Regina Barton, will Jamie, Dawn and Lori the ability to "Hang on" when they are going for a ride.
I, Regina Barton, will Rena locker No. 3. Please try to keep the green stuff from growing
in the bottom!
I, Gary Deemer, will Mrs. Akers the ability to stand kids who don't have their homework done.
I, Tracey Greimann, will my ability to be a bad influence to Sheila Stark. Use it wisely.
I, Chad Hewlett, will to Jeff Bedier the ability to fix mufflers without getting caught.
I, Chad Hewlett, will to Dawn Hewlett the ability to come home late and have a good excuse.
I, Gina Hewlett, will Kirk the ability to never lose sight of his seat!
I, Gina Hewlett, will Jeffrusky my Helium sweater - you're the cheerleader of my dreams.
I, Galen Jimmerson, will to Jeff, Aaron and Darren the ability to carry the team after we,
the seniors. leave.
I, Galen Jimmerson, will to the girls basketball team to be calm and collected after being
yelled at all season.
I, Terry Kelley, will Mike Vanderflught my '51 Chevy so he can have a party car of his own.
I, Terry Kelley, will Stacy Shaub the ability to pull a great practical joke.
I, Tracy Lesan, will to Darren Campbell the ability to get "emotional" on the basketball
floor - just like I always was.
I, Tracy Lesan, will to all future seniors the wisdom not to take trigonometry, computer,
and physics in the same year.
I, Rhonda Parkhurst, will the underclassmen the ability to party on a fence post as well as Jodi
and I can!
I, Jodi Perkins, will to Mr. Jay the ability to have as much patience with all his favorite
shop students as he did with me.
I, Jodi Perkins, will Mrs. Spainhower and Mrs. Poppa the ability to stay as nice as they are.
I, Tammy Phelps, will all the teachers a 2 x 4 to try and knock some sense into my
brother. Good Luck!
I, Tammy Phelps, will all underclassmen the ability to make it through high school without giving up.
I, Jill Schwalbe, will Jamie the ability to come home past 11:30 p.m. and not be locked out of the house.
We, Jill Schwalbe and Gina Hewlett, will Jeffrusky and Aaron "Baby" both a pair of bikinies for show time.
I, Dennis Stark, will Jeff Bedier the ability to work on his exhaust without getting muffler burns.
I, Dennis Stark, will Sheila that ability to keep the good Stark name going by doing as little
as possible at all times - as I did!
I, Kris Thomas, will everyone the ability to put up with anyone else!
I, Jack Vanderflught, will Rick the ability to get up in the morning without being yelled at 50 times!
I, Jack Vanderflught, will Mark the ability to call timeout and find his contact at the same time!
I, Carl Webb, will Scott Bebout my car.
I, Carl Webb, will my motorcycle to Brant Snook.
I, Laura Woollums, will to anyone in trig., the ability to understand it and the ability to
keep their sanity through it all. Good Luck!
I, Laura Woollums, will to Aaron Sickels one T-shirt, one ear of corn, and one tractor of
his very own.