CLASS of 1947
HISTORY of the CLASS of 1947
The first week of September 1935, Margaret TROXELL, Duane BRAMMER, Donald Dean ADAMS, Virginia LAMB, Lyndon WALLER, Charlene
OLSON, Myrtle DOSS, Mildred DOSS, Ross CLOUGH, Darlene POORE, and Harriet ROBISON, were the bashful little beginners. Juanita
HESS was their teacher. At first they were frightened but soon found she was quite nice. (And she must have been to be able
to put up with that squirming mass and still keep her senses.) September 1936 found Donald ADAMS, Keith McCONNELL,
Mildred and Myrtle DOSS, Harold FROST, Marilyn MILLER, Bob OLSON, Charlene OLSON, Margaret TROXWELL, and R. K. WALLER as
the first graders. Maxine McMURRAY saw them through this grade. In 1937, Donald ADAMS, Edwin CLAYTON, Harold FROST, Mary
GILBERT, Oris GILBERT, Keith McCONNELL, Margaret TROXELL, R. K. WALLER and Dorene McCONNELL had to be reconciled to the fact
they were having the same teacher again in the second grade. She was the superintendent's wife so they behaved as best they
could. In the fall of '38, GILBERTS moved away and little Bonnie Sue BRYANT arrived. Donald ADAMS, Harold FROST, Edwin
CLAYTON, Keith McCONNELL and R. K. WALLER were very much pleased as they were growing tired of giving all their attention to
one girl, Dorene McCONNELL. Rowene MOON saw them through the fourth grade. Donald ADAMS, Dorene and Keith McCONNELL and
R. K. WALLER started in as before. They were very disappointed that Bonne Sue wasn't there. Their grief was disregarded
however when Jean Van SICKLE and her brother Keith moved in. Bobby Lee WRIGHT also was a new student. In 1940 wonderful
Elfrieda DAHLGRAN was their teacher. Her guiding hand saw Donald ADAMS, Dorene and Keith McCONNELL, Jean Van SICKLE and
R. K. WALLER through the fifth grade. Bonnie Sue BRYANT came back in the sixth grade along with two new girls, Berniece
and Betty HAMMOND. Dorene McCONNELL and Donald ADAMS were there as before. During the year, Miss DAHLGRAN left for a higher
paying job in Bonnie, Iowa, and Maxine NELSON did her best to fill Miss DAHLGRAN'S place. In September, 1941, Donald
ADAMS, Dorene McCONNELL, R. K. WALLER, and Berniece and Betty HAMMOND felt very grown up for they were in the seventh
grade! And up stairs! George HOGAN pushed them through this grade. The school year, 1942-43 brought Lila FOLTZ as their guide
through the eighth grade. Donald ADAMS, Bonnie Sue BRYANT, Betty and Berniece HANNDON and Dorene McCONNELL graduated from
grade school that spring. Freshman at last! with N. F. TEEGARDEN and Mrs. IRVING, Donald ADAMS, Bonnie BRYANT, Berniece
and Betty HAMMOND, Lloyd JONES, Dorene McCONNELL, and Carl WOOLLUMS. Initiation created quite a variety of experiences.
In their Sophomore year, Donald ADAMS, Lloyd JONES, Dorene McCONNELL, and Carl WOOLLUMS helped Mr. HENDERSON and Mrs. NICHOLS
initiate the new freshman. At the beginning of the second sememster, Mrs. NICHOLS left and Bessie HENSLEY took her place.
J.E.M. CHAMBERS and E. C. HENDERSON were at the helm in 1945-46, steering Donald ADAMS, Betty HULLINGER, Lloyd JONES and
Carl WOOLLUMS through their Junior year. Their class play was "Two Days to Marry." The Junior-Senior Banquet was held at the
Iowana Hotel in Creston. In 1946-47, the high school faculty was Helen MARLER, Alice BOYD, and E. C. HENDERSON. Donald
ADAMS, Betty HULLINGER, Lloyd Jones, and Carl WOOLLUMS are the Almighty Seniors.
NOTE: Carl WOOLLUMS passed away February 3, 2011, at Mount Ayr.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, September of 2011

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