GRAND VALLEY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Kellerton, Ringgold County, Iowa
Underclassmen, 1967 - 1968

L-R: Marsha Hosfield, Betty Hopkins, Carl Burton, Linda Adams |

L-R: Linda Edwards, Vicki Peterson, Pam Wilcoxson, Carol Meier |

L-R: Paula Greimann, Retta Griffin, Linda Lowman, Janet Moren |

L-R: Maurice Jones, Jackie Phipps, Carol Miller, Peggy Combs |

L-R: Pat Daily, Jesse Crees, Kay Keller, Pat Perkins |
Left, bottom to top: Pat Perkins, Parliamentarian; Jackie Phipps, Vice-President; Linda Adams, Treasurer; Right, bottom to top: Betty Hopkins, Secretary; Linda Edwards, President.
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L-R: Cheryl Thomas, Bobby Jimmerson, Marcia Wicker, Billy Mercer |

L-R: Shirley Jackson, Larry Griffin, Karen Snook, Michael Shields |

L-R: Gloria Palmer, Melvis Jimmerson, June Jackson, Jackie Van Laar |

L-R: Merna Peterson, Bob Boles, Sandy Smith, Lee Hardy |

L-R: Linda Nichols, Linden Bowen, Becky Euritt, Mike George |

L-R: Sherry Jackson, Raymond Quigley, Barbara McWilliams, Gary Scott |

L-R: Linda Hohn, Bob Daily, Janine Van Laar, Chris Overholtzer |

L-R: Kathy Deemer, Ronnie Binning, Greg Johnson, John Klein |

L-R: Peggy Smith, Johnnie Burton, Sharon Becker, Reuben Minthorn |

L-R: Kathy Weigel, Steve Lowman, Renee Bucy, Ricky Jones |

L-R: Darrell Adams, Larry Jensen, Ray Dean Fassler |
Standing, L-R: Melvis Jimmerson, President; John Klein, Parliamentarian; Bob Daily, Treasurer. Seated: Janine Van Laar, Secretary.


L-R: Morris Noftsger, LeAnn Nichols, Jimmy Clough |

L-R: Stephen Sickels, Bonnie Bucy, Rodnie Kelly, Sheryl Becker |

L-R: Ronald George, Barbara Perkins, Terry Burton, Jacque Dickey |

L-R: Lyle Greimann, Lorri Strohl, Terry Phelps, Sheila Smith |

L-R: Randy Van Laar, Marella Mercer, Randy Vanderflute, Linda Emig |

L-R: Myron Bucy, Nancy Jackson, Ronnie Trower, Deanna Powers |
Top to bottom: Ronnie Trower, Secretary-Treasurer; Nancy Jackson, President; Morris Noftsger, Vice-President.

L-R: Kenny Greenland, Reba Hunt, Donna Scott, Beverly Peterson |

L-R: Carol Thomas, Okalona Adams, Geraldine Richman, Teresa Brooks |

L-R: Glenda Palmer, Susan Payton, Randy Emig, Reta Comer |

L-R: Sherry Brown, Donna Jackson, Billy Hohn, Joane Moren |

L-R: Patty Adkisson, Debbie Patton, Barry Hall, Diana Stuart |

L-R: Tommy Giles, Mike Kean, Timothy Fullerton, Barry Jackson |

L-R: Doug Virden, Eddie Fassler, Gene Burton, Russell Smith |

L-R: Nicholas Morrell, Roger Fassler, Randy Hamblin, Gary Mercer |
Beverly Peterson, Treasurer; Timothy Fullerton, Vice-President; Mrs. Cannon, Sponsor; Okalona Adams, President; Joane Moren, Secretary

L-R: Russell Corll, Terry Munyon, Dale Scott, Ricky Keller |

L-R: Steven Norris, Danny Jackson, Harold Adams, Derrick Bucy |

L-R: Debra Jimmerson, Kevin Hewlett, Stephanie Virden, Richard Binning |

L-R: Cindy Dickey, Gary Phipps, Tom Perkins, Vicki Van Laar |

L-R: Julie Baker, Norman Newton, Bruce Hamblin, Jacque Daughton |

L-R: Deborah Brandt, Vickie Fugate, Teresa Kean, Danny Straight |

L-R: Gail Noftsger, Patricia Deemer, Kathy Burton, Larry Comer |
Kevin Hewlett, President; Gail Noftsger, Secretary; Ricky Keller, Vice-President; Terry Munyon, Treasurer; Mrs. Mullen, Sponsor.

First Row, L-R; Mrs. Elliott, Teacher; James Miller, Dick Stark, Gerald Adams, Clark Perkins, Lois Griffin, Terry Lesan, Roland Jackson, Losha Fassler.Secont Row: Roger Baker, Joe Fullerton, Lena Hohn, Cindy Burton, Steven Wilky, Michele Dickey, Tom Shields, Rodney Smith. Third Row: Carmen Parkhurst, Randy Johnson, Kelly Nichols, Becky Scott, John Phelps, Marilyn Stuart, Norman Minnick, Ronda Scott.
First Row: Billy Bucy, Sandra Payton, Howard Shields, Penny Patton, Dayna Norris, Debra Corll, Ricky Comer, Jerald Adams, Greg Hewlett, Jane Sickles.
Second Row: Mrs. Dufty, Teacher; Dan Overholtzer, Kendall Foland, Rhonda Comer, Janette Van Laar, La Vinia Burton, Joyce Binning, Debra Boyer, Rodney Munyon, Connie Shields, David Sickels
Third Row: Terry Hamblen, Stanton Becker, Carol Stark, Joyce Jones, Amy Noftsger, Barbara Waller, Mary Boles, J. C. Burton, Cathy Thomas, Mike Stuck.
First Row: Mrs. Reynolds, Teacher; Sammy Booth, Darrell Bucy, Michele Stuck, Sandra Burton, Gail Palmer, Monte Greenland Second Row: Debra Wicker, Duane Mickael, Debbie Straight, Billy Fifer, Mark Boles.Third Row: Diana O'Dell, Steven Vanderflught, Marlin Binning, Bob Newton, Tammy Dickey.
First Row: Richard Thomas, Danny Stark, Francis Shields, Kelley Dickey, Scott Jennings, Arlan Mickael, Douglas Jackson, Rodney Smith, Kevin Wookey, Twila PaytonSecond Row: Mrs. Bridger, Teacher; Edward Daily, Wyatt Haldin, Cleo Shields, Pamela Parkhurst, Steven Becker, Terry Brandt, Judy Pierschbacher, Chris Padgitt. Third Row: Wayne Jones, Curtis Holmes, Jerri Nichols, Kim Gorman, Roger Johnson, Kevin Greenland, Lee Snow, Keith Stark, Michael Waller.
First Row: Brenda Woodard, Kelly Schwalbe, Debbie Doolittle, Ricky Hopkins, Kim Greenland, Aaron Wilkey, Lori Comer, Danny Van LaarSecond Row: Jerry Shields, Lynda Binning, Sherri Smith, Rodney Holmes, Alan Shields, Barry Baker, Craig Greene, Theresa Waller Third Row: Mrs. Irene Schwalbe, Teacher; Kim Minnick, Cristy Boles, Steven Walters, Craig White, Becky Parkhurst, Brian Hewlett, Marty Lesan, David Moren
First Row: Mrs. Bucy, Teacher; Penni Doolittle, Darla Hartwig, Barry Burton, Carrol Adams, LuAnn JacksonSecond Row: Carla Perkins, Athena Padgitt, Jesse Jennings, Susan Waller, Garey Woollums, LeAnn Coleman Third Row: Ricky Walters, Kurtis Campbell, Eddie Minnick, Sharon Gussman, Ricky Emig, Randy Simpson
First Row: Lori Schwalbe, Rex Miller, Dianna Smith, Linda Hardy, Lori Binning, Karen StuckSecond Row: Mrs. Dentler, Teacher; Brian Baker, Eddie Born, Shelly Patton, Curtis Pierschbacher, Angela Hewlett, Brenda Jones
First Row: Mrs. Gussman, Teacher; Paul Burton, David Daughton, Jackie White, Mary AdamsSecond Row: Jon Clough, Michael Fugate, Brenda Woollums, David Haldin, Harold Vanderflught
First Row: Jolene Hardy, Curtis Wilkey, Curtis Greene, Peggy Adkisson, Craig StogdillSecond Row: Mrs. Merna Van Laar, Teacher; Donita Woodard, Ricky Evans, Carolyn Parkhurst, Williard Shields, Clifford Jones, Garla Palmer
