CLASS of 1964
Click on thumbnail photo or the link to see an enlarged view of the senior's photograph
with a listing of the senior's high school activities.
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Class of 1967 Officers
STANDING, L-R: Sponsors Mr. Don OVIATT & Mr. Dick SHOCKEY
SEATED, L-R: president Nancy POWERS, vice-president Ron STARK, secretary Alice MINTHORN, treasurer Dennis McFARLAND
Click on photograph above and then the magnifying glass icon to view enlargement;
click on your browser 'back' button to return to this webpage.
Grand Valley Administration, 1964
Class Photographs, Grand Valley, 1964
GV Homecoming 1964
GV Athletics 1964
GV Organizations, 1964
Grand Valley Snapshots, 1963-64
Courtesy of GV Museum/Foland School, Kellerton, May of 2011; updated October of 2014
