IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.
new content added 01/26/2025

Cemetery Index

Clayton Center Cemeteries

Surnames M - R
Surnames A - G
Surnames H - L
Surnames S - Z

Zion Lutheran cemetery - behind the church on the left side of the photo
Clayton Center Cemetery - south of hwy 128, right side of the photo

Sec 9 NW/SW, Reed Twp

Birds Eye photo courtesy of Bing maps
Birds-eye photo from Bing maps

*Gravestone photos have been contributed for these cemeteries:
View gravestone photos for Clayton Center cemetery * View gravestone photos for Zion Lutheran cemetery

*Many obituaries have been contributed for people buried in these cemeteries - Clayton Obituary Index

WPA cemetery records, contributed by Phyllis Montour - the Lot numbers are also from WPA records
Obituaries, SSDI, biographies, newspaper articles & census records
Allamakee co. death records, contributed by Richard O'Brien (ACDR)
Clayton co. death records,contributed by Constance Diamond (CCDR)
Iowa Death Certificates
Gravestone inscriptions

Note! It isn't always clear in which of the 2 cemeteries the grave is. Many obits and death certificates give burial only as "Read Cemetery". Known burials in Zion are indicated in the comments. If unclear or in Clayton Center cemetery, no indication is given.

Name Born Died Comments
Maehl, Elmer 11/03/1901 11/10/1901 Zion; s/o John & Kathrina
Maehl, John Christian Thodor SR 02/03/1858 12/21/1933 Zion; h/o Kathrina; s/o John & Mary (Kanberg or Kassberg)
Maehl, Kathrina nee Wilker 01/14/1865 05/27/1948 Zion; w/o John
Mahnke, Dorothea 'Dorthy' nee Hoth 08/31/1845 09/14/1919 w/o Joachim
Mahnke, Joachim   02/24/1901 h/o Dorothea
Mandelkow, Carl 1826 11/07/1892 lot 35; h/o Ernestina
Mandelkow, Caroline 1826 10/21/1903 lot 35
Mandelkow, Ernestina nee Juengling 05/11/1832 07/08/1913 w/o Carl; d/o Christof & unkn.
Mandelkow, Fritz 1824 07/27/1901 lot 35; h/o Ella Westphal; s/o Carl & Ernestina
Mandelkow, Henry Carl 06/08/1872 07/27/1896 lot 107
Mandelkow, Louis E. 03/27/1874 04/15/1925 lot 35; s/o Carl & Ernestina
Mandelkow, Maria 1863 02/05/1902 lot 12
Marting, Arnetta 08/17/1927 06/27/2015 w/o Dwayne
Marting, Dwayne Dennis 05/22/1924 01/12/1981 h/o Arnetta; s/o Orlando & Lucy; his mother died shortly after his birth
Marting, Lucy Marie Wilhelmina nee Lembke 06/03/1899 06/03/1924 1st w/o Orlando; d/o Henry & Amelia (Radloff)
Meenen, Henry [Marin]   08/25/1882 age 33y 2m 4d; CCDR
Meier, John Charles 'Carl' 1838 07/22/1912 lot 59; h/o Elizabeth; died in S. Dakota
Meier, Elizabeth nee Willie 04/13/1852 10/08/1925 lot 59; w/o Carl
Meyer, Anna Ihde nee Kliefoth 11/04/1842 07/19/1904 lot 11; w/o 1st Christ Ihde; 2nd Fredrich
Meyer, Fredrich 'Fritz' 1835 07/21/1901 lot 11; 2nd h/o Anna
Meyer, Liesette 1835 1863 lot 11
Meyer, William 1854 04/02/1880 lot 75
Miller, child - - infant/o Fred & Emma; source: Fred's obit
Miller / Mueller, Emma nee Schmidt 10/18/1871 03/20/1915 w/o Fred R.; d/o Karl & Maria; Death cert = Mueller, burial Read cemetery; gravestone is in Clayton Ctr cem., surname = Miller; obit = Mueller
Miller, Eunice D. nee Schmalfeld 11/13/1927 02/24/2004 w/o Lawrence JR
Miller / Mueller, Fred Rudolph

date varies

01/21/1940 h/o Emma; s/o John & Minnie (Meyer); Death cert = DOB 2/28/1870, gravestone = 2/28/1860, obit = 2/28/1869
Miller, Leona 1899 1960 d/o Fred R. & Emma
Moehler, Job Carl   10/20/1880 age 6m 12d; CCDR
Mohr, Frieda K.E. nee Roeben 04/05/1894 11/14/1982  
Mohr, Heinrich William 'Henry' 03/07/1887 12/31/1929 lot 31; h/o Frieda; s/o Henry & Anna (Gervien or Cervien)
Moine, Jis 1831 1893  
Moine, Marie 1832 10/03/1913  
Moritz, Alan William 07/03/1922 12/18/1953  
Moritz, Ervin William 06/18/1898 02/15/1963 ssa Hazel
Moritz, Hazel M. nee Lorentzon 02/27/1901 10/07/1981 ssa Ervin
Moritz, Homer Ervin 12/07/1920 01/27/1950  
Moritz, Paul E. 09/28/1943 05/01/2011  
Morris, Deloris Catherine nee Gusta 04/13/1928 01/09/2021 w/o William 'Bill'; d/o Elmer & Florence (Seeland)
Morris, William 'Bill' Charles 09/18/1924 10/30/1996 h/o Deloris; s/o Thomas & Martha (McTaggart); U.S.Army, WWII
Mueller, Alvina Maria Caroline nee Wielke 09/11/1867 12/19/1937 lot 80; w/o George; d/o F.W. & unkn (Landum)
Mueller, Emma nee Schmidt 10/18/1871 03/20/1915 see Emma Miller above
Mueller, George Frederick William 06/05/1862 01/26/1959 h/o Alvina; s/o Frederick & Louise (Hoenig)
Mueller, Henry Paul William 03/09/1902 08/15/1996 h/o Viola Thompson
Mueller, Joachim Frederick 11/18/1832 12/02/1917 Obit= Clayton Ctr cemetery, Death cert= Read cemetery
Mueller, Sophia Thees nee Wilke 08/02/1870 04/03/1944 w/o 1st George Thees (d. 1893, see his entry below), 2nd Wm F.C.; d/o Fred W. & Dorthy (Landon)
Mueller, William F.C. 07/29/1868 12/04/1945 2nd h/o Sophia; s/o Dietrich & Louise (Borcherding)
Muller, Carl 1821 04/25/1893 lot 1
Muller, Henry 06/07/1834 06/20/1909 lot 13
Muller, Louisa nee Jahn 10/13/1831 05/17/1913 lot 1
Muller, Maria 1830 01/18/1911 lot 13
Newbauer, Sophie 1841 04/13/1907 lot 77
Newbauer, Wilhelm 1843 04/07/1905 lot 77
Pahlas, Elise 'Lizzie' nee Vogt 04/08/1866 07/31/1885 lot 79; 1st w/o George W.; d/o Fred
Pahlas, Emelia nee Schultz 1829 10/12/1899 lot 65; w/o Fred
Pahlas, Fred 1822 10/01/1902 lot 65; h/o Emelia
Pahlas, Friedericka 09/26/1831 10/09/1913 lot 65; w/o George
Pahlas, George 1826 01/02/1892 lot 65; h/o Friedericka
Pahlas, George W. 11/20/1857 03/29/1894 lot 79; h/o 1st Lizzie, 2nd Annie Mueller; s/o Fred & Amelia
Pahlas, Lena     lot 65
Pahlas, Sarah     lot 65
Pahlas, Wilhelm     lot 65
Palas, Caroline nee Prust 06/11/1842 02/02/1864 lot 24; 1st w/o John
Palas, Caroline Marie Dorothea nee Voss 02/19/1842 05/06/1911 lot 24; 2nd w/o John
Palas, John 10/14/1831 11/22/1902 lot 24; married X2; s/o Jacob & Eliza
Palas, Louis J. 07/25/1875 07/01/ 1953 h/o Marie
Palas, Luver Carl 05/22/1904 03/17/1973  
Palas, Marie 'Mary' K. nee Lenth   1948 w/o Louis J.
Patow, Anna 1827 04/05/1906 lot 85
Patow, Friedrich 1819 08/21/1892 lot 85
Patow, William 1859 07/15/1926 lot 85
Polkow, Gottfried 05/29/1834 11/26/1912 lot 72; h/o Marie
Polkow, Henry Dietrich 04/04/1880 01/09/1955 h/o Ida; s/o Gottfried & Maria
Polkow, Hilma   11/03/1918 age 9y; d/o Henry & Ida; died of burns
Polkow, Ida nee Wilker 1884 1967 w/o Henry
Polkow, Marie Catherina nee Yahn 04/06/1841 08/08/1915 lot 72; w/o Gottfried
Polkow, Otto Carl 08/07/1869 10/17/1932 lot 72; s/o Gottfried & Marie
Polkow, Violet   08/17/2000 age 90
Possehl, Christian John 07/22/1852 12/25/1911 (Zion) lot 93; h/o Elizabeth
Possehl, Elizabeth nee Kamps 10/01/1860 05/01/1933 (Zion) lot 93; w/o Christian; d/o John
Possehl, Rudolf   03/20/1902 age 16; s/o Christian & Elizabeth; CCDR
Radloff, Adele Wilhemine nee Vogt 09/21/1886 02/28/1962 w/o Louis
Radloff, Carl 01/04/1840 02/23/1899 lot 4; h/o Caroline
Radloff, Caroline 11/01/1842 09/12/1926 w/o Carl
Radloff, Caroline 10/01/1878 11/24/1890 d/o Carl & Caroline
Radloff, Donna Mae Moritz, Dohrer, Courtney nee Oelke 08/09/1922 12/16/2017 w/o 1st Homer Moritz (d. 1950), 2nd Charles Dohrer (d. 1963), 3rd James Courtney (d ca1978), 4th Ken Radloff (d. 8/2016); d/o Donald & Lillian (Vogt)
Radloff, Frankie 1907 1907 s/o Herman & Georgia
Radloff, Georgia Melvina nee Dinges 05/21/1874 03/15/1944 w/o Herman
Radloff, Greta 1910 1911 d/o Herman & Georgia
Radloff, Heinrich 'Henry' 11/10/1874 04/16/1894 s/o Carl & Caroline
Radloff, Herman 1878 1919 lot 111; h/o Georgia
Radloff, Johnny 1878 02/??/1919 lot 111; s/o Herman & Georgia
Radloff, Lena 1902 02/??/1919 lot 111; age 16y; d/o Herman & Georgia
Radloff, Lenora 1898 1898 d/o Herman & Georgia
Radloff, Louis 1885 1963 h/o Adele
Radloff, Maria 1901 1901 d/o Herman & Georgia
Radloff, Raymond W. 1909 1957  
Radloff, Woodrow W. 1912 1936  
Rantzow, Charley Frederick 07/27/1874 06/11/1937 lot 47; h/o Minnie; s/o Ernest & Marie (Luckwaldt)
Rantzow, Wilhelmine F.H. 'Minnie' nee Junk 01/01/1875 07/07/1953 w/o Charley; d/o Karl & Carlena
Rau, Maria 'Mary' Kluth nee Landem   1909 lot 36; w/o Adam Rau at time of death; see entry for Mary Kluth, this cemetery
Reck, Charlotte 1824 08/17/1893 (Zion) lot 10; w/o George
Reck, Geo. H. 1828 04/23/1870 lot 10
Reickhof, August 08/03/1851 02/26/1902 (Zion) lot 104; h/o Dorothea
Reickhof, Dorothea 'Dora' nee Lukas 03/05/1852 04/30/1921 (Zion) lot 104; w/o August
Reinhardt, Keith G. 01/12/1922 12/02/1998 h/o Helene Hoth; WWII veteran
Reinhardt, Mary   02/05/1900 age 37y; CCDR
Reinke, Bertha 1842 10/18/1916 lot 50
Reinke, Christian 1811 02/02/1872 lot 50
Reinke, Ferdinand 1836 08/31/1907 lot 50
Rickert, Sophia Marie nee Possehl 02/10/1891 05/14/1975 w/o George Ernest Rickert (buried Strawberry Point cemetery w/2nd wife); d/o Christian & Elizabeth (Kamp); d. in Waukon, IA; ACDR & SSDI
Roeben, Mary Shaw nee Flayor 11/15/1861 or 12/15/1862 09/24/1918 w/o 1st Warren Shaw (d. 1903, bur. East Side cem), 2nd John F. Roeben; Conflicts: obit=DOB 12/15/62, death cert.=DOB 11/15/61
Rump, Anna M. 1812 1873  
Rump, Frederick 1819 07/05/1909  
Ruhser, Bill   05/01/2000 age 63; h/o Virginia


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