The Delphos High School has enjoyed its usual variety of musical activities during the school year. There were eight girls enrolled in the girl's Glee Club and five boys in the Boy's Glee Club.
The five boys made up our Quintet. Those who took part were: Howard Lee JACKSON, bass; Hale JACKSON, Tenor; Bob HARTMAN, baritone; Melvin COX, Tenor; and Paul RHOADS, Tenor.
The girls trio consisted of Neva MATTHEWS, Alto; Doris TRIMBLE, second Soprano; Georgia LIVESAY, First soprano.
In addition to singing for general school functions, members from the two Glee Clubs appeared in the County Music Festival, December 13, held at Mt. Ayr.
Although several students in the music department will be lost by graduation we are looking forward to another eventful year in 1940-41.
We wish to thank Miss HAMMER who has taken Miss UNDERWOOD's place in directing the music.

The Declamatory contest was held at the school house, Tuesday night, November 21, 1939. Those who were competing and the name of their readings are as follows:
The Bed Next Door - Neva MATTHEWS
Heights Regained - Doris TRIMBLE
Big Brother and Little Sister - Ruby RHOADS
Scratch On A Fender - Bette STEPHENS
Mary Ellen Entertains the Minister and his Wife - Georgia LIVESAY, Sadie GARITY
Doris TRIMBLE won first place in Dramatic and Neva MATTHEWS took second. In Humorous, Ruby RHOADS took first, Bette STEPHENS second, and Sadie GARITY, third.
On December sixth, Doris and Ruby accompanied by their director, Mr. HART went to Diagonal to compete against Benton and Diagonal. Doris received third place.

The freshman and their Sponsor, Mr. HART, cleverly planned and carried out a Treasure Hunt on April Fool's Day for the High School students and teachers.
To carry out the April Fool idea, the guests were required to enter by way of a basement window. After we played a few games, it was announced that a murder had been committed and that the body had been dismembered and the parts distributed about town. We were divided into squads and sent out to locate the missing parts. -Clues, cleverly written in rhyme, finally led us to the hiding places.
Refreshments consisting of doughnuts and cocoa were served. Ask Kenneth if cotton doesn't improve the flavor of a doughnut. You would think a senior would know better at an April Fool's Party, wouldn't you?

When school opened, the seniors decided they would like to print a school paper. Mr. Ben SEATON loaned us his Rotospeed to begin on. A few months after we published the paper, the School Board bought the machine from Mr. SEATON so we could carry on our work. This is the first school paper ever published in the Delphos School, and we are grateful to the School Board for doing this for us.
We decided the Juniors and Seniors would write the news and the Seniors would cut the stencils.
We selected cur staff which is as follows:
Editor-in-chief - Donella DEIBERT
Associate Editor - Marie GARITY
Business Manager - Robert SEFRIT
Advertising Manager - Hale JACKSON
Reporters - Sadie GARITY, Arda HARTMAN, Madelyn VAUGHN, Neva MATTHEWS, Paul RHOADS, Grace HILL, Rosella COCHRAN, Mary SEATON
Printers - Kenneth WENDELL and Howard JACKSON
Early in September, Marie, Donella, Bob, Kenneth, Howard and Mr. HART went to Mt. Ayr to get advertisements to cover the cost of our paper. We sold approximately fifteen dollars worth of advertisements.
The Staff gave a demonstration how the paper was printed at the first P.I.A. meeting in September. We distributed samples to the audience.
We seniors hope the Juniors and Seniors of next year will carry on the work we started but must leave behind us.

It was a hot time in the old town the night of October 20. It had all the excitement of Bank Night and the heat of election and the Fourth of July rolled into one. It was Carnival time in Delphos. Crowds of merry makers thronged the "gym" floor, barkers barked, clowns clowned, and penny pitch, ball racks, the bingo stand, concessions of all kinds did boom-time business.
Plenty of tickets at the ticket stand and a nickel would buy anything in the house. With each ticket the customer received five votes for the Queen of the Carnival. As the evening wore on and the votes rolled in, the excitement waxed higher and higher. Two candidates for the honor, Grace HILL, a senior and Neva MATTHEWS, a freshman, had been selected weeks before by the high school boys. It was a close race but a good natured one and at ten-thirty when the final score was tallied, Miss MATTHEWS was declared Glamour Girl Number One of Delphos School.
At eleven O'clock the Queen, in her white coronation robes, and accompanied by attendants, ascended the platform for an impressive coronation ceremony. The crown on a blue cushion was borne by Johnnie GARITY, and to Marvin CAVENDER, duly elected Lord High Seneschal of the Carnival, came the thrill of a lifetime when, garbed in robes of state, he lifted the glittering coronet and placed it on the head of the one and --only-- Queen Of the Carnival.

The first party of the year was given by the seniors in honor of the freshman, Tuesday September 12th. The freshman were initiated by having to go barefooted during the party and later they were taken out to the New Bridge and were told to walk home. Howard JACKSON was responsible for their safe return. They also had to roll a bean across the floor with their noses and eat onion sandwiches.
Games were played and enjoyed by all and refreshments were served by the senior class. The freshman showed very good sportsmanship, and we are proud to have them as members of our High School.

The Seniors presented their play "Let's Go Somewhere" Friday night, May 3. The play was written by Robert Morill SAND and was a, three act comedy.
Anne - a demure maid - Arda V. HARTMAN
Harry Carter - a very modern young man - Robert SEFRIT
Jane Carter - his wife, a young modern woman - Grace HILL
Mrs. Wilson - a widow, mother of Jane - Donella DEIBERT
Col. Meadows - an actor of the old school - Howard JACKSON
Ezra Whipple - brother of Mrs. Wilson - Kenneth WENDELL
Time: The present
Place: New York
Act One: The Wilson's living room. Saturday night.
Act Two: The same. Sunday morning.
Act Three: The same. Saturday morning - one week later

On December 15, 1939, the sophomore and freshman girls of the Home Economics class gave a Tea Party for the High School and Faculty members. They served cookies and cocoa.

Friday, January 9, at the High School gymnasium, a party sponsored by the high school girls was given in honor of Miss Clara UNDERWOOD, who resigned at the end of the first semester. Contests and games provided and entertainments, and refreshments of cocoa and cookies were served.

The Little Clod-Hopper
Judy - Little Clod-Hopper - Marie GARITY
Mrs. Chiggerson - Wealthy Lady from City - Kathleen GARRETT
George Chiggerson - Little Lamb from the City - Hale JACKSON
Miss Juiliette Bean - Old Maid - Rosella COCHRAN
Ocey Gump - The Hired Man - Robert HARTMAN
Septimus Greene - A Book Agent - Melvin COX
Charmian Carter - A "Vamp" - Madylen VAUGHN
Setting - Home of Miss Juiliette Bean
Time: Today
Act I - Birthday Dinnner at Miss Bean's
Act II - Home of Mrs. C.B. in the City
Act III - Same as Act II
Proceeds of this entertainment will go to meet the expenses of the annual Junior-Senior Banquet.

The benefit oyster supper to raise funds for the new ball suits was held in the gymnasium February 6th. It was a success in spite of unfavorable weather conditions. Many were present and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. The total receipts were: $12.65 and after the oysters were paid for and other expenses deducted, there was a net profit of $9.18. On behalf of the team we wish to thank the mothers who made this oyster supper possible.

Friday night, March 15, the sophomores entertained the high school and teachers to a St. Patrick's party. The evening was spent in playing games and all reported a "swell" time. Refreshments were: Fruit Salad, Cake, and mints.

Leap Year 1952.
Heavy presses changed all around me reeling out sheet upon sheet of paper filled with news, gossip, jokes, sports; fragrance of fresh printers ink hung in the air; hurry, bustle, shouting, dust, pecking of typewriters, telephones ringing; seemed to happen all at once every minute, in that crowded office of the "New York Gossiper." It was the same thing every day of my life. Nothing new. Same old murders, weddings, fights, and wrecks.
"Wish something exciting would turn up," I heard Red, the newsboy from across the street, mutter. "Excitement? Phooie!" I said to myself. My head ached from the noise and I felt like I'd been through the presses myself. And to top it all there went that telephone, again.
I took down the receiver. "This is me." I said sort of grouchy like.
"If that's you HARTMAN, come into my office at once," said the boss and he hung up.
"Okay, okay, what's the hurry," I muttered gathering up my things and slamming into his office.
"Listen you, you're leaving for Iowa in a half hour and no remarks. They're staging a fight there that'll be a sensation all over the world. World's heavyweight championship fight between Battler Bob and Killer Ken. You're the best reporter here and I want you to cover that fight. If you don't have the first story out here, you lose your job. Here's your ticket for the first plane for Iowa. Now get going and don't come back without a story."
It didn't take long to get ready and soon I was on the plane and headed for Iowa. I hadn't looked on my ticket to see where I was going and imagine my surprise when I reached the landing field and found that I was in yes, you guessed it, my old home town, Delphos.
"Things sure have changed a lot in twelve years" I thought as I took a taxi up to the hangars. "Delphos wasn't that large when I left. Maybe they moved another town in."
I asked the taxi driver if he could take me to the place they were holding the fight. He did and to my amazement I saw on the door as I entered "H. JACKSON, Manager" and he was the first person I ran into inside.
"Holy Smoke!" he said "If it isn't Arda HARTMAN. Where did you come from?"
"I know I came from New York but I can't say I know where I'm going, I'm a reporter on the New York Gossiper and my boss sent me here for the story on the fight tonight."
"Oh, yes, some fight that's going to be. Best this season. Don't miss it," and off he went leaving me standing. "Say, was he cuckoo or something," I asked myself. "Telling me not to miss the fight when I'd be on the front lines. Of all the nerve, but then I remembered that in school he was so absent-minded the teacher had to remind him that he had his glasses on the back of his head when he complained that he had lost them. Those were the good old days.
I looked around and saw that the seats were filling up pretty fast. A lot of people I thought I recognized but just then some one grabbed my arm and said, "Tickets, please"
"I don't need a ticket", I said "I --"
"Oh, yes, you do."
"Oh, no, I don't."
"Oh, yes, but you do."
"Oh, no, I--, say, what is this?" I asked, "this could go on forever. I've got a pass and--well, of all things I thought I recognized that voice, Donella DEIBERRT of all people. Don't tell me you're ticket taker."
"Well, I'm not Scarlet O'Hara," she said "You're Bub's sister Arda, aren't you?"
I looked her over. Yep, she was the same old kid. Older, maybe, but not changed any. She always could argue the leg off of a monkey if anyone could. "Well, here comes Grandpa Hart. I gotta go. See you in a huff with a puff," and off she went.
I was beginning to think then that I was the crazy one but I went on and took my seat up by the ring. The fight was almost ready to start when I was disturbed by the awfullest racket behind me. A woman that looked sort of familiar with blond hair, was trying to quiet four little boys. They all looked the same size to me and were all screaming for daddy.
Then the bell rang and into the ring stepped the two fighters. Then I almost fell off my seat. This was too much. The fighters were none other than Bob SEFRIT as Battler Bob and Killer Ken was Kenny WENDELL. They sure had changed a lot I thought but then the fight started so I had to get busy.
Of all the fights I'd ever witnessed this was the best. It was anybody's fight and some fighting. First Bob would chase Kenny around the ring, then Kenny would stop, turn around and chase Bob around the ring. They did everything from playing leap frog to pulling each other ears.
"The best man wins," said the referee who by the way was Mr. COULSON and after twenty-rounds, Bob lay down on the floor panting like a freight train.
Meanwhile the little boys behind me were yelling "Hit him dad, sock him in the jaw," But daddy didn't listen.
"The World's Champion, Killer Ken," proclaimed the referee through the mic and Bob got to his feet. The blonde behind me with the boys had crawled through the ropes to him and I then recognized her as Grace HILL.
"What was your big idea? Why didn't you knock him out? Now you get dressed and come on home." she ordered.
"Yes, my love," replied Bob meekly.
"Do you have anything to say?" Mr. Coulson asked Kenny.
"Sure," he replied, "Bob may be okay as a fighter but as a husband he's pretty tame."
"Oh, yeh," Bob said and hit Ken in the jaw with the most beautiful punch you ever saw. Ken went out over the ropes into the arms of a gorgeous blond and there he went to sleep as pretty as you please. Oh, well do you blame him?
I turned to see what had happened to Bob and Grace and was surprised to see them both carrying two boys apiece out of the ring.
I introduced myself since no one else knew me and asked them if the boys were theirs.
"Yeh, quadruplets," replied Bob, "did you ever see the like?"
"I can't say that I have," I answered "What are their names?"
"We call them Eeeny, Meeny, Miney and Jack."
"Why did you call the one Jack?!"
"Because we didn't want any Mo."
That was some experience watching two boys who had always been pals ever since they licked their first sucker together, fight each other--if you call it a fight.
But, gee, I've forgotten to call my boss so I've got to beat it.
So long everybody.

Upon leaving this most worthy institution, which for the past four years has been our center of life, it is with great pleasure that the class of 1940 leaves its most cherished relics and accomplishments, to the seniors to be, that is, the class of 1941. In leaving these to the Junior class, we hope to place them as nearby as possible, upon the high standard, which in the past have been most honorably held by the class of 1940.
LISTEN then, one and all, while I read you the document, as duly drawn up and sworn to:
CLASS WILL of 1940.
To Marvin CAVENDER we leave Bob SEFRIT's good looks and his way with the ladies; also his ability to knock down A's in history and practically anything else.
To Kathleen GARRETT we leave Howard Jackson's profound prosperity for sloth and procrastination (laziness to you.) With what she has it should be enough to ruin her.
To Marie GARITY, we leave Kenneth WENDELL's quiet ways and his ability to play basketball.
To Hale JACKSON we will Grace HILL's ability to write letters. He certainly will need it if he keeps up with a certain Grant City girl.
Donella DEIBERT wills har ability of being sent out of class to Bette STEPHENS and Doris TRIMBLE.
Arda HARTMAN leaves to each and everyone of you the mistakes we have made in the past and we hope you will profit by them. We wish you success and happiness in anything you may undertake.
Our class takes this means to say so-long and not goodbye as we don't intend to be gone forever from your lives.

Back Row: (left to right) Marvin CAVENDER, Joe SEATON, Paul RHOADES, Kenneth WENDELL and Bob SEFRIT.
Front Row: (left to right) James MINNICK, Bob HARTMAN, Hale JACKSON and Howard JACKSON.
Six players this year earned letters, they were awarded April 19. These letters are given to those players taking the most active part in basketball during the entire season.
Those receiving letters are: three seniors Robert SEFRIT, Kenneth WENDELL and Howard JACKSON: two juniors Hales JACKSON and Marvin CAVENDAR: one sophomore Joe SEATON.
They were red letters with white outline, and on the letters was a basketball emblem, also a bar to represent each year of service.
Our Superintendent Mr. Earl COULSON was Coach.
Despite the loss of three veteran cage performers via the diploma route, the varsity boys had a better than average season winning 12 out of 21 scheduled games.
Our team entered the Beaconsfield Five High Tournament held at Beaconsfield. They won the victory over Beaconsfield, which was their first game and also the victory over Decatur which was their second game. They lost their third game to Benton.
The County Tournament was held at Mt. Ayr in February. Our team met up with the powerful team from Diagonal and lost our victory to them. The score was 52-35.
The Sectional Tournament was also held at Mt. Ayr in this tournament, Delphos played Decatur and won by a score of 61-20.
In the second game played in the Sectional tournament, we were defeated by Benton, the score being 48-35.
Our first team was made up with: Robert SEFRIT, Kenneth WENDELL, and Howard JACKSON, Seniors; Marvin CAVENDER a Junior; and Joe SEATON, a Sophomore.
The reserves were: Hale JACKSON, Junior; Robert HARTMAN, Sophomore; James MINNICK, and Paul RHOADES, Freshman.
Since we were short of boys in High School the Grade team played the second games.
The team consists of Melvin CAVENDER, Jimmy FITZGERALD, LeRoy TRIMBLE, Jimmie HART, Carol HARTMAN, George SEFRIT, Max STEPHENS, Darrel VAUGHN, and Henry SWEET.
Considering the fact that these boys have never played ball before they made a credible showing by winning seven out of fourteen of their games. The experience they gained will be of great value to them in High School.

Why Experiment?
Buy of
Lumber Company
Yards at Mt. Ayr
Redding - Diagonal
Grant City - Clearfield

Compliments of
Mt. Ayr

Jewelry Store
Headquarters for Watch, Clock, and Jewelry repairing.
West side of square
Grant City, Missouri

Mt. Ayr

Use Electric Service

Style Shop
Ladies and children's ready-to-wear
Real quality & real service comes first
South side square
Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Firestone Products
Auto Parts, Accessories, Washing, Greasing and Service
Auto Supply
Phone 260 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Rexall Store
The Rexall Store
Headquarters of School Supplies
Soda Fountain Service
Phone 157 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

John Deere Tractors
Plows, Cultivators
Hay Tools - Corn Shellers - Combines

Home of Libbys Foods
Cash Market
A full line of fruits and vegetables.
If it's home killed meat you want to eat, Stop at BALDNER's for that treat
Mt. Ayr

Compliments of
Mt. Ayr, Iowa

Ford and Mercury
Sales and Service
Motor Company
Tel. 298 - Mt Ayr, Ia.

Dependable Cars
Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Service Station
Phone 226 - DAYSHAFER, Prop.
Standard Oil Products
Tires, Tubes, Radios, and Accessories
Batteries, Car Washing and Greasing
Mt. Ayr, Iowa

Orr SEATON, Prop.
Mt. Ayr, Iowa

Clothing Store
Curlee Clothing
Portis Hats - Florsheim Shoes
Ringgold Co. Leading Clothier

New and Used Furniture
Sewing Machine Repairing
Furniture Repairing
Phone 294 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Lumber Company
Building Material and Coal
Phone 20 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Meats and Groceries
Phone 76, 28 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Compliments of

Mt. Ayr
Sandwiches - Cigarettes
Percy SKINNER, Prop.

Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Each Account Insured Up To $5,000.00
Miller CHRISTIANSEN, President
Carson WILLIAMS, Vice President and Cashier

Standard Oil Products
Mt. Ayr, Iowa

C.D. MOORE - Mt. Ayr, Ia.
Gasoline, Oils and Greasing
South Side Square

Funeral Home
Cut Flowers
Ambulance Service
Mt. Ayr, Iowa

Mount Ayr
Quality Groceries
Phone 104 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

Sandwich Shop
Mt. Ayr, Iowa

Beauty Shop
Permentant Waves
Styled Hair Dresses
Manicuring and Facials
All Work Guaranteed
Phone 258 - Mt. Ayr, Ia.

[Editor's note: The following photographs were on the final page of the yearbook and were not labeled but based on other yearbooks and the age of the children in each picture I have labeled them as I believe they represent the Junior High, Intermediate and Primary Rooms]

Junior High

