Diagonal High School Class of 1966, 50th Reunion Saturday, May 28, 2016
Top row - Candy Tindle, Frank Carson. Bottom row - Marjean Reece, Rose Campbell, Jerry Allen, hdddxgdgxxgggggdgjhghJack Stephens (standing)
If you can help us identify the other class members, please contact the coordinator (see link in upper left of the screen. Thank you!
The Class of 1966 included: Jerry Allen, Leland Ashburn Jr., Ronald Bolinger, Frank Carson, Gene Hutchinson, Joe Johnson, Ronnie King, Jenny Mathis, Steve McNutt, Jerry Oxley, Paul Pine,
Marjeana Reece, Randy Schaefer, Ron Snyder, Jack Stephens, Nancy Strange, Rose Swank, Twyla Taylor, Candace Tindle, Gretchen Welling, Ron Yashack
Photograph courtesy of Sue Carson, May of 2016
