BECKIE BARTON, will my green beast that I could never get to run to Rena.
I, BECKIE BARTON, will my speech book to Robin proctor. Have fun with it.
I, JEFF BEDIER, will Mr. Lange the ability to shoot free throws.
I, JEFF BEDIER, will Kirk Hewlett my driving ability.
I, ALAN BOLES, will Jenni and Todd the ability to keep a good name in school like I did.
I, ALAN BOLES, will Teresa Gage my old Ford "Widow" so she will have something to tear
around in Grand River.
I, JIM BRANDT, will Kirk Hewlett the seats out of my old car.
I, JEFF GIBSON, will to Kenny Harrison a mirror and a comb for his locker.
We, JEFF GIBSON and DARRIN HOPKINS, will Mrs. Akers two more accounting students just like us.
I, JAMIE GREENLAND, will Kerri Deemer the ability to remember to take her checkbook when buying
16 packs of Mt. Dew.
I, JAMIE GREENLAND, will Robby Fugate the ability to open the lunchroom door in the
seniors girls' faces next year. WATCH OUT GIRLS!
I, DEBRA HARRIS, will Teresa the ability to make it through cheerleading without getting in
I, DEBRA HARRIS, will Miss Halter the ability to film commercials the first time without having
to do them over and over again.
I, DAWN HEWLETT, will Tanya, Kelly, Kristy and Toshia a "FREE TALK PASS" for a week in Mrs.
Pettit's study hall.
I, DAWN HEWLETT, will Teresa Gage the ability to sweet talk the P.E. instructor into playing
volleyball. (Use it better than I did!!)
We, DAWN, LORI and JAMIE, will next year's homecoming sign painters the ability to paint the
sign, the room, and themselves all at once. (Thanks for painting us Jamie!!)
I, DARIN HOPKINS, will Kirk an alarm clock. I don't know how you're going to get to
school without me.
I, DARIN HOPKINS, will Darren a candy cane of his own.
I, SANDRA MERCER, will to Mark the ability to keep his mouth shut.
I, SANDRA MERCER, will to Stacy the ability to talk all the time.
I, TIM NEWTON, will Campbell the ability to go out and come home without getting caught.
I, CAROLYN RICHMAN, will to Jacque Barton all the good luck and fun of being a senior next year.
I, CAROLYN RICHMAN, will Mrs. Akers the ability to have just as much fun with next year's
seniors s she did with us - especially in Business Math.
I, PEGGY SEGO, will my Pacer to Carolyn for a future ride home.
I, PEGGO SEGO, will Robin Proctor all the good times Carolyn and I had.
I, AARON SICKELS, will Miss Halter many more strange visitors in the night.
I, AARON SICKELS, will Darren C. 1 kilo of "COKE" in case you break your nose again.
I, BRANDT SNOOK, will Monte A. a new Gas Tank.
I, BRANDT SNOOK, will Kenny H. one of the bathroom stalls.
I, LORI STUCK, will to future business students my ability to always have a smart remark
ready to say back to Mrs. Akers.
I, LORI STUCK, will Mrs. Akers the ability to put the transcription tape into the
transcription machine correctly when demonstrating how to use it.
We, THE TRIG CLASS, will Mr. Parman a lifetime supply of peppermint candies.