IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

Cemetery Index

National Cemetery
(aka Farmersburg - National cemetery)

National cemetery - photo taken Sept 2008 by S. Ferrall


The Farmersburg [National] cemetery consists of two acres of land North of Block 4 Farmersburg Village and adjoining it. It is also located on the SE 1/4 of Section 15; township 94; Range 4, Clayton County Iowa. Bounded on the west by Highway, East by Section Line, North by Land of James Woodward, Block 1 lies South of South Avenue and has 25 lots; Block 2 lives south of Central Avenue and has 27 lots; Block 3 lies North of Central Avenue and has 28 lots, Block 4 lies North of North avenue and has 36 lots. The lots are 12 links long and 10 links wide, lying north and south in length. The lots are staked at the west corners only. Blocks number 1 and 2, the stakes are number on the northwest corner of the lots; Blocks 3 and 4, they are number on the southwest corner of the lots. The alleys running north and south are each and all 9 links wide and connect with the Avenues and outside alleys at East sides. The outside alleys are 6 links wide. There are five fractional lots next to the Highway that are not numbered.

Click here for the
Plot Map
(file is 175 KB)

Block 1:

Lots 1-6 not used
Lot 7: Peter Hanson
Lot 8. Julius Dettman
Vern Marting
Lot 9. C. Wallace / James Aller
Lot 10. C.H. Wagner
Lot 11. J.P. L. Clark
Lot 12; Abe Demo / A. Hudson
Lot 13: N. Brownson
Lot 14: F. Brownson
Lot 15: M.B. Sherman
Lot 16: M.B. Sherman
Lot 17: Ed Sherman
Lot 18: J.F. Faber
Lot 19: H. Youngman
Lot 20: John McGrady
Lot 21: E.E. Hollingsworth
Lot 22: R.C. McKee / F. Flanagar
Lot 23: Wm. Brandt / G.S. Brandt
Lot 24:
Lot 25: Ed Sherman

Block 2:

Lot 1-3 unused
Lot 4: Chas. Jarvis
Lot 5: vacant
Lot 6:. H.C. Mayhew
Lot 7: M. Demo / W. Demo
Lot 8: R. Everall
Lot 9: H. Ladd
Lot 10: W.S. Gale
Lot 11: A.M. Cortis
Lot 12: J.A. Stoddard
Lot 13: D. Brownson
Lot 14: J.I. Adams / Geo Linton
Lot 15: N & H. Hamilton
Lot 16: H.V. McNeill
Lot 17: Asa Veach
Lot 18: J.V. Pace
Lot 19: A. Ashline
Lot 20: J. Knight / S. Knight
Lot 21: D. Hazon / C.H. Buck
Lot 22: J.C. Campbell / Wm. Campbell
Lot 23: E.P. Hall
Lot 24: C. Faber / W.Tyler
Lot 25: J.J. Roberts
Lot 26: J. Watkins
Lot 27: vacant

Block 3:

Lot 1 & 2 vacant
Lot 3: A.J. McMillian
Lot 4: Joe Trombley
Lot 5: Wm. Pixiler / A. Hayes
Lot 6: W.W. Goodwin
Lot 7: Wm. Eible
Lot 8: E.J. Selleg
Lot 9: L. Sturm
Lot 10: D.L. Renshow
Lot 11: S. Ballou
Lot 12: James Woodward
Lot 13; S. Benjamin
Lot 14: A.M. Peters
Lot 15: J.D. White
Lot 16: D. Renshaw
Lot 17: O.D. Pettit
Lot 18: Jno Carty
Lot 19: Ed Peters
Lot 20: E.F. Chase
Lot 21: F.C. Buck
Lot 22: C.D. Miller / E.E. Wallace
Lot 23: J.S. Renshaw
Lot 24: Asa Smith
Lot 25: / M. Eastman
Lot 26: J.D. Smith
Lot 27: E.F. Chase
Lot 28: D. Shaw

Block 4:

Lot 1 vacant
Lot 2: Wm. William / H. Mariette
Lot 3: Ray Mariette
Lot 4: Jerome Jones
Lot 5: Louis Siegele
Lot 7: J.D. Wright
Lot 8: Jno Kreutter
Lot 9: Fred Smith
Lot 10: James Jones / Tim Foley
Lot 11: Wm. Neiling
Lot 12: James Jack
Lot 13: N. Slaughter
Lot 14: E. Allen
Lot 15: B.A.Smith
Lot 16: D.H. Hutchins
Lot 17: Simon Scott
Lot 18: Jno Dice
Lot 19: O.W. Crary
Lot 20: C. Morgan
Lot 21: B. Smith / Asa Smith
Lot 22: James Powell
Lot 23: Wm. Linder
Lot 24: B. Reinhardt
Lot 25: Philip Barnhouse
Lot 26: Frank K. Howe
Lot 27: Jno Seigele
Lot 28: Jno Silber
Lot 29: D. Shaw / K. Tiler
Lot 30: A. Farley

~Farmersburg cemetery plot map
~contributed by: Charlene Barnhart


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