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Clipper School No. 4

Middle Fork Township

Rollie K. BROOKS, a veteran of the Civil War, was hired to teach the winter term of 1868 at the Clipper School in Middle Fork Township. One day the pupils asked BROOKS what kind of treat he would give them on closing day of the school term. BROOKS solemnly stated that he had no intention of treating the students. The following morning, BROOKS arrived at the schoolhouse, finding himself locked out. The students vowed that they wouldn't unlock the door until BROOKS agreed to give them a treat on closing day. BROOKS walked away, pretending to go back home. The boys opened the door and ran out after him. Turning quickly, BROOKS ran into the schoolhouse. At the end of the day, however, the boys waylaid BROOKS as he made his way home. They threatened to duck him in if the creek if he did not promise to treat them as was the custom. Due to the coldness of the creek water, BROOKS promised. It is assumed the students got their treat on closing day.

Souvenier School Program, Clipper School
Sept. 4 1899 - Mar. 30, 1900

Lester HOFFMAN, Teacher


    Pearl GUTHRIE    George OLIVER     Grace FERGUSON
    Andrew MEKEMSON    Ivan HOFFMAN      Archie MEKEMSON
    Edna MEKEMSON    Ernest EATON     Allen FERGUSON
    Ethel GUTHRIE    Maud GUTHRIE     Leslie DENNIS
    Jim ATHEY    Elmer ATHEY     Ona HOOVER
    Ray HOOVER    Mell HOOVER     Ethel EATON
    Susie FERGUSON     Ollie FERGUSON     Elmer FERGUSON
    Ollie GUTHRIE    Vergil GUTHRIE     Clay DENNEY

Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, February 10, 2007

AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past. . .Ringgold County, Iowa 1855-2005 p. 17. Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr. 2009.

Redding, Iowa: The First Hundred Years 1882-1982 p. 43. 1982

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009

Ringgold County Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, November 12, 1931

Deva MILLER, teacher

There are six pupils enrolled in Clipper school. There have had four visitors since school started. Visitors are welcome at Clipper school.

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 26, 2015, Page 11

From "Snapshots of History" by Mike Avitt:

"When rural schoolhouses were first built in Ringgold County, they were built where the need was the greatest. But eventually districts were formed and education became organized. It was decided to place a rural school every two miles so a pupil would never have to walk more than a mile to school. My notes say Middle Fork No. 3 [Clipper School] was moved to the geographical center of that district in late July 1890. . . .As gravel roads and school buses made rural schools obsolete, they were sold."

Clipper School was moved from its original location in 1951 and used as storage on the Kenneth QUICK farm. Located three miles south of Delphos.


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