Kellerton Community School 1955 - 1956 Kellerton, Iowa
Transcriber's Note: My sincere apologies to those whose photographs were close to the inside edge of these pages.
The spine of this yearbook was such that I could not get a good scan without destroying the yearbook. I tried and did my very best.

Editor-in-Chief | . . . . . . | Carolyn Davenport |
Assistant Editor | . . . . . . | Sandra Virden |
Business Manager | . . . . . . | Lois James |
Assistant | . . . . . . | Sharon Fugate |
Advertising Sales Manager | . . . . . . | Elaine Hohneke |
Assistant | . . . . . . | Jerry Andrew |
Sales Manager | . . . . . . | Sandra Boyd |
Assistant | . . . . . . | Kay Akers |
Assistant | . . . . . . | Jean Bear |
Class Editor | . . . . . . | Helen Banks |
Alumni Editor | . . . . . . | Elizabeth Corll |
Activities Editor | . . . . . . | Diane McDowell |
Layout Mat Presentation Supervisor | . . . . . . |
Karen Bear |
Photographer | . . . . . . | Lyman Walker |
Supervisor | . . . . . . | James Rood |
D E D I C A T I O N We, the Senior Class of 1955-56, wish to dedicate this annual to the businessmen of this community, who year after year make possible the publication of this annual, through the advertisements that they purchase.

MADELINE BALLANTYNE Graceland Junior College N. E. Mo. State Teachers B. A. Simpson Graduate Work Drake |

V. R. BARNHOUSE Superintendent B.S. Northwest Mo. State College Grad. Work University of Iowa University of Colorado Northwest Mo. State College |

OTHEL R. RICHARDS B.S. Northwest Mo. State College B.S. Iowa State College |

JAMES A. ROOD B.S. Secondary Ed. Simpson College Northwest Mo. State College |

MIDA E. BRADLEY Northwestern University Drake University |

EDWIN A. HASCALL B.S. Northwest Mo. State College |

HELEN M. BANKS Class Officer 1, 2 Annual Staff 4 Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 4 Mix. Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 Dramatics 3 Play 4 |

JERRY B. ANDREW Class Officer 1, 2 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 2 Play 4 |

LOIS J. JAMES Student Council 2 Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Sextet 3 Play 3, 4 Annual Staff 4 Mixed Chorus 3, 4 |

R. ARVID HUGHES Class Officer 2, 3, 4 Play 3, 4 Boy's Quartet 3, 4 Mixed Chorus 3, 4 Mixed Quartet 4 |

KAREN BEAR Basketball 2 Play 3, 4 Glee Club 1, 2 Annual Staff 4   |

PAUL M. NASH Class Officer 2 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball 2, 3, 4 Mixed Chorus 1 Play 2, 3, 4 |

LYMAN J. WALKER II Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 4 Boy's Quartet 3, 4 Mixed Chorus 4 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Mixed Quartet 3, 4 Annual Staff 3, 4 Play 3, 4 |

PAUL EPPS Play 4 |

RICHARD C. HOHNEKE Basketball 3, 4 Play 3, 4 Quartet 3 Glee Club 3, 4 Mixed Quartet 3, 4 |

LESLIE G. REED Class Officer 1, 3 Basketball 1, 2 Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1 Annual Staff 4 Play 3, 4 |

CAROLYN L. DAVENPORT Class Off. 1, 3, 4 Basketb. 1, 2, 3, 4 Ag. Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 3, 4
Sextet 3 Trio 3 Play 3, 4 Student Council 3, 4 Clarinet Trio 2, 3 Annual Staff 3, 4 |

SANDRA S. VIRDEN Class Off. 1, 3, 4 Basketball 1, 2, 3 Student Council 2, 4 Annual Staff 3, 4 Play 3, 4 Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Sextet 3 Trio 3 Clarinet Trio 2, 3 School Paper 4 |

LARRY JOE CAMPBELL Class Officer 1, 3 Basketball 1, 2 Baseball 1, 2 Mixed Chorus 3 Play 4 |

JACK L. HIGDAY Mixed Chorus 2, 3 Band 1, 2 Play 4 |
(Advertiser) ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Kellerton, Iowa
(Advertiser) Phone 1 on 191 KELLERTON LUMBER and COAL CO. Kellerton,Iowa
(Advertiser) CHRISTIAN CHURCH Kellerton, Iowa
In the year 1943, eleven eager little demons enrolled in the Primary class. They were, Jerry Andrew, Larry Brown, Arvid Hughes, Mary Coy, Jackie Higday, Larry Kneedler, Joan Kneedler, Janice Kneedler, Gene Lutz, Shirley Laird and Sandra Virden. Our teacher was Margaret Smith. Jerry Andrew moved away that summer.
After successfully completing our first year, we were promoted to the 1st grade, consisting of Larry Brown, Jackie Higday, Larry Kneedler, Shirley Laird, Gene Lutz and Sandra Virden. Our teacher that year was Imogene Slezak.
In the second grade, with Mrs. Slezak still our teacher, three more boys enrolled in our grade. They were Larry Campbell, Jerry Cooper and Ronald Henderson.
In 1946, Janice Bryand, Lois James, and Francis Guess joined our class. Janice Bryand later moved away.
We were joined in the fourth grade by Carolyn Davenport, Jerry Andrew, Warren Pfieffer, and Helen Banks. Helen and Warren later moved away.
The next year, with Mrs. Pitkin as our teacher, Marilyn Martin, Robert Mosbarger and Helen Banks joined our class.
In the sixth grade Norma Crozier, Richard Hohneke and Ronald Taylor joined us. Norma moved away later the same year.
In the seventh grade we had a new teacher, Marjorie Young. That year Barbara Shaffer, Karen Bear and Paul Epps joined our class.
In our eighth grade year, "51", we had the privilege of joining the high school people in assembly. Here, LeRoy McColloch joined us.
In our first year of high school life we were joined by Gary Neidt, Lyman Walker, Leslie Reed and Arvid Hughes.
In our Sophomore year LeRoy McColloch dropped from our class.
In our Junior year Gary Neidt left before the semester was over to move to Creston. Larry Dean Kneedler left after the first semester.
In our last and most successful year, we lost only one, Barbara Shaffer, making only thirteen in our class, until we were joined by Paul Nash. Included in the graduating class of "56" are Carolyn Davenport, Sandra Virden, Helen Banks, Karen Bear, Lois James, Jack Higday, Leslie Reed, Richard Hohneke, Paul Epps, Arvid Hughes, Lyman Walker, Jerry Andrew and Larry Campbell. Also before the first six weeks were over Paul Nash from Mitchellville joined our class making it an even fourteen in the graduating class of "56."
SENIOR NEWS When school started September 5, the class of "56" took possession of the west row of seats in the assembly. After staking claims for our seats, we started the school year with a bang by meeting our new teachers, welcoming back our old ones and giving them all a headache or two the first day. Those courses of study we are pursuing - everything from American Problems (what a problem) to vocational problems and physics. Oh yes, and that business law. The teacher said it was easy; maybe so if you have the answer book on your desk. The thing of it is not everyone can do that. Most of us fell into step in short order and put our little noses right to the grind stone. But not for long, as it was almost time to initiate the Freshman. This we did, having a fine time and I assume (I use the word loosely) the Freshman did too. We held our class organization meeting and elected the following as class officers: President - Arvid Hughes, Vice-President - Sandra Virden, Secretary and Treasurer - Carolyn Davenport, Reporter - Lyman Walker. Our student council members are Sandra Virden, Carolyn Davenport and Lyman Walker. Carolyn as a hold over member from last year is the student council president. About the first of November we had our Christmas card and Stationary sales campaigns to raise money for our trip which we will take just as school is out in the spring. In addition to funds raised through these projects we will have the profits from our senior play which we will stage under the direction of Mr. Barnhouse. As we look back on our high school days there is a feeling of sadness in our souls; but good times and days gone by are never to be regained so we are looking forward to setting out in an independent life of our own in this wonderful United States. We are proud to have been members of K.H.S. and will do our best to uphold its traditions by making ourselves good citizens and by making something of ourselves.
We, the senior class of "56" being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this to be our last will and testament.
I, Jerry Andrew, leave my suit and ability to play basketball to Jerry Fugate. May the suit fit him well. I, Karen Bear, will my ability to sit in front of, in back of, or between the same two people all through high school. to Corlee Sickels. I, Richard Hohneke, will my interest in Grand River to Larry Walters. The one most beautiful will be gone though. Chin up, Larry. I, Lois James, will my small stature to Sam Davis. I, Paul Nash, will my ability to get to school just on time to Jake Kaster. May he sleep later than I did. I, Helen Banks, leave my ability to receive a class ring during my senior year to Sharon Bierlein. May she profit by it as much as I did. I, Leslie Reed, will my ability to come to town every night to Allan Heggs. I, Sandra Virden, will my freckles to Joyce Gibson, hoping that they attract more for her than they did for me. I, Arvid Hughes, will my thinness to Sam Davis. Eat hearty, Sam. I, Carolyn Davenport, leave my basketball ability to Joyce Gibson. May she have as many floor burns as I did. I, Larry Campbell, will my ability to get the car and go somewhere every night to Bill Priest. May he go as far and as fast as I. I, Lyman Walker, will my inexplicable, spontaneous, unanalyzable photographic ability to Sam Davis. I, Paul Epps, will my ability to get out of school work to Lloyd Reed. May he get out of as much work as I have. I, Jackie Higday, will my ability to laugh and have fun in all my classes (except business law) to Lloyd Reed. May he profit for it more than I. I, Karen Bear, will my ability to attend school everyday (well maybe 179) to Joan Meadows. Don't get too ill, Joan. I. Richard Hohneke, will my "Three O'clock in the Morning" to Gerald Payton. You'll make it one of these days, Gerald. I, Lois James, will my inability to understand advanced algebra to Sharon Fugate. May she have as much trouble as I did.
I, Paul Nash, will my ability of not fouling out to Jim Hunt and Ronnie Kaster. May they make better use of this added playing time than I did. I, Sandra Virden, leave my desk by the radiator to Sharon Bierlein. May she get more heat faster from it than I did. I, Arvid Hughes, will my studious ability to Dick Baker. I, Carolyn Davenport, leave my ability to get along with Mr. Rood to Allan Hunt. May he profit more than I.
I, Larry Campbell, will my girl in almost every town (sometimes 2 or 3 to a town) to Lloyd Reed. Do be careful, Lloyd. I, Lyman Walker, will my high altitude level to Larry Doolittle. Eat lots of spinach, Larry.
I, Helen Banks, will my ability to fly TWA during Christmas vacation to Diane McDowell. May she enjoy it as much as I did. I, Leslie Reed, will my ability to type 16 words a minute to Elizabeth Corll, may she improve. I, Paul Epps, will my seat near a heat radiator and an open window to Max Newton. Too bad it has to be so close to the teachers desk. I, Jack Higday, will my seat near the prettiest girls to Clarence Templeton. May he make better use of it than I did.
PROPHECY The story you are about to read is false, only the names have not been changed to protect the innocent. The city: Los Angeles, California. Time: June 9, 1965. 9:00 A.M. The Kellerton High School Seniors of "56" are missing. Our job, "FIND THEM!" It is 9:05 and time for our first coffee break. We start for the El Salvador Cafe. As we enter the door, whom should we see, but Lois James, all decked out in furs and diamonds. Lois tells us that she is happily married to a mult-millionaire. She has two sweet little girls who are at home in Beverly Hills with their governess. At 9:15 we are seated by a dashing young waiter whom we recognize as Jack Higday. Jack tells us that he is not married but is still shopping. He is very satisfied with his job. We also learn from him that Jerry Andrew is working in an airplane factor nearby. At 9:30 we say farewell to Jack and hop a cab to go to the airplane factory. Here we find Jerry and after a friendly chat he invites us to his home. Here, of course, we find the late Sandra Virden and four little girls all with red hair. We soon discover that it is 10:30 and we are afraid that we have overstayed our welcome. On our way out we bump into Leslie Reed coming into the house to get his morning assignment. You see, Leslie is the Andrew family gardener. He says he is going to be a bachelor. Those days at K.H.S. turned him against all women. It is now 10:45 and we call a cab. When it arrives who should the driver be but Dick Hohneke. Dick jumps out of his cab and opens the door for us. When asked how he likes his job, he says, "Oh man, it's swell!" We tell him of our mission and ask if he knows where the rest of the seniors are. He tells us exactly where we can find Lyman Walker and we ask him to drive us there. We soon find ourselves getting out in front of a coliseum. Sure enough, we hear Lyman before we enter the building. He is giving a lecture on soil conservation. After his speech he joins us for a chat. We learn that he is President of the Soil Conservation Department of California, and also, that Karen Bear is
his secretary. We find that if we wait a bit we can talk to her. She tells us that after finishing Commercial School she went to Los Angeles to find work. She is very happy with her work but hasn't as of yet found her Prince Charming. As we look at our watches, we find it is 11:55. Everyone is getting quite hungry so we stop at the closest restaurant. While we are eating, a little boy becomes choked on a huge piece of lobster and they call for the nearest doctor. We are surprised to find the doctor to be none other than Paul Nash. After attending to his patient, he spies us and comes over to have a talk. He tells us that during the past few years his work has been very profitable and that he has his own private pharmacist who is none other than Arvid Hughes. Both Paul and Arvid are married and each has a son. At 1:15 P.M. we decide to add a little variation to our trip. So, off we go to the nearest race track to watch the main event. We arrive late be decide to stay and are very glad we did for here we find more members of the late senior class. We learn that the driver of the lead car is Larry Campbell and not far behind is Paul Epps. Larry is still driving his "51" Plymouth and Paul is driving his "51" Ford. The race is a tough one but Larry manages to squeeze over the finish line five seconds before Paul. Close by in the bleachers we see Carolyn Davenport and Helen Banks. We find they are both happily married. Carolyn has two short little boys who are the very image of their father, Marion. Helen has a short little girl who looks just like her. The story you have just read is an actual case taken from our vivid imagination.
President | | Arvid Hughes |
Vice-President | | Sandra Virden |
Secretary-Treasurer | | Carolyn Davenport |
Reporter | | Lyman Walker II |
| CLASS COLORS Green and White | |
| CLASS MOTTO Not at the top, but still climbing | |
| CLASS FLOWER Yellow Carnation | |
(Advertisement) Phone 45 MEADOWS BROS. GARAGE Kellerton, Iowa
Phone 69 COMER BROS. SKELLY STATION Kellerton, Iowa
JUNIORSBack row -- L. to R. -- Max Newton, Dennis Padgitt, Frederick Trower, Gerald Payton, Joan Meadows, Janice Kneedler.
Middle row -- L. to R. -- Roy Doolittle, Jim Hunt, Mike McDowell, Allan Hunt, Sidney Sickels, Sandra Boyd, Elizabeth Corll, Mr. Richards. Front row -- L. to R. -- Ronnie Kaster, Diane McDowell, Richard Rainey, Sharon Hembry, Sharon Bierlein, Jo Ann Kneedler, Marcia Hanks, Mrs. Ballantyne.
JUNIOR NEWS On September 5, 1955, twenty-two Juniors journeyed up the familiar steps of K.H.S. We lost Loretta Akes after the first day and also, Jo Ann Kneedler later in the year, leaving twenty in our class. At our first class meeting we elected our Junior class officers. They are: President - Gerald Payton, Vice-President - Ronnie Kaster, Secretary and Treasurer - Sharon Hembry, Reporter - Joan Meadows and our student council members - Diane McDowell and Sandra Boyd. We have two sponsors this year. They are Mrs. Ballantyne and Mrs. Richards Our class play, which was entitled, "Sweet Su", was on November 16 and 17. We enjoyed putting on this play very much. Our other main activity of the year was selling refreshments at the home basketball games. This has been an enjoyable and exciting year and we are eagerly looking forward to the time when we will be Seniors.
Back row -- L. to R. -- Sharon Fugate, Jean Bear, David Holmes, Larry Walters, Carolyn Scott, Lloyd Reed, Mr. Rood. Front row -- L. to R. -- Thelma Maudlin, Allan Heggs, Kay Akers, Elaine Hohneke, Rozetta Akes, Clarence Templeton. SOPHOMORE NEWS On September 5, 1955, thirteen members enrolled in the Sophomore class of K.H.S. At our first class meeting, we elected officers. They are: President - Linda McColloch, Vice-President - Elaine Hohneke, Secretary and Treasurer - Larry Walters and our student council members - Kay Akers and David Holmes. Mr. Rood is our sponsor. Two new members in our class this year are, Rosetta Akes and Clarence Templeton. Also, during the second six weeks, we welcomed back Sam Davis, who was with us last year. We are enjoying our Sophomore year and looking forward to when we shall become Juniors.
Back row -- L. to R. -- Bill Priest, Richard Kaster, Jerry Fugate, Richard Flowers, Ernest Wicker, Mr. Hascall, Richard Baker, A. D. Newton. Font row -- L. to R. -- Larry Doolittle, Sharon Reynolds, Joyce Gibson, Marie Jensen, Eileen Maloney, Corlee Sickels, Donald Epps.
FRESHMAN NEWS On September 5, 1955, fifteen Freshman enrolled in K.H.S. We wee considered to be kind of green until initiation, at which time the Seniors smeared us with lipstick. On initiation day, we came to school dressed as different people, ranging from Bugs Bunny to Marilyn Monroe.. That evening, we had a party, at which we provided the entertainment. The Seniors held a Kangaroo Court of which we were all found guilty. We had many sentences, from feeding each other marshmellow creme blindfolded, to proposing. At our first class meeting, we elected our class officers. They are: President - Richard Kaster, Vice-President - Jerry Fugate, Secretary and Treasurer - Sharon Reynolds, and student council members - Joyce Gibson and Bill Priest. Our sponsor is Mr. Hascall.
(Advertiser) Phone 189 POWERS PRODUCE Kellerton, Iowa
SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADESBack row -- L. to R. -- Gary McFarland, Ted Sickels, Gerald Priest, Jr. Wicker, Mr. Hunt, Meredith Morrison, Larry Peppemier, Richard Jackson. Third row -- L. to R. -- Betty Akes, Linda Mauldin, Diane Hunt, Ronald Gillespie, Kathryn Holmes, Glen Payton, Kenneth Herron, Dick Priest. Second row -- L. to R. -- Phyllis Hall, Linda Kay Higday, Linda Newton, Linda Lee Andrew, Carolyn Templeton, Susan Hoffman, Carol Ann Ethington, Linda Lou Virden, Betty Jo Bear. Front row -- L. to R. -- Jerry Hall, Ronnie Reynolds, Don Allen, Stephen Padgitt, Johnny Meadows, Dick Baker, Melvin Doolittle.
SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES On September 5, 1955, twelve seventh graders trudged up that last flight of stairs to be greeted by twenty eighth graders and Mr. Hunt, their teacher. Soon after school started Sharon Kneedler moved to Des Moines leaving thirty-one in the classroom. During the first six weeks, the Eighth Grade Club elected class officers. They are: President - Dick Priest, Vice-President - Jerry Hall, Secretary - Susan Hoffman, Treasurer - Glenn Payton. The purpose of our club is to learn and practice parliamentary procedure, to conduct class business, and to plan and collect money for class activities. This year we had two Jr. High Softball games with Davis City, which were lost, but were fun and good practice. We have several Jr. High Basket ball games planned. Our concentrated scholastic efforts are on English, history, arithmetic, science and spelling. The new fiction books are greatly enjoyed by all, but the World Books are more used to hold our interest.
Back row -- L. to R. -- Sandra Epps, Ruth Epps, Margaret Priest, Judy Bowen, Janet Holmes, Jean Baker, Linda Miller, Raymond Doser, Duane Templeton. Third row -- L. to R. -- Mary Ann Herron, Suzanne Sissel, Sharon Sickels, Judy O'Dell, Ann Garriety, Mrs. Hunt, Gary Grose, Barry Walker, Eldon McFarland, Maurice Gillespie, Kenneth Baker. Second row -- L. to R. -- Minerva Newton, Janet Priest, Kathy Boyd, Beverlee Barnes, Jean Meadows, Joy Jackson, Virginia Payton, Gerrie Gorman, Sue Kaster, James Sissel, Ronnie Powers. Front row -- L. to R. -- Dennis Brooks, Dale Allen, Micky Peppmier, Merritt Padgitt, Don Stogdill, Darrel Hall, Jerry Hightshoe, David Rainey, Harold Jensen.
FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES The fifth and sixth grades started the school year with forty-one pupils, their teacher being Mrs. Hunt. We have two new pupils in our room, Don Bullock and Duane Templeton. Class officers, elected at the first of the year, were: President - Jerry Hightshoe, Vice-President - Suzanne Sissel, Secretary - Kenneth Baker, Treasurer - Darrel Hall. National Education Week brought several visitors to our room. Mrs. Doser has helped us by visiting and showing the slides she has of different places in Europe. Through cooperation on the part of each one we have established our own governing body and find that because we are a large group much can be gained by sharing our ideas and experiences.
THIRD AND FOURTH GRADESBack row -- L. to R. -- Ronnie Rainey, Larry Trower, Terry Stogdill, Charlotte Combs, Patty O'Grady, Marjorie Payton, Marion Nash, Mary Jane Virden.
Third row -- L. to R. -- Dennis McFarland, Ronnie Newton, Jackie Garriety, Stanley Hunt, James Crecelius, Ray Bear, Lyle Harris, Teddie Sickels, Doyle Templeton. Second row -- L. to R. -- Hazel O'Dell, Judy Ross, Anna O'Grady, Nancy Powers, Bonnie Minthorn, Jane Ellen Sissel, Cynthia Edgington, Carolyn Epps, Alice Minthorn. Front row -- L. to R. -- Melvin Ogier, Jacky Ross, Monte Akers, Larry Huss, Jimmy Ethington, Charles Sissel, Harold Baker, Gale Miller, Johnny Holmes.
THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES  School began September 5, 1955, with an enrollment of thirty-six in the third and fourth grades. There were two new pupils in the third grade, Terry Stogdill and Jewel Sturm. We have one new pupil in the fourth grade, Doyle Templeton. We then lost Jewel from the third grade, but gained Marion Nash from Mitchellville. There are pupils in the fourth grade playing instruments for the first time this year. We gave our P.T.A. program November 3, 1955, under the direction of Miss Bradley. The students also entertained the Study Group in Dec. The pupils of the third and fourth grades have enjoyed many birthdays through-out the year. Our teacher is Mrs. Richards.
Back row -- L. to R. -- Vickie Virden, Paulette Orth, Nancy Wicker, Edna O'Dell, Mrs. Poore, Laura Kay Pollard, Tommy Drake, Dwane Miller. Middle row -- L. to R. -- Teresa Gillespie, Patricia Bowen, Frederick Hainline, Allan Campbell, Dennis Epps, Ethel Sissel, Keith Templeton, Carolyn Crecelius. Front row -- L. to R. -- Allen Van Pelt, Roger O'Dell, Linda Epps, Dwayne Virden, Rea Rae Andrew, Dickie Ross, Joyce Rainey, Judy Clough, Danny DeVries, Carol Bullock. FIRST AND SECOND GRADES Our school year began September 5, with twenty-eight first and second grade pupils. During our first six weeks, two first-grade girls, namely, Teresa Sturm and Donna Flowers, moved away. Judy Kay Overton was enrolled in our first grade during the second six weeks of school. Betty Templeton and Dennis Ryan, who are enrolled in Kindergarten, came into our room for some work in our first grade. We have some new play things in our room and also some new materials for learning. A new teacher's desk is a beautiful piece of furniture of which we are very proud.
Back row -- L. to R. -- Jimmie Hoffman, Terry Barnes, James Miller, Mrs. Murray, Dennis Ryan, Jo Ellen Hainline, Ray Hammond, Larry Grose. Middle row -- L. to R. -- Nancy Wicker, Mitzi Virden, Deanna Pollard, Lynn Sickels, Neal Akes, Henry Baker, Betty Templeton. Front row -- L. to R. -- Johnny Herron, Barbara Harris, Cynthia Brimmer, Timothy Edgington, Frances Epps, Elaine Gillespie. Not pictured -- Terry Baker, Susan Van Pelt. KINDERGARTEN If you had stepped into our room the first day of school, you would have found out about two dozen little people. You would have found some eager and ready for the new experience school would hold for them, while others were in tears. They were not quite ready for the break from home and Mother. Step into our room today at free-play time and you will find them in a much happier atmosphere of fun and sharing together. You will note a marked growth has taken place in their ability to work and play together. You will find some playing cowboy and Indians while others will be interested in the train, farm, dollhouse, building blocks, or puzzles or some may be making pictures or looking at some of our many fine story books. School to all, has become, "FUN."
GLEE CLUBBack row -- L. to R. -- Joan Meadows, Carolyn Davenport, Sandra Virden, Sandra Boyd, Kay Akers, Diane McDowell, Sharon Reynolds. Middle row -- L. to R. -- Susan Hoffman, Marie Jensen, Joyce Gibson, Helen Banks, Kathryn Holmes, Eileen Maloney, Diane Hunt. Front row -- L. to R. -- Marcia Hanks, Elizabeth Corll, Sharon Hembry, Sharon Bierlein, Lois James, Linda Virden.
HIGH SCHOOL SEXTETAccompanist - Sandra Virden L. to R. -- Marcia Hanks, Joyce Gibson, Diane McDowell, Sandra Boyd, Sharon Hembry, Sharon Bierlein. (Advertiser) Phone 79 KELLERTON OIL COMPANY Kellerton, Iowa
Back row -- L. to R. -- Meredith Morrison, Diane McDowell. Fourth row -- L. to R. -- Lyman Walker, David Holmes, Mike McDowell, Dennis Padgitt, Helen Banks, Dick Priest. Third row -- L. to R. -- Linda Virden, Suzanne Sissel, John Meadows, Joan Meadows, Sandra Virden, Carolyn Davenport, Sandra Boyd, Sharon Bierlein. Second row -- L. to R. -- Gerrie Gorman, Jean Meadows, Jerry Hightshoe, Mary Ann Herron, Ann Garriety, Barry Walker, Stephen Padgitt, Beverlee Barnes. Front row -- L. to R. -- Susan Hoffman, Dick Jackson, Kay Akers, Marcia Hanks, Marie Jensen, Elizabeth Corll, Kathryn Holmes.
QUARTET L. to R. -- David Holmes, Lyman Walker, Arvid Hughes, Dennis Padgitt
(Advertiser) METHODIST CHURCH Kellerton, Iowa
MUSIC ACTIVITES Kellerton High School was well represented at the State Contest for soloists, small and large groups in both vocal and instrumental. The Girls' Glee Club won a superior rating and a plaque. The Band placed a good record considering the number of entries. Our thanks to the Band Boosters and Board of Education for it was their effort that made possible the purchase of new uniforms in time for the contest. Graceland College Band gave a concert for us and the High School Band, Glee Club, Soloists and small ensemble groups gave a concert. The band mothers sold tickets for $1.00 each for three concerts, one by a visiting group, and two by the school. More of the Glee Club and Band activities were to participate in P.T.A. meetings, Veterans Day Program and the Legion Day Program. Last summer during the Kellerton Reunion, the sextet and soloists won prizes. Our Music Director, Miss Bradley, is anticipating all I ratings at the contest in the spring. Plans are in progress to bring a visiting band or choral group here in the near future. Miss Bradley will present the band, choral groups and soloists in a concert in May.
| | 1954 ALUMNI | | |
Darrell Baker | | Navy | | New York, N.Y. |
Lloyd Drake | | Iowa Power & Light | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Marcine McColloch | | Mrs. Howard McBroom | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Caryll Lou Higday | | Rexall Drugs, Mt. Ayr | | Kellerton, Ia. |
Ernest Greene | | Army | | Fort Lee, Va. |
Shirley Heggs | | Northwestern Bell Telephone | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Janice Cox | | Mrs. James Brown | | Diagonal, Ia. |
Virgil Epps | | Iowa Power & Light | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Jack Ethington | | Army | | Kentucky |
Mary Hohneke | | Offutt Air Force Base | | Omaha, Neb. |
Verlyn Hoff | | College | | California |
Marvin Lesan | | Farm | | Kellerton, Ia. |
Evelyn O'Connell | | Mrs. La Verne Brown | | Skidmore, Mo. |
Jimmy Meadows | | College (Lamoni) | | Kellerton, Ia. |
Donna Kaster | | Mrs. Lyle Corll | | Kellerton, Ia. |
| |
| | 1955 Alumni | | |
Francis Hunt | | College (Lamoni) | | Kellerton, Ia. |
Ann Meadows | | Northwestern Bell Telephone | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Karen Laird | | Northwestern Bell Telephone | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Marvin Corll | | Farm | | Kellerton, Ia. |
Jim Hightshoe | | Masonary work | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Retha Maudlin | | New Utica | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Clara Mae Hogue | | Mrs. Lowell Grimm | | Chariton, Ia. |
Jan Boyd | | College (Ames) | | Ames, Ia. |
Dennis Kennedy | | Construction | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Leona Tilford | | Mrs. Keith Sissel | | Gashland, Mo. |
Charlotte Kneedler | | Liberty Building | | Des Moines, Ia. |
Carolyn Galbraith | | College (Simpson) | | Indianola, Ia. |
Jack Padgitt | | College (Lamoni) | | Kellerton, Ia. |
(Advertiser) BERT'S CAFE Kellerton, Iowa
(Advertiser) Phone 169 POLLARD'S GROCERY; Kellerton, Iowa
FRESHMAN INITIATIONBack row -- L. to R. --Ernest Wicker, Dick Flowers, Eileen Maloney. Middle row -- L. to R. -- Richard Baker, A. C. Newton, Bill Priest, Richard Kaster, Jerry Fugate, Corlee Sickels, Marie Jensen. Front row -- L. to R. -- Donald Epps, Larry Doolittle, Joyce Gibson, Sharon Reynolds.
(Advertiser) Phone 24 on 145 EARL MERRITT Kellerton, Iowa
Back row: Bill Priest, Lyman Walker, David Holmes. Front row: Sandra Virden, Kay Akers, Sandra Boyd, Joyce Gibson,
Diane McDowell and Carolyn Davenport.
KELLERTON STUDENT COUNCIL HISTORY The Kellerton High School Student Council was organized in the fall of 1952. The first meeting of the student council was held on September 10, 1952 for the primary purpose of electing officers. After a few meetings a Constitution was drawn up and accepted. Two members of each class were on the council with the exception of the Senior class which had three members. One of these Seniors became president. On September 26, 1952, the Kellerton Student Council joined the National Student Council and also the Iowa Student Council. The Council members decided to set up a list of good citizenship standards to improve the students actions in school. This list of standards has been followed since that time and has improved the school tremendously. Each year, four members of the Council have the opportunity to go to the Iowa Association of Student Council Conference at Ames, Iowa. The primary objective of this meeting between the various student councils is to exchange ideas. Also at this meeting the state officers are elected and they study and pass or amend regulations in the State Constitution. Some of the projects of the Kellerton Student Council have been: the election of cheerleaders, helping with assembly programs, drawing names for Christmas, organizing high school parties, conducting campaigns for cleaning up the school yard, holding bake sales, sponsoring a tea for the Seniors, purchasing a memorial, and organizing a ping-pong tournament. In 1953-54 the Student Council proceeded to have a dancing class during the noon hour. An Alumni Dance was also held on March 26, 1954. A new Constitution was drawn up and adopted in 1954. In this document the principle change was the election of officers. The Constitution now reads "The officers of the Student Council shall be selected in the following manner: The vice-president of the previous year shall be the president; the Council shall elect the vice-president and secretary from its membership." The members of the 1955 Kellerton Student Council have been making plans and arrangements for a high school Christmas party to be held December 22, 1955. Although our Kellerton Student Council has not been organized for a great length of time, we have made much progress and feel that in the years to come this organization will be instrumental in the school activities.
(Advertiser) Phone 110 KELLERTON INSURANCE AGENCY Kellerton, Iowa
BOYS BASEBALLBack row -- L. to R. -- Jerry Andrew, Jerry Fugate, Jim Hunt, Mike McDowell, Allan Hunt.
Middle row -- L. to R. -- Ernest Wicker, Richard Kaster, Lloyd Reed, Richard Rainey, David Holmes. Front row -- L. to R. -- Mr. Rood, Ronnie Kaster, Leslie Reed, Gerald Payton, Bill Priest.
BASEBALL After only two days practice, the Kellerton baseball team dropped its opening baseball game, 5 to 15, in favor of Van Wert. This was the last loss for the boys until Macksburg beat them in the first game of the District Tourney. The scores of the regularly scheduled games were as follows:
Kellerton | 5 | ---------- | Van Wert | 15 |
Kellerton | 20 | ---------- | Redding | 6 |
Kellerton | 28 | ---------- | Van Wert | 13 |
Kellerton | 10 | ---------- | Diagonal | 0 |
After a tremendous amount of improvement throughout the season, the boys won the Sectional Tourney, which as held at LeRoy,
by defeating the teams listed below:
Kellerton | 11 | ---------- | Russell | 0 |
Kellerton | 18 | ---------- | Cambria | 14 |
Kellerton | 5 | ---------- | Weldon | 10 |
The boys were paired with Macksburg, the eventual tourney winners, for the first game of the District Tournament. Macksburg's pitcher seemed to be too much for the boys as they dropped a well played game, 4 to 1.
Due to the great improvement of the team as the season progressed, it is felt that the boys will be pretty fair during the spring season. The addition of Paul Nash, a transfer from Mitchellville, should strengthen the team considerably. It is unfortunate that we can not have the results of the spring season in this annual, but it has to be sent in for publication by February.
GIRLS BASKETBALLBack row -- L. to R. -- Coach Mr. Rood, Marcia Hanks, Marie Jensen, Eileen Maloney, Kathryn Holmes, Elaine Hohneke, Joyce Gibson. Front row -- L. to R. -- Diane McDowell, Kay Akers, Linda McColloch, Carolyn Scott, Carolyn Davenport, Elizabeth Corll. GIRLS BASKETBALL
A relatively inexperienced group of girls reported for basketball practice to start the season this year. Although six or seven of the girls were previous letter winners their ability on the court left a lot to be desired. Carolyn Davenport, a veteran of about four seasons, was about the only girl who could hold her own.
As the season progressed, however, even though we lost most of our games, these girls began to get the idea of the game. Since the pivot girl from last year had to be replaced, we naturally found it difficult to score. Carolyn Scott, with a little experience as a guard, was switched to the pivot position and developed as the season progressed. Carolyn Davenport, our experienced forward, helped develop Diane McDowell into the other out-forward.
After a few games the guards, consisting of primarily Linda McColloch, Liz Corll, and Kay Akers, began to shape up. Eileen Maloney and Elaine Hohneke were also used quite a lot.
The whole team progressed by leaps and bounds as we played our scheduled games but they never quite hit their stride. During the tournaments and in two or three scheduled games the girls found themselves and played pretty fair ball. All in all much valuable experience was gained which should help considerably next year. Carolyn Davenport is the only girl lost via the graduation route this year. This will indeed hurt us but the other girls with their added experience should be much better come next season.
Our won and lost record 5 - 16 is not very impressive but to sort of compensate for that the girls eliminated two teams in the sectional tourney and thus reached the finals. Carolyn Davenport sprained her ankle and didn't get to participate in the Sectional Tourney. This hurt us badly throughout the tournament. A very strong Beaconsfield team beat us but everyone felt good as the runners-up team.
Oct. 28 | | Grand River, There | | 40 - 75 |
Nov. 1 | | Beaconsfield, There | | 41 - 68 |
Nov. 11 | | Benton, There | | 45 - 66 |
Nov. 15 | | Afton, Here | | * 49 - 41 |
Nov. 18 | | Tingley, Here | | 38 - 61 |
Nov. 29 | | Redding, Here | | 35 - 53 |
Dec. 2 | | Tingley, Here | | 43 - 66 |
Dec. 6 | | Benton, Here | | 31 - 62 |
Dec. 9 | | Beaconsfield, Here | | 36 - 67 |
Dec. 13 | | Redding, There | | 34 - 64 |
Dec. 16 | | Grand River, Here | | 24 - 72 |
Dec. 20 | | Shannon City, There | | 45 - 54 |
Jan. 6 | | Ellston, There | | * 60 - 55 |
Jan. 24 | | Shannon City, Here | | 41 - 54 |
Jan. 27 | | Afton, There | | 44 - 47 |
Feb. 10 | | Ellston, Here | | * 61 - 57 |
County Tournament | | |
Beaconsfield VS Kellerton | | 57 - 78 |
Benton VS Kellerton | | 49 - 56 |
Sectional Tournament | | |
Leon VS Kellerton | | * 49 - 44 |
Van Wert VS Kellerton | | * 52 - 31 |
Beaconsfield VS Kellerton | | 37 - 68 |
Won 5 Lost 16
* Denotes Victories
(Advertiser) W. E. Wheeler Barber Shop Kellerton, Iowa
Back row: -- L. to R. -- Coach Mr. Rood, Bill Priest, Ernest Smith, Gerald Payton, Larry Walters, Jerry Fugate, Frederick Trower, Richard Rainey. Front row -- L. to R. -- Richard Kaster, Ronnie Kaster, Mike McDowell, Jim Hunt, Jerry Andrew, Paul Nash. BOYS BASKETBALL
The basketball season started with about 14 boys reporting for practice. Of these 14 boys, only 4 were returning letterman.
This relatively inexperienced crew soon counteracted their inexperience with terrific determination and drive. To say that they worked hard is an understatement. All of the boys worked hard and practiced many hours. In this aspect two boys, Paul Nash and Mike McDowell, deserve much special respect and admiration. These boys often stayed and practiced after regular practice for the day was over. To them is due much credit for the success of this year's team.
Jerry Andrew developed into the finest rebounder, particularly in view of his size, of anyone around here. He certainly compensated for his lack of scoring power with his terrific rebounding and defensive skill. The tough defensive man was always Jerry's assignment. With Jerry and Jim Hunt as the nucleus, we probably had one of the better rebounding teams in this territory.
While Jim was a good rebounder, his main asset was an eye for the bucket. He hit about 60% of his field goal attempts in several games this year and ended the season with an overall average of 50%. This is good shooting on anyone's basketball team.
Ronnie Kaster and Gerald Payton were the other mainstays on the team. Richard Kaster also saw quite a bit of action. Ronnie possessed a lot of speed and also had a good eye for the basket. Gerald proved to be a good steady ball player who could always be counted on to do a good job. He turned in several fine performances.
With a season record of 20 wins and five losses, we were all extremely proud of the boys. Four of these losses were to Diagonal which was no doubt one of the strongest clubs in southwestern Iowa. Our first loss to them was by one point in an overtime. In the next two encounters, we were beaten by only a few points and in the last game again by only one point. We felt our ballclub was just as good as theirs, but we could not combat their experience which we lacked.
We are looking forward to a good season next year.
Oct. 28 | | Grand River, There | | * 81 - 33 |
Nov. 1 | | Beaconsfield, There | | * 43 - 28 |
Nov. 8 | | Diagonal, Here | | 62 - 64 |
Nov. 11 | | Benton, There | | 44 - 52 |
Nov. 15 | | Afton, Here | | * 56 - 42 |
Nov. 18 | | Tingley, Here | | * 63 - 45 |
Nov. 29 | | Redding, Here | | * 59 - 42 |
Dec. 2 | | Tingley, Here | | * 65 - 50 |
Dec. 6 | | Benton, Here | | * 62 - 49 |
Dec. 9 | | Beaconsfield, Here | | * 74 - 48 |
Dec. 13 | | Redding, There | | * 84 - 63 |
Dec. 16 | | Grand River, Here | | * 80 - 35 |
Dec. 20 | | Shannon City, There | | * 52 - 32 |
Jan. 6 | | Ellston, There | | * 74 -38 |
Jan. 24 | | Shannon City, Here | | * 52 - 32 |
Jan. 27 | | Afton, There | | * 58 - 44 |
Feb. 3 | | Blockton, Here | | * 51 - 50 |
Feb. 7 | | Ellston, Here | | * 86 - 35 |
Feb. 10 | | Lamoni, Here | | * 58 - 48 |
Feb. 17 | | Diagonal, There | | 56 - 65 |
County Tournament | | |
Redding VS Kellerton | | * 63 - 40 |
Diagonal VS Kellerton | | 53 - 67 |
Sectional Tournament | | |
Grand River VS Kellerton | | * 67 - 33 |
Tingley VS Kellerton | | * 67 - 65 |
Diagonal VS Kellerton | | 55 - 56 |
Won 20 Lost 5
* Denotes Victories

Carolyn Davenport (Whatta gal!) has played six years of basketball on the first team for K.H. S. She started her long career while only a seventh grader. During the six seasons, she has alternated between guard and forward. She has been a good scorer, smart rebounder and a terrific playmaker. Probably her greatest attribute was her never ending fire and hustle. The many hours she has spent in representing this high school will long be remembered.

Paul Nash, a transfer student from Mitchellville, has been the outstanding guard on our basketball team. Paul has scored in the double figures for us game after game. He is a good set shot and also has a fine jump shot. He has sorta been our offensive quarterback. With his fine ball handling ability, he has developed into a terrific team man. Nobody has worked harder or put in more practice hours trying to perfect themselves than Paul. In short, Paul has won much respect for K.H.S. Hats off to Paul Nash.

In losing Jerry from our basketball team we are losing undoubtedly on of the better high school players in this part of the country. His value has been immeasurable. He has never been a high scorer and thus has gone rather unnoticed by many. In spite of his height (only 5' 10") Jerry has been one of the finest rebounders to come out of K.H.S. He has terrific defensive and ball-handling ability. To merely say he was a great team man is an understatement. We salute Jerry Andrew for the fine job he has done for his school.
CHEERLEADERS L. to R. -- Sharon Bierlein, Thelma Maudlin, and Sharon Hembry.
(Advertiser) Curly's Tavern Kellerton, Iowa
1956 Kellerton Community School Tomahawk courtesy of GV Museum Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2017 

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