Kellerton Independent School Kellerton, Iowa 1951-1952 Tomahawk
SEATED: Norma Reed, Margaret DeVries, Janice Heggs, Phyllis Meadows.
STANDING: Louise Walker, Denny Duffield, Bob Kaster, John White, Rena Laird, Shirley Heggs, Connie Maggard, Paul Stevens, Bob Walker, Tom Duffield, Keith Barnhouse, Betty Kaster, Carolyn Galbraith, Evelyn O'Connell, Mrs., Gripp - Sponsor.

Editor-in-Chief | . . . . . . | Janice Heggs |
Assistant Editor-in-Chief & Business Manager | . . . . . . | Margaret DeVries |
Lay-out Manager and Grade Reporter | . . . . . . | Phyllis Meadows |
Assistant Lay-out Manager | . . . . . . | Denny Duffield |
Feature Editor | . . . . . . | Esther Doser |
Feature Editor and Senior Reporter | . . . . . . | Norma Reed |
Assistant Feature Editor | . . . . . . | Tom Duffield |
Activities Editors | . . . . . . | Paul Stevens John White Bob Walker |
Boys' Sports Editors | . . . . . . | Keith Barnhouse Connie Maggard |
Girls' Sports Editor | . . . . . . | Shirley Heggs |
Circulation Manager | . . . . . . | Bob Kaster |
Sophomore Reporter | . . . . . . | Evelyn O'Connell |
Freshman Reporter | . . . . . . | Carolyn Galbraith |
Sponsor | . . . . . . | Mrs. Gripp |

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Harold Akers, President | | | Clifford Allen |
Francis Virden, Secretary | | | Eldon Meadows |
G. C. Pollard, Treasurer | | | Wallace Teale Francis McDowell |

On November 16, 1951, at seven o'clock, a long time dream of our community was realized, as our nice new gym was
dedicated. The Band played several numbers before the processional which was led by the Boy Scouts, followed by Mr. Barnhouse, Superintendent; Reverend W. T. Miller, minister of the Methodist Church; Mr. Akers, President of the Board of Education; and Mr. Raymond Zinser (professor at Graceland College), speaker of the evening. Reverend Miller was introduced by Mr. Barnhouse after which he gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance by the Boy Scouts was followed by the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" by the audience. Mr. Barnhouse then introduced Mr. Zinser, who gave a speech of dedication. Mr. Akers presented the gym to the community. The band then played as the Boy Scouts led the recessional at the end of the dedication exercises.
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Our Bus Drivers were Lyle Spencer and Harry Shaner. Sometimes driving the buses was a pretty hard job because of bad weather and bad roads, but we think they did a swell job.
We want them to know that we appreciate their help in transporting the pupils to and from school

Mrs. Forrest Smith and Mrs. V. R. Barnhouse were our Hot Lunch cooks this year. We have a good hot lunch program and we really had many good meals this year.
We want to thank our cooks for doing their part in our school program.

Except for the faculty and schoolboard, there is but one man who is responsible for keeping our school operating successfully. This man is our janitor, Mr. Alvin Davis. He not only keeps the schoolhouse clean and heated, but gives friendly help to everyone. Every day he performs scores of tasks; such as, sweeping the halls and separate rooms, burning the waste paper, keeping the walks clean, and other important things which must be done in order that the school be kept clean.
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We, the '52 Seniors of K. H. S., being of sound mind and body after thirteen hard and strenuous years of school do hereby bequeath the following to the following:
We, the Seniors, Class of 1952, will to each of the faculty a bottle of vitamins to win back that vim, vigor and vitality they had before they started teaching us,
To the Juniors, we leave our Senior prestige, our seats on the east side of assembly and our American Problems notebooks.
To the Sophomores and Freshmen, we will leave.
I, Norma Reed, will my freckles to Rena Laird, hoping they attract more for her than they did for me.
I, John White, leave my greatest ability to Monte Ballou. May he be the 1953 ping-pong champion of K.H.S.
I, Janice Heggs, will my musical talent to Evelyn O' Connell. May she have the patience to be a piano accompanist, especially with those pianos.
I, Paul Stevens, bequeath my ability to have a girl in every town to Arlen Hughes.
 I, Margaret DeVries, leave my basketball ability to Donna Kaster. May she enjoy it as much as I have.
I, Tom Duffield, will my curly hair -- it doesn't have Toni in it either -- to Don Becker.
I, Connie Maggard, leave my basketball suit to Jan Boyd.
I, Keith Barnhouse, will my ability to be loyal to that certain girl in Eagleville while I am attending K. H. S. to Lyle Corll.
I, Robert Walker, bequeath my studious behavior and disinterest in girls to Marion Ethington. May he profit by these.
I, Bob Kaster, leave my quietness during class to Tom Allen. He cold probably use it.
I, Phyllis Meadows, leave my job of typing for Mr. Richards to Louise Walker. May she be as faithful as I.
I, John White, will my ability to argue with teachers to Verlyn Hoff. May he do as well as I did.
I, Janice Heggs, bequeath my distinguished walk to my sister, Shirley Heggs.
I, Norma Reed, leave my ability to get the family car to Betty Wicker.
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I, Paul Stevens, will my charm and ability to attract the opposite sex to Dorothy Harvey. May her nights be a full as mine.
I, Keith Barnhouse, leave my voice for singing to Max Scott. May he use it as much as I did.. I, Denny Duffield, will my interest in the Heggs family to Monte Ballou. May he carry on as successful as I. I, Bob Kaster, leave the remains of my dad's car to my sister, Betty Kaster. May it take her as far as it did me. I, Phyllis Meadows, bequeath my ability to play in the band to Marilyn Epps. May she enjoy playing the same songs next year. I, Robert Walker, will my ability to use big words to Beverly Bear. May she use them intelligently. I, Denny Duffield, leave my ability to fix dented fenders to Marion Ethington. Watch out for female drivers. I, Margaret DeVries, bequeath my position as the only girl in Physics Class to some lucky girl. I, Connie Maggard, leave my friendly smile and ability to get along with everyone to Nellie Maudlin. I, Tom Duffield, will my lengthy "Good Night" to Lyle Corll. We, the Class of 1952, do, hereby solemnly set our hands and seal to this our will on the fifteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred fifty-two.

The Senior Class, consisting of 12 members, held its first class meeting early last fall for the purpose of electing the class officers. The elections were as follows: President - Tom Duffield; Vice-President - Paul Stevens; Secretary and Treasurer - Margaret DeVries; Reporter - Norma Reed; and Sponsor - Mr. Barnhouse.
Our first activity was initiating the Freshman.
A photographer from Cochran's Studio came to the schoolhouse on October 12 and took the Senior graduation pictures. On December 10, we received these pictures which proved satisfactory to all.
The annual was one of the Senior projects. We started to work on this project about January 10 when we visited the various business places in Kellerton, Mt. Ayr, and Lamoni to obtain advertisements.
Our Senior year at K. H. S. has been a very enjoyable one and will long be remembered by every member. - 11 -

Ho Hum! Gee I'm tired! It seems that listening to these future tense stories makes one very tired. Well I'm going to hit the hay!
Gee, look at me floating around on a real blue cloud. Wee bless my soul! Look at that tall, heavy, curly-headed fellow there at the "Sticker Glue Plant" working at the back des, looking down his nose at all the pretty girls. Why it's John White, the head bookkeeper -- he was Mrs. Gripp's star bookkeeping pupil?? But say now who's that near the desk? Looks like he had married "a stranger." There's 4, 5, yes - 6 little ones running around. He's a lucky guy -- a basketball team all growing up at once. He says in three more years he's going to take to the road with "White's Pot Shots" and if they take after their Dad I bet they will be winners. I asked him about an old flame of his, Norma Reed and he told me to go to the "Salon of Madame Janice-ellie's" and I would find this former classmate.
So off I went to the Salon -- Say what a place! Wait that doorman looks familiar. Yes, it is Bob Kaster. Isn't he out of this world? So suave, so debonaire, so tall and slender. He has been working at the Salon ever since Madame Janice-ellies opened it, five years ago last May.
I went on down the long hall to office number one -- well now who can that gal be? Is that the fabulous Madame Janice-ellie? Look at that hair piled high on the head -- lacquered very stiff and those cork screw curls at the fore head! Do I know her? Whey--it's my old chum -- Janice Heggs. Boy! Look at that green nylon formal and diamonds she's wearing. I asked her how she got away from Kellerton and she said that since it was impossible to get a job as a teacher because they ran out of pupils down there at Tuskeego that she decided to come here and run a modeling salon.
She took me to meet her top model, "Miss Norma." She is the highest paid model in the field -- one hour for $500. She became known by modeling the new adjustable, zipable, plastic glass, off the shoulder dress. She said that John and his family frequently came in to buy one of her latest successes. She told me to go over to the high school and look up the girls' coach and English teacher. Guess who that teacher was -- yep -- Tom Duffield. I asked him what he had been doing and he told me that he had worked for six years at the North Pole and then started to teach school. He said he was making millions at it (Not like '52.) He told me that he couldn't make that kind of money raising mink. He took me to meet his assistant who was Phyllis Meadows.
Phyllis told me that she had had a very calm life -- three years at sea as a Wave, one year as Princess Margaret Rose's companion and two years singing opera, and now she was married to the nicest fellow who runs a peanut stand at 4th and Main. While visiting with her, she turned on the Color Radar-vis. Two of the "Hippy-Doodle Boys" look familiar, yes sir, they are Connie Maggard and Paul Stevens. Phyllis took me over to the station on her atom ship to talk with them. - 12 - Over at the station I asked Connie how he got started in this business, and he told me that he had gone to Cedar Falls and then coached at Beaconsfield, but decided that music would be more interesting so he got a job on Radar-vis. Paul Stevens was with him on his program. He said that he had been with Tom at the North Pole, and after that he had learned Cat skinning and was working on Connie's program. Oh! and by the way both had cute little German wives. I heard that some of the classmates were at Washington, so I went on my atom ship. At Congress who should I see first by Denny Duffield. He was on the Senate floor shouting. He was lobbying against milking cows -- says people just steal it from poor defenseless cows -- milk they have stored up for their calves rainy days. There they are voting, so it's a vote of 30 to 19 in favor of this bill. Wonder who that is he's talking to. Looks like someone I know. Look at those medals. I know, it must be Keith Barnhouse. I must go talk to them. Keith told me that he was a five-star general and he been in Japan and points west, and now was a member of General Jones' staff in the Pentagon building and was a pilot for the General, and spent his spare time playing the "Missouri Waltz" in remembrance of a certain Missourian. Denny said that he went to Iowa State College, was an inspector, and then the Bureau hired him to lobby for them. He has a wife and five boys. They told me that I could find Margaret DeVries at Chicago, so there I went, and I found her at Station K.R.W.T. sitting at a desk. Said she had led a simple life -- secretary in Des Moines for three years, served three years as a Wac in South Africa, and now was advertising on the radio for Madame Janice-ellie, and was writing novels. They told me at the station that the "Junior Senator of Iowa" was about to go on the air, so I waited to listen to him, and when I heard him I knew it was Bob Walker. His speech was on "Level Land Farming." No land should be farmed which isn't level. The government should level every farm in the U.S., yes, and pay its taxes. Hey! It's day light. Well, that was all a dream but it sure was real about the class of 1952 and what they were doing in 1975.
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One day in September 1939, ten tiny children were shown they way into the Primary room in the Kellerton Independent School. Those enrolling in school that first day were: Ivan Beede, Joan Hanks, Shirley Lutz, Phyllis Meadows, Ethel Mae Moore, Edgar Newton, Bruce Walters, John White, Keith Kneedler. Miss Nadine Allen was our teacher.
In the First grade there were only eight of us. We lost Ethel Mae Moore and Edgar Newton. The new pupils were Gary Shields and Margaret DeVries. Gary Shields and Bruce Walters left after the first semester.
Those who joined our class in the Second grade were Tom and Denny Duffield, Joyce Dady and Allen Zentz. Our teacher was Louise Meier. We all looked forward to being in another room next year.
Miss Jewell Hammer was our teacher in the Third grade. Donald Vanderflught was the only new member in our class.
In the Fourth grade James Alexander joined our class. During the second semester Ethel Mae Moore came back. Miss Jewell Hammer was our teacher.
We were so happy to be in a new room again. During the Fifth grade Cela Fugate was our teacher. Our class remained the same that year.
Fay Krouch was our new teacher in the Seventh grade. We reached Junior High with only two girls, Joan Hanks and Phyllis Meadows. The boys were Ivan Beede, Denny and Tom Duffield, Keith Kneedler, Donald Vanderflught and John White.
Mrs. Elmer Goldner was our teacher in the Eighth grade. Robert Walker entered our class during the second semester. In May, 1948, the class consisting of: Ivan Beede, Denny and Tom Duffield, Joan Hanks, Keith Kneedler, Phyllis Meadows, Donald Vanderflught, John White and Robert Walker, received our diplomas.
In entering High School we became accustomed to a new and different way of life. Now instead of one teacher for all our classes we had a different teacher for each class. We went to and from classes at the ringing of a bell, but the biggest change of all was having to wait on the upper classmen. Mrs. Treichler was our class sponsor this year. Although in entering High School we lost three of our former classmates we also received three new ones. Our class now consisted of Denny and Tom Duffield, Joan Hanks, Phyllis Meadows, John White, Janice Heggs, Norma Reed, Paul Stevens and Bob Walker. - 14 - Our Sophomore year found very little change in our class, although the second semester Bob Kaster entered our class which brought our total up to ten. This year we weren't ruled as much by the upperclassmen so we attempted to live up to the standard of conduct which has been set for us. Mrs. Synider [sp?] was our class sponsor. Now that we were Juniors we began to feel much more important as we were upperclassmen and had something to do with some of the school activities. This year as our Junior Class Play we presented "Peck's Bad Boy". Also as Juniors we had to play (?) the Junior-Senior Banquet. During the second semester we received a new classmate as Margaret DeVries entered our class. Our sponsor was Mr. Simoff. At last we were Seniors and facing our last year of school which we had been looking forward for thirteen years. But not that our last days at good old K. H. S. are in sight, I'm sure every member of our class faces leaving with much regret. One thing we like now that we're Seniors is that the rest of the school have to look up to us for we are now upperclassmen. Our class sponsor for this year was Mr. Barnhouse. In entering our Senior year Joan Hanks, one of our classmates left us and Keith Barnhouse and Connie Maggard entered our class which makes a class of twelve Seniors for graduation. As we leave school and go forth into the world for the first time entirely on our own, we wish to express our thanks to all our teachers, our school board, and our community, and our parents for helping and co-operating with us in all the activities which make up our memories of Kellerton Independent school.
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Left to Right: ARLEN HUGHES, Sec.-Treas.; TOM ALLEN, President; RENA LAIRD, Vice-Pres.; BETTY KASTER, Reporter. |



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Left to Right: DONNA KASTER, Sec.-Treas.; VERLYN HOFF, President; SHIRLEY HEGGS, Vice-Pres.; EVELYN O'CONNELL, Reporter. |



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Left to Right: JAN BOYD, President; MARVIN CORLL; JIMMY HIGHTSHOE, Vice-Pres.; KAREN LAIRD, Sec.-Treas. |


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: It isn't clear if the first girl in the second row is Charlotte Kneedler or Retha Maudlin. There wasn't a name for the second boy in the second row. The way the names were presented on the yearbook page, it isn't clear if the names above for Ann Meadows and Clara Mae Hogue are correct, of it they should be switched. ~ SRB.
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Left to Right: CAROLYN DAVENPORT, Sec.-Treas.; LARRY CAMPBELL, President; HELEN BANKS, Vice-Pres.; SANDRA VIRDEN, Reporter. |



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BACK ROW: Larry Walters, Bob Baker, Jim Hunt, Sydney Sickels, Mike McDowell, Mrs. Young, Jim White, Frederick Trower, Gerald Payton, Dennis Moffett, Ronnie Kaster.
MIDDLE ROW: David Holmes, Richard Rainey, Stephen Merritt, Billy Moore, Carol Shaffer, Judy Fugate, Diane McDowell, Elizabeth Corll, Joan Meadows, Elinore Shaffer.
FRONT ROW: Marcia Hanks, Janice Kneedler, Thelma Maudlin, Kay Akers, Peggy Thurman, Elaine Hohneke, Jean Bear, Carolyn Schott, Joan Kneedler, Sharon Bierlein, Judith Becker.
NOT SHOWN: Mary Ann Sheil, Linda McColloch, and Helen Cox.
BACK ROW: Meredith Morrison, Eileen Maloney, Marie Jensen, Glenn Payton, Bill Hogue, Kenneth Herren.
MIDDLE ROW: Jerry Hall, Donald Epps, Richard Baker, Richard Kaster, Mrs. Richards, A. C. Newton, R. D. Baker, Larry Peppmeier, John Meadows.
FRONT ROW: Linda Kay Higday, Kathryn Holmes, Linda Kay Maudlin, Sharon Kay Kneedler, Sharon Stephens, Joyce Gibson, Corlee Sickles, Susan Hoffman, Linda Virden.
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BACK ROW: Janet Holmes, Jean Baker, Judy O'Dell, Ann Garrity, Miss Smith, Teddy Sickels, Garry McFarland, Raymond Doser, Don Allen, Kenneth Baker.
MIDDLE ROW: Phyllis Hall, Carol Ethington, Linda Andrews, Jimmy DeVries, Corky Forbes, David Rainey, Darrell Hall, Ronnie Moffet, Eldon McFarland.
FRONT ROW: Betty Jo Bear, Ruth Epps, Francis Merritt, Linda Newton, Suzanne Sissel, Mary Ann Herren, Sharon Sickels, Linda Miller, Gerrie Gorman, Sherry Beede, Betty Thurman.
BACK ROW: Beverly Barnes, Jean Meadows, Sandra Epps, James Crecelius, Donna Adams, Mrs. Murray, Dean Deemer, Harold Jensen, Teddie Bear, Teddy Sickels, Johnnie Curry. MIDDLE ROW: Denny McFarland, Jimmy Sissel, Eldon Hogue, Ronnie Newton, Denny Brooks, Dale Allen, Micky Peppmeier, Jackie Garrity, Stephen Gleason, Jackie Ross.
FRONT ROW: Linda Beede, Lyle Evan Hogue, Sue Kaster, Virginia Payton, Wanda Webb, Charlotte Adams, Hazel O'Dell, Minerva Newton, Alice Minthorn, Harold Baker.
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The boys' team this year showed much improvement. The varsity team came through with a better record than has been usual in the past few years. Following is the record of this season's traveling squad.
Verlyn Hoff ended his Sophomore year playing with the first five. He is a good offensive player and promises to be one of the top scorers for the next season.
Jack Ethington is another Sophomore who played on the first team. He is a good scrapper, fine team player, and a good sport.
Dennis Duffield is a Senior with a three-letter record. He contributed by playing the position of first-team guard during the first semester.
John White finished the season with top scoring honors. He is a good rebounder and a four-year letterman for the Indians.
Connie Maggard finished the last semester playing with the Indians. He played a year and a half with the Beacons-field (sic) club. He is a good ball handler and rebounder.
Keith Barnhouse played for the Indians for the first time this year. He received two letters for his Sophomore and Junior years at Cainsville, Mo., and a letter for his Senior year at Kellerton. He finished the season with runner-up scoring honors.
Marion Ethington played guard for the Kellerton Indians. He is a good scrapper and plays his best every minute he is playing.
Paul Stevens is a Senior this year, and also a letter winner. He was a good rebounder, aggressive, and a good sport.
Monte Ballou is a Junior this year and looks like he will do the team some good in his Senior year. He handles the ball fairly well and is a good sport.
Marvin Lesan is a Sophomore this year. He is a good shot and shows signs of being a good player in the remaining seasons.
There were many other players who didn't get mentioned because of lack of space, but their backing helped the team to a more successful year.
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JOHN WHITE Forward | |

BACK ROW: Dennis Duffield, Paul Stevens, Keith Barnhouse, John White, Connie Maggard, Monte Ballou.
FIRST ROW: John DeVries, Marvin Lesan, Verlyn Hoff, Jack Ethington, Marion Ethington.



VERLYN HOFF Forward | |

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| | | SEASON SCORES | | | |
Kellerton | | 34 | . . . . . . | Shannon City | | 38 |
Kellerton | | 33 | . . . . . . | Thayer | | 28 |
Kellerton | | 24 | . . . . . . | Benton | | 54 |
Kellerton | | 36 | . . . . . . | Beaconsfield | | 18 |
Kellerton | | 50 | . . . . . . | Diagonal | | 17 |
Kellerton | | 37 | . . . . . . | Ellston | | 19 |
Kellerton | | 42 | . . . . . . | Diagonal | | 41 |
Kellerton | | 27 | . . . . . . | Pleasantville | | 38 |
Kellerton | | 25 | . . . . . . | Shannon City | | 40 |
Kellerton | | 21 | . . . . . . | Benton | | 40 |
Kellerton | | 37 | . . . . . . | Tingley | | 40 |
Kellerton | | 52 | . . . . . . | Van Wert | | 23 |
Kellerton | | 41 | . . . . . . | Blockton | | 29 |
Kellerton | | 46 | . . . . . . | Ellston | | 25 |
Kellerton | | 41 | . . . . . . | Beaconsfield | | 28 |
Kellerton | | 29 | . . . . . . | Blockton | | 44 |
Kellerton | | 40 | . . . . . . | Redding | | 43 |
Kellerton | | 50 761 | Totals include tournament games. | Thayer | | 31 727 |
Kellerton Kellerton Kellerton | | 36 32 28 | County Tournament 2nd Place | Benton Tingley Redding | | 32 31 32 |
Kellerton | | 32 | Sectional Tournament | Shannon City | | 36 |
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DONNA KASTER Forward | |


BACK ROW: Barbara Shaffer, Donna Kaster, Margaret DeVries, Janice Heggs, Carolyn Davenport, Sandra Virden, Shirley Heggs, Charlotte Kneedler.
FRONT ROW: Ann Meadows, Norma Reed, Elizabeth Corll, Diane McDowell, Marcia Hanks, Judy Fugate.

JUDY FUGATE Forward | |



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Our girls' team at the beginning of the season consisted of fifteen members. We ended the season with thirteen girls.
Although we did not win the biggest share of the games we played, we do not feel that our season was poorly spent.
Three girls will not be playing with us next year. They are Margaret DeVries, Norma Reed, and Janice Heggs [seniors].
Margaret DeVries played all four years in high school and lettered in three years. She was our star player and top scorer. She was a good rebounder and ball handler.
Janice Heggs lettered one year, playing only in her Senior year. She played guard, using her height in getting the rebounds.
Norma Reed played in her Senior year only. Her usual position was as [a] guard. Norma lacked height but she was good in getting that ball.
Donna Kaster, a Sophomore, has lettered two years. She is a forward and a good team player. She was a constant scorer with her left hand hook shot.
Charlotte Kneedler, a Freshman, has lettered one year. She played guard. She was a good scrapper and team player.
Carolyn Davenport, an Eighth grader, has played two years on the high school team and has lettered two years. She is a forward and a good rebounder and scorer.
Ann Meadows, a Freshman, played her first year for K.H.S. this season. She usually played as [a] forward and was a good sport.
Sandra Virden, an Eighth grader, has played on the high school team for two years and lettered two years. She played guard and was always fighting for the ball.
Barbara Shaffer, also an Eighth grader, has played on the high school team for her first year. She played in the position of guard and was always in there doing her best.
Judy Fugate, a Seventh grader, played on the K.H.S. team this season and also lettered. She played a [a] forward and was a good fighter and fast dribbler. She will really help the team with these abilities the next few years. - 28 - Diane McDowell, also a Seventh grader, played in the position of forward. Although she lacked height, she was a good player and scorer and promises to be on of the best players in the seasons to come.
Elizabeth Corll, a Seventh grader, played usually as [a] guard. She is a good scrapper and ball handler and with more experience will be on of the best players on the team.
Marcia Hanks, a Seventh grader, played as [a] guard. She was quick and a good sport. She will be back playing for K.H.S. next year.
| | | OUR SCORES | | | |
Kellerton | | 41 | . . . . . . | Shannon City | | 86 |
Kellerton | | 30 | . . . . . . | Thayer | | 68 |
Kellerton | | 29 | . . . . . . | Benton | | 56 |
Kellerton | | 40 | . . . . . . | Beaconsfield | | 41 |
Kellerton | | 48 | . . . . . . | Ellston | | 70 |
Kellerton | | 44 | . . . . . . | Pleasantville | | 69 |
Kellerton | | 22 | . . . . . . | Shannon City | | 39 |
Kellerton | | 36 | . . . . . . | Benton | | 39 |
Kellerton | | 34 | . . . . . . | Tingley | | 57 |
Kellerton | | 36 | . . . . . . | Van Wert | | 27 |
Kellerton | | 4 | . . . . . . | Blockton | | 25 |
Kellerton | | 24 | . . . . . . | Ellston | | 48 |
Kellerton | | 30 | . . . . . . | Beaconsfield | | 26 |
Kellerton | | 18 | . . . . . . | Blockton | | 19 |
Kellerton | | 18 | . . . . . . | Redding | | 36 |
Kellerton | | 40 | . . . . . . | Thayer | | 64 |
Kellerton | | 42 534 | . . . . . . | Redding | | 70 840 |
Kellerton Kellerton | | 27 43 | County Tournament | Tingley Beaconsfield | | 44 29 |
Kellerton | | 37 | Sectional Tournament | Leon | | 48 |

This year the cheerleaders were Evelyn O'Connell, Karen Laird, and Clara Mae Hogue. These girls have done a fine job of keeping the spirit up whether we were winning or losing. Their constant rooting had much to do with the success of the teams. Since these girls are Freshmen and Sophomores, we can expect them to be yelling for us again next year.
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With our veteran band leader, Mr. Benson back with us again this year, we are progressing very well. This year our band is composed of 24 members. These members play an assortment of instruments which include: Cornets, Rena Laird, Caryll Lou Higday, Judy Fugate, Ann Meadows, Kay Akers, and Lyman Walker; Clarinets, Verlyn Hoff, Sandra Virden, Carolyn Davenport, Carolyn Galbraith, and Jim Meadows; Flute, Phyllis Meadows; Saxophone, Louise Walker, Sharon Bierlein, Joan Meadows, and Diane McDowell; Trombones, Karen Laird, Helen Banks, Arlen Hughes; Baritone, Michael McDowell; French Horn, Jackie Higday; Bass Horn, Marilyn Epps; and the Drum section, Elizabeth Corll and Marcia Hanks.
The night of the first basketball game, we were called upon to provide music at the Dedication of the new gymnasium that our community now boasts.
Throughout the year we have participated in several PTA programs. At Mt. Ayr we participated in the county wide music festival where the school bands from Diagonal, Mount Ayr, and Kellerton gave a joint concert.
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STANDING: Beverly Bear, Janice Cox, Dorothy Harvey, Norma Reed, Margaret DeVries, Janice Heggs, Phyllis Meadows, Shirley Heggs, Betty Wicker, Carolyn Galbraith, Charlotte Kneedler, Retha Maudlin, Mary Hohneke, Mrs. Gripp.
The music groups were very slow in getting started this year due to the fact that they had to do most of their practicing out of school hours. Once the 8:30 A. M. time for practicing was established, quite a number of girls reported faithfully for rehearsals.
The Glee Club, which included nearly every girl in High School, made several public appearances. It sang for P.T.A., Baccalaureate, and Commencement.
Kellerton High entered six events in the Preliminary Music Contest, as follows: (1) Janice Heggs, Piano Solo; (2) Robert Walker, Baritone Solo; (3) Sextette: Janice Heggs, Evelyn O'Connell, Norma Reed, Margaret DeVries, Rena Laird and Ann Meadows; (6) Trio: Ann Meadows, Norma Reed, and Janice Heggs.
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The night Ernie got stuck taking Marcine home.
The night Janice got her nose broken when we played basketball with Thayer.
The look on Arlen's face when he accidentally found himself entering the girls' dressing room at Beaconsfield.
The dedication of our new gym which was followed by the first ball game played on that court.
The shivers caused by the low room temperature in the typing room.
Waiting in line for lunch -- especially the days we were last.
The continuation of the ping-pong games during the school year.
The girls that won third place in the County Tournament.
The smiles of the basketball fans when our boys received the trophy for second place in the County Tournament.
The peacefulness around Kellerton on Halloween night.
The gum that disappeared from the Junior lunch stand???
The privacy of the dressing rooms at Blockton.
The expressions of the Typing I class when Mrs. Gripp informed them they were behind.
The letter John recieved written on telephone bills.
The feminine struggle over a certain Junior boy.
The big turn out from KHS at the music festival at Mt. Ayr --- mostly basketball players too.
Paul's three-day vacation.
They muddy overshoes that stayed outside in the rain.
The strife we had over what we would wear to the Music Contest. They probably looked nice after all.
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1951-52 Kellerton Independent School Tomahawk courtesy of Chet Munyon Family and GV Museum Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2018

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