new content added 02/28/2025

Cemetery Index

Eastside Cemetery
aka Elkader City or East Side cemetery
Elkader, Boardman twp. Clayton county, Iowa

T - Z
A-C * D-H * I-K * L-N * O-Q * R-S

Note! This burial list & information is being compiled from obituaries, gravestone photos, WPA graves registration, SSDI records, census records, veteran burial records, death certificates & newspaper articles. It is not yet a complete listing & will be updated as additional burials are found. You can help - do you know of a burial in the Elkader East Side cemetery that isn't listed? Dates? Corrections?

*The WPA records were transcribed by Phyllis Montour and have been merged into the burial list.
*Richard O'Brien has contributed names, dates & other info. from the Allamakee county Death Records ACDR and Veterans Affairs records (VAR). Some of the ACDR give funeral home - they are abreviated as follows:
Schultz Funeral home =SFH
Martin Funeral home =MFH

*Gravestone photos have been contributed for this cemetery by many people. Do you have any to share?
View gravestone photos for Eastside cemetery

*Obituaries have been contributed for some of the people in Eastside cemetery. Do you have one to share?
Clayton co. Obituary Index & Allamakee co. Obituary Index


Name Birth Death Comments
Taber, Horace   1857 age 45
Talley, Almira nee Schulte 11/02/1882 05/01/1955 2nd w/o Morris G.; d/o Wm & Amelia (Pahlas); died Prairie du Chien, WI
Talley, Effie Irene 05/18/1898 05/15/1911 d/o Morris & Lena; died of Scarlet Fever
Talley, Lena nee Nelson 05/18/1862 03/01/1915 "Mother"; 1st w/o Morris
Talley, Morris Grant 05/18/1864 04/06/1934 h/o 1st Lena, 2nd Almira; s/o John W. & Rebecca (Kirby)
Taylor Charles   02/26/1995 Veteran
Templeman, Anna Hartley nee Brown 05/08/1833 01/04/1894 w/o Thomas
Templeman, Daniel Green   01/01/1861 6y 9m 18d; s/o Thos & Anna; died of Diptheria croup
Templeman, Thomas 1825 12/08/1912 h/o Anna
Templeman, William   1862 s/o Thos & Anna; died of Diptheria
Tewes, Henry W. 12/25/1870 01/18/1952 h/o Pauline; s/o Wm & Marie
Tewes, Pauline A. nee Hagensick 02/11/1870 08/20/1955 w/o Henry; d/o Christian & Barbara (Schmidt)
Thein, Donald   12/30/1980 Veteran
Thein, Dorothy   1999  
Thiese, Ewald Herman 05/19/1912 10/29/1986 h/o Mabel; s/o Henry & Margarethe (Volquardts)
Thiese, Henry C. 11/05/1871 12/09/1912 h/o Margarethe
Thiese, Mabel L. nee Glawe 02/15/1916 04/22/2004 w/o Ewald; d/o Herman & Louisa (Polkow)
Thiese, Magdalena 07/11/1842 05/05/1919  
Thompson, Charles F. 'Charlie' 12/07/1869 01/01/1887 s/o James Franklin & Minerva (Drake); died when accidentally shot by a friend; his parents are buried in Eureka, California
Thompson, John S. 01/20/1804 04/23/1891 h/o 1st Mary Jane, 2nd Hannah M. (divorced 1867); s/o Gilbert & Jane (Shannon); built the Motor Mill
Thompson, Laura L. nee Bachtell 05/04/1857 11/05/1919 w/o Joseph (died 1900); d/o Marshall & Sarah (Effinger); her obit states "buried by the side of her father and mother"
Thompson, Mary Jane nee Hall   07/30/1847 42y 5m 10d; 1st w/o John S.
Thompson, Thomas 'Tommy' 03/19/1824 05/06/1881 h/o unkn Dawson
Tieden, Aaron Arthur 10/02/1909 09/2?/1962 h/o Luella; s/o George & Sarah (Buckman)
Tieden, Alma 04/08/1879 07/06/1955 d/o Jansen & Anna (Bowman); died at State Hosp., Independence, IA
Tieden, Anna Marie nee Ortman 05/12/1876 01/06/1940 w/o Frank; d/o John & Mary (Ehlers)
Tieden, Frank 03/01/1873 01/23/1947 h/o Anna; s/o Jansen & Anna (Bowman)
Tieden, Juliet 10/05/1889 11/21/1910 d/o Jans & Anna (Baumann / Bowman); died of perforated appendix at Ft. Dodge, IA
Tieden, Kenneth Aaron   03/15/1946 s/o Aaron & Luella (Larson)
Tieden, Luella Josephine nee Larson 1917 2004 see entry for Luella Dettmann
Tolcou, Dorothy nee Huebsch RN 05/19/1924 05/26/2010 w/o Samuel T.; d/o Arthur C. & Eva G. (Arnold)
Tolcou, Samuel Theodore   11/14/1990 h/o Dorothy
Torrey, Alvan 1809 01/10/1881 h/o Gertrude (Massiker) Ayers (d. 1893); s/o Benjamin
Troester, Kay Melinda nee Weyant 04/21/1949 10/26/2020 w/o Richard; d/o Kenneth & Maxine (Otterbeck)
Tromblee / Trombley, child 1904 09/0?/1905 18m; death notice gives burial in East Side (parents not named); name may have been Florence, age 1y enumerated in Elkader 1905 IA State census
Trombley, Almon Jason 1869 1903  
Trombley, Alvard 08/20/1866 03/22/1906 h/o Jane Dyer
Tschudi, John Henry (aka Judy)     see entry for John Henry Judy
Tujetsch, Albert Wesley 10/01/1875 04/07/1936 s/o Thomas & Caroline
Tujetsch, Caroline E. nee Hartman   01/30/1914 w/o Thomas
Tujetsch, Thomas 11/18/1846 02/17/1937 h/o Caroline; s/o Andrew & Marie (Cistell)
Turner, Edna nee Kurth     w/o John 'Jack'
Turner, Eunice   08/19/1991  
Turner, Fannie      
Turner, Fanny Laura nee Crowe 08/16/1875 01/05/1948 w/o Jesse; d/o William & Fannie Louise (Sima)
Turner, Forest 06/05/1912 06/15/1912 s/o Jessie & Fanny
Turner, Fred   1971 s/o Jessie & Fanny; Veteran
Turner, Henry 10/26/1910 1918 s/o Jesse & Fanny
Turner, Jackson Eugene 03/19/1925 05/01/2013 h/o Rose Clark; s/o John & Edna; US Army Air Corps, WWII
Turner, Jacqueline Joy   02/11/1924 d/o John & Edna
Turner, Jesse Byron   1961 h/o Fanny
Turner, John William 'Jack' 05/31/1901 11/18/1937 h/o Edna; s/o Jesse & Fanny
Turner, Walter   04/03/1987 s/o Jessie & Fanny
Tyler, Delila nee Munger 10/24/1851 08/19/1936 2nd w/o Lyman; d/o James & Cordelia (Armstrong)
Tyler, Henry Lyman 03/09/1880 09/21/1905 h/o Helena Anna Dunker; s/o Lyman & Delila
Tyler, Lyman 03/161828 02/17/1904 h/o 1st Melissa E. Shippee (d. 5/31/1878, unkn. burial), 2nd Delila; s/o Aaron & Betsy (Bassett)
Uecker, Alvina nee Bunting 03/11/1850 05/23/1925 w/o John; John's obit names her as Elwine Buenting
Uecker, August 04/28/1853 10/03/1930 h/o Wilhelmina
Uecker, Frieda / Freda 11/01/1881 05/19/1895 d/o August & Wilhelmina
Uecker, John Christian 05/26/1848 06/02/1916 h/o Alvina; served in the German Army during the German-French war (1870-71)
Uecker, Lawrence William 10/24/1895 06/13/1927 s/o August & Wilhelmina; U.S. Army, WWI veteran
Uecker, Milton William   04/02/1983 h/o Ruth; s/o August & Wilhelmina
Uecker, Ruth Vivian nee Hedeman 02/14/1908 09/02/1992 w/o Milton W.; d/o Elmer & Mathilda (Ehrhardt)
Uecker, Wilhelmina nee Witt 04/06/1858 06/21/1934 w/o August; d/o John & Dorothea (Mueller)
Underwood, Mary nee Wells 02/19/1803 04/15/1895 w/o Absalom; ssa William & Mary Ann Cheeseman (her S-I-L & daughter)
Updegraff, Edgar Read   1860  
Upton, Amelia nee Russell 02/20/1840 01/05/1929 w/o John F.; d/o Wm. & Emily (Penn)
Upton, John F. 09/18/1836 10/06/1918 h/o Amelia Russell; s/o Wm. & Mary
Varley, Henry H.   1869 s/o A.H. & S.J.
Varley, James 05/06/1816 05/11/1894 h/o 1st Margaret; 2nd Antoninette (Bush) Shippy; s/o William
Varley, Jonathan ca1845 12/04/1895 h/o Lena Oleson; s/o James & Margaret
Varley, Margaret nee Sleter   08/??/1869 aged 59y; 1st w/o James
Varley, Margaret      
Varley, Mary Ellen   1856  
Varley, William 1774 1862  
Venus, Albert   1883  
Venus, Christena   1874  
Venus, Joseph   1800  
Wacker, Andrew Emanuel 03/07/1902 02/05/1987 h/o Sophie; s/o Carl & Elizabeth (Munsch)
Wacker, Franklin Delano 12/23/1933 12/18/2017 h/o Patricia Schmelzer; s/o Frank R. & Anna (Krieg); U.S. Army, 82nd Airborne Div., 1954-1956
Wacker, Sophie Emilie Wilhelmine nee Mueller 01/04/1905 10/15/1999 w/o Andrew; d/o George F. & Alvina C. (Wilke)
Wagner, Anna E. 'Annie'   09/??/1950 w/o Louis E.
Wagner, Anna Marie   1994  
Wagner, Beulah   07/03/1997  
Wagner, Caroline nee Hamann / Homman 04/13/1834 07/01/1917 w/o Emil; d/o Andrus & Christine
Wagner, Charles   08/23/1983 ?h/o Cora
Wagner, Cora Margrite nee Kurdelmeyer 06/16/1905 03/04/1998 d/o George & Caroline (Ihde)
Wagner, Cordelia nee Worwald   11/02/1994 w/o Louis M.
Wagner, Emil 03/03/1824 05/28/1907 h/o Caroline
Wagner, Emma Jessie nee Dinges 10/31/1871 02/14/1943 w/o Ernie; d/o Wm & Sara J.
Wagner, Ernest Emil 'Ernie' 07/12/1873 07/04/1911 h/o Emma; s/o Emil & Caroline
Wagner, Francis D. 11/10/1904 11/22/1904 4 days; d/o Ernie & Emma; she shares a gravestone w/her father
Wagner, Frank   05/20/1973  
Wagner, Fred 03/15/1877 10/04/1951 bachelor s/o Emil & Caroline
Wagner, Louis A.   1979  
Wagner, Louis E.   1933 h/o Anna
Wagner, Louis M. 02/18/1899 02/23/1979 h/o Cordelia; s/o Louis & Anna; U.S. Navy Seabees, WWII
Wagner, Violetta   1929  
Wagner, Wilma   02/09/1998  
Wahls, John Charles JR 07/24/1925 07/27/1993 h/o Lois; US Army paratrooper, WWII
Wahls, Lois Lorene nee Koopman 12/21/1932 11/22/2002 d/o Gerhard H. & Ellen (Krambeer)
Wallace, Eliza H. Whipple nee Sargent   1888 age 62y; w/o 1st Darwin Whipple, 2nd Lester Wallace - see below Eliza Whipple
Wallace, Manerva J.   1863  
Wallace, Synthia / Cynthia   1866 1st w/o Lester
Walter, Lester William   10/05/2002 h/o Louise
Walter, Louise LaVon nee Wacker 07/24/1915 05/10/1991 w/o Lester; d/o Frank & Anna (Krieg)
Walther, Adam 1846 1906 h/o Christine
Walther, Christena nee Kohlermann 12/03/1844 05/12/1922 w/o Adam
Walther, Fern Anna nee Stiehl 09/21/1914 2001 w/o Leo; d/o Charlie & Iona (Pahlas)
Walther, Flora Ann nee Boyer 12/17/1885 05/27/1954 w/o William A.H.; d/o Gus & Louisa (Kohler)
Walther, Leo Boyer   04/16/1996 aged 84y; h/o Fern
Walther, William A.H.   07/??1945 h/o Flora; his obit names her as Florence
Walz, infant   02/11/1981  
Wareham, Mollie 07/07/1879 02/01/1896 d/o L.C.
Wareham, Melissa V.   1924  
Warkle, George - -  
Warner, Amos (Dr.) 1810 09/16/1861  
Warnicke, Catherine 'Margaret' nee Meyer 06/06/1833 01/30/1918 w/o John J.
Warnicke, Frank 01/13/1867 07/10/1934 s/o John & Margret; twin of John W.; electrocuted rescuing a pet
Warnicke, Henry 02/06/1869 03/17/1952 s/o John & Margaret
Warnicke, John J. 02/06/1827 10/19/1916 h/o Margaret
Warnicke, John W. 01/13/1866 01/03/1946 s/o John & Margaret; twin of Frank
Warnicke, Catherine Margaret nee Meyer     w/o John J.
Webb, Ida nee Schroeder 03/24/1858 04/06/1948 w/o J.E.; d/o Louis & Louisa
Webb, J.E. 01/25/1847 04/08/1909 h/o Ida Schroeder
Weir, Georgie   06/??/1894 infant of Mr. & Mrs. George Weir
Wells, Alonzo Henry 03/16/1867 02/25/1940 h/o Mable; s/o Norman & Catharine
Wells, Catharine nee Kimball / Horne 04/29/1830 09/04/1903 w/o Norman; Note: Norman's obit = married Catharine Kimball, but her obit = Horne; she possibly married X2
Wells, DeVere A. 1917 1983 s/o A.H. & Mable
Wells, Freda 1893 08/05/1969 d/o A.H. & Mable
Wells, Harold F.   09/??/1965 h/o Florence Behrens; s/o Thomas & Myrtle (Adams); died in Ottumwa, IA; obit = burial East Side cem., Elkader
Wells, Mabel nee Moyer 08/20/`870 10/14/1932 w/o Alonzo; d/o Samuel & Sarah (Young)
Wells, Norman 02/05/1828 10/21/1908 h/o Catherine
Wells, Percy 01/13/1898 03/27/1898 twin s/o Alonzo & Mabel
Wells, Perry 01/13/1898 03/31/1898 twin s/o Alonzo & Mabel
Wenz, John 1824 03/01/1910 h/o Magdalena
Wenz / Wentz, Magdalena nee Stemmer 04/26/1839 11/26/1917 w/o John
Wertley, Gottlieb 1850 10/07/1925 h/o Julia; died at State Hospital, Independence, IA
Wertley, John J. 1876 02/13/1913 s/o Gottlieb & Julia
Wertley, Julia nee Stemmer 05/03/1854 01/29/1934 w/o Gottlieb
West, infant   1939 cemetery record = in Thomas West lot
West, Anna   1961  
West, Dick - - cemetery record
West, Edward 'Eddie' 11/10/1863 03/09/1950 h/o Julia Larson; s/o Wm & Elizabeth
West, Elizabeth nee Underwood 08/11/1840 01/26/1915 w/o William
West, Francis William   07/24/1987 age 74; h/o Rose
West, George   12/20/1864 age 42y
West, John George 08/19/1865 09/12/1946 h/o Mary M.; s/o Wm & Elizabeth
West, John H.   1866 age 45y
West, Mary M. nee Robbins 12/18/1880 01/11/1957 w/o John G.; d/o Jerome & Marie (McKellar); died in Prairie du Chien, WI
West, Richard 03/13/1878 12/21/1947 h/o Esther Welch; s/o Wm & Elizabeth
West, Rose Marie nee Friederich 08/08/1916 05/18/2008 w/o Francis W.; d/o John & Celia (Lantz)
West, Thomas 'Tom' 04/23/1868 09/24/1945 h/o Anna Johnson; s/o Wm & Elizabeth
West, Thomas H. JR   04/18/1986 age 72y; s/o Thos & Anna
West, William 11/13/1831 10/04/1907 h/o Elizabeth
West, William Alan   1977 s/o John & Mary
West, William Orville   1985  
Westby, Gene Louis 06/26/1935 09/21/1991 s/o Caesar & Lena (Possehl)
Whipple, Darwin 1824 08/03/1863 h/o Eliza; more than likely a cenotaph erected when Eliza died & that he is buried near St. Louis (see his biography for more info.); Co. D, 21st IA Inf., Civil War
Whipple, Eliza H. nee Sargent 06/26/1826 10/28/1888 w/o 1st Darwin Whipple, 2nd Lester Wallace
Whitcomb, Clara nee Munger 04/12/1863 10/22/1944 w/o Frank (divorced); d/o Jarius & Cordelia (Armstrong)
White, Ned C. 10/01/1920 05/02/2003 h/o Ardis Nelsen; s/o Claude B. & Nettie (Creps); U.S. Army Air Corps, B-24 pilot, POW in Romania, WWII
Whitley, Frederick M. 09/30/1873 01/12/1931 h/o Alice; s/o Frederick M. & Matilda; died in Chicago
Whitley, Alice A. nee Leonard 11/30/1878 07/14/1955 w/o F.M. (d. 1931); d/o Wm. H. & Josephine (Hetzman);
Whitney, Bartley Stewart   07/01/1863 s/o Bartley & Dinah
Whitney, Bartley Stewart 03/08/1827 01/17/1896 h/o Dinah; s/o Lewis & Sarah; died in MN
Whitney, Dinah nee Switzer 01/06/1832 05/21/1892 w/o Bartley
Whitney, Franklin G. 'Frank' 09/20/1868 12/26/1926 s/o Bartley & Dinah
Wilke, Anna nee Paul 12/03/1877 01/10/1955 w/o Gustav; d/o Edward M. & Elizabeth (Ehrlich)
Wilke, Anna Marie nee Gossman 06/09/1852 07/26/1933 w/o Henry W.; d/o Christian & Sophia (Haaman)
Wilke, Arno Allen 01/16/1923 10/07/2002 h/o Wilma; s/o Elmer & Carrie
Wilke, Arthur Frederick Wilhelm 01/06/1884 12/22/1962 s/o Louis & Dorothea
Wilke, Caroline Louise Frieda nee Jensen 02/06/1896 06/29/1982 w/o Walter; d/o Michael & Agnes (Muller)
Wilke, Carrie Georgine nee Cook 1900 1988 w/o Elmer
Wilke, Dorothea 'Dorothy' nee Blume 03/11/1862 08/15/1939 w/o Louis; d/o John & Louise (Miller)
Wilke, Dorothea Mary nee Bente 10/25/1906 08/22/2001 w/o Lorenz
Wilke, Douglas Allen 04/21/1980 04/27/1980 s/o Wm L. & Melissa; twin of LeAnn
Wilke, Eldean W. 08/22/1934 11/24/2020 h/o Ivanelle
Wilke, Elmer Louis 03/20/1894 03/17/1948 h/o Carrie; s/o Louis & Dorothy; Veteran WWI
Wilke, Gustav Henry 'Gus' 02/28/1874 05/13/1947 h/o Anna; s/o Henry W. & Anna M.
Wilke, Henry William 03/10/1847 05/27/1922 h/o Anna M.
Wilke, Ina   04/22/1885 5y; d/o F. W. & ?Doretta
Wilke, Katie Matilda   04/30/1885 3y 4m 15d; d/o F. W. & ?Doretta
Wilke, Kenneth F.   02/28/1986 age 56y; s/o Lorenz & Dorothy (Bente)
Wilke, LeAnn Sue 04/21/1980 09/06/2010 twin of Douglas
Wilke, Lorenz 1907 1964 h/o Dorothea
Wilke, Ludwig Christian Freidrich 'Louis' 04/06/1857 12/14/1923 h/o Dorothy; s/o Lewis & unkn.
Wilke, Melissa Lue nee Clark 1954 2021 w/o William
Wilke, Walter Edwin   11/03/1976 h/o Caroline
Wilke, William Louis 'Bill' 1951 2006 h/o Melissa; s/o Arno & Wilma
Wilke, Wilma nee Beyer 1924 2001 w/o Arno
Williams, Flora   12/10/1860 age 60y; 2nd w/o Warren - from Richard Williams, gg-gson (1/20/04)
Williams, James H. 1848 1928 Veteran
Williams, Jennie nee Havens   05/09/1937 age 88; w/o Thomas; d/o Isaac & Sarah; died in Los Angeles,CA; Obit: .. the body placed in receiving vault ... later to be brought here for burial in family lot East Side cemetery'; Verification that her remains were eventually removed from CA to IA is needed
Williams, Lizzie 09/19/1830 1889 buried beside Warren & Flora; b. Perry, Wyoming Co, NY; listed as insane on her dad's will - from Richard Williams, (1/20/04)
Williams, Mary Jane - -  
Williams, Mary Luella   1908  
Williams, Thomas 05/11/1837 03/02/1912 h/o Jennie; s/o David & Jane
Williams, Warren 03/11/1801 09/13/1882 age 81; h/o Flora; b. Bethel, Windsor Co. VT - from Richard Williams, (1/20/04)
Williamson, Curtis D. 1861 1890 Note: Dates should be verified
Williamson, Curtis H. 'Curt' 08/26/1868 02/02/1939 h/o Mina; s/o Henry & Mary
Williamson, Henry H. 1839 11/23/1910 h/o 1st Mary H., 2nd Mary A.
Williamson, James 09/05/1884 09/1?/1886 s/o Henry H. & Mary; Note: DOB best guess, stone is very eroded, DOD from newspaper death notice
Williamson, John 1797 05/14/1875  
Williamson, Laura B.   1864 age 29y
Williamson, Mary A. Howard nee Miles 09/10/1848 02/25/1942 2nd w/o Henry; her 1st husb. Frederick Howard (d. 1878)
Williamson, Mary Helen nee Williams 04/16/1839 04/12/1877 1st w/o Henry; b. Wyoming co. NY - from Richard Williams (1/20/04)
Williamson, Miles A. 1881 1961  
Williamson, Mina nee Heckmaster 1881 1954 w/o Curtis
Wilson, Charles M. 08/04/1857 01/??/1950  
Wilson, Charles 'Shorty' 05/25/1894 02/21/1946 h/o Martha; s/o Wm H. & Flora (de Mack); US Army 62nd Inf., 8th Div., WWI
Wilson, Frederick D. 01/27/1931 05/20/1952 h/o Carla Kramer; s/o William & Vida; US Army, 27th Infantry Regiment, KIA Korean War
Wilson, Hattie Belle     buried in the original cemetery
Wilson, James Cameron 1924 1961 s/o Charles & Martha
Wilson, Martha nee Cameron 1890 1964 w/o Charles
Wilson, Olive   1959  
Wing, Amanda Malvina nee Stewart 08/21/1841 11/28/1907 w/o Asa Albert (d. 1881, possibly buried CO); d/o Ezra & Laura (Phinney)
Wing, Benjamin Bryant 02/07/1878 06/12/1918 s/o Asa & Amanda; died of consumption
Wistrick, Clara Pauline nee Lundt 1891 07/31/1916 1st w/o William (died 1961, buried Edgewood cem.)
Wistrick, Fred W. 07/07/1876 09/01/1957 h/o Katherine
Wistrick, Henry 06/17/1848 02/28/1927 h/o Mary; s/o Frederick
Wistrick, Katherine F. nee Dohrer 05/27/1855 07/13/1966 w/o Fred; d/o John A. & Marie F. (Hamann)
Wistrick, Mary nee Bente 05/27/1855 09/10/1928 w/o Henry; d/o William & Mary (Hilgerman)
Witt, Amelia nee Krieg 10/08/1855 04/16/1936 w/o Wm.; d/o John J. & Christine (Kiesling)
Witt, Gertrude Marie 'Gertie' nee Frey 12/28/1917 03/06/2008 w/o William; d/o Robert & Ethel (Moore)
Witt, Otto Henry 09/03/1882 05/02/1918 s/o Wm. E. & Amelia
Witt, William   1999 h/o Gertrude
Witt, William Ernest 02/24/1855 09/11/1928 h/o Amelia; s/o John & Dorothea (Mueller)
Witte, Anna M. nee Tewes   1956 w/o George
Witte, Eunice Pauline 04/21/1900 10/16/1911 d/o George & Anna
Witte, Florence M.   1976 w/o Harvey
Witte, George F. 10/03/1862 03/26/1915 h/o Anna; s/o Friedrich
Witte, Hannah Minnie 03/01/1903 05/21/1921 d/o George & Anna M.; died of meningitis
Witte, Harvey F.   01/22/1970 age 76y; h/o Florence; s/o George & Anna
Witte, J. F. C. 1822 07/1890  
Wolf, Daniel     s/o George & Elizabeth, died bef 1889
Wolf, Elizabeth nee Taake 12/02/1849 05/17/1928 w/o George
Wolf, George 09/17/1844 11/05/1904 h/o Elizabeth; s/o Daniel & Elizabeth (Lahm); Co. E 5th IA Cav., Civil War
Wolf, Hattie     d/o George & Elizabeth, died bef 1889
Wolf, Louis Edward 04/29/1885 04/16/1889 s/o George & Elizabeth
Wolf, Richard C. SR   09/11/1972 h/o Virginia
Wood, Alexander 1823/1826 05/??/1902 h/o Mary Ann; GAR marker; Note: he was not a GAR member & didn't serve in the Civil War. He served in Co B, 1st Regiment, Infantry. Mexican War.
Wood, Forest 06/08/1868 06/14/1934 s/o Alexander & Mary
Wood, Harriette 1880 1908  
Wood, Mary Ann nee Boyce 1829 1911 w/o Alexander
Woodward, infants - - 2 infants of Silas & Esther (source: Esther's obit)
Woodward, Charles H. 08/18/1856 03/27/1885 s/o Silas & Esther; died at the State Asylum, Independence, IA
Woodward, Esther A. nee Smith   06/??/1922 w/o Silas; died in Williston, N.D.
Woodward, Silas T. 01/23/1828 12/??/1883 h/o Esther
Zahrndt, Augusta nee Meyer 02/16/1850 06/12/1936 w/o Louis; d/o Henry & Frederika (Schwabe)
Zarndt, Ida 03/05/1873 11/18/1955 unmarried d/o Louis & Augusta
Zarndt, Louis F. 1847 10/19/1919 h/o Augusta
Zittergruen, Annabell Mae nee Freitag 10/22/1922 09/30/2008 w/o Lavern; d/o Harry & Viola (Meyers)
Zittergruen, Lavern   02/20/1997 h/o Annabell
Zurcher, Mabel Wilhemina nee Miller 06/15/1915 02/07/2007 1st h/Harry Schriver (d. 1960); 2nd h/Glen Zurcher (d.1989); d/o Louis & Emma (Volquardts)
Zweig, Mayme Mentzel nee Lange 1882 11/26/1969 w/o 1st Gustav Mentzel, 2nd William Zweig; buried w/Gustav


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