Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 22, 2006
2006 Tingley High School Alumni Banquet

The Tingley High School Alumni Banquet was held Saturday, May 27, 2006 at the Community Building with 101 attending and
enjoying a buffet provided by the Tingley UMW. The Toby Tent Show theme was carried out with a welcoming striped tent
table set up by Reta DUKES SICKELS, co-president. Red and blue balloon sdecorated the tables along with Toby placemats.
Tied sacks of peanuts for each person were made by Reta, Phylis DUKES and Jane FEEBACK. Toby programs and invitations were
provided by Doris JOHNSON BEEN. Sue RICHARDS put up a large blue and red decorated "Welcome THS Alumni" sign to greet
those attending. Hugh FERGUSON gave the invocation and Donald DUKES, co-president, gave the welcome and conducted the
business meeting. Sue RICHARDS read the 2005 minutes and Karen WEEDA PETTINGER gave the treasurer's report. The FERGUSON
family (Donna, Darl, Hugh, Gay Lou and Gary) will host the alumni banquet May 26, 2007. John ALLEN entertained the
group with interesting background of each song before he sane, "Dear Hearts," "Right Field," "God Bless America,"
and "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You." Jena DUKES HUIZINGA accompanied John as well as provided piano listening
music before the banquet and played and sang with her father, Don DUKES, the closing son, "Hold Tight To Memories Today."
The roll call of classes was given by Donald DUKES. Those graduates in attendance marking special anniversary years
70 years - Elmer VANDERPLUYM and Fern BLAUER WAUGH;
55 years - Marlene GILES ZARR;
50 years - Darlene GILES BEAR, Shirley BLAUER MARTIN, Karen OWENS MINNICK, Earl PRITCHARD and Jim McINTOSH who read a
letter from classmate Helga GESCHEKE STOLDT;
45 years - Ronald SHIELDS;
35 years - Polly JOHNSON HARTSOOK;
30 years - Joni BROWN ROBISON;
and, 25 years - Lois TODD IBBOTSON. Door prizes furnished by the DUKES family were won by Harry SKARDA, Robert
MOSBY, Darlene VANDERPLUYM and Phylis DUKES. Don DUKES closing for the reunion of 2006 was "Remember we have this
moment today so cherish it."
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012
