[Page 3] Friday night, January 7, the Benton basket ball boys and the Kellerton basket ball boys clashed in a game that
resulted in a complete victory for Kellerton High. The game started shortly after the girls game was over. Both
teams started in with a rush, and the speed and pep stayed with the teams all through the game. The game was
exceedingly clean thruout (sic) and both teams certainly need to be complimented. The onlookers all like to see a clean
game much better than a dirty one. At the close of the first half, the score stood 14 to 19 in favor of Benton.
In the last half our boys played much better and the score stood 28 to 7 in favor of Kellerton. The final score was 40 to 26
in favor of Kellerton. Anderson of Ellston refereed the game and his decisions were approved of by both sides.
The lineup and scores are as follows:
| FH | SH | Total |
Glenn Brooks | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Lloyd Gorman | 8 | 5 | 13 |
Carrol Jackson | 2 | 8 | 10 |
Sam Manning | 4 | 0 | 4 |
Clifford Allen | 2 | 4 | 6 |
| FH | SH | Total |
Ezra Groves | 6 | 2 | 8 |
___ Kemerling | 5 | 0 | 5 |
Ernest Rychnovsky | 8 | 5 | 13 |
___ Mitchell | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Orville Miller | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The team will go to Benton to play a return game Friday, Jan. 14.
Friday night, January 7, the Benton girls played a game of basket ball with the Kellerton girls. The game
started at exactly nine o'clock and both teams started with a rush. The Kellerton girls were ahead when Vera Lutz took
sick and had to quit playing for a while. Benton forged ahead while she was out and we never caught up with them. At the
close of the first half the score stood 6 to 8 in favor of Benton. The score in the last half stood 3 to 4 in favor of Benton.
Total score was 9 to 12 in Benton's favor. Both teams played a clean game and it was enjoyed by all.
The lineup and scores are as
| FH | SH | Total |
Vera Lutz | 4 | 3 | 7 |
Vivian Schisler | 2 | 0 | 2 |
___ Gilliland | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Grace Myers | 0 | 0 | 0 |
___ Ervin | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Madge McCullough | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| FH | SH | Total |
Deal (Grace Dille?) | 4 | 5 | 9 |
Wilma Dillinburg | 2 | 1 | 3 |
___ Haviland | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Louise Landis (sic, Landes) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Jennie German | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Mae Groves | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Juniors Defeat Seniors
29 to 5
The Juniors challenged the Seniors for a basket ball game and the Seniors accepted the challenge.
The game was called Wednesday noon at 12:40, and it did not take the Seniors long to find out that they were out clased (sic).
The first half ended 13 to 5 in favor of the Juniors. At the close of the second half, the Juniors had a score of 29 to
their credit while the Seniors still had a score of 5.
We've got to give it to the Juniors for being a fast bunch. They
are expected to challenge the High School of next and the challenge will probably be accepted.
Cecil Lutz, who is attending college at Indianola, visited school Monday afternoon, January 3.

Many people have wanted th know when we will play certain teams so we give the schedule and scores as they are at
Dec. 3 at Kellerton | . . . . | Ellston 30 vs. Kellerton 36 | . . . . | Won |
Dec. 11 at Kellerton | . . . . | Delphos 23 vs. Kellerton 21 | . . . . | Lost |
Dec. 17 at Kellerton | . . . . | Ellston 50 vs. Kellerton 14 | . . . . | Lost |
Dec. 20 at Kellerton | . . . . | Beaconsfield 23 vs. Kellerton 50 | . . . . | Won |
Dec. 25 at Grand River | . . . . | Grand River 34 vs. Kellerton 19 | . . . . | Lost |
Dec. 30 at Kellerton | . . . . | Alumni 13 vs. Kellerton 26 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 1 at Kellerton | . . . . | Alumni 25 vs. Kellerton 29 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 7 at Kellerton | . . . . | Benton 26 vs. Kellerton 43 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 14 at Benton | . . . . | Benton vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Jan. 21 at Delphos | . . . . | Delphos vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Jan. 22 at Kellerton | . . . . | Graceland vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Jan. 28 at Lamoni | . . . . | Lamoni vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Feb. 4 at Graceland | . . . . | Graceland vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Feb. 11 at Kellerton | . . . . | Grand River vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Feb. 12 at Kellerton | . . . . | Kellerton vs. Mt. Ayr | . . . . | |
Feb. 18 at Kellerton | . . . . | Lamoni vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Feb. 19 at Mount Ayr | . . . . | Kellerton vs. Mount Ayr | . . . . | |

Darrel Johnston visited school Friday afternoon Dec. 24.
Rothmer Bales was in St. Joseph, Missouri, Dec. 22, 23, and 24.
Pauline Stelzler was absent from school December 24.
Chester Dixon visited school Friday afternoon Dec. 24.
The Basket Ball game that was scheduled with New Hampton, Mo., for December 30th, was postponed because the entire
team could not go.
The new water system has now been completed and the water is being forced to all parts of the school house. A vote of
thanks is certainly extended to all that helped to complete the new system.
Mary Walker, who has been sick with scarlet fever for the last two weeks is feeling much better and is progressing as well as
can be expected.
High School Vs. Alumni
Thursday night December 30th, a basket ball game was staged at the Kellerton High School gymnasium between K. H. S.
basket ball team and the Alumni. The Alumni didn't have the wind, so instead of the game being played in halves as
usual, it was played in ten minute quarters. The game was clean and fast throughout and was enjoyed by all.
In the
first two quarters the line up for the K. H. S. was as follows:
Lloyd Gorman | . . . . | forward |
Leroy Brown | . . . . | forward |
Carrol Jackson | . . . . | center |
Sam Manning | . . . . | guard |
Leo Allen | . . . . | guard |
In the last half, Hansford Jackson changed with Leroy Brown and Leo French changed with Allen.
The line up for the Alumni was,
Gerald Allen | . . . . | forward |
___ Doser | . . . . | forward |
Cecil Lutz | . . . . | center |
___ Hampton | . . . . | guard |
___ Miller | . . . . | guard |
The individual score was not kept but the K. H. S. scored 12 to the Alumni's 4 points in the first quarter, 8 to 0 in
the second quarter; 0 to 4 in the third quarter; and 6 to 5 in the last quarter. The final score being 26 to 13 in
favor of the K. H. S. team. Mr. Cosner refereed the game and his decisions were popular by the players and the audience.
The Seniors gave their special at Chapel Wed. morning Dec. 22. They were evidently too success-ful in their efforts at simplicity, as
parts of the program were only too well understood. The program was as follows: Reading, by Ferne Higday; Piano Solo, by
Pauline Stetzler; Reading, by Lawrence (Sammie) Manning; and Imitation song by entire class. It was the song that got the
JUNIORS' goat. The reading given by Sam Manning was especialy (sic) good.
Basket Ball.
The K. H. S. Basket Ball team had an off night at Ellston, Friday, Dec. 17, and were defeated by a score of fifty to fourteen.
The game was clean throughout but the boys didn't seem to "Get into 'em," partly due to the poor place they had to play in
and partly because of it being a strange floor. Breckenridge of Tingley refereed the game and his decisions were approved
of by both sides.
~~~~The Beaconsfield boys were down for a game Monday, Dec. 20,
and were defeated by a score of fifty-four to twenty-three. The game was clean and well played; the second team playing
the first half and getting a score of twenty-three to six. Gerald Allen of Kellerton referred the game and his decisions
were approved of by all.
~~~~The basket ball girls being divided into two teams, the "Reds"
and the "Blues" had a very exciting game on Monday night, Dec. 20. At the end of the first half, the "reds" were in the lead
but the last half gave the "Blues" the victory. The score was 9 to 12.
Delphos 23, Kellerton 21_______The Kellerton High School
Basket ball team was defeated by the Delphos boys, Saturday night, Dec. 12, by a score of 23 to 21. The game was hard
fought and rough throughout. At the end of the first half the score stood 12 to 13 in favor of Kellerton. The last half
was fought equally as hard and the score stood at 21 to 21 until the last 30 seconds of play when [Otto] Bramen (sic, should be
Bramon*) of Delphos scored a field goal, making the score 23 to 21 in favor of Delphos. Anderson of Ellston refereed the
game and his decisions were approved of by both sides. Following is the line-up and the summery:
___ Sefrit | . . . . | forward | . . . . | 2 goals |
___ Seaton | . . . . | forward | . . . . | 1 goal |
___ Otto Bramen (sic) | . . . . | center | . . . . | 2 goals |
___ Black | . . . . | guard | . . . . | 4 goals |
___ Reynolds | . . . . | guard | . . . . | 0 goals |
Hansford Jackson | . . . . | forward | . . . . | 2 goals |
Gorman | . . . . | forward | . . . . | 3 goals |
Lloyd Carrol Jackson | . . . . | center | . . . . | 3 goals |
Sam Manning | . . . . | guard | . . . . | 0 goals |
Clifford Allen | . . . . | guard | . . . . | 0 goals |
Delphos: Sefrit, 2; Seaton, 2; Black, 1.
Kellerton: Gorman, 5.
Our Trip to Ellston
At half past five we got aboard
Of Sammie's Buick and Cliff's old Ford
Just before we started, Sarge said with cheer,
Ruth and I'll bring up the rear.
We all reached Ellston with frozen nose,
And went down to the barn to change our clothes
Then up came Professor Parishole
And said, "Cap'n when'll we start the show?"
Then Sammie spoke up with
a sneeze,
"Starter quick, Professor, Before I freeze"
The game started, the boys shiver'd
Ellston played so hard the old barn quivered
But Kellerton couldn't do a thing,
Twas so dark they
couldn't see the ring.
Ellston worked so hard their brows were wet,
But Kellerton couldn't even get up
a sweat,
But shivered and shook the whole game through.
Now tell me what any strange team could do,
Let's not loose (sic) faith in the boys at all,
A horse couldn't go into a strange dark barn and find a
Don't be discouraged, the boys are sports.
We're going to beat Ellston on one of the neutral courts.
L.A. -22.
Kellerton will play a game of basketball with the alumni in the near future. Watch for the announcement.
_______The grade pupils were dismissed Wednesday a. m., Dec. 23, because of
scarlet fever breaking out among some of the pupils.
Mr. Malone, former principal of several schools in St. Joe, visited high school Wednesday, Dec. 22. The pupils
spent the time from 3:30 to dismissal in listening to him relate several amusing incidents and anecdotes.
School work was laid aside a short time Friday p.m. while Dick Farmer and Jack Bales proved their efficiency as auctioneers
by selling to the high school students candy and popcorn balls which had been made by the Freshmen girls. The sale was
completed in a short time, the profits amounting to about seven dollars. The reputation of the Freshman girls in the
Cookery Art has surely been established among the students and faculty.
Pocahontas, the comic Indian Operetta, given Friday night, Dec. 10, at the High School auditorium, was attended by a
large audience and declared a succes (sic) by everyone present. The characters, under the supervision of Miss Winslow,
Mr. Cosner, and Mr. Peasley, were very well prepared and played their parts unusually well. Each principal was well
fitted for the place which he or she filled and it would have been imposible (sic) for anyone to have done better than
they. The proceeds of the operetta, after all expenses were deducted amounted to about thirty-five dollars which
will be used to help pay for the piano.
All the Freshman that took part in the operetta are very glad that it is all over and met with such a great
success, but everyone is willing to do their part in anything that takes place in the school.
The Freshman domestic
science girls had a fine time making and selling their candy.
Mr. Peasley wants everyone in his Community Civics
class to come to class without the "giggles."
The Grammar room boys defeated the Freshmen boys at basket ball
Friday noon, Dec. 17 but only three points. "Crum" wasn't quite fast enough.
Peasley - "Is it too warm in here?"
Harry W. - "I'm freezing to death."
Peasley - "Oh, you poor little thing."
Miss Winslow was very much surprised
to find that she had so many artists in her Freshman class.
Lyndell Foster has been absent a few days the last week.
Does Velma Bales like to wash dishes? "I'll say she - 'don't'"
Leona Gorsuch has been absent from school for a few days on account of illness.
The Junior class have
discovered that they have a large number of "Shakespearians" in their class.
Glenn Brooks, who has been in the army
for the last few months, has again entered the Junior class. He entered the army a short time before school started and
has been taking the regular course at camp.
Thelma Moulton was not able to practice basket ball Thursday evening on account of
heart ache -- a bad ailment.
Golden McGuahey (sic, should be McGahuey) returned to school, Monday, Dec. 6.
Helen Ervin left last Saturday
morning, Dec. 18, for Panora, Iowa, where she spent a week and helped in an operetta. She returned Christmas eve.
Very latest fashions - have all moles and warts removed at once.
We have some very artistic artsists (sic) in our
class, especially when it comes to drawing horses and cows.
Miss Pauline Stetzler was absent Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 12 and 14, on account of illness.
* * *
Miss Mable Virden was absent from School Wednesday.
Anyone wanting any Watkin's goods can get them by calling at my house one block north and one block east of the depot.
H. A. Teale,
The Watkins Man.
Subscribe for the K. H. S. Booster.
I wish to announcement to the public that I am now engaged in the shoe repairing business at the old Manning
Grocery building and have turned the photograph business over to my wife who will look after your needs.
Victor Dalber, of Mt. Ayr, visited school Monday, Dec. 20.
Carrol Miller, who has been going to college at Lawrence, Kans., visited school Tuesday afternoon Dec. 21.
Velva Scott, who has been attending college at Des Moines, visited school Wednesday, Dec. 22.
Rothmer Bales was in Davis City Wednesday, Dec. 15, on business.

* Transcriber's Note: Otto Bramon was my great-uncle.
First names have been provided, if known.
Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Selected items transcribed by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2014