Queries February 1998 through April 1998Following are Ringgold County Queries from February of 1998 through April of 1998 that were made before Iowa GenWeb queries were archived.

Email: tballard@enid.com
Location: Enid, OK, USA
Date: Thursday, June 4, 1998 at 15:00:25
Seeking info re: Benjamin Franklin and Matilda (ANDERSON) YOHO, lived in Ringgold Co in 1859. two children may have been born there 1) Barbara Ann YOHO b 28 Apr 1858 & Thomas Jefferson YOHO b 6 Aug 1860. Trying to verify their pob. Family may have moved to Washington Co, NE in 1860. Would like any info available - happy to trade info! Thanks, hope to hear from someone soon - Teresa YOHO-BALLARD

Name: Fred Karr
Location: Overland Park, KS
Date: Monday, June 1, 1998 at 11:17:23
Comments:GOODELL, WRIGHT, CLARK (and Gillett or Strouse) -- Ambrose Wright and his uncle Stanbury Wright were among the original settlers of Union & Tingley Twps in 1855. Ambrose Wright married Ruth Goodell in Ringgold County in 1857. Ambrose & Ruth had three or four children, only one of whom (Jonathan Oliver) survived to adulthood. Jonathan Oliver was my great-grandfather. Ruth Goodell was the daughter of Sophie (Clark) Goodell and a sister to Abner Goodell, all of Ringgold County. Her nephew was George Goodell (wife named Anna) of Kellerton, Iowa. Daughters of Stanbury married Andrew Gillett and John Strouse, also original settlers in Union Twp. Would appreciate any information available on these families.

Name: Donna Akers
Email: Momxs6@aol.com
Location: Glenwood, Ia., usa
Date: Saturday, May 30, 1998 at 21:36:43
I am researching the surnames of LOUDON & Paisley. Not sure where Paisley originated from, so need all the help I can get! Thank you for any info.

Name: Beverly Himes BARGER
Email: grvtrain@wizrealm.com
Location: Bosque Farms, NM, USA
Date: Saturday, May 23, 1998 at 21:36:55
BURNS, ROBBINS, BEVERAGE, CAMPBELL; Searching Ringgold Co, Iowa for ancestors & descendants of Florence Jessie BURNS b. 1880 Mt. Ayre, Ringgold Co, Iowa married 1900 Ringgold Co, Iowa, James Henry BARGER, (s/o John W. BARGER & Jemima BYERLY); John Denny BURNS, (s/o James BURNS & Angeline CAMPBELL), b.1848 Huron Co, OH d.1912 Benton Co, Ark married 1871 Decatur Co, Iowa Elizabeth Betty ROBBINS, (d/o Job ROBBINS & Elizabeth BEVERAGE), b.1846 Vinton Co, OH d.1921 Bailey Co, Texas; grvtrain@wizrealm.com Beverly Himes BARGER 270 Valle Grande Rd. Bosque Farms, New Mexico 87068
Name: Robert E Duff
Email: toledo, oh, usa
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 at 00:18:04
Searching for anyone knowing of Samuel N DUFF died in 1949 buried at Redding cemetery Redding,Iowa

Name: Jim D. White
Email: jdw39@juno.com
Location: Cedar Rapids, Ia
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 23:55:49
Does anyone know where the Kellerton Globe newspaper files are ? There are some in Mt Ayr Library , but very few

Name: Don Conley
Email: janger54@owt.com
Location: Kennewick, Wa
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 11:48:09
I need some help in Ringgold County Iowa. I have A Elizabeth RUBY married to Chancy BLAKESLEY, in another record I have Elizabeth RUBY married to Clancy BLAKESLEY. I don't know which one is correct. Can anyone help me on this? I have the history of the Ruby family, by Addison Sparks Ruby and he lists Elizabeth Ruby married to Chancey, other records I have list her husband as Clancy. I need help on this one.
Don Conley -- Kennewick, Washington

Name: Sharee Blaine
Email: ShareeB@aol.com
Location: OR, USA
Date: Monday, May 11, 1998 at 02:20:30
Looking for Alice F. FITTRO born 19 Mar. 1861-64 in Kellerton, Ringgold Co., Iowa. She married a JACKSON and lived at Kellerton I think all her life. She died at the age of 97 I beleive. Her mother was burried in a sm. old country cemetery south of Garden Grove, Iowa. I think her father was Samuel W. FITTRO and her mother was Sarah McCartney his 2nd wife. First wife was Elizabeth. This may not be right so if anyone knows please let me hear from you. I have connecting info if any of this fits. Alice FITTRO JACKSON was living in Kellerton next door to a Mrs. W.W. FARMER as of 1958. I do not think she was able to have any children. I have been searching for this side of my family for over 15 years. I have her will but it was not of any help. Let me hear from you if you live in Kellerton and could check on this ladies history for me. I have come to a dead end. E-mail me direct please. at ShareeB@aol.com Thanks so much for your help.

Name: Margaret Linehan
Email: linemarge@juno.com
Location: Kent, WA, USA
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 15:20:40
JOHNSTON, William Murdock - Seeking place of death, Buried Rose Hill Cemetery, Mt Ayr, Ringold Co., IA, 1935 next to wife, Mary Jane (Jennie) and son Ralph. Cannot get Death Certificate without actual place of death. HELP!!

Name: Bob Fitch
Email: roshan@pacbell.net
Location: Saratoga, Ca, Santa Clara
Date: Sunday, April 26, 1998 at 18:21:41
Information need on relatives of John Henry FITCH, there is an Ohio connection, not sure if it is J.H. Fitch or earlier relative. A.I. SMITH was brother of Ella Margrita Smith who married J.H. Fitch before turn of century.

Name: Stacey R. Benson
Email: Sbenson625@aol.com
Location: West Valley City, UT
Date: Monday, April 13, 1998 at 12:36:49
SHORT - PFANDER Attention descendants of George Edwin SHORT and Gladys PFANDER married 18 Sep 1927 in Mt. Ayr, Ringgold, Iowa. Please send any information about this couple or their descendants to Stacey R. Benson e-mail: Sbenson625@aol.com Thanks

Name: Steven Dahlstrom
Email: twotacky1@aol.com
Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Date: Friday, April 10, 1998 at 23:11:47
Am interested in families of Abraham WALTERS (b. 10/27/1807) and Martha FREED (b. 1815) listed as pioneers in Ringgold Co., 1855. Also interested in families of Frances Walter (b. 3/27/1831) who married Isaac SWIGART (b.10/9/1826) also listed as a pioneer of Ringgold Co., 1854. Families of John James Graham who married Lizzie May Walter 6/25/1892 in Caledonia, Iowa...also any information about the location.

Name: Marlene F. Ricci
Email: mricci@goldnet.it
Location: APO, AE, 09630
Date: Sunday, April 5, 1998 at 01:00:07
LYDDON, FRANKLIN. Am interested in any descendants of the John L. LYDDON family (b. 1799 in Stoke St. Gregory, Somersetshire, England d. 1851 in Knox Co., Illinois) and Hannah S. FRANKLIN (b. 1807 same place). Many of the children lived and died in Ringgold and Taylor Counties. Children were Elizabeth LYDDON m. Charles SLADE, William LYDDON m. Olive PAGE, Mary Jane LYDDON m. Edward Turley CHEESE, Eliza LYDDON m. Albert YARD (YARDE), John "Jack" LYDDON m. Lydia Ann WELHOFF, Henry LYDDON, Charles Lyddon m. Elizabeth RICHARDSON, George LYDDON, and Albert E. LYDDON. Any information would be appreciated.

Name: Marlene F. Ricci
Email: mricci@goldnet.it
Location: APO, AE, 09630
Date: Sunday, April 5, 1998 at 00:49:53
LYDDON. Am interested in any descendants of the Elizabeth GLYDE (m. 1787 in Somerset, England, died in England) William LYDDON (1740-1845 Rio Township, Knox Co., Illinois)family. Children were Elizabeth LYDDON m. William FARTHING, Mary Jane LYDDON m. William VENN, John LYDDON m. Hannah S. FRANKLIN, and Hannah LYDDON m. Michael LOVERIDGE. FARTHING family moved to Wyoming, VENN family stayed in England and part moved to Illinois, LYDDON family moved to Ringgold and Taylor Counties, LOVERIDGE family moved to Oregon. There are five researchers on this line. Won't you help us complete the line?

Name: LeAnn Hugeback
Email: leann.hugeback@travis.af.mil
Location: vacaville, ca, USA
Date: Friday, April 3, 1998 at 12:15:48
Researching the Ancestors of Winfield Scott JOHNSTON and Adeline LANDRETH.
Father: Winfield Scott JOHNSTON b. 31 Dec., 1851 - d. 21 Mar., 1936
Mother: Adeline (LANDRETH) b. ABT 1850 (daughter of Isaac and Lucy (COOPER) LANDRETH)
1. Lowell Dale; married Ethyle BEEN; lived at Wilbarox, Montana; 7 children.
2. Merlyn Delmar; m. Cleatie BROWN; lived at Diagonal and Creston, IA; 3 children
3. Orpha; m. Robert BROWN; lived at Iola, Kansas; 6 children
4. Jay Elbert; m. Elva OSBORN; lived at Diagonal, IA; 3 girls
5. Veril Golden; m. Estes BAKER; lived at Diagonal, IA; 4 children
6. Leo d. in infancy (3 weeks old)
7. *Clyde Scott; m. Georgianna SPEELMAN; Ellston, IA; 2 daughters
8. David Carlisle (Lyle) drowned in Yellowstone River
9. Zeno Larul; m. Gertie CARTWRIGHT; Calstrip, Montana; 5 children
10. Eva Jane; m. Dewey SHULL in Montana; 7 children
*Notes: Winfield's wife was Adeline LANDRETH. Winfield was born 31 De., 1851 and Died 21 Mar., 1936. these two, her mother (Lucy COOPER LANDRETH), and leo are resting in the JOHNSTON Cemetery, Ringgold Co., IA. Lucy COOPER LANDRETH was born in England on 16 Sept., 1828, she was married to Isaac LANDRETH. He was called for Jury duty and a violent storm and flooding came upon him along with 2 or 3 other men. The men decided to cross the river if at all possible and used the wagon box as a boat to paddle across the river. The box overturned and Isaac drowned. Isaac wore boots that filled with water while trying to cross. He was unable to remove them and they pulled him down in the water. Then Isaac's nephew, Zacharia went to work for her, he and Lucy were appointed administers. The nephew of Isaac's married Lucy June 18, 1889 and farmed near Millersburg. She moved back and forth. Lucy was reported as telling that she drove a team and covered wagon on one trip to Ringgold County, Iowa. Her second man was struck by lightning while standing under a tree in a rain storm. The marriage to Isaac resulted in Adeline and Charlie. Flo JOHNSTON, Rilla DEBOLT, and Em HOUSE by the second man. Lucy, Adeline "Addie", Lou, and Winfield are all buried at the JOHNSTON Cemetery, Ringgold Co., Mr. Ayr, IA. The land for the grave site was given by a neighbor.

Name: Diana Hay
Email: dhay2@ionet.net
Location: Enid, Ok, Garfield
Date: Thursday, April 2, 1998 at 20:33:35
I need to get the info on Nathan MILLER and wife Sarah and family from the 1856 census taken in Ringgold Co., section 22 of Middlefork township. I need the info including the year vol# and page# Do hope some one can help me.

Name: Glenda Perkins
Email:New Strawn, Ks, USA
Location: New Strawn, Ks, USA
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 at 09:49:35
PUTNAM, HUMPHREY: Seeking info on the parents of Beulah May PUTNAM (b. 2-11-1872 in Mt. Ayr, Ringgold Co., Iowa; died 4-25-1914 in Rawlins Co., Ks.) The only info I have are their names. Father: William Riley PUTNAM probably came from N.Y. Mother: Mary Ellen HUMPHREY. Beulah married John Allen LANNING (June, 1896). The only siblings known are Helen(b 10-19-1868) and Emma or Hanna. I've been told, but can't confirm, William HUMPHREYS and Emaline McCURDY are the parents of Mary Ellen HUMPHREY. Any Information would be greatly appreciated.

Name: Tom Arnold
Email: tom961@yournet.com
Location: Harrison, AR
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 02:45:44
Abner MCINTOSH family living 1860 census Ringgold Co., Sand Creek Twp. Appears another Mcintosh family living next to them, possibly Charles Mcintosh family. Abner came from Indiana abt 1858.

Name: Marlene F. Ricci
Email: mricci@goldnet.it
Location: Vicenza, Italy
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 01:17:36
HALL, FUGATE. Am interested in the descendants of the HALL/FUGATE family. Arbell C. "Bell" HALL (1863-1908) m. James FUGATE. Bell died in Ringgold Co. bur. Oliver Cem.,Montroe Township. They had eleven children: Claude FUGATE m. Hazel MAGGARD, Nellie FUGATE m. William COOK, Edna G. FUGATE, Elsie Maud FUGATE, Jasper FUGATE, Mary FUGATE m. Clarence MORRIS, William FUGATE m. Gertrude O'BRIEN, Harry Edwin FUGATE m. Mable BLAKE and Cela ATWOOD, Neva B. FUGATE m. Bryon HOFF, Ora Laverne FUGATE m. Nellie ARNOLD, and Myrtle FUGATE m. Boyd TAGG. Many descendants still living in Ringgold County.

Name: Marlene F. Ricci
Email: mricci@goldnet.it
Location: Vicenza, Italy
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 01:04:54
HALL, RIDGEWAY. Am interested in any descendants of Lucinda RIDGEWAY (1833-1900) and James HALL (1821-1875). The family moved to Decatur Co. around 1870 in Grand River Township near Ringgold County. Descendants seemed to lived in Ringgold County. The children were: Genetta HALL BUD, Genira Nadine HALL AKER, Harvey HALL, George William HALL, Arbell C. HALL FUGATE, Lilly J. HALL ANDERSON, Noah M. HALL, Cora Myrtle HALL SHORT, and Edward HALL.

Name: Marlene F. Ricci
Email: mricci@goldnet.it
Location: Vicenza, Italy
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 00:58:52
BARNEY, AKER. Am interested in finding the burial place of Catherine BARNEY (Jacob) AKER. She was born in 1811, died on August 28, 1898. Her second husband was Zebulan T. HEATH. Family legend says she might be buried under the BARNEY name and may be buried in Ringgold County near Kellerton. She was the mother of Benton Barney AKER and two sons who died in the Civil War Jacob Beniah AKER and George Cline AKER.

Name: Marlene F. Ricci
Email: mricci@goldnet.it
Location: Vicenza, Italy
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 00:51:06
AKER, HALL. Am interested in any descendants of this family. Benton Barney AKER (1848-1942) son of Jacob AKER & Catherine BARNEY, moved to Decatur Co. in 1852, Grand River Township but the post office was in Kellerton, Ringgold Co. Some of the children were born in Kellerton. B.B. married Genira HALL (1855-1910) daughter of James HALL and Lucinda RIDGEWAY. Children of AKER/HALL were George AKER, Minnie Catherine AKER LIGHT, Ada Belle AKER LIGHT, Robert Benton AKER, Nettie Luelle AKER, Rose Anna Pearl AKER HAMMOND, Chrissie Maud AKER, Gracy Myra AKER SEELY, Noah Barney AKER, and Havey B. AKER. Would like to include everyone in the book I am writing.

Name: Richard Schack
Email: :rfschack@worldaccessnet.com
Location: Vancouver, Wa, USA
Date: Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 20:02:57
Comments:Searching for information on and decendents of the McANINCH, GILDERSDLEEVE, and GLAZEBROOK families, all of which lived in Ringgold County during the later half of the 1800's, with all three names having multiple families in the area. They were all related by marriage, and I am a decendent of all three family lines. Please contact me by E-Mail

Name: Searching for information on and decendents of the McANINCH, GILDERSDLEEVE, and GLAZEBROOK families, all of which lived in Ringgold County during the later half of the 1800's, with all three names having multiple families in the area. They were all related by marriage, and I am a decendent of all three family lines. Please contact me by E-Mail
Email: BeehiveOma@aol.com
Location: Omaha, NE, USA
Date: Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 20:40:45
I am looking for the death dates of Jesse E. SNEDAKER who was born abt 1855 and married 23 Oct 1884 in Lucas Co. IA to Martha Elizabeth Culbertson who was born 20 Mar 1858 in Zanesville, Miskingum, OH. They lived in Mt. Ayr and had two children that I know of: Mabel Izette Snedaker b. 31 Oct 1888 who was a professor of education at Iowa State and Howard Evarts Snedaker b. 29 Nov 1890. I would like to correspond with any descendants. Martha Culbertson's brother was my great-grandfather.

Name: Millie Alexander
Email: ishkani@ibm.ne
Location: Glendale, CA, USA
Date: Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 15:36:23
BAKER, Charles E. and Margaret SERGEANT - They lived in Ringgold County, Iowa, Grant Township in 1880 Census. I need to know the names of their children, etc. - also Amos W. SERGEANT was living with them at the time of the census. Thank you, Millie Alexander ishkani@ibm.net

Name: Millie Alexander
Email: ishkani@ibm.net
Location: Glendale, CA, USA
Date: Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 15:33:02
LYNCH, Edwin S. and May O. SERGEANT, Edwin born 1857, Mass. and married May on 15 Apr 1886 in Ringgold County. Edwin was a stock raiser and farmer and lived in Bedford, IA. May was the daughter of Wm. Sergeant and Emily Creed of Mt. Ayr, Iowa. I need to know the names of their children, etc. Thank you. Millie Alexander ishkani@ibm.net

Name: Suzanna Wells
Email: wellses@ohio.tds.net
Location: Vanlue, OH, US
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 08:16:10
Comments:SALTZMAN, GARBER, MOSIER, EGLY, CABARET. Nicholas SALTZMAN b 1802 France and Elizabeth GARBER b 1803 France. Came to Iowa in the 1850's. Ch: Joseph mar. Barbara MOSIER; Nicholas Jr m Anna EGLY; Christian (Christopher) m Margaret CABARET; Barbara m Christian MOSIER, Pierre m Rose CABARET; Catherine "Kate" m -------- EGLY; Mary m Isaac MOSIER; Andrew. Will share info.

Name: Sylvia O. Bailey-Munoz
Email: smunoz@apex2000.net
Location: Midland, Tx, Midland
Date: Monday, March 16, 1998 at 12:15:31
Look for STEPHENS, Martin & wife Mary KINCH. Children were: Sophia, Henry William, Joseph, John, Samuel, Mary Ann, William L. (my grandfather), Abraham, and Redmon. Have information to share and need more. Also we have a Stephens Family Reunion in Oklahoma each year. Joseph Nathan STEPHENS was son on William L., he was born in Caldonia.

Name: Peggy Criswell
Email: pjdutt@gte.net
Location: Marion, OH, Marion
Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 20:06:48
Looking for Mary Dutt DEIBERT b. 1854 Ohio d. 1934 in Ringgold Co. Iowa, she married Edward Deibert b.1871-d.1919. Children: Emma, Charles O. Deibert. Any information about them or their descendants would be much appreciated

Name: Mary C. Burgner
Email: burgnemc@ltc.tec.oh.us
Location: Lima, OH, USA
Date: Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 17:36:44
Robert B. YOUNGb.1837,gray eyes.,lt. complexion - Civil War archives records determined he was in Ringgold Co., Iowa and filed a claim for an invalid pension in 1891/92. On June 5, 1894, final rejection of claim. At that time he must have been somewhat sickly - do not have an exact death date. On notes rec'd. from the National Archives, Roy Ross was a witness to some papers signed and Thos. Ross was the Justice of the Peace. If anyone has any info about Robert B. YOUNG, I would welcome it very much. He was my great grandfather and was always thought to have deserted his wife and my grandfather, but after receiving the papers from the National Archives - an interesting story unfolds. Need to find out if he had a family in Iowa or any other pertinent info. His father was Hiram Young.Mary C. Burgner - 2005 Ann Way Drive - Lima, Ohio 45805-1619

Name: Gary B. Speck
Email: GTUSA@aol.com
Location: Moreno Valley, CA, USA
Date: Monday, March 9, 1998 at 09:29:14
SPECK, BEATTY My Grandfather Alvin Ray Speck was born in Tingley, Sept 1, 1891. His father was Charles SPECK, and mother was Nellie BEATTY.
In the Tingley Cemetery there are graves for an Archibald & Eliza Speck, and an infant daughter of W.A. Speck, and a Stella Speck/Lorimor. My grandfather's family left Tingley around 1897+/- for Nebraska, then Colorado, and eventually California.
Specifically I need information on the Specks in the Tingley Cemetery, and any other info on Charles or D.R. Speck who both appear in the Tingley Centennial book.
Also any information on Charles and wife Nellie. Dates of birth/marriage, etc.
When did the Speck family arrive in Ringgold County, and what were all the relationships? Thank you...
Gary B. Speck

Name: Robert Sutherland-Wedding
Email: RSuthWed@aol.com
Location: mandeville, la, usa
Date: Thursday, March 5, 1998 at 21:50:10
I am looking for the earliest neewspapers for Ringgold County in hopes of finding an obituary for the year 1877 for Awry SUTHERLAND. Can anyone help??

Name: Susan KELLAR Ratcliffe
Email: skrat@midohio
Location: Delaware, OH
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 22:58:33
Reconstructing the KELLAR / KELLER FAMILY of Ringgold Co, eastern Oh and PA. Isaac KELLER, son of Levi, was the judge in Kellerton for whom the city was named. Isaac and cousin, Benjamin KELLER, came from Noble Co., Ohio. Have considerable info to share. Looking for descendants, dates, place of burial. etc.

Name: Kevin McGehee
Email: mcgehee@mosquitonet.com
Location: North Pole, AK, USA
Date: Monday, February 16, 1998 at 20:29:50
I'm looking for information about my great-grandfather, John Franklin MCGEHEE, who lived in Maloy in 1896. Aside from that, his wife's name (Myrtie E. Wheeler), and my grandfather's name (Ward Orr McGehee) this is all I know about him.

Name: Richard Schack
Email: rfschack@worldaccessnet.com
Location: Vancouver, Wa., U.S.A.
Date: Sunday, February 15, 1998 at 20:29:13
Looking for information on decendents of Joseph Perry GLAZEBROOK and Mary Ellen PATRICK GLAZEBROOK, who lived in the Mt. Ayr, Kellerton area from 1870 until early 1900's. They had nine children, of which Stella Jane was my grandmother. Would like to gain additional information on the other siblings and their decendents. Included are James Wesley, Corda May (Cordy), Mary Matilda, Thomas Milton, Minnie, William Rolly, Stella Jane, Katheryn Pearl, and Huston (Hugh) GLAZEBROOK.

Name: Diane Jensen
Email: LPJensen@aol.com
Location: Ft. Calhoun, NE, USA
Date: Sunday, February 1, 1998 at 19:39:19
Am looking for parents of Isaac DRAPER. Isaac was born in New York, enlisted in the Civil War from Brighton, Iowa and after the war settled in Ringgold County. He married Sarah Ellen JOHNSON in 1868 and died in 1882. He and Sarah had five sons. She married Harvey Bonham in 1889. Would very much appreciate any information. Thanks.