CLASS of 1966
HISTORY of the CLASS of 1966
Since the autumn of 1960, when the seventh grade classes of Kellerton and Grand River first met as a group, it was evident
that this class would be well-remembered in Grand Valley history. The class has shown qualities of leadership, sportmanship,
and integrity. Through junior and senior high school its members have participated in many interesting educational
In seventh grade the class was busy becoming acquainted with one another and the new experiences of mixed
chorus and basketball. During this year Harold BOLES and Peggy GIRDNER became members of the class, and Deanna
BAGLEY and Paulette ORTH moved away. With thirty-two members, the eighth grade class accelerated scholastically and
enjoyed the activities of graduation and the eighth grade trip to Des Moines.
As their motto proclaimed, "We've Crossed the
Bay -- Let's Try the Ocean!" the freshman class sailed forward into the enriching experiences of high school. During
the sophomore year Harold BOLES, Raymond GODDEN, Mary CLARK, and LaRue BROOKS left the class. Besides a zest of fun and
knowledge, the junior class proved to have the ability for organization. They held a banquet and prom following the theme of
"Candyland," and increased their treasury by selling concessions at ballgames. As juniors the class gained Wayne
LEASURE and Tom HERSEY and lost Peggy GIRDNER at the semester and Connie GLAZEBROOK, Marcia BADGEROW, and Ronald TONEY
the following summer.
With a twenty-six member senior class, the members prepared for a trip to Colorado, graduation,
and departure into the world. Filled with the atomic fuel of knowledge the class has "CONQUERED THE OCEAN -- WHY NOT SPACE?"
Click on thumbnail photo or the link to see an enlarged view of the senior's photograph
with a listing of the senior's high school activities.
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Click on photograph above and then the magnifying glass icon to view enlargement;
click on your browser 'back' button to return to this webpage.
Grand Valley Administration, 1965-66
Class Photographs, Grand Valley, 1966
GV Homecoming 1966
GV Athletics 1966
GV Organizations, 1966
Grand Valley Snapshots, 1965-66
Courtesy of GV Museum/Foland School, Kellerton, June of 2011; updated October of 2014
