Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 05, 2008
2008 Tingley Alumni Banquet

The Tingley high school alumni banquet was held Saturday May 24, 2008, at the Tingley community building. The 96 in
attendance were greeted outside with a large pair of boots and a welcome sign framing the door. A western theme
was carried out in decorations, name tags and attire by the OVERHOLTZER co-presidents (Cleone, John and Jenesse). Joyce
OVERHOLTZER SCOTT gave the invocation before the UMW women provided a delicious western buffet with pork (roasted by
Brian DEEMER), barbecue chicken, baked beans, fruit cobblers and all the trimmings. Doris JOHNSON BEEN printed the
invitations, mailing labels and program booklets and Cleone OVERHOLTZER HOSFIELD was in charge of mailing invitations.
A short business meeting conducted by John was held with Sue RICHARDS reading the 2007 minutes and Karen WEEDA
PETTINGER giving the treasurer's report with a balance of $999.97 for 2007. Elected to be in charge of the May 23,
2009 reunion were Al and Lois TODD IBBOTSON and Jim and Mary Sue PRITCHARD McINTOSH with Sue and Karen remaining
as secretary and treasurer. It was voted to change the start time to 6 p.m. in 2009. Karen gave a report on
activities planned for Tingley's Quasquicentennial June 27, 28 and 29. Sue had the orange and black afghan made
and donated by Margaret TROXELL HULL was auctioned by Jenny OVERHOLTZER TULL. After much spirited bidding, the
afghan was sold to Dean EIGHME with $80 going to the alumni fund. Vicki SCOTT SOWERS entertained with jokes and
songs leading into a cowboy sing-along. The OVERHOLTZERS presented gifts for youngest member, Christine ENGLAND,
2008 graduate; coming the farthest, Rita IBBOTSON of Zimbabwa; oldest alumni present, Donald SCOTT, and
best western attire, Rita MILLER SICKELS. Cleone read a letter from the wife of Paul BUCK, class of 1940, before
giving the roll call of classes. Those graduated in attendance marking special anniversary years were:
70 years, Donald SCOTT, Helen HENDERSON SPENCER and Marjorie HILLEBRAN WERNER;
60 years, Donald and Juanita DRAKE CLOUSE;
50 years, Larry GILES, Brenda BROWN SHELBURG, Sharon KINNEY GLICK, Larry FORD, Beverly CLARK BENTZ, Judy JOBE
and 40 years, John Alan OVERHOLTZER and Sheri WOOD SHIELDS.
Happy trails to all until we meet again.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012
