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I.O.O.F. Building
by Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Kellerton I.O.O.F. #425
Middleton Furniture Store
by Kathy Gregg |

E. G. Smith Building built 1902, East Side
by Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Bank Building, West Side, 2009
by Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Brooks Farm Supply
former Jones Medicine Chest
by Kathy Gregg |

Kellerton I.O.O.F. #425
John White's TV
Middleton Furniture Store
by Kathy Gregg |

Town Hall &Jail
by Sharon R. Becker |

Jenkie's Home
by Kathy Gregg |

Former Foland School
Music Room
Grand Valley School
by Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Detail of former Jones Medicine Chest
G.S. Bowlby building*
Nov. 10 1915
Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Sign from
Kellerton High School
by Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Kellerton High School &gymnasium
by Kathy Gregg |

United Methodist Church
by Sharon R. Becker, 2009 |

Interior Methodist Church
by Kathy Gregg |

Ray McFarland Residence
by Kathy Gregg |

Weldon &Louise Meadows Residence
by Kathy Gregg |

near Castel Home
Alice B. &Kathryn Jones
by Kathy Gregg |

Ora &Nellie Fugate Residence
by Kathy Gregg |

Kellerton Street Sign
made by Rex Jackson
by Kathy Gregg |

by Kathy Gregg |
Kathy Gregg's submissions are from her mother's photo albums.
Thank you for sharing them with us, Kathy!
*Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr IA, October 08, 1915: R. M. Bowlby has purchased the Ted Higgens lot on the west side of Main Street and will commence work at once on a new one-story business building.
Ken Baker writes: "Louise Meadows was the "forever" church organist at the Methodist Church and I believe Weldon Meadows
was the long time school janitor. Ora and Nellie Fugate lived [in the house above] for many years. They had two children -
one being Dean, now deceased, and his wife who still lives in Kellerton - Rose now Merrill. I think Ora and Nellie's daughter's
name was Elizabeth but not for sure."
Shirley Ingram wrote, saying that Ora and Nellie Fugate's daughter's name was Judy.
Kathy Still writes: "John White's TV later moved across the street. Charley and Otha Middleton owned Middleton's
Furniture store. They put Jan through Nurse's training. She was like a daughter."
Ray McFarland had a rock truck. Ray and
Eileen McFarland had three boys - Gary who married Susie Hoffman, Eldon, and Denny - and two daughters - Joy and Raleen (sp?).
Barney Gorman lived there before Ray and Eileen."
Weldon Meadows and his brother Jamie Meadows had Meadows Brothers'
Garage across east from the old fire station and south of the lumber yard. Louise Meadows' father Alvin Davis was the
janitor at the school. Weldon had a stroke in the late '50's and had to retire. Much left side paralysis. They had a
son "Bo" (who died in a hunting accident while in high school), and 2 daughters - Janice (Skip Farley) and
Ann (Dunshee). Louise did play the organ for years at the Methodist Church. The organ was donated by the Maude and Earl
Merritt family in honor of their mother."
Ora Fugate was married to Nellie Arnold. They had 2 children - Dean who was
married to Rose Motsinger, and Judy who was married to Larry Kaestner of Lamoni."
Thank you Ken, Shirley, and Kathy for helping us put together a few slices of Kellerton's
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