºN / 91.566ºW
Railroad Employee (Chinese workers/markers removed) Sec 21 SW/SW, Giard Twp. 43.031ºN / 91.314ºW
Redman Sec 9 SE/NW, Millville Twp. 42.708ºN / 91.083ºW (West of Noble Road)
Reed Sec 31 SW, Sperry Twp. 42.736ºN / 91.605ºW
Richardson - aka Friedlein/Millville
  * Burials * History of Friedlein cemetery
Sec 8 SW/SW, Millville Twp. 42.708ºN / 91.111ºW
Rodenberg (?) (7 graves) Sec 14 SW/NW, Jefferson Twp.
Ross Cox Creek, Sec 25, Sperry Twp. 42.753ºN / 91.493ºW
Rothfusz baby (body removed, no marker) Sec 17 NW/SE, Cox Creek Twp. 42.783ºN / 91.583ºW
Ruegnitz - aka Blanchaine cemetery
  * Burials as recorded by Dwight Hansel, 2005
  * WPA records
(see Blanchaine)
Sacred Heart Catholic (Littleport) Sec 36, Cox Creek Twp. just south of Littleport,
just across Littleport Rd. from Union cemetery.
Sacred Heart Catholic (Cox Creek Catholic Church) Sec 25, Sperry Twp. 42.743ºN / 91.375ºW
Sacred Heart Catholic - aka Schoolhouse Yard - Volga City 12819 Cass St., Volga
Sperry twp. Section 4 SE SE 4-92-6
1 acre
42.805ºN / 91.551ºW
Schmidt Family - burials researched by S. Ferrall, includes additional info. on the family Sec 10 SE/NW, Cox Creek Twp
Schoolhouse Yard - aka Sacred Heart Catholic - Volga City 12819 Cass St., Volga
Sperry twp. Section 4 SE SE 4-92-6
1 acre
42.805ºN / 91.551ºW
Schori / Schory / Shory Sec 19 SW/SW, Marion Twp
Seeman (not located) Jefferson Twp
Sergeant (markers removed) (not located) Sec 12 NW/NE? Jefferson Twp
Smith - private family cemetery Sec 23 NE, Cox Creek Twp. on the corner, north of Feather Rd.
St John's - aka Niehaus/Dittmer Section 30 SE/SE, Jefferson Twp. 42.750ºN / 91.113ºW
St John's Lutheran - aka Luana Lutheran cemetery
  * Burials
  * Cemetery Association
Sec 8 SW/NW, Monona Twp. 43.063ºN / 91.455ºW
St Joseph's Catholic - Elkader
  * A-C * D-G * H-L * M-O * P-Z *
Elkader, Boardman Twp
St. Joseph's Catholic - Garnavillo
  * A-D * E-L * M-R * S-Z
St. Joseph's Catholic - cemetery section map & grave survey June 2013 by Jessica Klein
  * A-K * L-Z
Garnavillo, Sec 24 NE/NE, Garnavillo Twp
*off-site St. Mark Catholic Honey Creek twp. Delaware Co. Iowa (new window) - many people buried here were residents of Clayton county Edgewood, Honey Creek Twp., near Lodomillo twp. Clayton co.
St. Mary's Catholic - Strawberry Point Strawberry Point, Cass Twp
St. Mary's - aka Nieland cemetery - Guttenberg
  * A-M * N-Z
Guttenberg, Sec 19, Jefferson Twp. 42.769ºN / 91.135ºW
St Mary's Catholic - aka St. Pius - McGregor
  * A-J * K-Z
McGregor, Sec 27, Mendon Twp
St Michael's Catholic - aka Kann Sec 3 NW/SE, Jefferson Twp. 42.806ºN / 91.180ºW
St Michael's Catholic - Elkport (with Immanuel Lutheran cemetery) Sec 35 NE/NE, Elkport, Volga Twp. 42.742ºN / 91.283ºW
St. Patrick's Catholic - Monona
  * A-K * L-Z
Sec 13 NE/NW, Monona Twp. 43.033ºN / 91.400ºW
St. Paul's Lutheran - Monona
  * A-J * K-Z
Monona, Sec 13, Monona Twp. 43.049ºN / 91.385ºW
St. Paula's Sec 21 SE/SW, Jefferson Twp
St. Sebald Lutheran WPA & researcher contributed records St. Sebald, Sec 34, Sperry Twp. 42.739ºN / 91.545ºW
St. Pius - aka St. Mary's - McGregor
  * A-J * K-Z
McGregor, Sec 27, Mendon Twp.
St. Vincent's - see St. Wenceslaus Sec 9 SW/NE, Giard Twp. 43.059ºN / 91.314ºW
St. Wenceslaus - aka St. Vaclav/St. Vincent's/Bohemian/Watson/Beulah
  Deanna Krambeer's research of St. Wenceslaus, 2015-2017:
  * History & other misc. info. * Alphabetical list of burials * Burials by family groups *

  See also: Compiled burial list & photo - file was compiled from many sources & contains misc. info.
Sec 9 SW/NE, Giard Twp. 43.059ºN / 91.314ºW
Stavanger - aka Norwegian Sec 10 Mendon Twp
Steckleberg (husband and wife) Sec 5 NE, Cox Creek Twp
Storck (Stork) Sec 22 NW/NW, Jefferson Twp
Stone School - aka Old Stone School cemetery Sec 9 SW/NW, Sperry Twp. 42.804ºN / 91.551ºW
Strawberry Point - aka Cass township cemetery
  * A * Ba * Be-Bu * C * D-E * F-G * H-I * J-L * M-O * P-R * S * T-W
Strawberry Point, Cass Twp. 42.681ºN / 91.523ºW
Swedish - aka 1st Evangelical Lutheran/Norsk McGregor, Sec. 10, Mendon twp. 42.971ºN/ 91.176ºW
Tangeman (no markers) 24 SW/SW, Garnavillo Twp. 42.858ºN / 91.142ºW
Taylor - aka Elk Valley/Elk Creek cemetery, aka Brookshier cemetery 26 SW/NW, Elk Twp. 42.671ºN / 91.290ºW
Thomas, Fanny - 3 y/o child is only burial Sec 29 SW, Sperry Twp., Thomasville
Union Sec 6, Volga Twp. 42.808ºN / 91.350ºW
  * A-G * H-O * P-Z
33476 Littleport Rd., Edgewood
Lot 1 NE SW, Lot 1 NW SE & SW SW NE Sec. 36, Cox Creek twp.
42.739ºN / 91.378ºW
United Brethren (merged with National) Section 15 SE, Farmersburg Twp. 42.952ºN / 91.451ºW
United Brethren - aka Wagner Township cemetery St. Olaf, Sec 17, Wagner Twp. 42.708ºN / 91.358ºW
Unknown (young girl, no marker) Sec 26 SW/SW, Giard Twp
Unknown family (no markers) Sec 1 SW/SW (not located) Grand Meadow Twp
Unknown (young girl's grave) Sec 26 (not located) Grand Meadow Twp
Unknown (single person) (mentioned/not located) Jefferson Twp
Unknown family (no markers, not located) Sec 7 SW/NE, Mendon Twp
Unknown family (non-active) (not located) Monona Twp
Unknown family (Poul - Faust - King) Elkader (7 miles east), Sec 5 NW/NE, Read Twp
Unknown family (family of three) Sec 18, Read Twp
Unknown (abandoned) Sec 34 SE/NE, Volga Twp
Uriell (markers to St Joseph's, Elkader) Sec 34 NW, Read Twp
Wagner Twp - aka United Brethren St. Olaf, Sec 17, Wagner Twp. 42.708ºN / 91.358ºW
Wagner - aka Farmersburg - Wagner
  * A-J * K-M * N-Z *
Sec 24 NE/NE, Wagner Twp. 42.948ºN / 91.370ºW
Walton 1200 Buell Ave., McGregor
NW NW SEC 27  95-3, SW corner
-91.190882   43.021606
Watkins Osborne, Sec 17, Cox Creek Twp. 42.783ºN / 91.458ºW
Wegener (Wagoner / Wagner) Littleport, 7 NW/NE, Elk Twp
Weymouth St Olaf, Sec 29, Wagner Twp. 42.928ºN / 91.458ºW
Winkowitsch - aka Bismark Farmersburg, Sec 6, Farmersburg Twp.
42.979ºN / 91.350ºW
Wolf / Wolfe Farmersburg Twp. 42.742ºN / 91.358ºW
Wolf (not located) Sec 31 SW/NW?, Volga Twp
Wood Community / Woodland - aka Ebenezer - gravestones as recorded by Phyllis Peterson
Wood Community / Woodland - WPA records
Sec 21 SW/NW, Elk Twp. 42.678ºN / 91.325ºW
Zion Lutheran & Clayton Center cemeteries - either may be referred to as "Read cemetery" in some records
  * A-G * H-L * M-R * S-Z *
Sec 9 NW/SW, Read Twp. 42.884ºN / 91.323ºW
*off-site Zion Colony twp. Delaware Co. Iowa (opens in a new window) Section 6 Colony Township, near Colesburg, Delaware Co., IA


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