School opened at Brush College August 31, with sixteen pupils enrolled. They are as follows: Anna and Warren BROWN, Johnie and Katie OCSEN, Maxine, Gayle and Paul SMITH, James, Raymond and Lorene COX, Anada HUDSON, Quinton GOULD, Vernon CLARK, Chester and Lee STEELE and Irene HOOVER and Dean COBB.
We found our school house and play ground very clean and we are working to keep it that way. We also have a new swing.
The beginners are beginning to read real well now. They have starts indicating perfect reading lessons.
The fourth and fifth grades are working on illustrated booklets and posters for reading and enjoy it very much. The seventh and eighth grades are working on their geography and history note books. The seventh grade is also working on the weed booklets and the eighth grade is drawing maps of Iowa.
The grades this six weeks were usually good.
Several of the pupils made 100 percent in examinations. They were Paul SMITH, Dean COBB, Anna BROWN and Maxine SMITH.
Those who have been neither absent nor tardy are Anna BROWN, Dean COBB, James, Raymond and Lorene COX, Maxine, Gayle and Paul SMITH, Anada HUDSON, Irene HOOVER and Vernon CLARK.
The visitors so far this year are Eunice STROBURG and Lee HOOVER. Visitors are welcome at Brush College.

The following teachers will have charge of the various schools in Clinton township: