Editor | . . . . | Leo French |
Associate Editor | . . . . | Lucille Hedges |
Business Manager | . . . . | Rothmer Bales |
Advertising Manager | . . . . | Clyde Farmer |
Literary & Social Editor | . . . . | Ferne Higday |
Athletic Editor | . . . . | Clifford Allen |
Local Editor | . . . . | Ray Dady |
Exchange Editor | . . . . | Naomi Cronin |
Alumni Editor | . . . . | Alpha Williams |
Senior Editor | . . . . | Vera Lutz |
Junior Editor | . . . . | Thelma Mouton |
Sophomore Editor | . . . . | Helen Ervin |
Freshman Editor | . . . . | Florence Ballou |

The K. H. S. Booster is a periodical published twice a month by the student
body of the Kellerton High School, for the benefit and welfare of that school.

Subscription Rates:
Single copy | . . . . | 10c |
School year | . . . . | 50c |

Subscribe for the Booster now and help your school and community. See or send
subscriptions to the Business Manager or Circulation Manager.

[Page 1]
Triangle Meet.
The K. H. S. track team were defeated in the triangle meet, Friday, April 22. Mt. Ayr took first place, Lamoni second,
and Kellerton third. Carrol Jackson took first place in pole vault and shot put, and [Leroy] Brown and [R. F.] Watson took second and
third in the high and low hurdles. Our team's weakest point was due to the lack of racers. A 1-8 mile track has been laid out
on the school ground and with some good practice, it is hoped that we will make a better showing at the meet May 7.
The winners in the different events are as follows:
100 yard dash | Braby, Lamoni Clifford Price, Mt. Ayr
Donald McCammond, Mt. Ayr | time 23 seconds. |
| |
120 yard high hurdles | Clyde Trimble, Mt. Ayr R. F. Watson, Kellerton
Leroy Brown, Kellerton | time 23 seconds. |
| |
440 dash | Clifford Price, Mt. Ayr White, Lamoni
Hansford Jackson, Kellerton | time 3 min., 3.5 sec. |
| |
Half mile run | Paul McCandless, Mt. Ayr Ruley, Lamoni
John Spencer, Mt. Ayr | time 2 min., 30 4-5 sec. |
| |
220 dash | Braby, Lamoni Donald McCammond, Mt. Ayr | time 25 1.5 secs. |
| |
Mile Run | Hoyt Morse, Mt. Ayr Turney, Lamoni
Howard Horne, Mt. Ayr | time 6 min., 11 sec. |
| |
220 low hurdles | Wells, Lamoni Otto Tennant, Mt. Ayr
R. F. Watson, Kellerton | time 33 2-5 sec. |
| |
Pole vault | Carrol Jackson, Kellerton Ernest Defenbaugh, Mt. Ayr
Dary, Lamoni | height 9 feet, 6 in. |
| |
Discus throw | Clifford Price, Mt. Ayr Wells, Lamoni
Ernest Defenbaugh, Mt. Ayr | distance, 89 ft., 2 in. |
| |
High jump | Weldon, Lamoni Otto Tennant, Mt. Ayr*
Ernest Defenbaugh, Mt. Ayr* * tied for second | height 5 ft. |
| |
Shot put | Carrol Jackson, Kellerton Ernest Defenbaugh, Mt. Ayr
Anway, Lamoni | distance 36 ft, 3 1/2 inches. |
| |
Running broad jump | Wells, Lamoni Ernest Defenbaugh, Mt. Ayr
Hansford Jackson, Kellerton | distance 17 feet, 4 inches. |
| |
Standing broad jump | Wells and Stanley, Lamoni
tied for first Ainslee Hickerson, Mt. Ayr, 3rd | distance 8 feet, 11 inches. |
| |
Hop, step and jump | Squire, Lamoni Otto Tennant, Mt. Ayr
Wells, Lamoni | distance 38 ft., 6 in. |
| |
Half mile relay | Mt. Ayr, first Lamoni, second
Kellerton, third | no record. |
| |
Total Points: | Mt. Ayr, 61 Lamoni, 57
Kellerton, 17 | |
The officials were: Peasley, timer; Jones, starter; Cosner, referee; McAninch, clerk; Gas and Beard,
scorekeepers; Williamson and Evans, judges: Wall, announcer.
Junior-Senior Reception.
The Juniors and the faculty of the K. H. S entertained the Seniors at a reception in the Domestic art rooms Friday evening,
April 29. The Seniors arrived at seven o'clock and after spending a pleasant half hour in the grammar room, they were conducted
downstairs. Here they found two Junior girls awaiting them with a rose for each Senior. The room and tables were
elaborately decorated with the Senior class colors, maroon and old gold. The dinner consisted of five courses:
Fruit Cocktail.
Salmon Loaf with White Sauce.
Mashed Potato. Radishes. Rolls & Butter. Heavenly Hash Pickles and Jelly.
Cabbage Salad and Cheese Wafers.
Ice Cream and Cake.
Coffee and Opera Sticks.
The dinner was excellent and was very much appreciated by the Seniors. Velma Bales, Hazel Davis, Mildred Jackson, Dora
and Donna Swigart, Hazel Vance, Florence Ballou and Helen Whitson served as waitresses. Between courses, toasts were given
on the different letters of the word "Junior." Mr. Peasley acted as toastmaster, followed by Rothmer Bales, president
of the Senior class, Earl Siple, Vera Lutz, Naomi Cronn and Mr. Cosner. After dinner, a very good program was given
by the Juniors in the assembly room. The program was as follows:
Vocal solo - "The Japanese Sandman," Doris Shrvock.
Play - "Pa's New Housekeeper."
Vocal solo - "When I Meet My Love at Twilight," Mrs. Grogan.
After the program everyone departed to their homes declaring the evening very well spent. The Seniors, one and all,
desire to thank the Juniors and members of the Faculty for the splendid way in which we were entertained.
Senior Day.
Ib Tuesday, April 26, the Seniors gave the annual program which is expected of the Seniors by the remainder of the
students. The program was nicely given in spite of the fact that their little hearts kept going pit-a-pat
rather furiously and their knees seemed rather weak. The program was as follows:
"Silver Stream" - Pauline Stetzler.
President's Proclamation - Rothmer Bales.
Class Lamentations - Lawrence ____.
Class Poem - Vern [Vera Lutz?].
Class Prophecy - Ferne Higday.
Declaration of Independence - Clifford Allen.
Tribute to the Rose - Leo French.
Class History - Jamie Meadows.
Vocal Solo, "The Maid and the Rose" - Lucille Hedges.
The audience was very quiet and attentive and seemed to appreciate the program given. The visitors present were
Mrs. Byers, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. S. B. Hedges, and Mrs. Sidwell.
Read the Booster ads.

NOTICE.If you are not getting your "Booster" regularly, let us know about it. If you do not
tell us, we have no way of knowing whether you are satisfied or not. Any time you do not receive the "Booster" let us know and
we will send you one as soon as possible. Our motto is, "Strive to Please" and we wish to abide by it as best
we can. ~ EDITOR.

Lela Egley, the popular poet of the class of '18, is now at Greely (sic), Colorado, preparing to teach that system of little
crooked lines and the proper method of operating those little machines that are made for speed and the aid of poor
penman. Shafter Harrimen (whom many will recall as Sergeant Hilton), and wife are now residing in Kansas City, where
Shafter holds a position as street car conductor. Alpha Williams, commonly known as "Pat" says that he has discovered
a new way of spelling our beloved Editor's name. He says that it should be spelled Fren-(chay). (Shorthand has gone to his
brain. - Ed.) Gerald Allen and Cleo Whisler, two of our prominent alumni, are to be found at the four C, in Des Moines,
learning to make inside curves and outside angles. Frank Walker is still the missing [illegible]
playing pranks on his professor while he is winning himself an M.D.
Junior Candy Sales.On Wednesday, April 27, the K. H. S. Seniors, Sophomores and Freshman
were pleasantly surprised by the juniors appearing before them with a tub full of popcorn balls and a large amount of home made
candy. The stage was very nicely decorated and the lower grades were allowed to come upstairs for the sale. Carrol Jackson and
Lloyd Gorman acted as auctioneers with Kermit [Heinish] and Weldon [Meadows] as clerks. The affair was handled in a very business like manner
and by the rapid sale of the pop corn and candy, the auctioneers' ability were well proven. The proceeds of the sale
amounted to about fourteen dollars. The Junior girls are certainly to be complimented concerning their skill in the art
of candy making.

Transcriber's Note: First names have been provided if known.
Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Selected items transcribed by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2014
