Kellerton Community School 1957 - 1958 Tomahawk Kellerton, Iowa
FACING CAMERA: Larry Walters, Mr. Small, David Holmes, Kay Akers, Thelma Maudlin, Sharon Fugate, Jean Bear, Elaine Hohneke.
BACK TO CAMERA: Ernie Mercer, Bob Bagley.
Editor-In-Chief | | . . . . . . | | Jean Bear |
Assistant Editor | | . . . . . . | | Sharon Fugate |
Business Manager | | . . . . . . | | Kay Akers |
Assistant Business Manager | | . . . . . . | | Thelma Mauldin |
Advertising Manager | | . . . . . . | | Larry Walters |
Assistant Advertising Manager | | . . . . . . | | Elaine Hohneke |
Class Editor | | . . . . . . | | Ernest Mercer |
Activity Editor | | . . . . . . | | (Girls) Thelma Mauldin (Boys) Bob Bagley |
Layout Mat Supervisors | | . . . . . . | | David Holmes Allan Heggs |
Sponsor | | . . . . . . | | Mr. Small |
Photography Advisor | | . . . . . . | | Mr. Frenzen |
We, the Seniors of 1958, wish to dedicate this annual first of all to our parents, who have done so much for us during our school years. We also want to dedicate it to the businessmen as a way of saying thanks for all the support they have given us this year.
(Advertiser) LAMONI SALE CORPORATION Lamoni, Iowa
Superintendent's Message
To the 1958 Graduating Class: I sincerely hope that your past four years of attendance at Kellerton high school have provided you a rich experience and an adequate preparation for years ahead. I trust that you now have a clear vision or picture of exactly what you want most to do, what you want to accomplish in life, the confidence that you can and will succeed in doing it, and the determination to do it and to keep at it; for "He who only plans is a dreamer; he who only works is a drudge; but he who plans and works his plan is a conqueror." Let us always remember that education is a continuous process. It begins the day we are born and ceases only when we die. The years you have spent in formal education here have given you some of the fundamental skills, attitudes, and tools so necessary for successful adjustment in a rapidly changing world. To all the members of this fine class, I wish to
express my deepest desire for your continued success. Glenn F. Frenzen, Supt.
(Advertiser) Kellerton Oil Company Kellerton, Iowa

GEORGE D. WILLIAMS Mathematics BA Ia. Teachers College Major: History Minor: Math MS University Idaho Major: Administration Minor: History |
ROBERT SMALL Coach and Commercial Instructor Major: Physical Education Minor: Commercial BS in Physical Education Grad: Indiana University |

EVERT C. HUNSICKER Major: Agriculture Minor: Social Studies Minor: Social Studies BS in Education Northwest Mo. College Maryville, Mo.
Iowa State College Ames, Iowa |
Major: Social Studies Supervision Minor: English BS in Education Northwest Mo. College Maryville, Mo. MS in Supervision Central Mo. College Warrensburg, Mo. |

MADELINE BALLANTYNE Major: Social Studies Minor: Home Economics English BA Simpson College Graceland College Drake University |
NORMAN MILLARD Bachelor Music Education Central Missouri State College Warrensburg, Missouri |

M. J. NASH Driver Education B.A. Drake University B.D. Drake University Further graduate study at Iowa State College |
MARJORIE C. YOUNG English Instructor Major: Social Studies Minor: English BS in Education Simpson College, Indianola Grad: Drake University |

DAVID HOLMES Basketball . . . . . . 1 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2 Class Officer . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Boy's Chorus . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4
Band . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council . . . . . . 2 Saxophone Quartet . . . . . . 2 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 Mixed Octet . . . . . . 3, 4 Operetta . . . . . . 4
School Play . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 | | |

KAY AKERS Glee Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Band . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Brass Sextet . . . . . . 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 1, 2, 4 Sextet . . . . . . 2, 3, 4
Student Council . . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Class Officer . . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Trumpet Quartet . . . . . . 2, 3 Annual Staff . . . . . . 2, 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 Mixed Octet . . . . . . 3
Operetta . . . . . . 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 |

THELMA MAULDIN Glee Club . . . . . . 1 Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 1 Class Officer . . . . . . 1, 4 Cheerleader . . . . . . 2, 3 Class Play . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4
School Paper . . . . . . 4 | |
SHARON FUGATE Glee Club . . . . . . 1 Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 1 Basketball . . . . . . 1 Annual Staff . . . . . . 2, 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 |

ALLAN HEGGS Ag Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 1, 2, 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 |
| | 
ERNEST MERCER Ag Club . . . . . . 1, 2, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 2, 3, 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 |

ELAINE HOHNEKE Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 1 Glee Club . . . . . . 1 Student Council . . . . . . 1 Annual Staff . . . . . . 2, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 2, 4 Class Officer . . . . . . 3
Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 |
| | 
ROBERT BAGLEY Track . . . . . . 1 Football . . . . . . 1, 2 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 1, 2 Ag Club . . . . . . 2, 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4
Mixed Chorus . . . . . . 3, 4 Boy's Chorus . . . . . . 3, 4 School Play . . . . . . 4 Annual Staff . . . . . . 4 |

JEAN BEAR Student Council . . . . . . 1 Glee Club . . . . . . 1 Sextet . . . . . . 1 Solo . . . . . . 1 Annual Staff . . . . . . 2, 4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 | |
LARRY WALTERS Class Officer . . . . . . 1 Annual Staff . . . . . .4 Class Play . . . . . . 3, 4 School Paper . . . . . . 4 Student Council . . . . . . 3, 4 Basketball . . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball . . . . . . 1, 3 Boy's Chorus . . . . . . 1 |
(Advertiser) Kellerton Insurance Agency Kellerton, Iowa
(Advertiser) Pollard's Royal Blue Kellerton, Iowa
CLASS HISTORYWe, the Senior Class of '58, recall our memories of school days to you readers. Only three of the graduating class, David Holmes, Kay Akers, and Larry Walters,
started in the primary together in September, 1945, with seven other class mates, Richard, Baker, Monte Barbour, Stephen Merritt, Marvel Toney, Jim White, Sam Davis, and Minnie Lee Hill. Their teacher
was Mrs. Slezek. The first grade brought us a new teacher who was Mrs. Murray. It also brought us a new classmate, Marilyn Fuering. Sam Davis, Richard Baker, Monte Barbour, and Minnie Lee Hill didn't return to school with us. New members in the second year were Sylvia Kay Ryan, Sam Davis, and Carolyn Scott making us a total of 10. Marvel Toney left us during the year. Mrs. Smith was our new teacher that year. The third year we gained Kay Martin, but lost here and Sam Davis during the year. Our teacher again was Mrs. Smith. We gained Elaine Hohneke the fourth year. We also had a new teacher, who was Miss Sue Treichler. The fifth grade year brought us four new members; they were: Thelma Mauldin, Jean Bear, Elinore Shaffer and Ruth Snurr. Marilyn Fuering and Kay Ryan didn't return. This made us a total of 10. Miss Sue Treichler was still our teacher. Mary Ann Shields, Dixie Morgan, and Linda McColloch joined us in our sixth year. Stephen Merritt and Ruth Snurr left us during this year. We had a new teacher, who was Mrs. Young. During the seventh grade we gained Ruth Booth and Sam Davis, but lost Mary Ann Shields and Sam Davis during the second semester. Our teacher was still Mrs. Young.
During the eighth grade we gained Marcia Gibson, making us a total of 12. Our teacher was Mr. Lawrence Thompson. Highlights of this year were eighth grade graduation and the eighth grade trip to Des Moines.
In the fall of 1954, a group of sixteen enrolled as members of the Freshman class. They included: Kay Akers, Jean Bear, Sam Davis, Jim White, Sharon Fugate, Allan Heggs, Elaine Hohneke, David Holmes,
Thelma Maudlin, Lloyd Reed, Larry Walters, Elinore Shaffer, Carolyn Scott, Dixie Morgan, Linda McColloch, and Jack Bailey. The teachers were: Superintendent, Mr. Barnhouse, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Ballantyne, and Mr. Richards. We lost Dixie Morgan and Elinore Shaffer this year. Initiation was the out-standing part of this year. In the Sophomore year we gained Bob Bagley, Clarence Templeton and Rozetta Akes. Jim White
and Jack Bailey didn't return to school with us. Nothing out-standing happened this year but we were beginning to enjoy our high school life more. In our Junior year we gained one, Ernest Mercer, making us a total of 16. During the basketball season we sold refreshments that made more than enough to put on the banquet. Our theme for the Junior-Senior Banquet was "Moonlight and Roses" which was presented at the Legion Hall. Our sponsor was Mr. Hunsicker. Our Junior play, "Fuedin Over Yonder", went off very well and we all enjoyed putting it on. We lost Clarence Templeton during this year. In our last and most successful year, we lost only two, Lloyd Reed and Sam Davis, but Linda McColloch and Carolyn Scott didn't return to school with us. This left only 10 in our class, which included: Thelma Mauldin, Sharon Fugate, Kay Akers, Jean Bear, Elaine Hohneke, David Holmes, Ernie Mercer, Bob Bagley, Larry Walters, and Allan Heggs. Initiation was a big event for us. Another big event was a box-supper which went off very well. Now we are looking forward to the Junior-Senior Banquet, the Senior Trip, and the memorable moment ..........GRADUATION. (Advertiser) REYNOLD'S SKELLY STATION Mt. Ayr, IowaCLASS PROPHECYLet's jump into our instant thought plane, which is controlled by thought waves, as see what the Seniors of '58 are doing this fine spring of '68. First let's journey to Seattle. Someone gave us a helpful hint that we might find one of our Seniors there. Here we are, out in front of the "Hug-Me-Tite" Girdle Factory. To celebrate their opening, the first ten people to come in receive a free sample, so we step inside and who do you suppose we find giving orders--none other than the honored president, Ernie Mercer. He doesn't have much time to visit, and as we leave we happen to notice another familiar face. It is Elaine Hohneke, Ernie's private secretary. She seems to like her job very well. After talking to Elaine awhile, we leave her to her job and decide to walk around a bit. As we walk by the courthouse, we hear a terrific commotion inside. Curiosity getting the best of us, we walk inside. Court is being held for a lady taxi driver, who has been accused of speeding. It seems that she refuses to pay the fine because she claims she has a legitimate reason. A closer glimpse tells us that this is our old friend, Kay Akers. Who do you suppose he lawyer is? It is one of her class mates, Larry Walters. After eating a lavish lunch with then we jump back into our Thought Plane, and head for the great state of Texas. In this enormous place we ought to find at lease one of our Seniors. Hearing that the Greatest Show on Earth is having its opening night, we go, hoping that we might find a familiar face. As we are taking in the sights, we hear a barker; "Step right up ladies and gentlemen, and younger folks too. See the death defying 'Red-Devils'. They defy the laws of gravity. They ride completely parallel to the ground. They ride upside down, sideways, and in almost any position imaginable. Hurry and bury your tickets, folks! The show is ready to commence." We think this will be pretty good, so we buy our tickets and go in. The show has reached its climax and who do you suppose is the star performer? It is the former Jean Bear, on her red and pink motorcycle. After the show she invites us to her trailer for a cold drink since we are not used to such hot weather. While talking to Jean we find that another one of our Seniors is featured in the two-mile race at the amphitheater at 3:00. We look at our watches and find that we can just make it for the feature race with the free passes Jean has given us. On arrival we find that the cars are warming up. It was an exciting race, with car No. 3 winning by a bumper guard--almost a photographic finish. Driving No. 3 is Bob Bagley, and you might know, it's a Ford! We go over and congratulate him. We find that he is doing very well in the racing profession. He tells us where we can find Dave Holmes. We decide to wait till tomorrow morning to leave, as we are rather tired from this "Big Show." Here it is 6:30 in the morning, and we are all ready to leave. In our Thought Plane again, we head for West Point. We have no trouble finding Dave. He is a Lieutenant and he intends to make a career of the Army. Visiting hours are short, so we head for Illinois. Our next stop is Springfield, Illinois. We were told we'd find the former Thelma Maudlin here and we do. We find her sitting in her rocking chair, crocheting, getting ready for a new arrival. She says she is very, very happy and wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world. She invites us to stay for dinner. We accept gladly. After eating a very delicious meal and helping with the dishes, which was no chore with her automatic dish washer, we say farewell. Heading for Kellerton, we stop in Burlington to see how Sharon Fugate is fairing. We find that her name isn't Fugate anymore. She was a June Bride in 1958 and now she has 3 little girls and a little boy, the exact image of his father. We talk to Sharon for awhile, then journey home. Our last stop is here at home on a small farm just outside of town. Here we find Allan Heggs and his wife. They have two blonde-haired girls and seem to be very happy. Allan has faired well and finally took Mr. Hunsicker's job from him as Agriculture teacher at Kellerton High. After spending most of the evening playing with the twins, we arrive home. We have had a very nice trip and enjoyed visiting the Seniors of '58 but, as the old saying goes, "Home is where the heart is," and we're exhausted.
(Advertiser) Goldner's Hardware Kellerton, IowaLAST WILL AND TESTAMENT
We, the Seniors of 1958, being of sound mind and body, do declare this our last will and testament. I, Sharon Fugate, will all the friends my candy brought me to Gerry Gorman. May they eat all your candy as they did mine. I, Ernest Mercer, will my car and the expense of running it to Donald Mercer. May he accomplish more with it than I did. I, Dave Holmes will my old motor scooter to Melvin Doolittle. All it takes is a roll of wire, half pint of gas, gallon of oil, and three days of playing hokey to keep it running for a week. I, Bob Bagley, will my Ford to anyone who has enough money to keep it running. And believe me it takes a lot of it. I, Elaine Hohneke, will my ability to get along with the teachers to Susan Hoffman. May you profit by it as much as I have, Susie. I, Jean Bear, will my old motorcycle cap to Gerry Gorman. You may not need it with short hair, Gerry. I, Kay Akers, will to Donna Mercer my ability to play basketball. May you do better that I did, Donna. I, Thelma Maudlin, will to Marlene Turner my ability to take out seams in Home Ec. I hope you don't get as much practice as I did, Marlene. I, Lloyd Reed, will my ability to stay out of trouble to Gary McFarland. May you stay out of more than I did. I, Larry Walters, will to Glenn (George) Payton my ability to get along with the teachers. Well, at least part of them. I, Allan Heggs, will my ability to drive a car to school every day to George Payton. May he get as much enjoyment from it as I have. I, Sam Davis, will my seat next to the window to Richard Kaster. He'll make good use of it. I, Bob Bagley, will my ability to run around at nights to Steve Padgitt. May he go more than I did. I, Kay Akers, will my trumpet and my position in the high school band to Jerry Hightshoe. Take it easy, Jerry. To Linda Higday, I, Thelma Maudlin, will my ability to end up with all the stray magazines in the study hall and stray sandwiches at lunch. I, Lloyd Reed, will my seat next to the window and register to Richard Kaster. It will make you pretty drowsy at times. Watch it, Rich! I, Allan Heggs, will a large portion of my Mt. Ayr interest, blonds not included, to Gary McFarland. He may need them in the future. I, Dave Holmes, will my ability to make it to all of the Lamoni's football games to Rich Kaster. Come with me some night, Jake, and I'll find you a reason for going to these games, too. I, Ernest Mercer, will my science grades to Melvin Doolittle. May he make better ones than I did. I, Sam Davis, will my ability to stay out of trouble to A. C. Newton. I, Sharon Fugate, will my seat in the Senior row to Eileen Maloney. May you like the window beside it as much as I did. I, Elaine Hohneke, will my Saturday nights at home to Linda Higday. It's not much fun, Linda, but get as much fun as you can out of them. I, Jean Bear, will my weakness for redheads and Ford products to Linda Virden. May you have as much fun as I did with both. We, the Seniors of 1957, will to the Underclassmen our seats in the Senior row, a group of thoroughly fatigued teachers, and all of our old written papers, class work, and otherwise. We, the Seniors of 1958, will to the teachers a bottle of aspirins, a bottle of bufferin, and a bottle of Miles Nervine.
SENIOR NEWSWe, Seniors, think that this has been a very successful and enjoyable year. We made quite a bit of money this year, which will go to finance our trip to Washington, D.C. Some of the ways in which we made the money are: Bake sales, box suppers, car washings, candy sales, picking up corn and picking up walnuts. We are all looking forward to the Junior and Senior Banquet, which this year we will be guests at instead of hosts. Our annual is going fairly well and we did well on our advertising campaign. In March we are planning to have a Senior Play. The money will also go for our Senior trip. Our class officers this year were: President - David Holmes, Vice-President - Thelma Maudlin, Secretary and Treasurer - Kay Akers, Student Council Members - Kay Akers and Larry Walters. Our Sponsor was Mr. Frenzen. Our one regret this year was the loss of two of our classmates, Lloyd Reed and Sam Davis.
BACK ROW, L-R: Richard Kaster, Jerry Fugate, Mr. Hunsicker, Ernest Smith, Bill Priest. FRONT ROW, L-R: Larry Doolittle, Eileen Maloney, Marie Jensen, Joyce Gibson.
JUNIOR NEWSWe started our Junior year with ten members which consisted of seven boys and three girls. We elected officers at our first class meeting. They were: President - Bill Priest, Vice-President - Joyce Gibson, Sec. and Treas. - Marie Jensen, Reporter - Eileen Maloney. Also Jerry Fugate and Richard Kaster were elected as our Student Council Representatives. Our Sponsor is Mr. Hunsicker. During the year there was been many activities. We have two in band. They are Joyce Gibson and Marie Jensen. These girls are also in Mixed Chorus, Sextet, and Glee Club. Richard Kaster is the only boy that went out for Boys Chorus. Joyce Gibson was soloist in the Christmas Pageant. Joyce Gibson, Marie Jensen, and Eileen Maloney also had parts in the operetta. We had all three of the girls out for basketball. They are all on the first team. Marie and Joyce play forwards while Eileen plays guard. There are three of the seven boys out for basketball. They are Bill Priest, Ernest Smith, and Larry Doolittle. Jerry Fugate is the student manager for the team. These same boys were also out for baseball. We held our Junior Class Play, "The Headless Ghost," in December. We all had parts and we enjoyed it very much even though we got kind of tired before we got done. We have enjoyed our Junior year very much and thank all of you who visited our refreshment stand at the ball games.
BACK ROW, L-R: Kathryn Holmes, Meredith Morrison, Ronnie Gillispie, Jerry Euritt, Glen Payton, Junior Wicker, Donald Mercer, Johnnie Meadows.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Linda Higday, Susan Hoffman, Linda Virden, Donna Mercer, Dick Priest, Gerald Priest, R.D. Baker, Jerry Hall, Mr. Millard.
SOPHOMORE NEWSOn August 26, 1957, all sixteen sophomores enrolled at Kellerton High School. They were welcomed by six new teachers due to departmentalization. The addition of Drivers Education was a pleasant experience. Fifteen students participated. At our first class meeting we elected new officers: President - Meredith Morrison, Vice-President - Jerry Hall, Secretary-Treasurer - Kathy Holmes, Student Council members - Susie Hoffman and Dick Priest. Mr. Millard was chosen as Sponsor. We are looking forward to when we are Juniors.
(Advertiser) Clemenson-Paradise Drug Lamoni, Iowa
BACK ROW, L-R: Mr. Williams, Gary McFarland, Dick Jackson, James Fugate, Marlene Turner, Phyllis Hall.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Don Allen, Steven Padgitt, Melvin Doolittle, Betty Bear, Linda Newton, Linda Andrew. FRESHMAN NEWS
The morning of August 25, 1957, saw fifteen new freshmen walk up the long stairs to begin four years of higher education. The week of September 9-13 we were welcomed (?) into the fold of K. H. S. For one week we shined shoes and carried books for the Seniors and the Faculty. On Friday of this week, which happened to be Friday the Thirteenth, we were initiated. All of us were glad that this would only happen once. During the first semester we lost four of our classmates, Phillip Godden, Gary Emig, Teddy Sickles, and Carol Ann Ethington. Mr. Williams was chosen as our sponsor and we elected officers as follows: Dick Jackson - President, Phyllis Hall - Vice-President, and Marlene Turner - Secretary and Treasurer. Our Student Council members are Linda Lee Andrew and Steven Padgitt. Required subjects for us this year are General Math, General Science, and English I. There are six boys in Ag. and six girls in Home Economics. We have four boys out for baseball and basketball and four girls out for basketball. As of yet we haven't had any of our possible parties but we are hoping to have them as soon as we can. We don't have too many hopes, but to be able to get through this year without any trouble. We will meet things as they come. (Advertiser) POOL HALL Mt. Ayr, Iowa
BACK ROW, L-R: Maurice Gillispie, Judy O'Dell, Kenny Baker, Larry Emig, Gary Grose, Raymond Doser, Anne Garrity, Barry Walker. FONT ROW, L-R: Mrs. Hunsicker, Jerry Hightshoe, Margurite Priest, Jean Baker, Janet Holmes, Suzanne Sissel, Ruth Epps, Dola Mercer, Darrell Hall. EIGHTH GRADE NEWSThis year there were sixteen pupils in the eighth grade. Our sponsor is Mrs. Hunsicker. We enjoy her very much. We have organized a Citizenship Club. The name is "Junior Cardinals," and out motto is "Plan Your Work and Work You Plan." We are trying to live up to it. Our colors are pink and black. The officers are: President - Jerry Hightshoe, Vice-President - Kenneth Baker, Secretary and Treasurer - Suzanne Sissel. We are very honored to have two Student Council Members - Raymond Doser and Janet Holmes. We enjoy being in the assembly with the high school and going to classes to different rooms. There are eight girls from the eighth grade in Girls Chorus, four boys in Boys Chorus, and one boy in Boys Quartet. Five of us are in band. We are very proud to have two of the eighth grade girls on the high school Cheerleading team. They are: Anne Garity and Janet Holmes. We hope, with the help of the seventh grade, to try to win all of our Junior High Basketball games this season. We are hoping to have an eighth grade trip.
BACK ROW, L-R: James Sissel, Vernon Hutchinson, Harold Jensen, Judy Bowen, Merritt Padgitt, Mrs. Young, Beverlee Barnes, David Rainey, Sharon Sickels, Sandra Epps, Eldon McFarland.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Denny Brooks, Jean Meadows, Sue Kaster, Minerva Newton, Ronnie Powers, Gerri Gorman, Dale Allen, Joy Jackson, Janet Priest, Virginia Payton.
SEVENTH GRADE NEWSThis year we came upstairs and became part of the junior-senior organization. Each of our courses is taught by a different teacher. Our sponsor is Mrs. Young, our English teacher. We formed a citizenship club, "The Seventh Stars." Our officers are: President - Dale Allen, Vice-President - Beverlee Barnes, Secretary and Treasurer - Sue Kaster, Student Council Representatives - Jean Meadows and Merritt Padgitt. Our motto is "Big Talkers -- Little Doers." Our colors are turquoise and pink. We are privileged to be members of Mixed Chorus and Girls and Boys Glee Clubs. We are planning Junior-High boys and girls Basketball teams and have some games scheduled. The Crafts class, taught by Mr. Frenzen, has proven to be a lot of fun. We are proud of some of our projects. We know this is going to be a very happy school year.
(Advertiser) BEN FRANKLIN STORE Mt. Ayr, Iowa
BACK ROW, L-R: Lyle Harris, Kathleen Garrity, Hazel O'Dell, Margie Payton, James Crecilus, Miss Million, Jane Ellen Sissel, Terry Sickels, Pat O'Grady, Marion Nash, Alice Minthorn, Teddie Bear.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Larry Huss, Monte Akers, Jack Ross, Jimmy Ethington, Carolyn Epps, Ann O'Grady, Bonnie Minthorn, Nancy Powers, Larry Trower, Jackie Garrity, Richard Hembry.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Karen Epps, Ronnie Rainey, Melvin Ogier, Judy Ross, Denny McFarland, Cynthia Edgington, Norman Ellswick, Ronnie Newton, Charles Sissel, Harold Baker, Johnnie Holmes.
Raymond Godden and Charlotte Combs were not present. FIFTH and SIXTH GRADE NEWSSchool opened with 36 pupils in our room. Thirteen six graders and twenty-three fifth graders. Mary Jan Virden moved to Washington which now leaves us 35 pupils in our room. We have been having lots of fun this year as well as working hard. The room decorators have kept our room attractive all year. We have a new Social Studies series which we are enjoying very much. We have been having lots of treats in honor of birthdays. Happy Birthday everyone. We hope the last semester will be as enjoyable and profitable as the first semester.
BACK ROW, L-R: Tommy Drake, Nancy Wicker, Ronnie Frenzen, Deanna Bagley, Mrs. Reynolds, Laura Kay Pollard, Edna O'Dell, Carolyn Crecilius, Gary McDowell, Frederick Hainline.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Judy Clough, Teresa Gillispie, Sharon Hutchinson, Dennis Epps, Patty Bowen, Alan Van Pelt, Alan Campbell, Roger O'Dell, Paulette Orth.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Shirley Green, Dickie Ross, Rea Ray Andrews, Linda Epps, Ethel Sissel, Vickie Virden, Jeffery Johnson, Anthony Ogier, Joyce Rainey.
THIRD and FOURTH GRADE NEWSSchool opened August 26, 1957, with a total enrollment in our room of twenty-six students. There were fourteen in the third grade, of which there were eight boys and six girls. The fourth grade consisted of twelve members, of which there were three boys and nine girls. During the fourth week of school Dwayne Virden moved to Washington, but we gained one in his place which was Jeffery Johnson, of Everett, Washington. We feel we have gained a lot of knowledge of how to study and listen and to get along with our neighbors. As the year progresses we hope to accomplish a lot more outside work than just our daily work in our books. We have a wonderful new Social Study Book and also a new Language book to work from this year. Teacher, Mrs. Reynolds
Mrs. Braby
BACK ROW, L-R: Timothy Edgington, Darold Frenzen, Donna Emig, Mitzi Virden, Larry Grose, Jo Ellen Hainline, Terry McDowell, Bobby Green, Sarah Johnson, LeRoy Morse, Terry Barnes, Donna Wicker, Kathy Fifer.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Susan Van Pelt, Johnnie Hutchinson, Rosella Warner, Lynn Sickels, Vickie Small, Jimmie Hoffman, Frances Epps, Barbara Harris, Deanna Pollard, Henry Baker, Elaine Gillespie, Cindy Brimmer.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Bryan Small, Connie Ross, Mike Brimmer, Paula Griemann, Donita Hainline, Pamela Wilcoxson, Linden Bowen, Patty Garrity, Peggy Combs, Darla Emig, Ronnie Van Pelt, Beverly Epps, Phyllis Lesan. Lois Ryan, Dennis Ryan, and Terry Baker were absent. FIRST and SECOND GRADE NEWS On August 26, 1957, forty boys and girls entered the first and second grades in the Kellerton School. There was no more need for mothers to escort these children to school as they were veterans in school attendance. Since the first enrollment two more girls have joined the group. Children at this age are usually anxious to get in school and eager to learn. This group was no exception and their progress has been most satisfactory. The group has enjoyed many birthday treats and parties along the way, with extra fun being had on the Holidays. They are all enjoying school and are looking forward to more of the same in the coming years.
BACK ROW, L-R: Becky Euritt, Sandra Smith, Kathy Reynolds, June Jackson, Mrs. Walter, Rueben Minthorn, Marvin Morse, Shirley Jackson, Marcia Wicker.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Jerry Emig, Larry Jensen, Michael George, Randy Emig, Gregory Johnson, Bradley Norris, Rodney Kelley, Steven Sickels.
KINDERGARTEN NEWSWhen school opened, we had fifteen children enrolled in the Kindergarten class. Since then we have gained one boy. One of the first and most important things we had to learn was to work and play well together, and also had to learn to share. We plan to do many things in our room before the year is over. We are going to learn our numbers and how to write them, how to manuscript our names, and toward the end of the year we will be learning our action and color words. We also have several workbooks to complete. Teacher, Mrs. Walter
(Advertiser) BECK'S MEDICINE CHEST Kellerton, Iowa
(Advertiser) LAMONI AUTO CO. Lamoni, Iowa
BACK ROW, L-R: Sue Kaster, Gerry Gorman, Phyllis Hall, Dola Mercer, Jean Baker, Janet Holmes, Linda Virden, Judy Bowen, Suzanne Sissel, Beverlee Barnes, Ruth Epps, Margurite Priest, Sharon Sickles.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Raymond Doser, Dick Jackson, Glenn Payton, Steven Padgitt, Barry Walker, Darrell Hall, Jerry Hightshoe, Meredith Morrison, Johnny Meadows, David Holmes, Jerry Euritt, James Fugate.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Joy Jackson, Jean Bear, Marlene Turner, Anne Garrity, Marie Jensen, Kay Akers, Jean Meadows, Susane Hoffman, Joyce Gibson, Eileen Maloney, Judy O'Dell, Kathryn Holmes, Virginia Payton.
BACK ROW, L-R: Dick Jackson, Kathryn Holmes, John Meadows, Dick Priest, Barry Walker, Merritt Padgitt, Beverlee Barnes, Linda Virden, Kathryn Garrity, Teddy Rae Bear, Jimmie Ethington, Jackie Ross.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: David Holmes, Judy O'Dell, James Fugate, Steven Padgitt, Joyce Gibson, Suzanne Sissel, Marjorie Payton, Jimmie Hightshoe, Alice Minthorn, Jean Meadows, Nancy Powers, Monte Akers, Cythinia Edgington. FRONT ROW, L-R: Meredith Morrison, Anne Garrity, Marie Jensen, Kay Akers, Jane Ellen Sissel, Marion Nash, Gerrie Gorman, Susan Hoffman, Bonnie Minthorn, Joy Jackson, Denny Brooks, Ronnie Rainey.
BACK ROW, L-R: Ronnie Frenzen, Pat O'Grady, Larry Huss
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: James Sissel, Nancy Wicker, Vickie Virden
FRONT ROW, L-R: Edna O'Dell, Deanna Bagley, Laura Kay Pollard, Ann O'Grady, Paulette Orth, Judy Clough.

TRUMPET QUARTET L-R: Dick Jackson, Jerry Hightshoe, Gerry Gorman, Jean Meadows |

CLARINET QUARTET L-R: Johnny Meadows, Anne Garrity, Suzanne Sissel, Linda Lou Virden |
(Advertiser) Brand's Standard Service
BACK ROW, L-R: Mr. Millard, Linda Virden, Jean Baker, Anne Garrity, Kay Akers, Judy O'Dell, Kathryn Holmes, Marlene Turner, Marie Jensen, Joyce Gibson, Phyllis Hall, Judy Bowen, Janet Holmes, Suzanne Sissel. FRONT ROW, L-R: Sue Kaster, Virginia Payton, Jean Meadows, Susan Hoffman, Dola Mercer, Ruth Epps, Beverlee Barnes, Margurite Priest, Sharon Sickels, Gerry Gorman, Janet Priest, Joy Jackson.
BACK ROW, L-R: Bob Bagley, Dick Priest, Meredith Morrison, Glenn Payton, David Holmes, Johnny Meadows, Richard Kaster, Mr. Millard. FRONT ROW, L-R: Darrell Hall, Jerry Hightshoe, Barry Walker, Raymond Doser, Steven Padgitt, David Rainey, Jimmy Sissel, Ronnie Powers.
(Advertiser) McCollough Hatchery Leon, Iowa
BACK ROW, L-R: Merritt Padgitt, Raymond Doser, Steven Padgitt, Linda Lea Andrew, Susie Hoffman, Dick Priest, Mr. Frenzen. FRONT ROW, L-R: Richard Kaster, Jerry Fugate, Kay Akers, Larry Walters, Janet Holmes, Jean Meadows.
BACK ROW, L-R: David Holmes, Bob Bagley, Ernie Mercer, Mr. Frenzen, Jean Bear. MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Larry Walters, Kay Akers, Thelma Mauldin, Sharon Fugate, Elaine Hohneke.
(Advertiser) Harvey Brothers Mt. Ayr, Iowa Mount Ayr Furniture
BACK ROW, L-R: Bob Bagley, Ronnie Gillispie, Dick Jackson, Ernest Mercer, Donald Epps, Steven Padgitt.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: James Fugate, Donald Mercer, Jerry Euritt, Glenn Payton, Junior Wicker, Gary McFarland, Melvin Doolittle, Don Allen.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Ernie Smith, Jerry Hall, Dick Priest, Mr. Hunsicker, Bill Priest, Gerald Priest, Larry Doolittle.
BACK ROW, L-R: Mr. Small, Jerry Euritt, Dick Jackson, Ernie Smith, Ernest Mercer, Jerry Fugate.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Donald Mercer, James Fugate, Larry Doolittle, Don Allen, Junior Wicker, Allan Heggs.
FRONT ROW, L-R: R. D. Baker, Gerald Priest, Gary McFarland, Bill Priest, Glenn Payton, Dick Priest. BASEBALL
The Kellerton Indians baseball team started the fall season with an experienced ball team--having won the Sectional Tournament last spring, and only losing two players. It was hard for any of the new freshmen to find a spot on the starting nine but before the season was over there were several that had been used extensively. Due to the weather and the fact that the Fall Sectional was held early this fall the team only managed to play one game before the tournament stated. The result of that game was as follows: Kellerton 3, Grand River 10. With hard practice making up for games not played the team began to jell into a good working unit and took the Sectional Tournament held at the Kellerton ball diamond last fall. SECTIONAL TOURNAMENT
Kellerton | 11 | | Van Wert | 5 |
Kellerton | 17 | | Weldon | 8 |
Kellerton | 5 | | Grand River | 3 |
Bill Priest was one of the outstanding pitchers in this area last fall and his one hitter against Blockton in the District Tournament was his top performance. He struck out 14 and walked only 3. Bill's control proved to be one of his biggest assets as a pitcher.
Kellerton | 7 | | Blockton | 3 |
Kellerton | 4 | | St. Marys | 3 |
Kellerton met a very strong Eddyville team in the first round of the Sub-State Tournament at New Virginia and were defeated 10-0. We feel that winning 5 and losing only 2 the team showed capabilities of becoming a hard team to beat in the spring. We hope that experience gained this fall will prove out next spring.
(Advertiser) ROBINSON SERVICE STATION Kellerton, Iowa
BACK ROW, L-R: Elaine Hohneke, Eileen Malony, Donna Mercer, Phyllis Hall, Mr. Small. FRONT ROW, L-R: Linda Andrew, Marie Jensen, Kay Akers, Kathryn Holmes, Joyce Gibson.
GIRLS' BASKETBALLWith only two regulars back from last year's Sectional Championship team, Kellerton had to do a rebuilding job this year. Starting with only ten girls much time was
spent in trying to find the right combination. Then about Thanksgiving time Phyllis Hall was involved in a wreck and was out of the rest of the season. The front court usually consisted of Kay Akers, a regular from
last year's team - Joyce Gibson, Marie Jensen, Phyllis Hall, and Linda Andrew. The back court was comprised of Eileen Maloney, the other regular from last year, Kathryn Holmes, Elaine Hohneke, and Donna Mercer. The guards developed into a good unit working together very well on many occasions and out-rebounding many taller teams. The front court saw several changes occurring in the lineup throughout the season. Towards the end of the season, though, the front court was beginning to jell and were giving the opposition a rough time. Marie Jensen was just hitting her stride as post forward as the season ended and the other front court girls were moving and hitting well. Joyce Gibson won second place in the Sectional Free Throw Shooting contest at Kellerton and went to the District Contest at Creston. The girls started the season with five wins, including two over Tingley, one of last year's Sweet Sixteen, and three losses. Then around Christmas the girls went in to a losing streak, losing four in a row, one by Redding in the County Tournament. They then beat Benton to take 3rd place in the County Tournament. Tingley came back to the Sectional Tournament to avenge the two precious defeats and eliminated Kellerton. Kellerton lost the consolation game to Redding. The girls ended up with an 8 and 13 win and loss record for the year. This is not bad as it looks because Kellerton played the strongest teams in this area. Appearing on the schedule this year were four Sectional Tournament winners. The team will lose the service of Kay Akers who did equally well as forward guard and Elaine Hohneke, a fine guard, but it looks as though there are several fine prospects coming up from the eighth grade that will help considerably on next year's team.
BACK ROW, L-R: Jerry Fugate, Don Allen, Dick Jackson, Gary McFarland, James Fugate, Larry Doolittle, Gerald Priest, Donald Mercer, Jerry Hall, Jerry Euritt. FRONT ROW, L-R: Dick Priest, Ernie Smith, Glenn Payton, Larry Walter, Junior Wicker, Ernest Mercer, Bill Priest, Mr. Small. After losing only two regulars from last year's County Championship team, Kellerton was able to put a fairly experienced but young team on the floor. After putting in a long hard month of pre-season practice the Indians began the season by winning their first three games, one of which was over always tough Diagonal, before losing to Tingley. Things went along at a good clip until county tournament time when we were beaten by one point by Beaconsfield in the first game for our third setback of the year, the other defeat came from a strong Lamoni team. Defense again was a strong point for this year's team. The Indians limited the opponents to an average of only 38 points per game. This was necessary because we lacked an outstanding scorer. Anyone of the seven or eight players most used were high point man for one or more games. This made it much harder for the opponents to set up a defense and this proved to be the winning margin of some games. Another thing that proved of great help was "bench strength". It was possible for one or two of the starters to be fouled out and no difference seen in the play of the team when the subs went in. One other thing that helped make the team the best representative of Kellerton School for several years was the fact that all the boys, from the lowest freshman to the seniors were working to the best of their ability in practice to earn and keep a first string berth. The team ended the season with a 15 and 6 win and loss record for the year and four of those losses were by a total of only 15 points. We lose three senior boys by graduation but with the experience gained this year by the rest of the squad, the team should be hard to beat next year. They will have good height, speed, experience and the desire to do better.
(Advertiser) SECURITY STATE BANK Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Larry will be sorely missed from next year's squad as his rebounding off both boards and consistent scoring will be hard to replace. He was a consistent high scorer and one of the best shooters on the team. He hit about 75% from the freethrow line and in the high 30's, percentage-wise, from the field. He was a steadying influence to the rest of the boys on the team, and much of the success of this year's squad is due to Larry's fine play.
Allan came into his own around county tournament time. He could be depended upon to do more than his share of the scoring and he was one of this year's outstanding defensive rebounders. His loyalty and willingness to work long and hard in practice left noting to be desired. These made him one of the most improved players on the squad this year. Allan was always in there after the ball and once he got possession of the ball it was hard to take it away from him. His defensive play will be hard to replace next year.
Ernie Mercer was an equally good defensive player as he was an offensive player for the Indians this year. He will be another player who will be hard to replace on next year's squad. It didn't matter to Ernie what position he played; he filled any position well. His all-around floor play was his outstanding contribution to this year's squad. He developed, as the season progressed, into a better than average shooter from the field and he could be counted on for those necessary free throws in tense moments. His "never say die" spirit made him a most valuable player and he contributed greatly to this year's good record.
(Advertiser) KELLERTON LUMBER & COAL Kellerton, Iowa
 KAY AKERSKay was the standout
player on this year's team and her versatility at either the forward or guard position will make her doubly hard to replace next year. Either at forward, driving for the lay-ups or caning those long shots, or as guard fighting for rebounds and defensing her opponents, Kay was scrapping all the time. Her fighting spirit lead the rest of the team to a victory when it otherwise may have gone down to defeat.
Elaine came to the squad around Thanksgiving time to fill a much needed guard spot. After a few games she regained the pace that she had set as a sophomore and proved a valuable asset to the team. Her coolness in tight situations proved to be a steadying influence to the back court girls and in most games she held her opponents to very few points. Her position on the squad will be hard to fill next year.
Anne Garrity, Janet Holmes, Brian Small, Linda Virden, Susan Hoffman
1957 - 1958 Tomahawk courtesy of GV Museum Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2017
