Laveta J. MURPHY, teacher
Oak Ridge No. 5 opened school with an enrollment of seven pupils. There are as follows: Marvin Dean SHIELDS and Sylvia SCOTT, first grade; Lavina WEDDLE, second grade; Ione V. THOMPSON and Darlene M. SCOTT, third grade; John SHIELDS, fifth grade; Mildred SHIELDS, sixth grade.
Ione V. THOMPSON has neither been absent nor tardy since school started.
We are working on the Christmas seal campaign. We have sold 80 stamps so far. We hope to sell many more.
We made Christmas posters and window decorations.
Our school house has been repainted and a new wood house has been built. We also have new window curtains.
We had a box supper November 8th. We made twelve dollars and thirteen cents and have ordered a water cooler with part of the money.
Our next township meeting will be December 31 at the Ringgold school house. We would like to have every teacher of Lotts Creek township present.