Others who taught at Ringgold School No. 6, not in chronological order, are Ethel HUGHES, Emerson McANINCH,
Bessie RICE, LaVisa BURCHETT, and Cleda DANIELS.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, April 11, 1917
RINGGOLD - School commenced April 4 with Vey Seaton as teacher. She is staying at the Earl Butler home.
Ringgold School No. 6, 1928
BACK, left to right: Lawrence WILSON, teacher - Bessie RICE
4th ROW, left to right: Claude BARNHOUSE, Olin MARSHALL, Neva WILSON, Elsie SCOTT, Barton HALEY
3rd ROW, left to right: Louise KATER, Margarite KATER, unknown, Bill BURCHETT, Kenneth HALEY
2nd ROW, left to right: Maxine KATER, Iva Ellen HARNHOUSE, Dorothy WILSON, Lucille MARSHALL, Tansy SCOTT,
Fay BARNHART, Josephine KATER, Ava Marie BUTLER
FRONT ROW, left to right: Elizabeth BUTLER, Agnes BARNHART, Opal MARSHALL, Betty BURCHETT, Madge BARNHOUSE,
Bonnie HALEY, Inez MARSHALL, unknown, Gladys NOLTE

With the end of rural schools system in Iowa, the school
closed in 1952. Ringgold School was moved from its original location in the 1950's and used as a home. Located two miles east of
Mount Ayr
on Highway 2, then 2 1/2 miles south on a gravel road, 1/2 mile east.
Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, February 10, 2007
AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past. . .Ringgold County, Iowa 1855-2005 p. 17. Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr. 2009.
BANNER, Raymond V. Ringgold City, Iowa 1844-2002: From First Settlement to Forgotten Community Pp. 55-6. January 2002
Compilation by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009; updated May of 2010; updated April of 2017