Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 13, 2013
Tingley Alumni Banquet

The Tingley high school alumni banquet was held Saturday, May 25, 2013, at the Tingley community building. Sue
RICHARDS, class of 1957, had chosen the theme, "Pot of Gold." The tables and building were beautifully decorated
in rainbow colors. Several gathered at 5 p.m. in the shelter house to visit and moved inside at 6 p.m. to be
seated. RICHARDS welcomed 97 alumni and guests and thanked them for coming, insisting Tingley not let their colors
fade and die. RICHARDS thanked Doris BEEN, Cleone HOSFIELD, Mary Sue McINTOSH and Jenesse TULL for helping with
invitations and Melvin, Doris and Jeff RICHARDS for helping with set up. Dean EIGHME gave the blessing. Everyone
enjoyed the bountiful buffet meal prepared and served by the Tingley Methodist Women, headed by Suzanne MILLER.
Mary Jane MOSBY conducted the business meeting. Jenesse read the 2012 minutes. Mary Sue gave the treasurer's
report with a balance of $671.33. After much discussion as to whether they continue the banquet, TULL
volunteered to host for 2014. As the church ladies asked not to serve another year, TULL will find someone
to serve the meal. Judy POTTORFF was elected secretary for 2014 and McINTOSH will continue to serve as
treasurer. Donald RICHARDS read the roll call of classes. Anniversary attendees were: 75 years - Marjorie
WERNER; 70 years - Donald GROUT; 55 years - Judith (JOBE) POTTORFF, Brenda (BROWN) SHELBERG and
ANDERSON; and 50 years - Rita (DUKES) SICKELS and Patty (GROUT) STARK. RICHARDS read a letter received
from Betty
(MARRS) FENN from the 65-year class. HOSFIELD read a letter from Donald NEFF'S widow. Special guests
were Col. Dietrich GESCHKE of Arizona and Helga (GESCHKE) STOLDT and husband Juergon of Michigan. Dietrich brought
several copies of his autobiography titled "1309 days to Freedom," which he signed and sold. Marjorie WERNER led
everyone in the "Tingley Fight Song" with help from cheerleaders Cleone HOSFIELD and Pauline MURPHY waving their
pom-poms. McINTOSH read a poem written by her mother, Cora PRITCHARD. Donald DUKES gave credit and recognition to
the service men present for their freedom. Al IBBOTSON led in all singing "The Star Spangled Banner." DUKES sang
the beautiful song, "We Have This Moment Today." His two musically talented daughters favored with piano and
guitar music. They sang several songs and were joined in harmony by IBBOTSON and John ALLEN. It was excellent
entertainment. Myrna (ENGLAND) SPURLOCK and Hugh FERGUSON were very entertaining with many humorous "educational
comments." RICHARDS closed with a drawing for the flower pot decorations on the tables. Hopefully again next year
many alumni from Tingley will come home for another fun evening together.
Respectfully submitted by secretary, Jenesse TULL.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
