Kellerton Community School 1959 - 1960 Kellerton, Iowa
Transcriber's Note: My sincere apologies to those whose photographs were close to the inside edge of these pages.
The spine of this yearbook was such that I could not get a good scan without destroying the yearbook. I tried and did my very best.
We, the Senior Class of 1960, wish to dedicate our annual to our community of citizens that has established and maintained an excellent school system.
We appreciate the opportunity we have had to acquire an education in the American tradition, which we believe is second to none, including Russian.
Editor | . . . . . . | Jerry Euritt |
Assistant Editors | . . . . . . | R. D. Baker Ronnie Gillespie |
Sports | . . . . . . | Gerald Priest Junior Wicker Donna Mercer R. D. Baker |
Class Will & History | . . . . . . | Jerry Hall |
Class Prophecy | . . . . . . | Glenn Payton |
Typist | . . . . . . | Linda Higday Donna Mercer R. D. Baker Linda Virden |
Snap Pages | . . . . . . | Junior Wicker Ronnie Gillespie |
Photographer | . . . . . . | John Meadows |
Advertising | . . . . . . | Linda Higday Linda Virden |
DON OVIATT, B.A., M.A. Buena Vista College University of Iowa Superintendent
BACK ROW: John Van Laar, Dean Jackson, Norman Elswick, Don Oviatt. FRONT ROW: Roy Jones, Leo Gibson, John Grose.

MRS. DORIS HUNSICKER, B.S., M.S. Northwest Mo. State College Central Mo. State College Iowa State University Principal, Social Studies

MR. BILL YOUNG, B.S. Northwest Mo. State College P. E., Coach Commercial |

MR. EVERT HUNSICKER, B.S. Northwest Mo. State College Iowa State University Agriculture |

MRS. MARJORIE C. YOUNG, B.S. Drake University English |

MR. RICHARD SCHWALBE, B.S. Iowa State University Mathematics, Science |

MR. RONALD PERKINS, B.S. Fort Dodge Jr. College Iowa State Teachers College Biology, Drivers Education |

MADLINE BALLANTYNE, B.S. Simpson College Home Economics |

NORMAN MILLARD, B.S. Central Mo. State Instrumental Music |

JAMES THADEN, B.A. Huron College Vocal Music |
MRS. ANNABELLE ETHINGTON Superintendent's Secretary
BACK ROW: Mr. Oviatt, Jerry Hightshoe, James Sissel, Mrs. Hunsicker FRONT ROW: Jerry Hall, Gary McFarland, Jack Jones, Danny Hosfield, Linda Virden
Eugene Bullock, Herb Orth, Vern Priest, and Harry Shaner
Wallace Teale, Mrs. Neva Hoff, Mrs. LaVerne Fugate, and Mrs. Helen Reed.

GLENN PAYTON Class Officer . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . .3 Boys Chorus . . . . . . 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 2, 3 Student Council . . . . . . 2 Basketball . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Ag Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3 Music Groups . . . . . . 3 |

R. D. BAKER Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Basketball . . . . . . 1, 2 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 |

LINDA KAY HIGDAY Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Cheerleader . . . . . . 4 |

JUNIOR WICKER Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Basketball . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3 Ag. Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3 |

JERRY HALL Class Officer . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Student Council . . . . . . 4 President . . . . 4 Ag. Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . .3 |

SUSAN HOFFMAN Class Officer . . . . . . 1 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Student Council . . . . . . 2 Secretary . . . . 2 Girls Chorus . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Mixed Chorus . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Band . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Cheerleader . . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Music Groups . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Operetta . . . . . . 2 |

JOHN MEADOWS Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Boys Chorus . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Mixed Chorus . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Band . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1 Music Groups . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Operetta . . . . . . 2 |

LINDA LOU VIRDENClass Officer . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Student Council . . . . 2, 4 Secretary & Treasurer . . . . 4 Girls Chorus . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Mixed Chorus . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Band . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 1 Cheerleader . . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Music Groups . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Operetta . . . . . . 2 |

GERALD PRIEST Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Boys Chorus . . . . . . 1 Student Council . . . . . . 3 Ag. Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 |

JERRY EURITT Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Student Council . . . . . .3 Vice-President . . . . . . 3 Ag. Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Manager . . . . 2, 3 Operetta . . . . . . 2 |

DONALD MERCER Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Ag. Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 |

DONNA MERCER Class Officer . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Basketball . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Softball . . . . . . 3 |

RONALD GILLESPIE Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3 Ag. Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1 |

Donna Mercer, Secretary; Linda Virden, Vice-President; Glenn Payton, President; Jerry Hall, Treasurer.

We, the Senior Class of 1960, are coming to the end of our thirteenth year in school. Five of our members, R. D. Baker, Linda Kay Higday, John Meadows, Glenn Payton, and Linda Lou Virden, began school here in Kellerton in 1947. Others to start were Charles Feuring, Kenneth Herren, Starla Highland, Susan Hoffman, Kathryn Holmes, Sharon Kneedler, Larry Peppmeier, and Rose Turner. During the year we gained Billy Crawford. We lost Charles Feuring and Starla Highland. Our teacher during our primary and first years was Mrs. Murray. Our first grade started with the same students with the exception of Billy Crawford. During the year we were joined by Gary Manning and Charles Feuring. We were happy to have Meredith Morrison with us at the beginning of the second grade. Later Jerry Hall came into our group. Sharon Kneedler moved away and then later rejoined us. Charles Feuring, also, left us. During our third grade year, Linda Mauldin joined our class but we lost Rose Turner. Our class at the end of the third grade year numbered thirteen. Our teacher for the second and third grades was Mrs. Smith. At the beginning of the fourth grade the same merry thirteen students came marching into their new classroom. Our new teacher was Mrs. Richards. She, also, was to be our teacher during our fifth grade year. Diane Hunt entered our class about the mid-term. The fifth grade year brought us a number of new students. The new students who started at the beginning of the year were Junior Wicker and Ronnie Reynolds. Later Gerald Priest, Melvis Jeters, Dick Priest, and Janet Harris became members of our class. We are sorry to say that Janet Harris was not with us when we enrolled for the sixth grade. Melvis Jeters left our class during the year. Our teacher was Mrs. Young. The same eighteen students started the seventh grade. Our teacher for the seventh and eighth grades was Mr. Hunt. At the beginning of our eighth grade year Ronnie Gillespie and Carolyn Templeton joined our class. Linda Mauldin and Sharon Kneedler both left school during the year. Eighteen students graduated from the eighth grade. At the beginning of our freshman year our class consisted of Ronnie Gillespie, Jerry Hall, Meredith Morrison, Glenn Payton, Dick Priest, Susan Hoffman, Linda Kay Higday, Kathryn Holmes, Carolyn Templeton, and Linda Lou Virden. Donald and Donna Mercer became members of our class later in the year. Carolyn Templeton left during the year. Jerry Euritt started the sophomore year with us. Dick Priest left during the year. Kathryn Holmes finished the sophomore year. Virginia Hunt and Tom Weigel joined us at the beginning of our junior year. Tom Weigel quit school during the year. Virginia Hunt and Meredith Morrison left us at the end of the year. There were no new students to join us during the senior year. Susan Hoffman left us at the mid-term. Our class now consists of twelve students. Of these, three are girls and nine are boys.
 As the class of 1960 was contemplating its coming commencement, it fell upon me, Glenn Payton, to forecast the future of the above class. After finding I had no talent for forecasting the future, I left it at rest, but fifteen years later I had the good fortune to learn what had happened to my old classmates of yore. When I was unemployed, due to a strike at the missile plant, a philanthropist appeared at my door and presented me with a check for a million dollars. An idea immediately popped in my head. Why not try to find all of my old classmates who I had not seen since our graduation? As I was sitting there trying to decide where to begin my investigation, an article in the newspaper caught my eye. I must admit, that I have never been as greatly surprised. There was a picture of Donald Mercer. He had become a famous movie star and was appearing in his greatest picture in New York on Saturday. I packed my bags and arrived in New York early Saturday morning. I was finally able to get into Donald's studio to see him. He was very busy but he was glad to see me. We untangled from all his company and went for a walk in the park. We were deeply absorbed in our conversation and didn't notice the young woman sitting on the bench feeding the pigeons. Undoubtly, she noticed us, because she ran up and threw her arms around my neck. It was Susan. She invited us to her home for supper to meet her husband and family. We enjoyed ourselves immensely and during our conversation, Susan mentioned where we could contact Professor Junior Wicker, who was now an English professor and lived in Chicago, Illinois. After attending the movie I boarded the airplane. Much to my surprise the snappy airline hostess was Linda Virden. She told me she had been working for the airlines for the past two years. She had traveled around the world four times and had stopped at all the major airports. In our hurried chat, I learned that she was engaged to be married. As my trip ended, I gave her my best wishes and told her I was going to see Professor Wicker. I caught a taxi and went zooming to the University of Chicago. I caught Professor Wicker just as he was coming out of his class room. I had a long discussion with him--you know how Professors can talk! Junior had told me that Jerry Euritt was living on a large dairy farm in Kentucky. I telephoned Jerry from Chicago, and he said he would meet me at the airfield when I arrived. It took me a while to get away from the Professor, but I left as soon as I could and reached Louisville, Kentucky, at three A.M. the following morning. Dependable, old Jerry was right there to meet me. It was quite a journey to his farm, which I would call a ranch, but we made it in due time. I was delighted to meet his lovely and adorable daughters, but he was more interested in showing me the farm. After seeing all of his herd and experiments, we returned to the house for lunch. While we were sitting there talking Jerry brought up the subject of the Kentucky Derby. Here, I learned the where-abouts of another classmate. Gerald Priest was to race his famous horse, Fantangle, the next day for a $5000 prize. Immediately, I offered to take the whole family and go to the races. They were extremely thrilled--the girls especially. We arrived at Churchill Downs Course early the next morning, and we found Gerald in the stable with his horse. We stayed around the stables most of the morning watching the men with their horses, then we all had lunch together and hurried back to the races. It was a very exiting afternoon. Gerald's horse was the winner, which was very profitable for him and for us. We said our good-byes late that evening and drove back to Jerry's farm. The next morning while listening to the radio, I learned that another of my classmates had become famous. R. D. Baker was on the moon representing the United States in the Inner Planetary baseball games. As soon as I could get repacked, I left for Cape Canaveral, Florida, to take a rocket to the moon. I arrived in a surprisingly short time and stepped out into a fascinating new world. The flowers were in bloom and everywhere you looked you could see their beautiful colors. It was a cool day and I did not mind all the inquiries I had to make to find R. D. He wasn't going to be busy all day, consequently we decided to see the sights. While we were browsing through the many shops, we ran into Linda Kay Higday. Of all the people to find on the moon. She had been living there five years and had built up a very substantial business selling antiques. She closed up her shop and invited us to her home for lunch. We had a very different but interesting meal. The day was getting warm, therefore, we decided to spend the remainder of the afternoon swimming in her private pool. It was really refreshing. R. D. wasn't going to play any ball for a week and a half, and I thought it would be best if I didn't wait. Early the next morning, I headed back to Earth. I had four more of my classmates to find, and I didn't have the slightest idea where to begin. I decided to go to a detective agency and have them assist me in the chore. When I walked through the agent's door, I was shocked to see Donna Mercer seated behind the desk. She told me she had been in the business for six years and was considered a top hand. We had a long discussion while I told her what I had been doing. She didn't think it would be too hard to find the remaining three. She got busy on her job and the following day she telephoned me. She had found that Jerry Hall was in Atlanta, Georgia. I took a train and located Jerry in his hotel room. He had purchased the hotel and was spending his life as a professional bachelor and was enjoying it very much. He told me he had heard that John Meadows was in Europe. I decided to go there, but he insisted I spend a night in town with him first. I did just that, but I had to spend two days resting before I could go on. While I was at the airport getting my plane tickets, I ran into Ronald Gillespie. He was planning to take
a trip to Europe the following month and was making reservations. He told me he owned a motel and was doing quite well. He invited me to his home for dinner. I had a very delightful time, but I had to hurry to catch my plane. When I reached Paris, France, I started immediately to look for John. I found where he was staying, but was told the he was back in the hills painting. I must say, I was surprised to hear that, but asked them to give me directions. It was quite a hike, but I finally located him sitting by a big rock deeply absorbed in his work. We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting there talking about old times. We went back to his lodge and enjoyed a quiet evening by the fireside.

I, Donald Mercer, will my Chevy cars to Dick Jackson. I hope they run as good for you as they have for me.
I, Donald Mercer, will my basketball suit and my driving ability to Raymond Doser. I know you will do better than I have.
I, John Meadows, will my height to Dale Allen. I hope it does for you what it did for me.
I, John Meadows, will my ability to go with girls to Stephen Padgitt. I hope you can find more time than I did.
I, Donna Mercer, will my basketball suit to Sue Kaster. May she have as much success as I have.
I, Donna Mercer, will my privilege of dating a high scoring basketball player to Beverlee Barnes. Make sure he racks up a lot of them Beverlee.
I, Glenn Payton, will my ability to drive to school almost every day to Dick Jackson. It's sure easier than riding on the bus.
I, Glenn Payton, will my privilege of going with a sweet guard on the Kellerton basketball team to Don Allen. Kiss her every night, Don.
I, R. D. Baker, will my driving ability to James Fugate. Careful James, some ditches aren't too deep, but are mighty steep.
I, R. D. Baker, will my lawful knowledge of coming up with a fast answer when in trouble to Jack Jones. May you have better luck with it than I did, Jones.
I, Linda Kay Higday, will to Jan Holmes my ability to get along with most of the teachers. They say it helps, Jan, but I haven't seen any effects on my report card.
I, Linda Kay Higday, will my cheerleading sweater to Sharon Priest. Jump High!
I, Jerry Hall, will my place among the bench warmers to my brother, Darrell Hall. Make sure the bench stays hot all the time, Darrell.
I, Jerry Hall, will my nicknames, shorty, small fry, and pee wee to anybody that will take them. I'm going to out grow them one of these days.
I, Linda Lou Virden, will my title, Grandma, to Kenny Baker. Don't grow old before your time.
I, Linda Lou Virden, will my cheerleading suit to Julie Hunt. You'll make a good one.
I, Gerald Priest, will my hair to Lloyd Bedier. Keep it cut, Lloyd.
I, Gerald Priest, will my ability to sleep in the studyhall to Dale Allen. May he use it wisely.
I, Junior Wicker, will my ability to sleep in class and not get in trouble to James Fugate. Sleep soundly James.
I, James Wicker, will my ability to drive a car to school and to run a round at night to Don Allen. Don't let it get the best of you, like it did me.
I, Ronald Gillespie, will Nancy Spicer's telephone number to James Fugate. Call her very often, James.
I, Ronald Gillespie, will my ability to keep the road hot between Kellerton and Leon to Jerry Hightshoe. Better keep the tires watered down.
I, Jerry Euritt, will my ability to stay out of ditches to Kenny Baker. Make better use of it than I did.
I, Jerry Euritt, will my ability to get along with Betty Bear to Barry Walker.
BACK ROW: Mr. Oviatt, Ronald Gillespie, Jerry Euritt, Junior Wicker, Glenn Payton, Donald Mercer, John Meadows, Gerald Priest, Mr. Young.
FRONT ROW: Jerry Hall, Susan Hoffman, Donna Mercer, Linda Virden, Linda Higday, R. D. Baker.

Don Allen | |

Jack Jones | |

Phillip Fetters | |

Phyllis Hall | |

Linda Newton | |

Dick Jackson | |

Sharon Priest | |

Betty Bear | |

Stephen Padgitt | |

Gary McFarland | |

James Fugate | |
L-R: Phillip Fetters, President; Dick Jackson, Treasurer; Phyllis Hall, Secretary; Steven Padgitt, Vice-President.
JUNIOR CLASS NEWS Our junior year was filled with highlights. We did many different things which included electing class officers and council members, choosing class rings, attending our classes, and planning the Junior-Senior Banquet.
Class officers were elected at the first of the year and were to serve for two semesters. Phillip Fetters was chosen President; Stephen Padgitt, Vice-President; Phyllis Hall, Secretary; and Dick Jackson, Treasurer. The Student Council members chosen were Jack Jones for two years and Gary McFarland for one year. Gary McFarland dropped from our class record, and we elected Stephen Padgitt to serve the remainder of the term.
We now have ten members in our class, but we are looking forward to next year and our many new classmates we hope to have. Transcriber's Note: In the fall of 1960, Kellerton and Grand River schools consolidated to create Grand Valley Community School.
We have increased our class funds the past year by running a concession at all of the home ball games.
Our class play, directed by Mrs. Young, was a success. All of the members of our class took part in the work, fun, and practice. The play was, "Good Gracious, Grandma", which was a comedy. The hilarious predicament ended with three prospective marriages. Isn't this right [illegible]"
The day the class rings came will always be one long to remember. Our fingers seemed to just ache for the rings. The pattern we chose was "Stardust", with the school's title, Grand Valley on the crest. They will always be a beautiful reminder of our Junior year.
We are planning the Junior-Senior Banquet and we are sure it will be very nice. We have chosen May for the month to be honored by this occasion.
Mr. Schwalbe was our class sponsor, and we wish to thank him.
We must never forget attending classes that were combined with the Seniors.
CLASS REPORTERS Linda Newton Sharon Priest

Jerry Hightshoe | |

Roberta Hindes | |

Lloyd Bedier | |

Dola Mercer | |

Kenny Baker | |

Danny Hosfield | |

Judy O'Dell | |

Jan Holmes | |

Maurice Gillespie | |

Margurite Priest | |

Darrell Hall | |

Janet Stevens | |

Barry Walker | |

Anne Garrity | |

Ruth Epps | |

Suzanne Sissel | |

Gary Grose | |

Jean Baker | |

Raymond Doser | |

Julia Hunt | |
L-R: Jan Holmes, Vice President; Kenny Baker, President; Raymond Doser, Treasurer; Julia Hunt, Secretary.
SOPHOMORE NEWS We organized a club at the begining of the year. These officers were elected: President, Kenny Baker; Vice President, Jan Holmes; Secretary, Julia Hunt; Treasurer, Raymond Doser, and Student Council Representatives, Jerry Hightshoe and Danny Hosfield. Anne Garrity is the reporter for the Kellerton Globe each week. Our sponsor is Mrs. Young.
All of us are in English II. Mrs. Young says we're gabbiest of any of the classes, that is until she wants volunteers for speeches or interpretative reading. I guess that is quite possible, for most of us have known each other since grade school.
Mr. Schwalbe has all of us for biology. What a thrill dissecting worms, frogs, and many organs of other animals. It's a good thing lunch doesn't follow!
Most of us have world history. We get quite a kick out of some of our distant ancestors' actions.
Typing I was an elective and several took it. They say it saves you from writing much; this pleases them greatly.
Our geometry class consists of sophomores combined with three juniors. Some of us just don't see how it's going to help us. We'll find out someday. Mr. Schwalbe, our teacher, says it helps us to learn to think. Is that possible?
If you see some of us with a smile a yard wide, you can bet we attained our drivers licenses. Everyone hopes our driver's education will teach us how to perform when we're behind the wheel, or at least everyone had better hope.
Next year our class will be larger. Those poor teachers. They think twelve is bad, just wait, or maybe we'll be little angels. Ha!
We'll see you in [the] next annual as "Jolly Juniors."
REPORTERS Jan Holmes Dola Mercer

Eldon McFarland | |

Mary Dillenburg | |

Duaine Bullock | |

Minerva Newton | |

Dick Grose | |

Douglas Bullock | |

Jean Meadows | |

Dale Priest | |

Sandra Epps | |

Jim Sissel | |

Betty Cline | |

Dale Allen | |

Gerrie Gorman | |

Corvis Cooper | |

Beverlee Barnes | |

Merritt Padgitt | |

Virginia Payton | |

Joy Jackson | |

Sue Kaster | |
L-R: Joy Jackson, Secretary; Beverlee Barnes, President; Merritt Padgitt, Treasurer; Dale Allen, Vice-President.
FRESHMAN CLASS NEWS The first day of our high school started with excitement, of course, it was the idea of being in high school even though we were green freshman. The elected class officers were: President, Beverlee Barnes; Vice-President, Dale Allen; Secretary, Joy Jackson; Treasurer, Merritt Padgitt; Reporters, Jean Meadows, Sue Kaster, Gerrie Gorman, and Douglas Bullock. Virginia Payton and James Sissel were on the Student Council. Mrs. Hunsicker was our class Sponsor. Initiation was the highlight of this year, and we all had fun going along with the Seniors. There were six girls that went out for basketball, and two boys went out for baseball and basketball. Music was an interest to seven of us. We started the school year with twelve, but during the year we lost Judy Bowen and Mary Dillenburg. Later in the year Virginia Phelps started to our school. As the school year draws to a close, we are looking toward our Sophomore year.
BACK ROW: Ronnie Newton, Hazel O'Dell, Bonnie Reed, Alice Minthorn, Bob Hunt, Dan Weigel.
MIDDLE ROW: Mrs. Mullen, Jack Garrity, Denny Brooks, Carol Weigel, Denny McFarland, Lyle Harris, Ronnie Powers, Jackie Ross, Nancy Powers.
FRONT ROW: Ann O'Grady, David Rainey, Teddie Bear, Vernon Hutchinson, Sue Fowler, James Crecelius, Harold Jenson.
BACK ROW: Johnnie Holmes, Charles Sissel, Larry Huss, Lyman Elswick, Monte Akers, Richard Hembry, Linda Stuart, Harold Baker.
MIDDLE ROW: Mrs. Mullens, David Jennings, Charlotte Combs, Carolyn Epps, Duane Dillenburg, James Ethington, Larry Trower, Melvin Oiger, Ronnie Rainey, Judy Ross.
FRONT ROW: Marjorie Payton, Bonnie Minthorn, Kathleen Garrity, Phyllis Fetters, Robert Sandage, Janie Sissel, Patricia O'Grady.
SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE NEWS In the seventh grade this year we started out with 24 students. Since then we have gained 2 and lost 2. John Deemer and Veryl Phelps are our new classmates. Melvin Oiger and Duane Dillenburg moved away. Our class officers this year are: President, Monte Akers; Vice-President, Larry Huss; Secretary, Richard Hembry; and Treasurer, Ronnie Rainey. In social studies this year we studied "Our American Neighbors." In science we studied "Science Problems I." The eighth grade started the year out by having 21 students. We haven't gained any or lost any. Our class officers are: Jackie Ross, President; Denny Brooks, Vice-President; Dennis McFarland, Secretary; and James Crecelius, Treasurer. Our class colors are pink and white. In science we studied electricity, heat, energy, gravity, the human body, weather, and plants and animals. In history we studied our country's story. We also had a civics book. We are looking forward to graduation and going into high school next year.
BACK ROW: Mrs. Elliott, Susanne Jennings, Teresa Gillespie, Tom Drake, Dena O'Dell, Deanna Bagley, Judy Clough, Paulette Orth.
MIDDLE ROW: Shirley Greene, Eugene Reed, Kenneth Moore, Jeffrey Johnson, Keith Moore, Alan Campbell, Roger O'Dell, Kathy Burright, Vicki Virden, Ethel Sissel, David Green, Scott Moore.
FRONT ROW: Dennis Epps, Nancy Wicker, Gary Sandage, Steven Doolittle, Raymond Godden, Jim Dillenburg, Carolyn Crecelius.
FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE NEWS We have done many interesting projects in art this year. Mrs. Elliott taught us many things about drawing animals and other objects. We have worked with many different materials. We have enjoyed seasonal art projects as well. Our Social Studies map work has been very interesting and we feel it is helping us understand the kinds of work people do. Our new S.R.A. Reading program is very enjoyable and has helped us to understand the ways that reading and listening are alike. Both grades are working in fractions; the fifth grade is adding them, the sixth grade is multiplying them and working in decimals. Our room mothers have done a very nice job of preparing for parties this year. They are Mrs. Fernola Virden and Mrs. Georgia Campbell.
BACK ROW: Mrs. Reynolds, Elaine Gillespie, Henry Baker, Bill Oviatt, Barbara Harris, Johnnie Hutchinson, Carol Bullock, Cynthia Brimmer.
MIDDLE ROW: Terry Barnes, Donnie Hindes, Frances Epps, Terry Baker, Donna Wicker, Sarah Johnson, Bobby Greene, Jimmie Hoffman, Joyce Rainey.
FRONT ROW: Rea Rae Andrew, Larry Grose, Linda Epps, Sharon Hutchinson, Patty Bowen, Donna Stewart, Mitzi Virden.
FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADE NEWS In the Social Studies class we have been comparing different parts of our country to foreign countries with similar climate on topography such as our Northwest Forest to the Amazon in South America, the desert region of Arizona to that of Africa; Nebraska wheat belt to that of Australia; our fishing area of Maine to that of Norway and our southern cotton belt to that of
India. We feel that we are getting a good start on understanding people of different regions and nationality. In the fifth grade this year we have been working on the development and maintenance of basic skills, visualization and the manipulation of concrete materials, and problem solving. Our new arithmetic books have given us a lot of graphs, drawing to scale, areas, adding and subtracting unlike fractions and denominate numbers and more difficult division with two plane numbers.
BACK ROW: Mrs. Neoma Huss, Marcia Wicker, Peggy Combs, June Jackson, Pamela Wilcoxson, Shirley Jackson, Becky Euritt, Sandra Smith.
MIDDLE ROW: Marsha Hosfield, Lindon Bowen, Kathy Fifer, Rosella Warner, Reuben Minthorn, Danny Oviatt, Paula Greimann, Patty Garrity.
FRONT ROW: Phyllis Lesan, Beverly Epps, Greg Johnson, Mike Brimmer, Bradley Norris, Connie Ross, Larry Jensen, Kathy Weigel.
SECOND AND THIRD GRADE NEWS Twenty-two pupils were in our room this year. Nine in the third grade and thirteen in the second grade.
We are very proud of all the new things that were added to our room this year. We have [illegible], new lights, a new ball, and many new story books. On the playground we have a new jungle gym which we enjoy very much. Social studies in the second grade studied a unit on stores in our neighborhood. Then they studied the different stores and brought pictures to go on each chart. The third grade studied a unit on clothing. They brought pieces of material from home and learned about all the kinds of material from which our clothing is made. After our unit on clothing, Mrs. Wayne Johnson brought her tape recorder to school and recorded all our voices which sounded a lot different from the way we thought we did.
BACK ROW: Stephen Sickels, Malcolm Ogier, Diana Stuart, Ronnie George, Lonnie Hohl, Linda Emig, Russell Epps.
MIDDLE ROW: Rodnie Kelley, Mike George, Lois Dillenburg, Kenny Grose, Jimmy Clough, Ann Sandage, Ardis Boyer.
FRONT ROW: Mrs. Walter, Beverly Norris, Ricky Lesan, Ronnie Trower, Nancy Jackson, Rosalie McChesney, Lyle Greimann, Tommy Giles.
FIRST AND SECOND GRADE NEWS We have been very busy in Mrs. Walter's room this year. There are lots of things to learn in the first and second grades. In the first grade we have read several new books. Each one was more difficult than the last. We are having fun in numbers too. Here we have learned to add and take away. We are learning about the same things in second grades. They have also read several new books and are learning new things in numbers, social studies and language.
BACK ROW: Reta Comer, Mrs. Miller, Dawn Hohl.
MIDDLE ROW: Norman Newton, Douglas Virden, Pamela Epps, Donna Jackson, Debbie Duffield.
FRONT ROW: Carol Warner, Susan Payton, Reba Hunt, Teresa Brooks, Leroy Fetters.
ABSENT: Gary Duffield.
KINDERGARTEN NEWS When you walk into our Kindergarten room you will see many lovely pictures of pets. We have been learning about animals which make good pets and how to care for pets. We are studying about how we as five and six year old boys and girls can help in the home. We have enjoyed many rhymes and like to listen for and choose rhyming words. EPAMINODAS AND HIS AUNTIE has been one of our favorite stories for dramatization.
L-R: Barbara Harris, Jean Baker, Phyllis Hall, Julie Hunt, Cynthia Brimmer.
BACK ROW: Monte Akers, Susan Hoffman, Gerrie Gorman, Nancy Powers, Vern Hutchinson, Mr. Millard, D.A. Jennings, Lyle Harris, James Sissel, Ted Bear, Bob Hunt, Charles Sissel, John Holmes, Barry Walker, Judy Clough, Tommy Drake, Jim Ethington, Larry Huss.
MIDDLE ROW: Ronnie Rainey, Suzanne Sissel, Joy Jackson, Roberta Hindes, Patricia O'Grady, Jerry Hightshoe, Steve Padgitt, Anne Garrity, Judy O'Dell, Merritt Padgitt, John Meadows, Dick Jackson, Jane Sissel, Marjorie Payton, Beverlee Barnes, Kathleen Garrity, Jean Meadows, Bonnie Minthorn, Alice Minthorn.
FRONT ROW: Charlotte Combs, Ann O'Grady, Nancy Wicker, Paulette Orth, Patty Bowen, Jeffrey Johnson, Shirley Green, Vicki Virden, Alan Campbell, Edna O'Dell, Deanna Bagley, Linda Virden.
L-R: Vernon Hutchinson, Merritt Padgitt, Beverlee Barnes, Jimmy Ethington.
L-R: Linda Virden, John Meadows, Joy Jackson, Suzanne Sissel.
L-R: Susan Hoffman, Dick Jackson, Jerry Hightshoe.
L-R: Mitzi Virden, Donna Wicker, Terry Barnes, Suzanne Jennings, Sarah Johnson, Bobby Green, Ethel Sissel, Mr. Millard.
BACK ROW: Phyllis Lesan, Connie Ross, Pamela Wilcoxson, Mike Brimmer, Beverlee Epps.
FRONT ROW: Mr. Millard, Marsha Hosfield, Peggy Combs, Rosella Warner, Kathy Fifer, and Patty Garrity.
BACK ROW: Bob Hunt, Jim Sissel, Harold Jensen, Danny Hosfield, Barry Walker, Dick Jackson, Lloyd Bedier, Raymond Doser, Gary McFarland, John Meadows, David Rainey, Jim Dillenburg, Robert Sandage, Ted Bear, Mr. Thaden.
MIDDLE ROW: Susan Hoffman, Lyle Harris, Jack Ross, Denny McFarland, Jerry Hightshoe, Nancy Powers, Joy Jackson, Linda Virden, Jan Holmes, Alice Minthorn, Steve Padgitt, Jim Ethington, Harold Baker, John Holmes.
FRONT ROW: Larry Huss, Suzanne Sissel, Charlotte Combs, Ann Garrity, Jane Sissel, Jean Baker, Marjorie Payton, Kathleen Garrity, Hazel O'Dell, Ann O'Grady, Beverlee Barnes, Roberta Hindes, Monte Akers.
L-R: Mr. Thaden, Suzanne Sissel, Phyllis Hall, Janet Holmes, Jean Baker, Ann Garrity, Betty Bear, Linda Lou Virden, Susan Hoffman.
BACK ROW: Jerry Hightshoe, Danny Hosfield, Barry Walker, Mr. Thaden, James Sissel, Steven Padgitt.
FRONT ROW: John Meadows, Raymond Doser, Lloyd Bedier, Dick Jackson, Gary McFarland.
BACK ROW: Jimmy Ethington, James Sissel, Danny Hosfield, Dick Jackson, Barry Walker.
FRONT ROW: Betty Bear, Suzanne Sissel, Linda Virden, Susan Hoffman.
L-R: Dick Jackson, Barry Walker, Danny Hosfield, Jerry Hightshoe.
BACK ROW: BACK ROW: Douglas Bullock, Dale Allen, Corvis Cooper, Eldon McFarland, James Sissel, Gerald Priest, James Fugate, Merritt Padgitt, Dick Grose, Dale Priest, Duaine Bullock.
FRONT ROW: Jerry Hall, Donald Mercer, Jack Jones, Mr. Hunsicker, Jerry Euritt, Ronnie Gillespie.
AGRICULTURE CLUB NEWS Sixteen high school boys met with their instructor, Mr. Hunsicker, in the agriculture room the first quarter and organized the 1959-1960 Kellerton Ag. Club. The following officers were elected:
President | | . . . . . | Jerry Hall |
Vice-President | | . . . . . | | Ronald Gillespie |
Secretary-Treasurer | | . . . . . | | Jack Jones |
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR At 5 A.M. on October 20th the entire group traveled by Bus to Kansas City. There they saw excellent livestock and other exhibits. They watched the judging of trotting, jumping, harnessed. and gaited horses. Dale Robinson also entertained. The barn warming was enjoyed by all who attended. Light refreshments were served. The students were guests at the Larro Farm at Indianola on December 9th. They saw new and interesting ways of feeding livestock. They were served a delicious meal by Genevieve Mills. The group attended John Deere Days at Mt. Ayr. After light refreshments they were shown a movie demonstrating equipment manufactured by the John Deere Company. The banquet is planned for April 29th. Professor C. E. Bundy of Iowa State University will be the speaker. The freshman boys have built farm equipment and studied beef cattle. The junior and senior boys have studied farm management. They have also done some welding.
The year has been an educational one for all. Evert C. Hunsicker, Inst.
L-R: Janet Stevens. Dola Mercer, Sue Kaster, Jean Meadows, Jan Holmes, Anne Garrity, Beverlee Barnes, Jean Baker, Joy Jackson, Suzanne Sissel, Donna Mercer, Phyllis Hall, Gerrie Gorman, Coach Mr. Young
Player | | Total Points | | Games Played | | Field Goals | | Free Throw Attempts | | Free Thows Made | | Personal Fouls |
Hall | | 424 | | 16 | | 172 | | 243 | | 115 | | 50 |
Holmes | | 42 | | 16 | | 14 | | 35 | | 15 | | 31 |
Garrity | | 206 | | 13 | | 91 | | 51 | | 19 | | 39 |
Meadows | | 122 | | 12 | | 119 | | 46 | | 22 | | 12 |
Mercer | | 0 | | 16 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 65 |
Baker | | 0 | | 16 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 67 |
Sissel | | 0 | | 15 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 58 |
Barnes | | 1 | | 7 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 1 |
Payton | | 0 | | 5 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 4 |
Jackson | | 0 | | 6 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 1 |
Gorman | | 3 | | 5 | | 1 | | 0 | | | | 4 |
Kaster | | 0 | | 4 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 4 |
Mercer | | 0 | | 3 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 |
| | Won 4 | | | | Lost 15 | | | | | | |
L-R: Manager, James Fugate; Jerry Hightshoe, Eldon McFarland, Gerald Priest, Phillip Fetters, Gary McFarland, John Meadows, Lloyd Bedier, Junior Wicker, Coach, Mr. Young; Glenn Payton, Dick Jackson, Raymond Doser, Donald Mercer, Danny Hosfield, Jerry Hall, Don Allen, Darrell Hall, Dale Allen.
Player | | Total Points | | Games Played | | Field Goals | | Free Throw Attempts | | Free Thows Made | | Personal Fouls | | Technical Fouls |
Payton | | 310 | | 19 | | 136 | | 90 | | 38 | | 59 | | 0 |
Bedier | | 167 | | 19 | | 72 | | 58 | | 23 | | 65 | | 3 |
Wicker | | 262 | | 17 | | 97 | | 145 | | 68 | | 52 | | 0 |
Hosfield | | 125 | | 19 | | 55 | | 46 | | 20 | | 41 | | 0 |
Allen | | 31 | | 11 | | 11 | | 13 | | 9 | | 17 | | 0 |
McFarland | | 58 | | 11 | | 26 | | 15 | | 6 | | 18 | | 0 |
Jackson | | 8 | | 7 | | 4 | | 3 | | 0 | | 4 | | 0 |
Hall | | 19 | | 14 | | 8 | | 6 | | 3 | | 8 | | 0 |
Meadows | | 10 | | 7 | | 5 | | 1 | | 0 | | 5 | | 0 |
Mercer | | 13 | | 9 | | 3 | | 5 | | 3 | | 8 | | 0 |
Hightshoe | | 68 | | 18 | | 22 | | 38 | | 24 | | 19 | | 0 |
Priest | | 36 | | 17 | | 14 | | 12 | | 8 | | 34 | | 0 |
Doser | | 0 | | 3 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 |
| | Won 15 Lost 7 | | | | | | | | | | |
BACK ROW: Coach, Bill Young, Danny Hosfield, Dick Jackson, Raymond Doser, Don Allen, Donald Mercer. Gary Grose, Dale Allen, James Fugate, Manager.
FRONT ROW: Eldon McFarland, Glenn Payton, Gerald Priest, Jerry Hightshoe, Gary McFarland, Lloyd Bedier.
Player | | Times at Bat | | Runs | | Strike Outs | | Walks |
Hightshoe, Jerry | | 8 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 |
Priest, Gerald | | 10 | | 3 | | 3 | | 2 |
Bedier, Lloyd | | 9 | | 2 | | 2 | | 1 |
Allen, Don | | 9 | | 1 | | 0 | | 0 |
McFarland, Gary | | 9 | | 1 | | 0 | | 0 |
Jackson, Dick | | 9 | | 0 | | 3 | | 0 |
Hosfield, Danny | | 8 | | 2 | | 3 | | 1 |
Grose, Gary | | 3 | | 1 | | 1 | | 0 |
Mercer, Don | | 8 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Payton, Glenn | | 6 | | 0 | | 2 | | 0 |
| | Games | | |
Kellerton | 9 | | Diagonal | | 4 |
Kellerton | 66 | | Van Wert | | 4 |
| | Sectional Tournament | | |
Kellerton | 0 | | Grand River | | 7 |

Donna Mercer |

Glenn Payton |

Gerald Priest |

Jerry Hall |

John Meadows | |

Junior Wicker | |

Donald Mercer |
L-R: Gerald Priest, John Meadows, Junior Wicker, Donna Mercer, Glenn Payton, Donald Mercer, Jerry Hall.
BACK ROW, L-R: Linda Virden, Roberta Hines, Susan Hoffman, Linda Kay Higday. FRONT: Julie Hunt.
BACK ROW: Bonnie Powers, Dan Weigel, Duane Dillenbury, Robert Sandage, David Rainey, Harold Jensen, Mr. Young, Vernon Hutchinson, Denny McFarland, James Ethington, Jackie Ross, Jack Garrity.
FRONT ROW: Ronnie Newton, David Jennings, Charles Sissel, Johnnie Holmes, Monte Akers, Ronnie Rainey, Bob Hunt, Lyman Elswick, Larry Huss, Denny Brooks, Harold Baker.
L-R: Mr. Young, Coach; Linda Stuart, Margie Payton, Ann O'Grady, Pat O'Grady, Sue Fowler, Jane Sissel, Kathleen Garrity, Carylyn Epps.
1960 Kellerton Community School Tomahawk courtesy of GV Museum Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May & June of 2017 
