Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Homecoming set at Diagonal Friday
Homecoming royalty candidates for the Diagonal Community high school homecoming include, front row, from left: Bailey
CAMERON, Trenton MOFFITT and Jenna BERGER. Second row, from left: Charlene HINGELEY, Dominique BUCHANAN, Elly BROWN and
Shad HAIDSIAK. | | |
Attendants and princesses and prince for the Diagonal Community high school homecoming have been named for activites
Friday, Jan. 27. Freshmen attendants include, from left: Layne RUBY and Kaitlyn KLOMMHAUS and sophomore attendant Trenton
MOFFITT. Younger attendants include princess Lauren BURTON, prince Cody HAYS and princess Elizabeth MILLER.
It's homecoming week in the Diagonal Community school district, leading up to games with Seymour on Friday, Jan. 27.
Spirit week at the high school began Monday, Jan. 23, with senior citizens day with students dressing as their
grandparents would. Tuesday, Jan. 24, was cartoon day with students dressing like their favorite cartoon character.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, was nerd day with students to dress as nerds. Thursday, Jan. 26, was to be "Would you be my friend
if I wore this?" day. The dress will be crazy or weird. Friday, Jan. 27, will be spirit day, with everyone asked to wear
their maroon colors. A homecoming pep rally for the school and community will be held at 2:40 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27.
Homecoming king and queencandidates have also been set for the event. Homecoming queen candidates are senior Jenna
BERGER, daughter of John and Deb BERGER; senior Bailey CAMERON, daughter of Marty and Shawn CAMERON; junior Elly BROWN,
daughter of Brian and Becky BROWN, and junior Charlene HINGELEY, daughter of Quentin HINGELEY.
Homecoming king candidates include senior Trenton MOFFITT, son of Kris and Terry MOFFITT; junior Shad HAIDSIAK, son of
Josh and Jessie HAIDSIAK and junior Dominique BUCHANAN, son of Kevin and Sandra BUCHANAN. Sophomore and freshman
attendants have also been named as well as the prince and princesses. Sophomore attendant is Ryan PARROTT, son of Johnny
and Tina PARROTT. Freshmen attendants include Kaitlyn KLOMMHAUS, daughter of Kevin and Shelly KLOMMHAUS, and Layne RUBY,
son of Doug and Melanie RUBY. Princesses will include Lalluren BURTON, daughter of Tim and Mel BURTON, and Elizabeth
MILLER, daughter of Chris and Amanda MILLER. Prince will be Cody HAYS, son of Cody and Becky HAYS.
The homecoming games against Seymour will begin with the girls game at 6:15 p.m., immediately followed by the boys game.
Following the boys game, the homecoming coronation ceremony will be held in the gym. The homecoming dance will
then be held in the old gym to round out the homecoming week activities
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2012

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