1956 Tomahawk
History of Kellerton Student Council

The Kellerton High School Student Council was organized in the Fall of 1952. The first meeting of the student council
was held on September 10, 1952 for the primary purpose of electing officers. After a few meetings a
Constitution was drawn up and accepted.Two members of each class were on the Council with the exception of the
Senior Class which had three members. One of these Seniors became president. On September 26, 1952, the Kellerton
Student Council joined the National Student Council and also the Iowa Student Council. The Council members
decided to set up a list of good citizenship standards to improve the students' actions in school. This list of
standards has been followed since that time and has improved the school tremendously. Each year, four members of
the Council have the opportunity to go to the Iowa Association of Student Council Conference at Ames, Iowa. The
primary objective of this meeting between the various student councils is to exchange ideas. Also at this meeting
the state officers are elected and they study and pass or amend oin the State Constitution. Some of the projects
of the Kellerton Student Council have been: the election of cheerleaders, helping with assembly programs, drawing names
for Christmas, organizing high school parites, conducting campaigns for cleaning up the school yard, holding bake sales,
sponsoring a tea for the Seniors, purchasing a memorial, and organizing a ping-pong tourament. In 1953-54 the Student
Council proceeded to have a dancing class during the noon hour. An Alumni Dance was also held on March 26, 1954. A new
Constitution was drawn up and adopted in 1954. In this document the principle change was the election of officers. The
Constitution now reads, "The officers of the Student Council shall be selected in the following manner: The vice-president
of the previous year shall be president; the Council shall elect the vice-president and secretary from its membership."
The members of the 1955 Kellerton Student Council have been making plans and arrangement for a high school Christmas
party to be held December 22, 1955. Although our Kellerton Student Council has not been organized for a great length of
time, we have made much progess and feel that in the years to come this organization will be instrumental in the
school acitivies.
Courtesy of GV Museum/Foland School, Kellerton, August of 2010
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2010
