815 Trailing Heart Rd.
Roswell, NM 88201-7857
18 June 1996
Dear Classmates,
Enclosed find my report on the 1927-1928 Ellston, Iowa school class picture. Some of
you asked for names and addresses. Here they are!
There is a section of this Report
about our teacher, Miss Lovelace. You may want to contact her. If you want a response, I suggest you telephone her.
Please! Let's have a birthday card shower for her 94th birthday on 26 Oct 1996. Don't
forget! Her name and address is:
Mrs. Ermal I. Bueter, 121 Moir St.
Waterloo, IA., 50701.
Telephone: 1-319-233-6684.
Geraldine (Adams) Hampton

Geraldine (Adams) Hampton
18 June 1996
I. Introduction
[Page 2] Did you ever wonder what happened to the children and to the teacher in the 1927-1928 class
picture taken at the Ellston Iowa Public School? Those third and fourth graders became "real people" and my research tells
something about each one. Well, almost! A few of you asked for addresses of your former classmates. This is my report.
Ellston Elementary Class, 1927 - 1928
NOTE: Names
are broken down by row with Part III. Account of our Classmates. ~ SRB
While collecting this data, I've had some wonderful adventures, including help from many of
you marvelous people. I never could have done this by myself.
I am going to tell you about
the trip I took and some of the trails I followed. A super time! The last part of this report is an account about our
classmates. And about our teacher! Yeah, team!
In early December 1995, here I sat with
thirty recently re-produced class pictures, ready to give one to each of the "children" or to their next-of-kin. Where
were they? Where should I start?
SO, on the 10th of December, I wrote a cover letter which included
a list of the names of the kids that were remembered. There were some blank spaces because of my faulty memory.
[Page 3] There's no doubt that some of my guesses would be incorrect. My "better-half" (who I count on constantly for moral and physical support)
Xeroxed thirty copies of the letter for me. I was optimistic!
On the 13th of December, a letter
and a picture went to those whose addresses I knew, some received from reading the Mount Ayr Record-News; two from
surprise 50th wedding anniversary cards in 1993; and one (Sam Treichler's) from his cousin, Margaret (Treichler) Applegate, an
Oregon correspondent of mine who was in Ellston's Class of 1938 and who was also a college friend in 1940.
I asked these seven people, Nadine Hosfield, Mildred Carmichael, Pauline Wood, Kathryn Richards, Sam Treichler, Carroll
Geist, and Stephen Moon to please help with the correct identification and addresses of the kids in the 1927-1928 picture.
There was ONE reply to my request for help. (Two months later, on the 24th of February there was a thank you note from
Nadine Hosfield. Much later, there was a response from Pauline Wood.)
Mildred (Goldner)
Carmichael gave me the spark to continue my search in her newsy clue-filled letter of the 25 of December. Mildred had
a 1986 telephone directory which placed Vernon Lyons in Creston, IA; then there was a list of people from Ellston's
class of 1936 who attended the 1986 alumni banquet. The 1936 graduates included Delma (Long) Grimm of Ogden, Utah who was
one of the kids in the 1927-1928 picture. Mildred also remembered the name of "Raymond" for the boy who was named Daub.
There was some Ellston information and up-to-date information about Mildred's sister Ruby's family. What a start! Thank
you, Mildred.
[Page 4] There were sources of help available to me that will never be
forgotten. First, was my brother Kenneth Adams of Iowa City, Iowa who always comes to my rescue when I need something.
Kenneth made several trips to their public library looking for Iowa telephone numbers and gathering information; he
searched for clues in his own files about Ellston folks; and lastly, he shared with me his findings on a new nation-wide
data bank of telephone numbers. THANKS!
Sometime along the way, I called an old-time friend
for suggestions, namely, my cousin, Alvin Giles of Red Oak, Iowa who has tried to keep up with Ellston people for many
years by attending each alumni banquet.
Then there was Ma Bell herself. Telephone operators
provided many telephone numbers (for a fee) and also gave me personal assistance on some occasions.
Lastly, in this group belongs the book, A Century of Memories, Ellston, Iowa 1881-1981,
published in commemoration of 100 years of its town history. Surprisingly, there were goodies in the book that filled
some of my needs.
My telephone bills show that I began my serious searching on Saturday,
January 13 when I made four long distance calls including three to Longmont, Colorado looking for Dorothy (Walters) Brammer.
Our daughter, Janie Poteet of Denver had a Longmont telephone book. There were three or four Brammers listed. One answering
machine helped when it stated that, "Dorothy is in Arizona."Ah-ha",I said to myself, "now I have Dorothy's address." So I
mailed a picture to Dorothy's Colorado address, as listed in the telephone [Page 5] book. Several days later the post
office returned the letter to me and the envelope showed her Arizona address. I put the picture in a new envelope and re-mailed
the letter to Dorothy. This time it found her in Arizona. A few days later I had a letter from Dorothy. Eureka!
Also, on 13 January, I called Vernon Lyons of Creston, Iowa. We had a nice visit and he gave
me the address of his twin sister, Velda (Lyons) Knee. Vernon has been very helpful in identifying some of the people in the
in the picture. It was Vernon who later gave me the name James Barnes, telling that James was related to the Treichler
family. Again, I called Margaret Treichler Applegate who gave me James' address. On the 14th of December, I mailed pictures
to Vernon and to Velda. Thanks, Vernon. Your help has been greatly appreciated. On 8 March I had a letter from Velda
who told me about me about herself and her family.
After I mailed James Barnes a class
picture, I had a marvelous letter from him. Jim had many good memories of Ellston and the people there.
I recognized Merle Green in the picture and remembered that my Uncle Raymond Green once told
me that his nephew, Ray Green, lived in Tatum, New Mexico. On the 14th of January, Ma Bell found Ray's telephone number in
Tatum. Ray gave me information about his brother, Merle, and also referred me to his sister, Faye Olson of Des Moines who I
then called. They each were very helpful, and furnished the address of Merle's widow who I mailed a class picture to on 15 January,
[Page 6] On the 14th of January 1996, I called Kathryn O'Grady Richards of Mt. Ayr,
Iowa. Good for her! Kathryn reminded me that Gene Stewart had married Wilma Collier from the Ellston Class of 1938. After
Gene's death Wilma re-married to Marian Travis and they were of the Creston area; Kathryn knew that Virginia Cornwall's
last name was Haley; and that Dean Whitson was of Chariton, Iowa. It was clear that there was more searching to do! The
same day I had a good visit with Wilma Travis and mailed her a picture on the 14th.
I was having lots of fun on the 14th, so continued my telephoning by calling Dean Whitson. We, too, had a good visit and
he promised that if he ever visits Carlsbad Caverns - many people do - that he would stop to see me when he came through
Roswell. He didn't remember the Class picture but I told him that he was in it! His picture was mailed the next day.
Now, guess what! A week or two later after Delma Long Grimm came on the scene and had
received her picture, she wrote that Dean Whitson was NOT in the picture.
Delma insisted that Dean was attending the
Beaconsfield school at that time. Delma knew because Dean lived across the road from her, and the road served as the
dividing line between Ellston and Beaconsfield School Districts. I could hardly believe Delma. The boy looked like Dean.
If not, WHO was he? Another one of my goofs? Another unknown? It was a couple of weeks before I confronted Dean again and he
admitted that he was not in the picture. But he knew most of the kids in the picture, so I told him to keep the picture.
Dean explained that his parents bought the Jessup property and this put Dean in the Ellston School District. He started
to school in Ellston in [Page 7] the seventh grade. Retha Bellamy was his first Ellston teacher.
Also on the 14th, I made two or three unproductive calls to Des Moines and Minneapolis in search of the Wilhelm family,
using the numbers from the public library that were furnished to me by brother Kenneth. I had no luck in reaching anyone
who was related to Beryl Wilhem.
At last, I searched A Century of Memories, p. 142 which
revealed a few tid-bits about Beryl's life after he left Ellston. It told that after his death, he left a son, Freddie,
in Northern California. From the telephone listings, I called several people named Fred Wilhelm but found none who had
roots in Iowa, or who were kin to Beryl. I suspect I spent more time on this search than any other because I thought
the name was uncommon and would be easy to find. Not so!
On the 19th of January, I called
Bill Cornwall of Glendora, CA, an early classmate and friend of brother Kenneth. Bill was very helpful and gave me his sister
Virginia's address. I mailed a picture to Virginia Haley a few days later. Amazingly, a month later on the 17th of February,
I had a telephone call from Virginia. We talked for almost two hours. What a wonderful surprise, as Virginia, too, had
many Ellston memories. She was able to identify some of the unknowns. First, she cleared up the mystery of Willard and
Georgia (Dickson) Henderson. Yet, they continued to live in Des Moines part of the year. She also had their winter
address in Florida. The boy I thought was Dean Whitson, Virginia remembered as Willard Hosack; the one I thought was
Max Jessup, Virginia identified as Floyd Lent. Later, Pauline Wood also remembered [Page 8] Floyd Lent's name; and Delma
Grimm remembered Willard Hosack. At last, we now have every class member properly identified!
On the 19th of January, I
reached two Daub families in Creston. Two names listed in the phone book were Rex Daub and Shirley Daub. Shirley was a
sister-in-law of Raymond Daub and she promised to send an address of Raymond's kin.
A Century of Memories, p. 137
told that Rolland Johnston was of Bennett, Iowa. So on the 19th of January, Ma Bell helped me with Rolland's telephone
number. Rolland was easy to find and was helpful by giving me information about Harold. I didn't take very good notes
(there was so much to write), so in April I telephoned Nina Johnston, Harold's widow in Michigan. (Rolland had given me
her address). Nina, too, was helpful. This time I took better notes!
On the 23rd of January, I asked Ma Bell to provide
me with a list of people named Grimm who lived in Ogden, Utah. I contemplated the list for a bit then decided to try to
reach the Ralph Grimm residence. Guess what! Delma answered the phone! What a nice surprise! Delma came across a very happy
and up-beat person. She was a joy to talk to! Delma has been very perceptive in helping to solve some of the picture
puzzles. It was interesting to know that Delma and Dorothy Walters Brammer write to each other.
On the 25th of January, I
decided that it was past time to start a search for our teacher, Miss Ermal I. Lovelace. So I wrote a letter to my many-times-removed
"Bishop cousin" June Beals, professional genealogist, of Des Moines. June and I had [Page 9] corresponded for three or four years, off and on,
because we were looking for genealogical data about our 18th Century Bishop family from which we both descended. June and
I are distant cousins!
I asked June to see if she could find our 1927-1928 teacher, Miss Lovelace, on the 1910 and
1920 census in Iowa and, if found, see what else she could find about her. I knew I could count on
super researcher June. She did not let me down.
A month later, on the 25th of February, because of June's research, I was
able to telephone our own Miss Lovelace, now Mrs. Bueter in Waterloo, Iowa! What a thrill to talk to my third grade
Thank you, June. I know all of my classmates will be happy to learn about Miss Lovelace's whereabouts. They
probably will want to drop her a note. Keep in mind that she will be 94 years old on 26 Oct 1996. What a treasure!
Also in January, it was time to work on the Jessup family. I remembered that there was a Max Jessup. The computerized
phone list showed several Max Jessups. The one in the Kansas City area (Peculiar, MO., to be exact) seemed to be the
most logical. So on the 26th of January 1996, I called Max Jessup.
Max answered the phone. I said, "I'm looking for a
Max Jessup who used to live in Iowa." Max said, "I used to live in Iowa." I said, "I'm looking for a Max Jessup who lived
near Ellston." He said, "I lived near Ellston."
From there, it didn't take us long to get re-acquainted. He gave
me the Denver address and telephone number of his sister, Berniece (who is now called "Betty").
As soon as we finished talking I telephoned Berniece. She was more surprised than her
brother when I told her my name. She said, "How in the world did you find me?" It was, indeed, one of today's miracles.
We had a good visit.
Soon after, I mailed Max and Berniece each a picture. A few days
later Max returned his picture to me, saying, "I'm not in the picture. I was older. I do not know the boy between
Porter Moon and Willard Henderson." Darn! Puzzles, puzzles! It was when Virginia Haley called me on the 17th of February
that I learned that the unknown boy was Floyd Lent!
On the 26th of January, I mailed a
class picture to an old Des Moines address of our classmates, Willard and Georgia (Dickson) Henderson, the only two people
in the picture who married another person also in the picture. The present day telephone book does not list their number.
Obviously, they had moved or had an unlisted number. The picture was not retuned to me, so I could only assume that they
received it. After I had talked to Virginia Haley on the 17th of February, I knew I should try to reach the Hendersons
in Florida. I called them on the 28th of Feb. Their Florida telephone number is listed. We had a good visit.
On 30 Jan. I called Wayne Ellison of Eden, TX. (My husband got Wayne's latest address from his
former employer of Roswell.) I had mailed him a picture a week or more ago. There had been second hand reports that Wayne
and his sister did not think Wayne was in the picture. Indeed, Wayne stated again that he did not think he was in the
picture. It turned out that my math and Wayne's math are worked by different systems. I "figure" Wayne is in the picture.
Ever-so-many classmates think Wayne is in the picture. I [Page 11] had a letter from Wayne a few days later. He sent me
a newspaper clipping of his high school class of 1938.
On 13 Feb. 1996, I telephoned Valiere
(Creveling) Stewart of Ellston, Iowa who I hoped could help me with the Carl Pedersen puzzle. She referred me to a nephew
of Carl's, Jim Pedersen, of Mount Ayr and to Carl's niece, Mary Lou Letsinger of New York. Mr. Pedersen could not help
at this time. Mrs. Letsinger was difficult to reach. At last, I talked to her on 23 February. We had a good visit. Mary
Lou also referred me to another cousin, Karen Hershberger of Goshen, IN.
It was Karen who
told me the names of Carl's two daughters; Carol and Sue. I mailed pictures to Karen on 5 March for Carl's daughters.
In the meantime, I had not forgotten Virginia Cornwell's clues about Willard Hosack and Floyd
Lent. Again, I turned to brother Kenneth for telephone listings. Soon I received nation-wide searches for Hosack and Lent.
The Lent list was a long one; the Hosack list was a short one so I worked on it first.
There was no Willard Hosack listed; there were only two "W. Hosacks" nation-wide, showing that the name was quite
uncommon. I called both W. Hosacks; one of Washington State; one of Florida. Neither one was named Willard. From this
evidence, I presumed that "our" Willard either (1) lost his life in World War II, (2) had an unlisted phone number or
(3) died more recently in the United States.
After thinking it over, on 27 Feb., I asked
my husband if he would go to the Latter Day Saint's library in Roswell and check the Social Security Death Index for Willard
Hosack. It was there that Willard's name was found. I was saddened to learn that Willard was [Page 12] not living, but glad
to find a record about him. This surely was our classmate.
Delma Grimm had a memory or two
about Willard Hosack, but at this moment there is nothing new about Floyd Lent even though I talked to a man named Floyd
Lent of Virginia; and a lady in Idaho whose late husband was also named Floyd Lent. They didn't belong to any of the
Lents in Ringgold County, IA.
At last, news items from Clearview Home in Mt. Ayr,
published in the Mount Ayr Record-News told about a Clarence (Junior) Lent of Virginia who visited Lois Creveling
at the home. I called my cousin Raymond Anderson of Ellston (who visits his mother frequently at the Clearview Home).
After a little inquiry, Raymond was able to furnish the address of this Junior Lent. Again, Ma Bell helped me with
the telephone number and I talked with Berniece (Hammond) Lent who gave me good information. I asked Berniece for
the telephone number of her sister-in-law Wanda (Lent) Creveling of Des Moines.
I was reluctant to call Wanda Creveling on Mother's day but it turned out fine. Wanda, too, was most helpful. She
furnished Lent info about her parents and brothers and sisters and identified the Floyd Lent that I'd been looking for as
Floyd Warner -- not Floyd Lent! No wonder I had had problems. Now all the Lent puzzle pieces were fitting together.
At last!
From this point, I did not keep good records of the numerous telephone calls and
letters. I was pushing myself to get finished!
Forgive me if I left out important
things about you. I worked with the information received from all of you. If you delayed in [Page 13] responding to my
first request, and if there was published information found about you elsewhere, I used that information in your
short biography to follow.
Please forgive whatever errors I've made. There surely will
be some, but I tried very hard to be accurate. One of you wrote to me, "After all, I'm 75 years old." Well! Aren't we all?
This report became larger than ever expected. It has kept me alert for a while. You
see, I'm housebound. When it becomes "fun" to make sense out of my latest Medicare Reports, (Ha, ha!) then you can be
sure that this Class Picture Report was "a piece of cake". It's been a great adventure. Thank you for making it so!

Front Row, Left to Right
Merle Green, Gene Stewart, Vernon Lyons, Lyle Hosfield, Willard Hosack
Merle Green, deceased. Married Naomi Musser of Bethany, MO. They had seven children, one not living. Merle
was killed in an automobile accident in 1957, near Leavenworth, Kansas. Merle's widow, Naomi (Musser) Green Aber, lives
at [street address], Kansas City MO 64127. (Info from Ray Green, Tatum, NM [telephone #] and from Faye Olson,
Des Moines, IA, [telephone #]).
Gene Stewart, deceased. Married Wilma Collier who was in Ellston's Class of 1938. They farmed north of Ellston,
then moved to a farm east of Ellston. Gene died from a heart attack at age 33. Gene and Wilma had four children.
Wilma married Marion Travis [divorced]. In 1996 Wilma Travis was of [street address], Creston, IA, 50801. [telephone #]. (Info from
Wilma Travis and A Century of Memories, p. 189.)
[Gene was born in 1917 and died in 1949; Wilma Florence
(Collier) Stewart was born 10 Mar 1921, Ellston, and died 28 Jun 2012. They were interred at Ellston Cemetery, Ellston IA.]
Vernon Lyons. Class of 1936, Ellston High School. Vernon responded to the call for help in identifying some of the
people in this class picture. However, he did not tell much about himself. In 1996, his address was [street address],
Creston, IA 50801. The return address on his letter said, "Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lyons" so we know he had a wife. His telephone
number: [telephone #]. (Info from letters from Vernon in 1996.)
[Vernon W. Lyons was born in 1914, died in 2000; Fern M.
Lyons was born in 1930, and died in 1975. They were interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Union County IA.]
Lyle Hosfield, deceased. Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Lyle was the class secretary. Lyle married Nadine Wood
in 1942. (Nadine was in the 1939 Class of Ellston.) Lyle was a farmer. The Hosfields were the parents of two children,
Dan and Marsha. In 1981, Dan was of Leawood, Kansas. In 1996, Marsha and family lived near Ellston and Marsha taught
at the Creston College. In 1996, Nadine does volunteer work at the Ringgold County Museum in Ellston at the
site of the restored Pioneer home of the Cornwall family. She is also a member of a choral group, "The Friday Singers,"
who give concerts for various organizations. Nadine's address: Ellston, Iowa 50074. (Info from A Century of Memories,
p. 172; also from newspaper items from The Mount Ayr Record-News; and a letter from Nadine in 1996).
[Lyle was born in 1919, and died in 1971; Nadine was born in 1922, and died in 2006. They were interred at Ellston Cemetery, Ellston IA.]
Willard Hosack, deceased. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hosack. At one time, Willard's father was the depot agent
in Ellston. Willard was born 22 February 1920. His Social Security number was issued in the State of Iowa. Willard died
Nov. 1987 when his residence was in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. (Willard was remembered by two or three classmates.
His father's name was received from Delma Grimm; several classmates recalled Mr. Hosack's place of employment; other info
from Social Security death index, 1994 edition).
[Willard was born 22 Feb 1920, and died 12 Oct 1987,
Los Angeles CA ~ California Death Index, 1940-1997]
Second Row, Left to Right
Geraldine Adams, Bernice Jessup, Velda Lyons, Mildred Goldner,
Dorothy Walters, Georgia Dickson, Virginia Cornwall
Geraldine Adams. Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Born 18 June 1920 in Ellston. Received B.S. in Ed. at
Northwest Missouri State Teachers College of Maryville, 1941; received M.S. in Ed. at Kansas State College in 1967;
received Sp. in Ed. at Kansas State College in 1974. Married 1943 to Charles W. Hampton of Bethany, MO. Have two
daughters, Janie of Denver, CO. and Becky of Lakeland, FL. Have four grandchildren: Kristen, Stephen,
Betsy, and Katie. Geraldine taught school 27 years in all, 24 of
them in Carthage, MO. Charles was a uniformed member of the Missouri State Highway Patrol for 30 years. Geraldine has
had serious health problems for several years. The Hamptons moved to Roswell, NM in 1980. Geraldine Hampton worked on
family genealogical puzzles for more than 20 years. In 1994, she was given an honorary lifetime membership in
the Roswell Genealogical Society. (Address [street address], Roswell, NM 88201-7857; telephone [telephone #]).
(Info from personal knowledge.)
[Geraldine was born on 18 Jun 1920, and died 02 April 1998, Roswell NM.
~ US Social Security Death Index, 1935-Currrent]
Bernice Jessup, now Berniece Vincent. Born 9 Feb 1920. She has been called "Betty" for many years. She graduated
from Creston, IA, high school. Berniece took air line training with United Air Lines and worked for them in New York,
Washington, D.C., Chicago and Cleveland. Her husband was an air force officer who was stationed in S.C., Germany and
Waco, TX. Betty attended business college in Waco, then went to Denver to live where she worked as a secretary for United
Air Lines, then later for the Federal government. She retired from the government in 1987. Betty has two sons, Richard
and Robert Vincent. As a yong girl she did horse back riding. Now she reads, cooks, eats, walks, watches TV and movies.
She has a special interest in movie classics because of her son Richard who has been a theater manager for many
years. Betty Jessup Vincent; [street address], Denver, CO., 80231. Telephone: [telephone #]. (Info in a letter from
Berniece Jessup).
Velda Lyons. Velda was married to Carroll Knee in 1944. They moved to Yakima, WA., where Carroll died in 1954.
They had a son, Charles. Velda returned to Iowa and worked 28 years for the Jennie Edmundson Hospital in Council Bluffs;
she retired in 1984. Velda makes quilts. She has made some for her four grandchildren. Velda stays busy in her
Nazarene Church. Velda Knee's address: [street address], Council Bluffs, IA 51501. (Info from Velda (Lyons) Knee).
Mildred Goldner. The Goldner family moved to Kellerton, Iowa in1932 where Mildred graduated from High School in 1936.
She received her B.S. degree in 1942 from NWMO State Teacher's College where she studied art and home economics. Mildred
married Bruce Carmichael 11 Jun 1943, who had also been a student at Maryville. After WWII, the Carmichaels lived in
Independence, MO. In 1965, they moved to Lebanon, MO., where they still live. Bruce is a chiropractor. Mildred taught
school 32 years including three years of country school, one year at Kellerton, 15 years in Independence, MO., and
10 years in the Waynesville-Ft. Leonard Wood school system. The Carmichaels have one son, James, also a doctor of
chiropractic of Springfield, MO. They have 2 grandsons and 2 step-grandchildren. Mildred retired from teaching in 1974 because
of rheumatoid arthritis. She helps in her husband's office; they have travelled (sic) a great deal. Mildred does gardening,
reads, collects books, Frederic Remington prints and bronzes. Address: [street address], Lebanon, Mo., 65536; telephone:
[telephone #]. (Info from a letter received from Mildred Carmichael on 25 March 1996).
[Mildred was born
07 Mar 1918, Ellston IA, and died 17 Aug 2002, Lebanon MO, interment Oak Hill Cemetery, Maryville IA.]
Dorothy Walters. Class of 1936, Ellston High School. Born 10 July 1918. Dorothy taught country school five years,
then one year in Ellston, after which she switched careers and turned to office work. Dorothy was married for several years
and has two sons. Her son Ray has four children, two boys and two girls; her son John has two children, a boy and a girl.
Dorothy has two great-grandchildren. Her sons are a God-send to her and her grandchildren are such a joy. Dorothy worked
twenty-two years at Rocky Flats, a nuclear plant in Colorado and retired from there. She and her cousin Doris Gray Vance
have been going to Arizona for several winters. More recently, Dorothy's sister Mildred and husband Mack Vanatta have also
been going to Arizona where they all have friends. They play golf and play cards. Arizona's altitude has been better for
Dorothy's health than Colorado's. It may be necessary for Dorothy (Walters) Brammer to move to Arizona permanently, even
though all her family live in Colorado. Her Colorado address is [street address], Longmont, CO 80501. Telephone:
[telephone #]. Dorothy's Arizona address is: [street address], Casa Grande, AZ 85222-1467. (Info from letter received
from Dorothy (Walters) Brammer on 11 April 1996.)
[Dorothy died 10 April 1998, interment at Foothills Gardens
of Memory, Longmont CO.]
Georgia Dickson. Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Married Willard Henderson, a classmate, who is also in the
1927 picture. Georgia operated her own beauty shop in Des Moines for 15 or 20 years. Georgia and Willard had two children,
a daughter who lives close to them in Des Moines; and a son of Rockford, IL. They have grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren. They enjoy living in a retirement community in Florida part of the year. (See also Willard Henderson).
(Info from Georgia Henderson on 28 Feb 1996, by telephone).
Virginia Cornwall. Virginia was the Salutatorian and the Vice-President of the Class of 1937, Ellston High School.
Born 11 Feb 1920. Married Mr. Haley in Iowa; moved to California in 1945. Virginia has one daughter, Joyce, three
granddaughters, and four great-grandchildren (two boys and two girls). They are her whole life. All of them live in
Virginia's vicinity. Joyce (the daughter) worked at Hughes Aircraft for many years. Virginia worked for a cosmetics factory
for nine years where she helped with manufacturing and bottle labeling. She left that job and became a trainee at a
bank in the bookkeeping department. Later, she worked with installment loans; then in the mortgage investment department;
then into commercial loans and documentation. She did bank work for 33 years in three different banks. The names of the banks
often changed because of mergers. Her last place of employment was at Union Bank. When she has time, Virginia Haley does
reproductions of porcelin (sic) antique dolls, tea pots and clocks. Making porcelin (sic) dolls is her favorite hobby. Virginia's
address is: [street address], Torrance, CA 90501. Telephone: [telephone #]. (Info from Virginia Haley via telephone in
Feb. and May 1996).

Third Row, Left to Right
Pauline Gray, Ruby Goldner, Kathryn O'Grady, Delma Long,
Raymond Daub, Samuel Treichler,
Carroll Porter Geist, Carl Pedersen
Pauline Gray. Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Married Donald Wood. Pauline and Donald lived 37 years on their
farm north and west of Ellston. They were parents of four boys and three girls. In 1975, the Wood family moved to
Sun Valley Lake, east and north of Ellston where they participate in activities of the retirement community. Pauline's
name sometimes is listed in the Mount Ayr Record-News among the golf players. Her address is Pauline Wood
[rural route address], Ellston, IA 50074. (Info from A Century of Memories, p. 120; from news items in the
Mount Ayr Record-News; and address from a label on correspondence received from Pauline on 25 March 1996).
[Pauline was born 28 May 1919, and died 22 Jul 2013. Donald was born 18 Jun 1918, and died 19 Mar 2004. Interments were
made at Ellston Cemetery, Ellston IA.]
Ruby Goldner, deceased. Moved to Kellerton, Iowa in 1932. Was in the Class of 1937 in Kellerton. Ruby was a student
at NW MO State Teachers College 2 1/2 years where she majored in art. Because of an eye injury, she discontinued her
education at Maryville. Later in her life, Ruby completed her art degree at Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa. Ruby married
Dean Jackson in [June 1st] 1941, a farmer who lived two miles north of Kellerton. Dean also sold Silage Systems which allowed Ruby and Dean
to travel a great deal. Ruby belonged to Rebekah Lodge, Order of the Eastern Star, American Legion Auxiliary, and
P.E.O. Sisterhood. The Jacksons had five children: Dick, Joy, June Ann, and twins Donna and Donald. Donald died at age 20.
Ruby was successful in exhibiting and selling her paintings. She died in 1981 of an inoperable brain tumor. (Info received
on 25 March 1995 from Mildred (Goldner) Carmichael.)
[Ruby was born Feb. 25, 1920, and died May 30, 1981.
Dean was born November 7, 1919, and died April 24, 2000. Interments were made at Maple Row Cemetery, Kellerton IA]
Kathryn O'Grady. Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Birthday: 21 Jan. 1920. Kathryn was married 42 years and
lived in Tingley, Iowa. She lived in Creston for eight years, and now is of Mount Ayr, Iowa. Her children are: Sons,
Donald of Des Moines; Doyle of Tingley; Daughters, Joyce of Lamoni, Janet of Winterset, Diane of Sioux City, and Debra
of Rockport, MO. There are 22 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Ten years ago, Kathryn made a trip to Australia,
New Zealand, and Hawaii. In June 1995, on a bus tour in Ireland, Kathryn saw the country of her ancestors through the eyes
of three daughters and one daughter-in-law. Kathryn is legally blind. She continues to maintain her scrapbooks. She
attends St. Joseph Catholic Church in Mt. Ayr where each week she places centerpieces on all of the tables. Address:
Kathryn (O'Grady) Richards, [street address] Mt. Ayr, IA 50854. Telephone: [telephone #]. (Info from Kathryn Richards in a telephone
Delma Long. Class of 1936, Ellston High School. Born 2 Feb 1919. Married Ralph Grimm of Grand River, IA., in [March 10] 1937.
The moved to Utah in 1953. Ralph died in 1989. They had been married 52 years and were the parents of five children:
Peggy of Ogden; Roger of Los Angeles; Tom of near Salt Lake; Ed in Vermont; and Kaims of North Salt Lake. Delma worked
for the government and retired ten years ago. Delma has been an excellent helper in furnishing clues and information
for writing this report. At home, she has assembled 30, or more, scrap books. She keeps busy with yard work and with
helping others. Delma works one or two days a week at the Union Station museum. She still misses Iowa, but likes
Utah's weather. Her address: [street address], Ogden, Utah 84484-3926; her telephone: [telephone #]. (Info from a
telephone conversation and letters received from Delma Grimm, 1996).
[Delma was born on February 21, 1919, and
died on February 23, 2013. Ralph was born Sept. 23, 1911, and died Aug. 4, 1989. They were interred at Ogden City
Cemetery, Ogden, UT.]
Raymond Daub, deceased. Raymond, born in [April 30] 1917 was the oldest child of Jesse and Florence (Jones) Daub.
Raymond's brothers and sisters were: Mildred, Frances Arthur, Lloyd, Dorothy, and Naomi. Dorothy, born in 1928, in Ellston,
is the only surviving child of Jesse Daub. The Daubs left Ellston in the 1930s and farmed near Tingley, Iowa. Dorothy
started to Tingley School in about 1933. Her father, Jesse Daub and his brother Richard owned and operated the Daub
garage in Ellston. Raymond (in the class picture) and his wife Marjorie had one son; Raymond and his wife Hazel Karmes had two
sons and a daughter. Two of the children are Bobby and Joyce. In 1996 Joyce Pierce is of [address], Blanket, TX 76432.
After army service [World War II, Battery B, 161 Field Artillery Battalion], Raymond moved to Texas where he did
landscaping work. Raymond had heart problems and heart surgery [passing away on April 8, 1970, Dallas TX]. (Info from
Dorothy Reed [address], Gravity, IA 50848; telephone: (telephone #).)
Samuel Treichler. Born 10 April 1920. He was 10 when his family left Ellston for California. They returned to
Kellerton, IA., where Sam graduated from High School, and where he worked in the family lumber yard for two years.
Then he went to college at Maryville, Mo. When WWII started, Sam joined the Navy [SK2] for four years. He married Virginia
Lyon of Clinton, Iowa who formerly taught in Kellerton. After the war, he received his Bachelor's Degree at the
University of Iowa. Then Sam managed retail lumber yards at Elma, New Hampton and Waukon, Iowa. He owned a remodeling and paint
store in Waukon for six years, after which he taught Distributive Education at High School in Des Moines. Virginia
taught third grade at Ankey (sic, should be Ankeny), Iowa for 18 years. Sam earned his Master's degree at Colorado
State University in Fort Collins, CO in 1972. He retired from teaching in 1983. Soon after, they moved to Oregon to be
close to their daughter, Carol and family. Sam has good memories of Ellston. He remembers playing with cousins and
friends in the school yard, and also around the old tin gym building, as their family lived very near the school. Address:
Sam Treichler [street address], Tualtin, OR 97062. Telephone: [telephone #]. (Info from Sam in a telephone
call and also a letter received 19 April 1996).
Sam died September 29, 2010, and was interred at Willamette National
Cemetery, Portland OR. His epitaph reads, "Loved By All."
Carroll Porter Geist. Class of 1937, Ellston High School, Born in [Nov. 28] 1919. Lefty was an outstanding sports star of
the Ellston School, excelling in both baseball and basketball. Sports has been his life time interest. After high school,
he tried out for the St. Louis Browns. Carroll married Cleola Burchett of Mount Ayr. They had two sons: Cullen
Keith and Crae Lynn. In 1981, they had two grandchildren. Both of the sons excelled in sports. Lefty was a business
man in Mt. Ayr, IA for more than 30 years. The Record-News showed that his business was named "Lefty's".
In more recent years, it is called "Lefty's Club Tavern". The Geist family are active in community affairs. (Info
from A Century of Memories, p. 161 and p. 165. Mt. Ayr Record-News, as mentioned above).
[Carroll died 23 Mar 2001; Cleola, born 09 Nov 1925, died 20 Apr 2013, both interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ay IA]
Carl Pedersen, deceased. Class of 1936, Ellston High School. Carl was severely injured while he was in military
service during World War II. He was in the hospital for a year where Jane was his nurse. Carl and Jane were married,
then had two daughters, Carol and Sue. The daughters grew up in Michigan. Carl and Jane are both deceased.
(Information from telephone conversations with: (1) Valiere (Creveling) Stewart, Ellston, IA 50074; telephone:
[telephone #]; (2) Mary Lou Lestinger, Stoney Brook School, Stony Brook NY, 11790-1799; telephone [telephone #] (Carl's niece who is
a daughter of Art Pedersen; Mary Lou is also a niece of Valiere Stewart); and (3) Karen Harshberger, [address],
Goshen, IN 46526; telephone [telephone #]. (Carl's niece who is a daughter of Ellen (Pedersen) Fisher)
Fourth Row, Left to Right
Harold Garland Johnston, Leland Porter Moon, Floyd Warner/Lent,
Willard Henderson,
Beryl Wilhelm, James W. Barnes, Wayne Ellison
Harold Garland Johnson, deceased. Valedictorian of the Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Born 12 August 1920. Went
to the U. of Iowa as a freshman where he met Nina Lyman who was from Des Moines. He and Nina were married in 1944. Harold
transferred to St Ambrose College in Davenport where he received his A.B. degree in history while Nina finished her A.B. degree
in economics at the U. of Iowa. Harold enlisted in the navy and went to Signal School. He became a Naval Lieutenant and was
stationed in Australia. He was sent to Harvard University for special training; then was sent to Yale University for graduate
work. Because of economics, he gave up his ambition to be a playwright and went to the U. of Michigan where he received
his Master's degree in Library Science. He and Nina lived in Troy, Michigan in Oakland County in the vicinity of Detroit.
Harold became the Director of two large libraries at the same time, namely: (1) Baldwin Library at Birmingham, MI.,
and (2) the Bloomfield Twp., Public Library at Bloomfield Hills, MI, all in the Detroit general area. Harold and Nina had one
daughter, now Diane Rice of Troy, and one grandson, Yale Rice, who is age 14 in 1996. Harold had retired when he became
terminally ill with cancer. He died in 1985. Nina lives in a retirement center in 1996. (Info from Nina Johnston,
[street address], Sterling Heights, MI.; telephone [telephone #]; most info came from a telephone conversation; also a letter;
Nina's maiden name came from Century of Memories p. 137. The initial contact was with Rolland Johnston, Bennett,
IA, 52721; telephone: [telephone #].
Leland Porter Moon, deceased. President of the 1937 Class, Ellston High School. Born 11 May 1920. Throughout his school
years, he was called Porter. Later in his life he was called Lee. Porter was married Bernice Marie Jackson (Class of 1938,
Ellston) on 7 March 1942. They have one son, Stephen Moon, who in 1996 lives in Monroe, NC. Bernice died on 23 May 1953.
On 12 June 1954, Lee married Evelyn Corll of Manchester, IA. They had two children, a son Scott, and a daughter, Sandra.
Lee and Evelyn lived in Cedar Rapids, IA until 1960, when they moved to Orlando, FL. Porter was a WWII veteran. He was
very active in Masonic work in Orlando. He was retired from Martin Marietta, Aerospace Division. Porter died 1 Dec 1986.
(Info from his obituary published in Mount Ayr Record-News on 11 Dec 1986).
Floyd Warner, (called Floyd Lent in Ellston), deceased, son of Mrs. Nita Warner, widow. His father's name is not
known to this writer. Nita Warner married Floyd Lent, brother of Clarence "Curley" Lent of Ellston. Because Nita had a
son named Floyd, her new husband started being called Davy Lent in order to distinguish him from his step-son, Floyd
Warner, who was now also called Floyd Lent. Floyd (Davy) Lent did not have any children of his own, and he never adopted
the Warner children. HOWEVER, the Warner children used the name Lent as long as they lived with their step-father. As
adults, they once again used the name Warner. Floyd (Davy) Lent was a carpenter and a painter. After Ringgold County,
Floyd Lent lived and died in Perry, Iowa. It is presumed that Nita and her sons also lived there. The step-sons were:
(1) Aubrey Warner, reported to be of Mason City, and perhaps of Minnesota;
(2) Garold Warner, perhaps of Indiana;
(3) Truman Warner, perhaps of Tama, Iowa;
and (4) Floyd Warner, of Des Moines.
In order to clarify another Lent family
who lived in Ellston, here's information about them, as follows: Clarence (Curley) Lent, son of Leonard and Emma Lent
married Birdie Alice Bryant. Clarence and Birdie had the following children, most or all who attended Ellston Schools:
(1) Deles Lent was in the Ellston Class of 1934. He married Anne of France when he was in the navy. Deles is deceased
but his wife Anne and a daughter live in Reno, NV. [Deles was born December 7, 1916, and died May, 1975. Anne (Guillou)
Lent was born Feb. 27, 1912, died Aug. 25, 1998. They were interred at Mountain View Cemetery Reno NV; their epitaph reads, "Together Forever."]
(2) Wanda Lent married Elwynn (Jake) Creveling of Ellston. They live in Des Moines.
[Wanda J. (Lent) Creveling was born June 2, 1918,
and died Dec. 24, 2003. Jake was born Feb. 3, 1914, and died Nov. 17, 2003. They were interred at Ellston Cemetery, Ellston IA.]
(3) Emma Lent married Edward Pohl of Ohio, They lived in Alaska. Edward is deceased. Emma now lives in San Jose, CA;
(4) Clarence, Jr. (called Junior) Lent married Berniece Hammond of Ellston. They now live in Palmyra, VA.;
(5) Patricia Lent married Linden Brown of TX. Patricia now lives in San Jose, CA;
(6) Richard Lent, deceased, married Susan Taylor. They live in Antioch, CA.
(Information about these families received from
(1) Berniece (Hammond) Lent, wife of Junior Lent of [street address], Palmyra, VA 22963, telephone: [telephone #], by
telephone on 10 May 1996 and from: (2) Wanda (Lent) Creveling, wife of Elwynn (Jake) Creveling of [street address,
Des Moines, IA 50310; telephone: [telephone #], by telephone on 12 May 1996).
Willard Henderson. Class of 1937, Ellston High School. Married Georgia Dickson who is also in the 1927-1928 picture.
Willard retired 1978-1979 from the Meredith Printing Company, publishers of Better Homes and Gardens magazine in
Des Moines where he worked for 38 years being in charge of the air conditioning for the printing presses. The Henderson's
summer address is [street address], Des Moines, IA 50300; unlisted telephone number. Their winter address is [street
address], Bowling Green FL 33534-9706; telephone [telephone #]. (See also Georgia Dickson). (Info from
Willard Henderson on 28 Feb 1996, by telephone; addresses from telephone books and from Virginia Cornwall Haley).
Beryl Wilhelm, deceased. Born 1917. Beryl and his brothers were all musically talented. They performed mostly for
public dances where they played the fiddle, the banjo, and other instruments. Their music was much in demand. Beryl met
O'Dean Tamblyn of Canada at a military base in Western Canada during WWII. Later, they married and lived in Ca., where
Beryl was a member of semi-pro music groups. O'Dean is also deceased. Their son Freddie lived in the San Francisco area.
One of Beryl's brothers was Harley Wilhelm who had a noted scientific career. Harley was a chemist and a professor at
Iowa State College in Ames and contributed to the development of the atomic bomb. (Info from A Century of Memories,
p. 140-142 and p. 31-36).
[Beryl was born February 8, 1917, served as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II,
and died December 27, 1971. O'Dean was born July 23, 1910, and died October 30, 1956. They were interred at Golden
Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno CA.]
James W. Barnes. "Jim" In Ellston Jim lived with his parents and Treichler grandparents in the large Treichler
residence on East Main Street. The Treichler family owned the Ellston lumberyard. Jim's father ran a garage across the
street from the lumberyard. From Ellston, the Barnes family and his grandparents moved to Cherokee, IA., then
later to a farm near Murray, IA. Because of the distance to school, Jim lived with two aunts in Greenfield where he graduated
from high school. He married Ruth of Murray in 1939, then moved to Long Beach, CA., where Jim worked for Douglas
Aircraft Company. Jim was in the Navy during WWII, after which he moved to Mesa, AZ in 1946 where he has lived ever
since. He and Ruth have three children, a daughter and 2 sons, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Ruth taught school 19 years in Mesa and had her Masters degree from Arizona State University. Jim retired in 1981 from Maricopa
County as Contracts Administrator for the Human Resources Department. Jim is an active "ham' on radio and would
like to make a contact with other hams. Please write to set up a schedule. Jim and Ruth are both active in the
First United Methodist Church in Mesa. Jim has many good childhood memories of Ellston. His address: [street address],
Mesa, AZ 85201. (Info from two letters from Jim in Feb. and March 1996).
[James was born Sept. 7, 1918, and died
Nov. 24, 1997. Ruth (Ries) Barnes was born August 28, 1920, and died August 4, 2003. They were interred at City of
Mesa Cemetery, Mesa AZ.]
Wayne Ellison. Class of 1938, Ellston High School. Born 6 Sept. 1920. He attended the Ellston School for 13 years.
He left Ellston in 1942. His wife is Vienna. Together, they have four children. In Roswell, NM, Wayne worked for Russ
Plumbing and Heating Company. Wayne regretted leaving Roswell for Eden, TX., but his wife's mother, age 96, needed their
care. He continues to work when people have odd jobs that need to be done. Address: [street address], Eden, TX 76837.
Phone: [telephone #]. (Info from: telephone conversation with Wayne and a letter from Wayne in Feb. 1996).
[Wayne died on December 9, 2002. Interment made at Eden Cemetery, Eden TX.]

[Page 28] Ermal I. Lovelace, teacher. Born 26 Oct 1902, probably in Wayne Co., Iowa, daughter
of Otto and Effie (Grimes) Lovelace. The 1920 census showed that Miss Lovelace had one sister and five brothers,
namely: Edna, Everett, Clifford, Cleo, Ralph and Russell. In 1987, Ermal's brother Ralph's obituary was printed
in the Des Moines Register and it listed his sister Ermal Beuter of Waterloo.
The Fairview Cemetery index
in Black Hawk County listed a tombstone for Ermal I. Bueter. Our genealogical researcher, June Beals, contacted the Iowa
Genealogical Society for more information and discovered that Emal's husband, Lewis Bueter, died in 1960 but that Ermal
(Lovelace) Bueter is very much alive. Her address is [street address], Waterloo, Iowa, telephone [telephone #].
June Beals called the residence on 18 February and talked with Ermal I. Bueter. I called her on 25th of February.
Our Miss Lovelace is in good health. She and a son live at the same residence. She had another son who died at age 5;
she has two granddaughters; her brother Cleo (called Jim) is still living. Miss Lovelace got her teacher's training at
Cedar Falls, Iowa. She said it would be difficult to remember the early students. I sent her a class picture and a list
of the names. (She will receive on of these "Reports"). I have not had mail from her, but we had a good telephone
conversation. You may want to contact her too. The following records, found by "Cousin" June Beals are the ones which led
to the discovery of Miss Lovelace. Thanks, again, June Beals!
From June Beals, professional genealogical
researcher, [street address], Des Moines, IA 50310:
1920 Census Soundex - Wayne County, IA
Ott Lovelace -- | born -- | Indiana -- | age 45 |
Effie | wife | Indiana | 49 |
Everett | son | Iowa | 20 |
Ermal | dau | Iowa | 18 |
Edna | dau | Iowa | 16 |
Clifford | son | Iowa | 13 |
Cleo | son | Iowa | 10 |
Ralph | son | Iowa | 6 |
Russell | son | Iowa | 3 |
Jackson Grimes -- | father-in-law | 87 | Indiana |
The 1925 State of Iowa Census: Wayne County, Warren Twp., Book 102, line 121
Lovelace, W.O. -- | head of family -- | 49 | 32 years in Iowa |
Effie -- | Wife -- | 54 | |
Ermal -- | child -- | female -- | 22 professional |
Edna -- | child -- | male -- | 20 |
Clifford -- | child -- | female -- | 17 |
Cleo -- | child -- | male -- | 15 |
Ralph -- | child -- | male -- | 10 |
Russell -- | child -- | male -- | 7 |
Obituary File 1987 on -- #61 Index cards LO--Mannesetter
Ralph Lovelace -- | age 71 -- | death recorded in |
Des Moines Register | 27 December 1985. | Lists |
sister ERMAL BUETER | of Waterloo, Iowa | |
Waterloo is in Black Hawk County. Fairview Cemetery Index
Waterloo, Black Hawk County.
Bueter, Erma I. page 140
Lewis N. page 140
Fairview Cemetery, Waterloo, IA
949. Bueter, Lewis H. 1904-1969
950. Bueter, Erma I. 1902-____
Received data from cemetery. Appears there was a stone for Erma in 1985 when Cemetery was canvassed, but
she had not died. I called the cemetery and they do not have her listed. Will check telephone book.
Waterloo phone book
BUETER, L.H. 121 Moir St. 50701
Reach Ermal Irene Lovelace Bueter at the above address and telephone number.
[Ermal died in 1999 and was interred beside her husband at Fairview Cemetery, Waterloo IA. Also interred at Fairview
Cemetery is Charles W. Bueter, born 1935 and died 1940, "Son of Ermal and Lewis Bueter."]
Enjoy our GOOD NEWS! [Geraldine (Adams) Hampton signature]
Geraldine (Adams) Hampton compiler
18 June 1996
Typist - Patti Dana

Karma Dixon also submitted the following.
Click on the link to view the item. Click on either thumbnail photograph or
caption to view enlargement; click on your browser's 'back' button to return to this page.
The Class of 1936 included Lucille (Buell) Jackson, Lois (Creveling) Brown,
Valiere (Creveling) Stewart, Doris (Gray) Vance, Delma (Long) Grimm,
Vernon Wesley Lyons, Carl Pedersen (deceased), Mack Vanatta, Dorothy (Walters) Brammer and Lois (Wright) Waller.
Ellston Alumni Banquet, 1986
honoring 50-year Class of 1936
Transcription of 50-Year Honor Class Speech
Ellston Alumni Banquet, May 24, 1986
Following are links to complete transcriptions of the letters written by
members of the 50-Year Honor Class of 1936:

The Class of 1937 included Geraldine Adams, Virginia Cornwall, Georgia Dickson, Keith Foster, Carroll Geist, Pauline Gray, Willard Henderson, Lyle Hosfield, Giles Johnston, Harold Johnston, Porter Moon, Kathryn O'Grady, John Priest, Clinton Rice, Dean Whitson.
Ellston Alumni Banquet, 1987, honoring 50-year Class of 1937
Classmates Celebrating 50th Wedding Anniversaries

Submissions by Karma Dixon, February of 2014
Transcriptions and notes [in brackets] by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2014