Ellston High School Alumni Banquet 50-Year Honor Class of 1936 May 24, 1986
Lois (Wright) Waller Synopsis of 50 years!

We were married in 1946. We lived with Cecil's folks on a farm south of Ellston. In 1939, our son,
David, was born. Cecil's folks moved to town and we stayed on their farm another two years. This didn't work out
too good so we left to get on our own. We moved quite a lot spending 3-1/2 years in Seattle, Washington, where we
both worked at Boeing Aircraft. Cecil was 47, due to a heart murmur and this was during the war. At the end of the war,
we came back to Iowa, where we bought a movie theater. As the little towns were phased out by television, we sold the
show and Cecil started a garage in our own garage. He did mechanic and body fender work. We bought our house when we
moved here and have kept it all these years. We decided we wanted to retire on a farm and at 57 and 60 years old we
bought a farm (120 acres) near Osceola. We farmed there two years and Cecil developed an aneurysm which required major
vascular surgery and no work afterward. We sold the farm and moved back to Ida Grove. The last two years he has been
pretty good. My health is fair and I haven't worked for several years. I worked as a waitress many of the years and
enjoyed it tremendously. We do lots of camping and boating and fishing. At least, we drag a line and a hook with
a fish worm on it! I read a lot and we have traveled a lot of the U.S.A. I used to do most of the sewing for myself
and the grandchildren; lately, I've kinda lost interest in it. We have six grandchildren. David has two girls and
one boy. Denny has two girls and a boy. The oldest graduated from high school this year and the youngest is 2-1/2 years
old. Cecil works in his garage when he feels like it. Keeps him active. I keep house - an eight room one with a full
basement besides. Keeps me active too. Retirement is great but I would really enjoy working in the public
again. We had open house July 11 for our 50th wedding anniversary. Our 50th alumni was fun. We thought, the best yet.
June 1986 made many memories for us. I hope we can all be there again in 1987.
Submission by Karma Dixon, February of 2014
