The Annual Staff
Mrs. Claudia Davenport | . . . . | Sponsor |
Morris Noftsger | . . . . | Photographer |
Russell Epps | . . . . | Business Manager |
Sheryl Becker | . . . . | Editor |
Susan Payton | . . . . | Jr. Editor |
Barry Jackson | . . . . | Assistant Photographer |
Linda Emig | . . . . | Head Typist |
Nancy Jackson | . . . . | Assistant Editor |
The behind-the-scenes work of the Annual Staff was characterized by pleasure and pressure. The next deadline was
always right around the corner! The fun was in the confusion of a pre-deadline weekend - not eating, sleeping,
thinking annual, annual, annual! The satisfaction when the book comes out is a great feeling. The 1971 TIGER MEMORIES
is the proud result of timeless hours of work by a team.

Student Council
L-R: Sponsor, Mr. Adams;Okie Adams, Secretary-Treasurer; Jacque Daughton; Russell Epps, President; Roland Jackson;
Danny Jackson; Randy Van Laar; Sheryl Becker, Vice-President; Kathy Andrew.

Professional Careers Organization
BACK ROW, L-R: Linda Emig, Stephanie Virden, Debbie Jimmerson.
MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Gail Noftsger, Debbie Brandt, Patricia Deemer, Jacque Daughton, Suzie Hall, Historian; Vicki Van Laar,
FRONT ROW, L-R: Sheryl Becker, Treasurer; Donna Jackson, Secretary; Morris Noftsger, Vice-President;
Nancy Jackson, President; Mrs. Coleman, Sponsor.

BACK ROW, L-R: Myron Bucy, Rodney Kelley, Ronnie Trower, Dan Harrison, Tommy Shields, Derrick Bucy, Rodney Smith, Randy
Vanderflught, Glen Konopasek, Randy Johnson.
THIRD ROW, L-R: Harold Adams, Gerold Adams, Tom Perkins, Kevin Hewlett, Billy Hohn, Dale Scott, Danny Jackson, Bruce Hamblen,
Dick Stark.
SECOND ROW, L-R: Joe Fullerton, Randy Hamblen, Barry Hall, Gary Mercer, Lyle Griemann, Richard Binning, Steven Norris,
Norman Newton, Terry Lesan.
FRONT FOW, L-R: Stephen Sickels, Ricky Keller - Reporter, Tim Fullerton - Secretary, Kenny Greenland - Sentinel, Morris
Nortsger - Vice-President, Randy Van Laar - President, Sponsor Mr. Schwalbe. Absent: Nick Morrell - Treasurer.

Concert Band
BACK ROW, L-R: Mr. Duke, Dan Overholtzer, Rhonda Comer, Lois Griffin, Billy Bucy.
THIRD ROW, L-R: Roland Jackson, Terry Munyon, Doug Virden, Craig Schmidt, Duane Mickael, Rodney Munyon, David Sickels,
Billy Hohn, Danny Jackson, Steven Norris, Russell Corll.
SECOND ROW, L-R: James Miller, Morris Noftsger, Linda Emig, Debbie Jimmerson, Amy Noftsger, Debra Boyer, Gail Palmer,
Darrel Bucy, Dayna Norris, Gail Noftsger, Deanna Powers.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Nancy Jackson, Susan Payton, Stephanie Virden, Lena Hohn, Jane Sickels, Teresa Ingram, Debbie Wicker,
Michele Stuck, Sandra Payton, Debbie Corll, Jean Konopasek, Donna Jackson.
Marching Band

High School Chorus
BACK ROW, L-R: Debbie Patton, Bonnie Bucy, Stephanie Virden, Debbie Jimmerson, Carol Thomas, Carmen Parkhust.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Donna Jackson, Gail Noftsger, Lois Griffin, Glenda Palmer, Nancy Jackson, Deanna Powers, director Mr.
Girl's Trio
L-R: Debbie Patton, Bev Peterson, Donna Jackson, accompanist Gail Noftsger.

Junior High Chorus
BACK ROW, L-R: Gail Palmer, Duane Mickael, Jerry Straight, Darrell Bucy. MIDDLE ROW, L-R: Mark Boles, Sammy Booth,
Monte Greenland, Marlin Binning, Billy Fifer, director Mr. Duke. FRONT ROW, L-R: Debbie Straight, Debbie Wicker,
Michele Stuck, Teresa Ingram, Debbie Stewart, Diane O'Dell.

Administration, Faculty & Staff, 1970-71
GV Class of 1971
GV Underclassmen, Junior High and Elementary Classes
GV Homecoming
GV Athletic Program, 1970-71
1971 Grand Valley Community School Yearbook Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2014
