Sharon Becker, will to Donna Jackson, my ability for being late for everything and
anything AND my GREAT musical ability. They are both very valuable - believe it or not!
I, , Melvis Jimmerson, will to Doug Virden, my deep, heart-felt feelings toward going to school. Keep
those billows of hate blowing, Baby!
I, Renee' Bucy, will to my brother, Derrick, the ability to get good grades in industrial arts and shop.
We, , Gloria Palmer and Linda Nichols, will to Mr. Anderson, our ability to sing and do
bookkeeping at the same time. Have fun, Mr. A.!
I, June Jackson, will to Deanna Powers, my height when we are walking down the street together.
I, Bob Boles, will to Richard Binning, the ability to keep his hands off the opposing team. I have
many scars to remember you by, Rich.
I, Greg Johnson, will to Morris Noftsger, my ability to be the most threatened by Charlie
in any day, week, month or semester.
I, , Sherry Jackson, will to Donna Jackson, my ability to eat Tootsie Rolls and to play my
horn during marching practice.
I, Larry Griffin, will to Randy Van Laar, my ability to get along with the student teachers -
especially Icabod Bailey.
I, Sandi Smith, will to Mr. Tapscott, my wiglet to help ward off the chill!
I, Bob Jimmerson, will to all the students of Grand Valley my ambition to finally graduate and leave this institution.
I, Cheryl Thomas, will to Jacque Daughton the ability to hit the volleyball. Good Luck, Jacque!
I, Merna Peterson, will Stephanie Virden all my excess giggle pills. (Sorry, Steph.)
I, Bill Mercer, will to Kenny Greenland the ability to get along with "Charlie."
I, Jack Van Laar, will to Stephen Sickels my ability not to become too involved with girls in
high school. You have to be on guard all the time, Stephen.
I, Kathy Weigel, will to Taresa Brooks my ability to take shop. Lesson 1: What is a hammer?
I, Gary Scott, will to Harold Adams my willingness to copy three pages from an
encyclopeda for Mr. Edgar.
I, Kathy Deemer, will to Susan Payton the ability to be the first one out the door when the
bell rings for lunch. Good Luck! I never got the job done.
I, Larry Jensen, will to Bruce Hamblen my eating ability.
I, , Marcia Wicker, will to Pat Adkisson my misfortune (????) to be in the Home Ec. room
undressed when a boy walks in. You've got a good start, Pat!!
I, Karen Snook, will to Rick Keller my mouth-sized piece of tape. It'll help keep you out of
trouble in S.H., Rick!
I, John Klein, will to Rusty Corll old metal locker No. 3, which I wasn't supposed to have
for the past two years.
I, Barb McWilliams, will to Tommy Giles, the ability to get oil out of a certain blue and
white car, when you need it.
I, , Mike George, will the distilling tubes that were willed to me by Terry Baker, to Tuff
and Dan. Hope you have better luck than we did.
I, Becky Euritt, will to Tom Giles, my old Ford, to drive, when all his Chevys quit running.
I, , Shirley Jackson, will to Pat Adkisson the ability to get my trig. done with all those
distractions. Use it well!!
I, Darrell Adams, will to Steve Norris, my ability to type more errors than words in
I, Mike Shields, will to Rick Keller one shaky front headlight. (It'll look nice on your Luv Bug.
I, Linda Konopasek, will to Red Taylor all the little pieces of paper I left on the art room floor.
I, Reuben Minthorn, will to Tom Giles my cherished church key. Put it to good use, Tom.
I, , Linda Hohn, will to my "Little brother," Bill, the advantage to shoot paper wads and not
get caught. . . .have fun7th period study hall, Bill!
I, Linda Nichols, will to Debbie Patton my ability to laugh the loudest when Mr. Adams is
around. Keep him busy, Deb.
I, Peggy Johnson, will my ability to keep my feet to myself in S.H. to Ronnie Trower and
Jimmy Clough.
I, Janine Van Laar, will to Vicki Van Laar my ability to get a seat on the shuttle bus even if it
is the back seat. (It's better than the aisle!)
I, Cathy Reed, will to Tom Giles my ability to keep my hand off the horn late at night.
I, Marla O'Dell, will to Deanna Powers my ability to sit in the back row of Mr. Hartwig's
I, Ronnie Binning, will to Nick Morrell my ability to sleep in English.
I, Bob Daily, will to Nick Morrell my ability to stay out of S.H. as much as Possible.
I, , Chris Overholtzer, will to Rusty Corll my excellent '54 and enough courage to uphold the
honor of his class.

Senior Class Prophecy
SINCE THIS IS THE YEAR OF MAN'S FIRST WALK ON THE MOON, THE ASTRONAUTS have the bridge between the real and the
unreal. The moon walk explains the position of the twelve sun signs, the position of the moon signs, and the astronomical
chart that determines the rising star and ruling planet at the time of your birth. With these factors our astrologer
has been studying the stars affecting the Grand Valley seniors, and he has determined what kind of persons they are as well
as their destiny . . . the year, 1980.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) The water carrier is the thoughtful and idealistic thinker from the Age of Aquarius.
KAREN SNOOK Karen has divorced her fourth husband. She says she cant' let romance interfere
with her career as editor of the LONLEY HEARTS magazine.
MARCIA WICKER As secretary for the nation's First Lady, Marcia has a busy schedule - trying to translate her
CHERYL THOMAS As homemaker, Cheryl is employed as executive housekeeper at the Conrad Hilton
Hotel. In her spare time, Cheryl sells Avon to the hotel residents.
PISCES (February 19 to
March 20) The fish expresses the sign of Pisces. Pisces are friendly, easy-going, compassionate, and sentimental.
BILL MERCER The position of night watchman at the county morgue is held by Bill. His
companion at this chilly chore is his dog who has a vicious bark for visitors. A loving "Pat" on the head to quiet
the dog shows Bill's natural-born compassion.
SHERRY JACKSON Sherry works in a soda pop factory as a soda pop sampler. Waugh who??!!
JUNE JACKSON As a successful designer, June has just returned from Greece where she has been
designing King Onasis's mansion.
LINDA HOHN Linda has been fired from her job as mattress tester. She was caught standing up
on the job.
RON BINNING Because of his superior athletic ability, Ron is representing the United States
in the Olympic Games. He holds the finish line string.
ARIES (March 21 to
April 20) The ram symbolizes the self-assertive Aries. This house of the zodiac isn't held by any of our seniors.
21 to May 21) The bull is the strong-headed and constructive emblem of Taurus.
KATHY DEEMER Because of her strong dislike for pests, mad scientist Kathy, is working on pest
control - killing them before they multiply.
SHIRLEY JACKSON Shirley manages her own team. Instead of keeping records and figuring averages,
Shirley is washing diapers and mixing formulas.
22 to June 21) Twins represent the generous, witty, and talkative Gemini.
MARLA O'DELL Marla is working as a lady detective. She always gets her man!
GARY SCOTT As a physicist, Gary has successfully crossed an electric razor with a doorbell.
His experiment was a hum dinger!
KATHY WEIGEL With intentions of becoming a hospital technician, Kathy has changed her plans
and became a "baker."
(June 22 to July 23) The crab connotes the sign of the shy and sensitive Cancer.
MERNA PETERSON Merna says work is easy as a time checker. Everyone arrives at work before she does.
BECKY EURITT It seems that career girl, Becky, has a problem. She hasn't found the career yet.
SHARON BECKER As an artist, Sharon works with skill on her next masterpiece, the cover for MAD
BOB JIMMERSON As radar technician, Bob is zeroing in on a special assignment - his girl.
DARRELL ADAMS Darrell works in an antique sundial shop. Darrell chose this career because of
his philosophy, "Little men cast strong shadows."
JACK VAN LAAR Jack leads his combo, "Jack and the Jokers," in their latest hit. Jack has
received a gold record for each of his hits.
LEO (July 24 to August
23) The lion implicates the proud, open-hearted, born-leaders.
JANINE VAN LAAR As a prophet, Janine says there is no tomorrow because of her philosophy,
"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."
GLORIA PALMER Gloria is an airline stewardess. Her motto is "Coffee, tea, or me." Gloria
flies the friendly skies of UNITED.
GREG JOHNSON Greg is the owner of a full line of bunny clubs. He won them playing . . . .
RENEE' BUCY As a designer, Renee' owns her own dress shop called "Bucy's Boutique of Beautiful
MIKE SHIELDS As a radio and T.V. repairman, Mike does balancing acts putting antennae on
steep roofs in forty mile-per-hour wind.
LARRY GRIFFIN Larry owns a chain of tire factories. He is now in the middle of a traffic jam . . .
changing a tire!
(August 24 to September 21) The virgin depicts the artistic, hard-working Virgo.
CATHY REED Cathy is an actress on the soap opera "As the Heat Burns." Cathy has a Emmy,
an Oscar, a John, a Mary, and a Nancy.
BARB McWILLIAMS Barb is the head writer for LAUGH-IN. She earns up to 29-cents an hour.
BOB DAILY Doctor Daily has built quite a reputation. Seems he's a pretty smooth operator.
JOHN KLEIN Dr. Daily's assistant, John, is employed to bring in business. John stand in
front of the doctor's office making people sick.
CHRIS OVERHOLTZER Chris works as a computer machine operator. He specializes in pin ball and
slot machines.
(September 24 to October 23) Scales signify these peace making perfectionists.
SANDI SMITH Sandi is going "West" with the thought of "Marryin'."
(October 24 to November 22) The Scorpion insinuates the creative, adventurous Scorpio.
LINDA KONOPASEK Linda is a creative beautician at Warner Brothers Studio. Her most regular
customer is Yul Brenner.
REUBEN MINTHORN After several years of struggle in the White House, Reuben has finally
succeeded in making Rhode Island a suburb of Washington, D.C.
MELVIS JIMMERSON As United States ambassador to Russia, Melvis made an important
compromise. He sent cars from Detroit and received parking lots from Siberia.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 to December 21) The archer expresses the honest, friendly, and independent Sagittarius.
LINDA NICHOLS As a country western singer in Nashville, Linda sings her latest hit,
"Clough-dy Nights."
MIKE GEORGE As a millionaire, Mike can be found almost anytime in a casino. When asked
what he wanted to be noted for, he replied, "Forever."
LARRY JENSEN The Larry Jensen Library burned and burned both of his books. One he hadn't
even colored yet.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The goat implies the self-control and determination of the Capricorn.
BOB BOLES Bob is the director of Iowa State Agriculture Department. Remember Bob, "June' is
national dairy month.
PEGGY JOHNSON Peggy shows her natural born characteristic of determination as a religious
cook. Everything is either a sacrifice or a burned offering.
Our astrologer predicts that each senior will find health, wealth, and happiness.

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TOP ROW, L-R: Barb McWilliams & Peggy Johnson.
3rd ROW, L-R: Sandi Smith, Karen Snook, June BOles, Mike Shields, Marsha Wicker, Melvis
Jimmerson, Kathy Weigel, John Klein, Chris Overholtzer, Cheryl Thomas, Marla O'Dell, Peggy Smith, Sherry Jackson.
2nd ROW, L-R: Linda Nichols, Janine Van Laar, Merna Peterson, Ron Binning, Bob Jimmerson, Gloria Palmer, Shirley Jackson,
Sharon Becker, Linda Hohn, Kathy Deemer.
FRONT ROW, L-R: Reuben Minthorn, Bill Mercer, Greg Johnson, Bob Boles,
Bob Daily.

Administration, Faculty & Staff
GV Underclassmen, Junior High and Elementary Classes
GV Homecoming
GV Athletic Program, 1970-71
GV School Organizations, 1970-71
Tiger Memories ~ The Way We Were
1970 Grand Valley Community School Yearbook Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2014