new content added 01/26/2025
Clayton Center Cemeteries Surnames M - R Surnames A - G Surnames H - L Surnames S - Z Zion Lutheran cemetery -
behind the church on the left side of the photo |
*Gravestone photos have
been contributed for these cemeteries: *Many obituaries have been contributed for people buried in these cemeteries - Clayton Obituary Index *Sources:
Name | Born | Died | Comments |
Maehl, Elmer | 11/03/1901 | 11/10/1901 | Zion; s/o John & Kathrina |
Maehl, John Christian Thodor SR | 02/03/1858 | 12/21/1933 | Zion; h/o Kathrina; s/o John & Mary (Kanberg or Kassberg) |
Maehl, Kathrina nee Wilker | 01/14/1865 | 05/27/1948 | Zion; w/o John |
Mahnke, Dorothea 'Dorthy' nee Hoth | 08/31/1845 | 09/14/1919 | w/o Joachim |
Mahnke, Joachim | 02/24/1901 | h/o Dorothea | |
Mandelkow, Carl | 1826 | 11/07/1892 | lot 35; h/o Ernestina |
Mandelkow, Caroline | 1826 | 10/21/1903 | lot 35 |
Mandelkow, Ernestina nee Juengling | 05/11/1832 | 07/08/1913 | w/o Carl; d/o Christof & unkn. |
Mandelkow, Fritz | 1824 | 07/27/1901 | lot 35; h/o Ella Westphal; s/o Carl & Ernestina |
Mandelkow, Henry Carl | 06/08/1872 | 07/27/1896 | lot 107 |
Mandelkow, Louis E. | 03/27/1874 | 04/15/1925 | lot 35; s/o Carl & Ernestina |
Mandelkow, Maria | 1863 | 02/05/1902 | lot 12 |
Marting, Arnetta | 08/17/1927 | 06/27/2015 | w/o Dwayne |
Marting, Dwayne Dennis | 05/22/1924 | 01/12/1981 | h/o Arnetta; s/o Orlando & Lucy; his mother died shortly after his birth |
Marting, Lucy Marie Wilhelmina nee Lembke | 06/03/1899 | 06/03/1924 | 1st w/o Orlando; d/o Henry & Amelia (Radloff) |
Meenen, Henry [Marin] | 08/25/1882 | age 33y 2m 4d; CCDR | |
Meier, John Charles 'Carl' | 1838 | 07/22/1912 | lot 59; h/o Elizabeth; died in S. Dakota |
Meier, Elizabeth nee Willie | 04/13/1852 | 10/08/1925 | lot 59; w/o Carl |
Meyer, Anna Ihde nee Kliefoth | 11/04/1842 | 07/19/1904 | lot 11; w/o 1st Christ Ihde; 2nd Fredrich |
Meyer, Fredrich 'Fritz' | 1835 | 07/21/1901 | lot 11; 2nd h/o Anna |
Meyer, Liesette | 1835 | 1863 | lot 11 |
Meyer, William | 1854 | 04/02/1880 | lot 75 |
Miller, child | - | - | infant/o Fred & Emma; source: Fred's obit |
Miller / Mueller, Emma nee Schmidt | 10/18/1871 | 03/20/1915 | w/o Fred R.; d/o Karl & Maria; Death cert = Mueller, burial Read cemetery; gravestone is in Clayton Ctr cem., surname = Miller; obit = Mueller |
Miller, Eunice D. nee Schmalfeld | 11/13/1927 | 02/24/2004 | w/o Lawrence JR |
Miller / Mueller, Fred Rudolph |
01/21/1940 | h/o Emma; s/o John & Minnie (Meyer); Death cert = DOB 2/28/1870, gravestone = 2/28/1860, obit = 2/28/1869 |
Miller, Leona | 1899 | 1960 | d/o Fred R. & Emma |
Moehler, Job Carl | 10/20/1880 | age 6m 12d; CCDR | |
Mohr, Frieda K.E. nee Roeben | 04/05/1894 | 11/14/1982 | |
Mohr, Heinrich William 'Henry' | 03/07/1887 | 12/31/1929 | lot 31; h/o Frieda; s/o Henry & Anna (Gervien or Cervien) |
Moine, Jis | 1831 | 1893 | |
Moine, Marie | 1832 | 10/03/1913 | |
Moritz, Alan William | 07/03/1922 | 12/18/1953 | |
Moritz, Ervin William | 06/18/1898 | 02/15/1963 | ssa Hazel |
Moritz, Hazel M. nee Lorentzon | 02/27/1901 | 10/07/1981 | ssa Ervin |
Moritz, Homer Ervin | 12/07/1920 | 01/27/1950 | |
Moritz, Paul E. | 09/28/1943 | 05/01/2011 | |
Morris, Deloris Catherine nee Gusta | 04/13/1928 | 01/09/2021 | w/o William 'Bill'; d/o Elmer & Florence (Seeland) |
Morris, William 'Bill' Charles | 09/18/1924 | 10/30/1996 | h/o Deloris; s/o Thomas & Martha (McTaggart); U.S.Army, WWII |
Mueller, Alvina Maria Caroline nee Wielke | 09/11/1867 | 12/19/1937 | lot 80; w/o George; d/o F.W. & unkn (Landum) |
Mueller, Emma nee Schmidt | 10/18/1871 | 03/20/1915 | see Emma Miller above |
Mueller, George Frederick William | 06/05/1862 | 01/26/1959 | h/o Alvina; s/o Frederick & Louise (Hoenig) |
Mueller, Henry Paul William | 03/09/1902 | 08/15/1996 | h/o Viola Thompson |
Mueller, Joachim Frederick | 11/18/1832 | 12/02/1917 | Obit= Clayton Ctr cemetery, Death cert= Read cemetery |
Mueller, Sophia Thees nee Wilke | 08/02/1870 | 04/03/1944 | w/o 1st George Thees (d. 1893, see his entry below), 2nd Wm F.C.; d/o Fred W. & Dorthy (Landon) |
Mueller, William F.C. | 07/29/1868 | 12/04/1945 | 2nd h/o Sophia; s/o Dietrich & Louise (Borcherding) |
Muller, Carl | 1821 | 04/25/1893 | lot 1 |
Muller, Henry | 06/07/1834 | 06/20/1909 | lot 13 |
Muller, Louisa nee Jahn | 10/13/1831 | 05/17/1913 | lot 1 |
Muller, Maria | 1830 | 01/18/1911 | lot 13 |
Newbauer, Sophie | 1841 | 04/13/1907 | lot 77 |
Newbauer, Wilhelm | 1843 | 04/07/1905 | lot 77 |
Pahlas, Elise 'Lizzie' nee Vogt | 04/08/1866 | 07/31/1885 | lot 79; 1st w/o George W.; d/o Fred |
Pahlas, Emelia nee Schultz | 1829 | 10/12/1899 | lot 65; w/o Fred |
Pahlas, Fred | 1822 | 10/01/1902 | lot 65; h/o Emelia |
Pahlas, Friedericka | 09/26/1831 | 10/09/1913 | lot 65; w/o George |
Pahlas, George | 1826 | 01/02/1892 | lot 65; h/o Friedericka |
Pahlas, George W. | 11/20/1857 | 03/29/1894 | lot 79; h/o 1st Lizzie, 2nd Annie Mueller; s/o Fred & Amelia |
Pahlas, Lena | lot 65 | ||
Pahlas, Sarah | lot 65 | ||
Pahlas, Wilhelm | lot 65 | ||
Palas, Caroline nee Prust | 06/11/1842 | 02/02/1864 | lot 24; 1st w/o John |
Palas, Caroline Marie Dorothea nee Voss | 02/19/1842 | 05/06/1911 | lot 24; 2nd w/o John |
Palas, John | 10/14/1831 | 11/22/1902 | lot 24; married X2; s/o Jacob & Eliza |
Palas, Louis J. | 07/25/1875 | 07/01/ 1953 | h/o Marie |
Palas, Luver Carl | 05/22/1904 | 03/17/1973 | |
Palas, Marie 'Mary' K. nee Lenth | 1948 | w/o Louis J. | |
Patow, Anna | 1827 | 04/05/1906 | lot 85 |
Patow, Friedrich | 1819 | 08/21/1892 | lot 85 |
Patow, William | 1859 | 07/15/1926 | lot 85 |
Polkow, Gottfried | 05/29/1834 | 11/26/1912 | lot 72; h/o Marie |
Polkow, Henry Dietrich | 04/04/1880 | 01/09/1955 | h/o Ida; s/o Gottfried & Maria |
Polkow, Hilma | 11/03/1918 | age 9y; d/o Henry & Ida; died of burns | |
Polkow, Ida nee Wilker | 1884 | 1967 | w/o Henry |
Polkow, Marie Catherina nee Yahn | 04/06/1841 | 08/08/1915 | lot 72; w/o Gottfried |
Polkow, Otto Carl | 08/07/1869 | 10/17/1932 | lot 72; s/o Gottfried & Marie |
Polkow, Violet | 08/17/2000 | age 90 | |
Possehl, Christian John | 07/22/1852 | 12/25/1911 | (Zion) lot 93; h/o Elizabeth |
Possehl, Elizabeth nee Kamps | 10/01/1860 | 05/01/1933 | (Zion) lot 93; w/o Christian; d/o John |
Possehl, Rudolf | 03/20/1902 | age 16; s/o Christian & Elizabeth; CCDR | |
Radloff, Adele Wilhemine nee Vogt | 09/21/1886 | 02/28/1962 | w/o Louis |
Radloff, Carl | 01/04/1840 | 02/23/1899 | lot 4; h/o Caroline |
Radloff, Caroline | 11/01/1842 | 09/12/1926 | w/o Carl |
Radloff, Caroline | 10/01/1878 | 11/24/1890 | d/o Carl & Caroline |
Radloff, Donna Mae Moritz, Dohrer, Courtney nee Oelke | 08/09/1922 | 12/16/2017 | w/o 1st Homer Moritz (d. 1950), 2nd Charles Dohrer (d. 1963), 3rd James Courtney (d ca1978), 4th Ken Radloff (d. 8/2016); d/o Donald & Lillian (Vogt) |
Radloff, Frankie | 1907 | 1907 | s/o Herman & Georgia |
Radloff, Georgia Melvina nee Dinges | 05/21/1874 | 03/15/1944 | w/o Herman |
Radloff, Greta | 1910 | 1911 | d/o Herman & Georgia |
Radloff, Heinrich 'Henry' | 11/10/1874 | 04/16/1894 | s/o Carl & Caroline |
Radloff, Herman | 1878 | 1919 | lot 111; h/o Georgia |
Radloff, Johnny | 1878 | 02/??/1919 | lot 111; s/o Herman & Georgia |
Radloff, Lena | 1902 | 02/??/1919 | lot 111; age 16y; d/o Herman & Georgia |
Radloff, Lenora | 1898 | 1898 | d/o Herman & Georgia |
Radloff, Louis | 1885 | 1963 | h/o Adele |
Radloff, Maria | 1901 | 1901 | d/o Herman & Georgia |
Radloff, Raymond W. | 1909 | 1957 | |
Radloff, Woodrow W. | 1912 | 1936 | |
Rantzow, Charley Frederick | 07/27/1874 | 06/11/1937 | lot 47; h/o Minnie; s/o Ernest & Marie (Luckwaldt) |
Rantzow, Wilhelmine F.H. 'Minnie' nee Junk | 01/01/1875 | 07/07/1953 | w/o Charley; d/o Karl & Carlena |
Rau, Maria 'Mary' Kluth nee Landem | 1909 | lot 36; w/o Adam Rau at time of death; see entry for Mary Kluth, this cemetery | |
Reck, Charlotte | 1824 | 08/17/1893 | (Zion) lot 10; w/o George |
Reck, Geo. H. | 1828 | 04/23/1870 | lot 10 |
Reickhof, August | 08/03/1851 | 02/26/1902 | (Zion) lot 104; h/o Dorothea |
Reickhof, Dorothea 'Dora' nee Lukas | 03/05/1852 | 04/30/1921 | (Zion) lot 104; w/o August |
Reinhardt, Keith G. | 01/12/1922 | 12/02/1998 | h/o Helene Hoth; WWII veteran |
Reinhardt, Mary | 02/05/1900 | age 37y; CCDR | |
Reinke, Bertha | 1842 | 10/18/1916 | lot 50 |
Reinke, Christian | 1811 | 02/02/1872 | lot 50 |
Reinke, Ferdinand | 1836 | 08/31/1907 | lot 50 |
Rickert, Sophia Marie nee Possehl | 02/10/1891 | 05/14/1975 | w/o George Ernest Rickert (buried Strawberry Point cemetery w/2nd wife); d/o Christian & Elizabeth (Kamp); d. in Waukon, IA; ACDR & SSDI |
Roeben, Mary Shaw nee Flayor | 11/15/1861 or 12/15/1862 | 09/24/1918 | w/o 1st Warren Shaw (d. 1903, bur. East Side cem), 2nd John F. Roeben; Conflicts: obit=DOB 12/15/62, death cert.=DOB 11/15/61 |
Rump, Anna M. | 1812 | 1873 | |
Rump, Frederick | 1819 | 07/05/1909 | |
Ruhser, Bill | 05/01/2000 | age 63; h/o Virginia |