A portion of the cooking room. Each table is fitted up with two seats, a small gas stove and the table.
Hot and cold water are in the room, besides the other necessary kitchen equipment.

Editor | . . . . | Leo French |
Associate Editor | . . . . | Lucille Hedges |
Business Manager | . . . . | Rothmer Bales |
Advertising Manager | . . . . | Clyde Farmer |
Literary & Social Editor | . . . . | Ferne Higday |
Athletic Editor | . . . . | Clifford Allen |
Local Editor | . . . . | Ray Dady |
Exchange Editor | . . . . | Naomi Cronin |
Alumni Editor | . . . . | Alpha Williams |
Senior Editor | . . . . | Vera Lutz |
Junior Editor | . . . . | Thelma Mouton |
Sophomore Editor | . . . . | Helen Ervin |
Freshman Editor | . . . . | Florence Ballou |

The K. H. S. Booster is a periodical published twice a month by the student
body of the Kellerton High School, for the benefit and welfare of that school.

Subscription Rates:
Single copy | . . . . | 10c |
School year | . . . . | 50c |

Subscribe for the Booster now and help your school and community. See or send
subscriptions to the Business Manager or Circulation Manager.

Sophomore Chapel
[Page 1] The special numbers furnished by the sophomores for the chapel Wednesday morning, January 19, was of a superb
nature. The program is as follows: A reading by Virgil Brown, followed by a sketch from Shakespeare's "As You Like
It," by Oma French, Vivian Schisler, Paul Gronin, Golden McGuhey (sic). A quartet: Helen Ervin, Madge McCullough,
Virgil Brown, LeRoy Brown, sang "On The Trail to Home Sweet Home" with "The Old Home Town" as an encore. The last
number of the specials was a reading by Doris Dickerson on "The Whooping Cough School." The program was very
well given and was declared by all to be by far the best program given yet, and not expected to be excelled by any
unless by one to be given by the faculty which we are all so anxiously waiting for.
Meeting Of Executive Committee Of Athletic Association
A meeting of the executive committee of the county athletic association was held at the office of the county superintendent on
Monday evening, January 10. Members present were Lee Jones, H. L. Cosner, O. W. Farmer, and Louise Askren. At this
meeting it was decided that the county basket ball tournament be held at Mt. Ayr High School on Friday and Saturday,
February 18 and 19. The drawing for places will take place at the Mt. Ayr school on Friday, February 18 at 10:00 o'clock
a.m. The drawing will be made by the superintendents of schools entering the tournament, or their representatives.
The date for the Track and Field meet was set for May 7, provided that no school is out for the year at that time; in
case any school be closing at that time, the date will be April 30th. It was decided that the following officers of the
association act as referee committee: Mr. Cosner, Mr. Farmer, and Miss Askren. The hour for beginning the tournament
was declared to be 1:30 p.m. The other officers of the meet will be the school men of the schools that enter.
C. W. FARMER, Secretary.
Balcony In Gym.
On account of the lack of seating room in the gym, the Kellerton high school has decided to build a balcony. It is
nearly completed at present and is being built on the north end. It is about three feet wide and completely covers
that end. This will give the spectators a much better view of the game and will make more room for many more people.
There has also been a board wainscoated railing put in front of the lower row of seats, and on the north end below
the balcony. The purpose of this is to keep the people off the floor. Several times the ball has been knocked
out of its course by hitting people that were standing at the end. This caused much confusion and keeps the teams
from getting goals that they would otherwise obtained. This is expected to do away with all such possibilities.

[Page 2]
Freshman Chapel
The entire school was very much surprised at the excellent program which the Freshmen gave at chapel Wednesday morning.
It was an unusually good program and surely wasn't an imitation of any of the former programs. It was of good length
and consisted of: "A Design in Style" by Helen Whitson, Velma Bales, Mae Sissel, Hazel Davis, Donna Swiggart, Dora Swiggart,
Minnie Merritt; a quartet, "Overalls" by Mildred Jackson, Florence Ballou, Lyndell Foster, and Harry Walker; a reading
by Vesta Stetzler.
Seniors Receive Class Rings
The Seniors received their class rings recently and are very much pleased with them despite the fact that
the Juniors dislike rings so much. However, that is a small matter, as the Seniors, not the Juniors, have to wear them.
Kellerton vs. Benton
In a clean but somewhat one-sided game of basket ball our boys were defeated on the Benton court Friday night,
January 14. Our boys were not able to break up the superb team work and fast playing of the Benton boys, nor to get away
from their fast guards. The game ended with a score of 53 to 9 in favor of Benton. The Benton boys displayed their ability to win
on their own court without resorting to roughness and poor sportsmanship, sometimes resorted to by
basket ball teams. Williams of Blockton refereed the game and his work proved satisfactory in every respect.
The girl's game was practically a duplication of the boy's game, the score ending 37 to 3 in favor of the Benton girls.
With more practice and more experience however, our girls will be able to make a better showing as they have
excellent material for a winning basket ball team.

* Transcriber's Note: First names have been provided, if known.
Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Selected items transcribed by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2014
