GRAND VALLEY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Kellerton, Ringgold County, Iowa

First Row: Mr. Harold Adams, Sponsor; Vicki Peterson, Secretary-Treasurer; Terry Barnes, President; Alan Klein, Vice-President.Second Row:Randy Van Laar, Donna Wicker, Sandy Smith, Maurice Jones, Mike Shields, Deanna Powers.

First Row: Mr. Harold Adams, Sponsor; Deanna Baker, Parliamentarian; Shirley Baker, Treasurer; Kathy Greenland, President; Janice Binning, Vice-President; Virginia Shields, Secretary; Terry Barnes, Historian.Second Row: Jesse Crees, Marlene Pridgen, Marsha Hosfield, Melody Parkhurst, Lana Nichols, Karen Snook, Janine Van Laar, Cheryl Thomas, Larry Griffin. Third Row: Bob Boles, Shirley Jackson, Mitzi Virden, Pat Daily, Pam Wilcoxson, Kay Keller, Merna Peterson, Linda Adams, Ronnie Binning, Rick Jones. Fourth Row: Bob Daily, Maurice Jones, Sharon Becker, Kathy Weigel, Retta Griffin, Gloria Palmer, Janis Overholtzer, Linda Nichols, Sarah Johnson, Chris Overholtzer, Greg Johnson.
First Row: Robert Stark, President; Larry Griffin, Treasurer; Mr. Dicky, Advisor; Jack Van Laar, Secretary; Mike Adkisson, Vice-President; Bob Daily, Sentinel; Maurice Jones, RecorderSecond Row: Jim Clough, Dean Scott, Harold Brandt, Roland Peterson, Jim Hoffman, Melvis Jimmerson, Jesse Crees, Ronald George, Rodney Kelly. Third Row: Myron Bucy, Stephen Sickels, Gary Scott, Mike Shields, Alan Klein, Marvin Perkins, Ronnie Binning, Bob Boles, Randy Van Laar, Morris Noftsger. Fourth Row: Darrell Adams, Raymond Quigley, Bill Mercer, Lindon Bowen, Ray Fassler, Lee Hardy, Larry Jensen, Steve Lowman, Mike George, Ronnie Trower, Lyle Griemann.
Chapter Sweetheart, Shirley Baker (left), and Attendant, Janine Van Laar
At Left, 1968 Sweetheart Court: Bob Boles, Janine Van Laar, Sweetheart Shirley Baker, Mike Adkisson, Bob Daily. At Right: Country Ramblers.
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First Row, L-R: Sharon Becker, Sherry Jackson, Donna Jackson, Deanna Powers, Karen Snook, Shirley Jackson.
Second Row: Carol Miller, Nancy Jackson, Linda Emig, Susan Payton, Reba Hunt, Melody Parkhurst, Greg Johnson, Morris Noftsger, Steve Norris, Barbara Jimmerson, Mitzi Virden.
Third Row: Stephanie Virden, Julie Baker, Dale Scott, Rusty Corll, Terry Munyon, Barry Jackson, Doug Virden, Debra Jimmerson, Chris Overholtzer, Billy Hohn, Danny Hackson, Bev Peterson.
Fourth Row: Reta Comer, Debbie Patton, Virginia Shields, Janis Overholtzer, Deanna Baker, Mr. Steinberg, Director.
LeAnn Nichols, Drum Major (left). Majorettes (right): Linda Nichols, Janine Van Laar, Pat Perkins, Kathy Greenland, Barbara Jimmerson

Color Guard (left): Bob Boles, Jim Hoffman, Maurice Jones. Band Queen (middle): Janine Van Laar. All-State Tryouts (right): Mitzi Virden.
First Row, L-R: Mr. Steinberg, Director; Retta Griffin, Virginia Shields, Lyle Griemann, Jim Clough, Morris Noftsger, Mitzi Virden, Peggy Smith, Renee Bucy.
Second Row: Sarah Johnson, Melody Parkhurst, Pat Perkins, Cheryl Thomas, LeAnn Nichold, Deanna Powers, Marcia Wicker, Goldie Hardy, Sharon Becker.
Third Row: Shirley Jackson, Barbara Jimmerson, Deanna Baker, Nancy Jackson, Linda Nichols, Gloria Palmer, Lana Nichols, Sandy Smith, Bonnie Bucy, Marcella Mercer.
First Row, L-R: Sherry Brown, Donna Scott, Vicki Fugate, Carol Thomas, Donna Jackson, Patty Adkisson, Julie Baker, Kathy Burton, Debbie Patton, Jacque Daughton. Vicki Van Laar, Reba Hunt, Beverly Peterson, Cindy Dickey, Debbie Jimmerson, Patricia Deemer, Teresa Brooks, Okalona Adams. Third Row: Stephanie Virden, Deborah Brandt, Larry Comer, Doug Virden, Tommy Giles, Eddie Fassler, Derrick Bucy, Glenda Palmer, Susan Payton, Mrs. Gussman, Director.
