Main Street, South Side
Ken Baker writes, "The corner building was originally built as a bank. [The word "BANK" is engraved above the door.] In the
late 1940's and through my high school graduation in 1962, it was the Ab ALLEN Insurance Agency. Ab and his wife Roma
lived in an apartment on the main level of the east end of the building. My mother would send one of us BAKER boys to Ab's
office once in awhile to pay on her insurance bill. We liked going there and watch Ab record the payment in a receipt
book using a black ink fountain pen. We thought that was pretty fancy."
Main Street, West Side
Ken Baker writes, "This building was the U.S. Post Office until the current building was built, probably about
1959. I know it was early on in high school as I gave the Our Flag reading at the dedication ceremony. If I have
my dates right, John KYL was our U.S. Representative and he was in attendance. This John KYL was the father of the current John
KYL, a U.S. senator from Arizona. Mrs. Marjorie YOUNG [high school English teacher of Grand Valley Community School] was my
tutor for getting ready for the reading. As usual, she was a real task master and I was scared to death." NOTE: I can attest to
the fact that Mrs. YOUNG WAS a task master, expecting nothing but our very best. She also prodded us to become better than
our very best. Although Ken was scared to death, we all know that he did Kellerton proud and gave a perfect reading.
West Side of Decatur Street, south of Main Street
Photographs by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
Jones Medicine Chest Site photograph by Kathy Gregg, August of 2009
More Kellerton Photographs
