News Clippings from the Society Pages

Taylor County Republican Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa May 2, 1878
CONWAY NEWS - Mr. Luke SHAY of Ringgold, shipped a lot of hogs and cattle on Tuesday, and Mr. D. BROWER also shipped two car loads of cattle.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa March 2, 1893
MARRIED--By the writer at the residence of GEO. W. CRAFT in Long Creek
Township, Decatur County, Iowa, on the 5th day of March, 1893, MR. Irvin
E. McBEE of Ringgold County and Miss Nettie E. CRAFT of Decatur County.
The groom is one of our industrious economical young farmers, who gives promise of success and prosperity.
The bride is one of the bright daughters of our old and tried friends, George and Hannah CRAFT, whom we
delight to honor. The supper was all that could be desired and was partaken of with utmost good cheer. The presents
were both beautiful and useful and more to follow. May success and happiness be their portion in this life and in
the great eternal life to come. -- JAMES BLAIR.

Clarinda Herald Clarinda, Page County, Iowa December 24, 1884 Ed BURLEIGH left his brother
and their newspaper office at Mount Ayr. He has gone to Hazelton, Kansas. 
The Independent Patriot Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa December 27, 1894
At the residence of the bride's parents, in Mt. Ayr, Ringgold Co., Iowa, Christmas, 1894, at 8:30 a.m., by Pres. W.
W. BLAIR, J. W. MATHER, of Davis City, Iowa to Mrs. Mary (DOZE) ROSS of Mt. Ayr, Iowa.
Dr. MATHER needs no introduction to our readers; Mrs. MATHER (sic, should be ROSS) is a daughter of one of the first
settlers and prominent of Ringgold County. The happy pair left Mt. Ayr at once for Davis City, whence they will
shortly move to Lamoni, where they will permanently reside in the home built by the doctor last summer. We join in
the good wishes expressed and felt.

Osceola Sentinel Osceola, Clarke County, Iowa February 28, 1885
HOPEVILLE -- Mrs. Elias SMITH will make her home with her daughter in Tingley.

Osceola Sentinel Osceola, Clarke County, Iowa March 7, 1885
HOPEVILLE -- Mr. GAUMER drove up from Weldon last week to visit a day or two. He was accompanied by Mr. Giles SMITH,
son of Mordecai SMITH, who formerly resided near Tingley.

Clarinda Herald Clarinda, Page County, Iowa July 15, 1885
COLLEGE SPRINGS NEWS ITEMS -- Mrs. William DOW and daughter Nettie are visiting relatives and friends in
Ringgold County.

Clarinda Herald Clarinda, Page County, Iowa September 2, 1885
Rev. Robert PAXTON [of Beaconsfield] went to Wheaton, Illinois, to study.

Taylor County Democrat Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa July 13, 1893
The J. T. COMBS family of Beaconsfield have been having scarlet fever.

Independent Patriot
Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa
November 16, 1893
J. D. BRIGGS of Redding, Iowa, is present visiting in town. He came Friday.

Taylor County Herald Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa January 31, 1895
R. F. ASKREN of St. Joseph, Missouri, moved to Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.

The Mount Ayr Record
March 7, 1895
CALEDONIA--large number of relatives and friends gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BURNISON Sunday,
February 25th, to witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss. Ella to Mr. Peter STUCK, of Caledonia, which took place
at 4 p. m., Geo. B. KINDBLADE, Esq. administering the marriage vows. After the words were spoken that united the young
couple, congratulations were offered, after which the guests were called to the dining room to a bountiful supper which
was in waiting. Both young people are well known in this county having lived here since they were children. Mr. STUCK
is a farmer by occupation and will live on his father's farm. Miss. Ella is one of Ringgold's most successful teachers,
having taught several terms of school in the county. Thus another couple start out for a life journey. May joy and
happiness attend them is the wish of the writer.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa January 23, 1896
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. SCOTT of Ringgold County are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. SCOTT of Bedford.

Lineville Tribune Lineville, Decatur County, Iowa January 20, 1896
Two men by the name of HAMM, father and son, who reside near Kellerton, were here on Tuesday afternoon in search of
Jesse HAMM, father of the oldest man, who had mysteriously left his home near Kellerton on Sunday night. The missing
man is 74 years of age, and although rather active and strong physically, he has suffered somewhat mentally from the
effects of age. His mother is still living in Kentucky and will be 100 years old at her next birthday, and her son
having recently expressed an earnest desire to pay her a visit, it is thought that he may have started off with the
vague intention of making the journey to Kentucky on foot. At Decatur City the two men were informed that an old man
had passed through that place on Monday on foot, whose appearance in a general way tallied with that of their father,
and they followed the trail through Leon and on to Lineville, overtaking him just below town, only to find that he
was not the man they were in search of. The men had left Decatur City at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, and in their
anxiety to overtake the supposed father and grandfather, had overdriven their team -- a pair of large Clyde farm
horses -- and the animals were so completely fagged out on their arrival here that they could not be urged beyond a
slow walk. The men were sadly disappointed over the result of their chase on the wrong track, and after resting
their team a few hours, departed westward for Harrison County, Missouri, in hopes of striking the right trail.

Davis City Advance Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa
June 4, 1896
Yesterday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. TEALE, occurred the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Ada MARIE, to J. Marion CULKINS.
Guests from a distance had been arriving during the day, and at an early hour in the evening, those of our citizens
who had been favored with invitations, began to gather at the TEALE mansion, which had been beautifully decorated for
the occasion by Mrs. J. H. ROBINSON, assisted by Miss Emma HEIJER, of Ridgeway, MO.
At the hour of 8 o'clock, the Wedding March was played by Prof. SHEFFELBUSH, after which the happy pair took their
place, and Rev. James McKAY, of the Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony which made them husband and wife.
After hearty congratulations, all those present repaired to the dining room, and partook of a bountiful supper, which
was served in the latest style. Before the supper was over, the Davis City Band arrived, and after playing some of
their best selections, were invited in to supper. The guests from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. George TEALE, of
Tuskeego, Mrs. Abe TEALE and daughters, of Kellerton, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene TEALE, of Lamoni, and Peter HEIJER and
Miss Emma HEIJER, of Ridgeway, Mo. The presents were many and valuable.
The Advance joins in with the large circle of friends in extending congratulations, and in wishing Mr. and
Mrs. CULKINS a prosperous and happy journey through life.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
June 11, 1896
Fred J. BRYANT and Miss Lizzie BRONSON were married at the M.E. Parsonage Tuesday morning by Rev. G. M. HUGHES.
The groom is a popular and excellent young man who resides on his farm on the Ringgold County line.
The bride has taught school very successfully and is an industrious and popular young lady.
The worthy couple begin their married life very properly by subscribing for the Journal. We tender our
kindliest well wishes to both in the sincere hope that their lives may be prosperous and happy.

Mount Ayr News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 22, 1896
Owen P. DePEW of this city and Miss Nannie A. SMITH of Leon, were married last night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of
the groom's parents, Me. and Mrs. Wm. DePEW, Rev. W. C. MARTIN, Pastor of the Methodist Church, pronouncing the magic
words which united their lives. The wedding was a quiet one, only near relatives being present. The bride has spent
all her life in Leon where she has the admiration of all who know her. The groom has grown from childhood in Mt. Ayr
and is well liked by everyone. He is a baker by occupation and a good one, having learned his trade in this city
from A. B. WILSON, and worked at it since in Lamoni, Leon and other places. It is probable that they will make their
home at Parnell City, Mo.
The News extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. DePEW, and wishes for them a long life of happiness and usefulness
with all the blessings which the future may have in store for them.
Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, October 22, 1896
The Mt. Ayr News of Friday last has the following to say in regard to
the marriage of Owen DePEW of that city and Miss Nannie SMITH, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. SMITH, of Leon, which occurred Thursday. As the
News says, Miss SMITH is highly esteemed by Leon acquaintances and Owen
likewise has a large circle of friends gained during his stay here,
while employed in Miller &Co.'s Bakery.
Owen P. DePEW of this city and Miss Nannie A. SMITH of Leon were married
last night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. DePEW, Rev. Dr. W. C. MARTIN, Pastor of the Methodist Church,
pronouncing the magic words which united their lives. The wedding was a
quiet one, only near relatives being present. The bride has spent all
her life in Leon where she has the admiration of all who know her. The
groom has grown from childhood in Mt. Ayr and is well liked by every
one, having learned his trade in this city from A. B. WILSON, and worked
at it since in Lamoni, Leon and other places. The News extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. DePEW,
and wishes for them a long life of happiness and usefulness with all the
blessings which the future may have in store for them.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
May 6, 1897
Married at the M.E. Parsonage May 5, 1897, Mr. C. C. MCCROSKEY and Miss
Carrie DOAN, both of Decatur City, Iowa. Charles and Carrie were born
and raised in this county and need no introduction to society, they both
being among the leaders in society in this county. They will soon move
to Beaconsfield, Ringgold County, where Charles is clerking for
Covington &Shaffner, and commence keeping house. Rev. G. E. MITCHELL
spoke the words that made them husband and wife. May success attend
them through life is the wish of a host of friends.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
May 6, 1897
At St. Mary's Church in Grand River, at 10 o'clock, Monday, occurred the
marriage of Michael GROGAN and Miss Kate SULLIVAN, Father John A. COOK
of Maloy officiating. Tade GRIFFIN of Woodland Township acted as best
man and the bride's sister, Miss JULIA, as bridesmaid. A large number
of friends were present to witness the ceremony.
The groom is an enterprising farmer residing in Woodland Township. The
bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. SULLIVAN, who reside
a few miles east of town in Center Township. She is a most charming
young lady and has many friends in Leon, having received much of her
education in our schools.
The couple will go to housekeeping at once on Mr. GROGAN's farm in
Woodland Township [Decatur County].

Independent Patriot
Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa
July 29, 1897
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John GRAY July 24, a boy.
James K. MOCK of Washington, D.C., came in on Tuesday's train to the home of his brother-in-law Elwood
White of this vicinity.
Elder T. J. BELL was in town between trains Monday on a short trip from Ridgeway, Missouri, where he has
been holding meetings, to Kellerton, Iowa on another missionary trip.
We learn from the Mt. Ayr News that Bert BADGEROW, the young son of Robert BADGEROW of Monroe
Township, was caught in the mower sickle Friday afternoon and may die as a result of the wounds received.
Mr. LEWIS, foreman in the telephone erection, informs us that he began the stringing of wires Wednesday
morning. It will take at least two weeks to string the wires, and from a week to two weeks more will be needed
to complete preparations for the beginning of the actual use of the exchange.
The fire alarm sounded yesterday afternoon about 3:30. The alarm was given by the EVANS girls, and Rob ALLEN
who was the first on the ground found the principal part of Mr. SPITZNOOGLE's barn, on the west side, consumed
when he arrived. The company did not get there in time to save any part of the structure, but effectually
prevented the spread of the fire. The structure burned was not very valuable and was not insured. Two horses
were in the barn when the fire started. One escaped slightly scorched, and the other was burned to death. The
animal was valued at about $60. Nobody knows the original (sic) of the fire.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa October 21, 1897
Married, at the residence of the bride's father, 1 1/2 miles northwest
of Tuskeego, at 11 o'clock Thursday, October 14, Mr. Chas. TURNER and
Miss Rosella TOWNSEND, Rev. COPP officiating. Brown's march was played
by Mrs. Ada CALLISTON. After congratulations were extended to the happy
couple, all repaired to the spacious dining room, where the tables were
groaning under their burden of dainties, prepared by Mr. TOWNSEND's
daughters, such as only they know how to prepare. The bride was most
beautifully attired in tan wool, trimmed in white lace and ribbon. The
groom wore the conventional black. The wedding feast was partaken of by seventy-five of the relatives,
after which the remainder of the day was spent very pleasantly. As the
shades of evening were drawing nigh, the guests departed, wishing the happy couple many years of wedded bliss.
Friday evening a reception was given by the groom's parents to a large number of their friends.
The reception was a sumptuous affair; one that we have seldom seen surpassed. The cornet band from Kellerton was present and furnished
most beautiful music during the evening, which was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. TURNER is very fortunate in winning so amiable and beautiful a bride. The young people are well and favorably known in this community.
The occasion was altogether a most pleasant one and a host of friends join in wishing that their voyage o'er life's sea will be a pleasant
one. Among those present from abroad were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LEONARD, Mrs.
L. F. TOWNSEND and daughter and Mrs. CALLISTON, Macksburg, Iowa; Mr. and
Mrs. Will TURNER and Mr. J. B. TURNER, Humeston; E. W. TOWNSEND, wife and
Abigail TOWNSEND, Decatur City; A. J. JONES and wife, Leon; Mr. and Mrs.
Dan LILLIE and Mary ENIX, Kellerton.

Tingley Vindicator Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 11, 1897
MARRIED -- At high noon, Sunday, Oct. 3l, l897, at the home of the bride one mile east of Davis City, Iowa, Miss
Nora GOBLE and Mr. F. W. BOZARTH. the ceremony was said by Squire Samuel BOWMAN who is one of the pioneer citizens
of Davis City and was a comrade of the groom's father during the war. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles GOBLE, is a niece of John and Wm. McINTOSH who are well-known, well-to-do farmers and is also a
granddaughter of Lieutenant McINTOSH who was also well-known to many in Decatur County. About forty guests were
present to witness the marriage, the bride's sister, Miss Emma GOBLE acting as bridesmaid and Mr. O. BONNETT as
groom's best man. The bride possesses one of the most desirable qualities for a young lady, that of making and
retaining the friendship of all whom she meets, and the groom is to be congratulated in winning the heart of a young
lady possessing many excellent qualities of mind and person. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
BOZARTH, is a very industrious young man of studious habits and is a member of the I.O.O.F. and both he and his
young wife are to be commended that they thus early in life realize that this earth will not be their eternal home
and have made a start toward that better land where they ne'er shall be separated. A few weeks before their wedding
day, they became members of the Baptist Church near their home.
On Monday this happy couple were given a reception at the home of the groom's parents. The parents of both parties
have lived within a short distance of Davis City nearly all their lives and are enterprising farmers and well-fixed
financially. Last but not least (as an editor sees it) was the magnificent dinners served both at the wedding and
reception. Everything that could tempt the appetite was furnished in abundance and being on pretty good terms with
the groom's big sister (who is our wife) of course we were present and it is needless to say we sampled the luscious
viands quite a plenty.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa January 20, 1898
BLOCKTON NEWS -- W. H. PATRICK has moved on the H. T. MILLER farm near Redding, Ringgold County, for whom he
will work the coming year.

New Market Herald New Market, Taylor County, Iowa March 3, 1898
Nellie May FRATER of Ellston is visiting her brother Abel.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa June 30, 1898
Married, Wednesday evening, June 22, 1898, at the home of the bride in Decatur Township, by Rev. G. D. GURLEY, Mr.
James W. LONG to Miss Emma LANEY.
Mr. LONG is a worthy young man from our neighboring county of Ringgold and clerks in a store at Tingley. Miss LANEY,
whom he has the good fortune to win as his bride, has been one of our most successful
teachers, having taught fourteen terms, and seven of these consecutively
in one district. She graduated from the Leon High School in the class of '98 and later from the Normal Institute.
Among those present at the ceremony were the following: Mr. and Mrs. G. C. ARTHUR, Deland, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. LONG, Ellston, Iowa; Mr.
and Mrs. A. ERVIN, Kellerton, Iowa; Mr. Henry LEMON, Farragut, Iowa; Messrs. and Mesdames J. FISHER, J. D. BROWN, S. W. ROBBINS, C. R. RILEY,
Miss Anna ROBBINS, Mr. S. W. SEARS, Mrs. Art MARTINDALE, all of Decatur County.

Bedford Times-Republican Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa March 10, 1898
Mr. and Mrs. WALKENMEYER's sons, aged 13 and 15, were running away from their home in Redding,
Ringgold County, to Nebraska. The boys turned around at Blockton and went back home.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa July 28, 1898
Mrs. Sam SHAFFER has disappeared from Diagonal, leaving a husband and two little girls. 
Kellerton Globe Kellerton, Ringgold County, Iowa September 22, 1898
Dr. Marsh CAMP, of Kellerton, and Miss Harriet A. SHIELDS, of Leon, were
married at the Presbyterian Parsonage in Chariton, Monday, September 5,
at 5 o'clock p.m. Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple took
the Denver flyer for Omaha, where they spent several days visiting the
exposition, returning Sunday to Kellerton.
The groom needs no introduction to our readers. As a capable physician
he has made the acquaintance of a large portion of the community, and is
held in high esteem by all. The bride is also well and favorably known
here, having taught two years in our public schools. Last year she was
Assistant Principal of the Leon High School. May their pathway through
life be one of peace, prosperity and happiness.

Bedford Times-Republican Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa December 8, 1898
Charley SHAY of Boston, Missouri, is planning to move
back to Maloy.

Davis City Advance Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa January 6, 1899
At the residence of the bride's parents north of our city on Wednesday Dec. 28 at 11 a.m., Rev. McKAY pronounced the
words that made Miss Maude M. LEE and MrR. Herbert PERKINS man and wife. The immediate relatives and a few invited
guests were present. Dinner was served immediately after the ceremony, after which the bride and groom left for Des
Moines on the bridal tour.
Miss Maude is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John LEE and has a host of friends who will wish her a happy
and prosperous life with her chosen partner.
Mr. PERKINS is the editor of the Kellerton Globe, published at Kellerton, Iowa. We have not the honor of his
acquaintence but we can congratulate him on his good fortune in securing so charming a wife, who will be fully
capable of soothing his aroused temper when the devil pies a galley of his chosen editorial after using the copy in
trying to remove some of the grime from the chimney of his study lamp.

Davis City Advance Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa March 23, 1899
On Thursday evening March l6th at 6:30 o'clock, Rev. E. C. NEWLAND united in marriage at the residence of the bride's
father, Miss Nellie SOWASH to Samuel HINKLE. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room where a
bountiful supper awaited them. The relatives of the bride and groom living in Davis city were present, also Mr. and
Mrs. Harry STANLEY of Mt. Ayr, and Will HINKLE of Leon. The young couple will make Davis City their home.
The Advance joins with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa May 11, 1899
Sunday, April 30, at 5 o'clock p.m. occurred the wedding of Miss Clara V. BOZARTH to Mr. Nathan G. GRAHAM, at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. BOZARTH. Both of these parties are well known in the
community, having lived here from childhood. Mr. GRAHAM is an energetic farmer and a young man of good morals and
many excellent traits of character. The bride is one of Davis City's most estimable young ladies, an active
worker in church and Sunday school and possessing a pleasant disposition
which has won for her a host of friends. The wedding was attended by thirty-six of the relatives and friends.
Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. WATSABAUGH, from Tingley, and Robt. GRAHAM of Lamoni. After the
ceremony, the guests were ushered to the dining room where a sumptuous repast was awaiting.
The wedding march was played by Miss Helen VALENTINE. Mr. and Mrs. GRAHAM will make their home about 4 miles south
of Davis City. In entering matrimonial life they have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.

Shenandoah World Shenandoah, Page County, Iowa June 16, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. Will WAX of Blanchard [Page County, Iowa] will make their future home in Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa.

The Davis City Advance Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, August 17, 1899
Wednesday night, August 9th, occurred one of the greatest social events of the season, at the home of Mr. Jas. E.
TEALE, it being the marriage of his daughter, Miss Edith to Mr. Nelson KING. None but relatives and most intimate
friends were present to witness the ceremony. The rooms were beautifully decorated with ferns and hot house plants.
About 9 o'clock the bride and groom, attended by the bridesmaids and groomsmen, descended the stairs at the strains
of the wedding march which was played by Miss Katie TEALE. Rev. NEWLAND preceded them to the beautifully festooned
archway, where the nuptial knot was tied in an impressive manner. The bridesmaids were Misses Estella TEALE and Alice
JEFFRIES, and the groomsmen, Messrs. Harvey TEALE and Willard JEFFRIES.
The bride's costume of white dimity trimmed in brocaded silk, gave a pleasing effect to her joyous and radient
countenance. The groom was appropriately dressed in conventional black.
Congratulations were the next feature of the evening, after which the guests were invited to the dining room to
partake of a sumptuous and elegant repast.
About 11:30 strains of music from without, proclaimed the presence of the Davis City Cornet Band. After rendering
several selections they repared to the dining room upon invitation of A. L. TEALE.
A short programme had been prepared for the occasion, Misses Katie and Estella TEALE executed a brilliant
instrumental duet, followed by a vocal solo by Miss Winnie CRAIG. The programme closed by a piano solo by Miss Gertie
CRAIG. Miss TEALE is the youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. E. TEALE of this city. She is a refined and accomplished
young lady and needs no introduction to our society people.
MR. KING has resided here a little more than two years, and has proven to be an upright and energetic young
gentleman. MR. and MRS. KING will make their home at present at the residence of the bride's father. Their many
friends wish them unlimited happiness and prosperity.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. I. N. JEFFRIES and family; Mr. and Mrs. Carter SCOTT and family; Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
TEALE and family; Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l FRAZIER and daughter, Hazel; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. TEALE; Mr. and Mrs. S. G.
MITCHELL; Rev. E. C. NEWLAND and wife; Misses Sibyl LANNING, Inez WILLIAMS, Lillian Van WINKLE, Gertie CRAIG,
Nettie SUTHERLAND, Winnie CRAIG, Ella Van WINKLE; Messrs. Henry ARNOLD, Grant CRAIG, Fred SUTHERLAND, of Davis City;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TEALE; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene TEALE, Miss Maggie TEALE, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. SMITH, of Lamoni; Mrs. A. H.
TEALE, Mr. Harvey and Misses Katie, Estella and Helen TEALE, of Kellerton; Mr. Noah RIGGS, Miss Jennie RIGGS, of
Indianola; and Miss Faresta NOBLE of Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. KING received many useful and valuable presents.

Decatur County Journal
Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, April 5, 1900
At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. HAVILAND, in
Benton, Iowa, at high noon yesterday, occurred the marriage of Dr. Frank
LANDES to Miss Ellen Delphine HAVILAND. Dr. LANDES is a former Leon
boy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. LANDES, and has been for some years a
practicing physician at Benton where he and his bride move in the best
The newly married couple are expected to arrive in Leon soon when they
will be tendered a reception by the groom's parents.

Decatur County Journal
Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, June 14, 1900
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F .F. BEDIER attended the wedding of Harvey
TEALE and Miss Lizzie REUSS which occurred at high noon at the residence
of the bride's stepfather, Otto HILTIKER, of Elk Creek. Rev. KNOWLES of
Kellerton performed the ceremony in the presence of about forty invited
guests after which an elegant wedding dinner was spread.
The groom is a son of A. H. TEALE of Kellerton and is one of the most
promising young business men of that place. Mrs. TEALE is a highly
respected young lady and is well known in the west part of the county.
The newly married couple will reside in Kellerton.

Decatur County Journal
Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, June 14, 1900
Harry STATZELL and Miss Mary IRONSIDE were married last Sunday evening
by Elder R. W. CASTOR of the Christian Church at his residence in north
Leon. A small company of intimate friends was present to witness the
ceremony. Harry STATZELL was born and raised in Leon and has numerous
acquaintances and friends. The bride is a daughter of James IRONSIDE of
Decatur Township and has been one of the county's most successful school
teachers. For the present the newly married couple will have rooms at
the home of the groom's father, J. STATZELL.

The Davis City Advance
Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, June 13, 1901
MARRIED.--Sunday evening, June 9th, at the residence of Justice Frank COX, Mr. William BARNHART of Ringgold County,
and Miss Lizzie BENNETT of Westerville. They will go to housekeeping on a farm in Eden Township [Decatur County].
The young couple have the best wishes of their many friends.

Mount Ayr Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa May 23, 1902
Mrs. Laura Lucina STILES DUNNING celebrated her 87th
birthday here yesterday. She has been a resident of Mount Ayr since 1855. Her
husband died in 1877. Of the children of Mr. and Mrs. DUNNING, Walter DUNNING
is a capitalist of Denver, Colo; Frank DUNNING is president of the Citizens'
bank of Bedford; Day DUNNING is president of the Citizens' bank of Mount Ayr.
These three came here with their parents in 1855. Charles B. DUNNING, born
here in December, 1855, died in 1880. Mrs. DUNNING may fittingly be called
"the mother of Mount Ayr."

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa October 16, 1902
Mrs. H. HEDY of Tingley is visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. McMILLEN.

The Osceola Sentinel Osceola, Clarke County, Iowa February 4, 1904
The cold weather is the worst ever experienced by the oldest settlers. Everything is covered
with ice. Stock that is not sheltered is rapidly falling off in flesh. Many poor people are out of wood for their
fires and feed for their stock.

Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, March 24, 1904
Mr. Joe G. STILL, of Leon, and Miss Grace JAGGER were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
JAGGER, near Mt. Ayr last Sunday at high noon, the ceremony being performed by Elder J. J. RUPERT, of Brooks, Iowa,
in the presence of about fifty invited guests. After the ceremony and congratulations the guests partook of a
sumptuous wedding repast.
The bride is one of the most popular young ladies of Middle Fork Township, Ringgold County, a young lady of charming
accomplishments and will make a fitting helpmate for the husband of her choice. The groom is a well known young man
of this city, where he was born and raised, industrious and upright. He is employed at the Leon Creamery.
Mr. and Mrs. STILL are spending this week with relatives in Mt. Ayr, and will return the latter part of the week and
make their home in this city. Many friends extend hearty congratulations and wish them much prosperity and happiness.

Osceola Sentinel Osceola, Clarke County, Iowa April 21, 1904
CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS -- Elder Van HORN will organize a Bible-school at Union Chapel next Lord's day at 2 p.m.
Preaching services at 3 p.m. A Bible school of sixty members was organized at Lewis church, April 17th. This school promises much for good to the
young people of that vicinity. There was one confession at the evening service last Lord's day. The ordinance of
baptism will be administered Thursday evening, April 28th, after the prayer meeting service. The pastor leaves today
for two lectures at Maloy and Blockton, but will return Saturday morning. The regular services both morning and
evening April 28th. Let there be a full attendance of members at the morning service as there will be important
matters to consider.

Osceola Sentinel Osceola, Clarke County, Iowa April 28, 1904
WOODBURN -- H. H. LINTON, of Kellerton, former principal of the Woodburn School, visited friends in town Saturday.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa August 25 1904
Mr. &Mrs. Jerry HOUGH was visited by his four sons: John W. of Crawfordsville, IA; G. W. of Marshall Township,
Taylor County, IA; Thomas E. of Cushing, Oklahoma Territory; and Warren J. of Delphos, IA.

The Lamoni Chronicle Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa January 19, 1905
The home of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. HORNER was the scene of a pretty wedding at five o'clock, Wednesday evening, when
their daughter George was united in marriage with Arthur H. SMITH, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH. Rev.
BINGAMAN of Davis City performed the ceremony.
The usual wedding repast followed the nuptials, the many guests being placed at ease by the hospitality of host and
hostess. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. S. W. HURST, Mr. and Mrs. James HURST, John and Margaret HURST,
George, Margaret and Mrs. Georgia HURST, Dr. and Mrs. F. A. BOWMAN of Leon; Mr. and Mrs. Bert TEALE and son, Verne,
of Mt. Ayr; and Mr. and Mrs. F. GRIMES of Bethany, Mo.
The bride and groom are well known to this community. The groom has always resided here and the bride, with her
parents, came here from Davis City several years ago. The bride is an accomplished young lady. Mr. SMITH is a
merchant at Kellerton, having lately gone into business there. He is a young man of thrift and enterprise, and has a
bright business career. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are "at home" in Kellerton, where the best wishes of this community follow them.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
February 23, 1905
One of the prettiest home weddings of the years was solemnized Wednesday
afternoon at one o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in northwest
Leon, the contracting parties being H. G. LANGDON of the firm Owen &Langdon and Miss May OWEN, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.R.
OWEN, Rev. A. M. PILCHER of the M.E. Church officiating. The parlor
wherein the ceremony was performed and the dining room wherein the
wedding repast was served, were prettily decorated with cut flowers and
potted plants. Directly after the ceremony the guests were ushered into
the dining room where a bountiful wedding dinner awaited them.
Mr. LANGDON has been in Leon but a short time but has made many warm
friends among our people. He is a hustling young business man of more
than ordinary ability. The bride is one of Leon's most charming and
accomplished young ladies who numbers her friends only by her
acquaintances. The happy young couple will be at home after March lst
in the CUMMINS property in north Leon.
The guests from out of town were:
Miss Alice KANE, Bagley; Prof. OLIVE, Indianola; Mr. &Mrs. W. A. WILLIAMS, Garden Grove;
Guy WILLIAMS, Grand River; Mr. &Mrs. W. A. RICKER, Grand River; B. H. OWEN, Muscatine;
Roy OWEN, Iowa City; Mrs. Ellen McKIBBEN, Ellston; Mr. &Mrs. G. A. LANGDON, and daughter, Miss Frances, Des Moines;
Hallie STRADLEY, Des Moines; F. H. BOYLAND, Aurora, Nebraska.

The Kellerton Globe, Kellerton, Iowa
April 6, 1905
Mrs. P. C. CREES and Joe, Rob and Frank EURITT went to Decatur the first of the week to attend the funeral of their sister,
Mrs. John ROSS, who died Sunday, after a long illness. Funeral services were conducted from the house Tuesday forenoon.
NOTE: Hannah C. EURITT was born in Augusta County, Virginia, and died in Decatur County, Iowa on March 26, 1905,
the wife of John ROSS and the mother of twelve children. She was interred at Elk Chapel Cemetery north of Lamoni and
east of Kellerton.
Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa March 16, 1905 Mrs. F. A. BARCHUS, formerly
of Mount Ayr, visited her parents, the W. SCOTTS. She is going to her new home in Grant County, Kansas. 
The Mount Ayr News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa January 4, 1906
Bert A. BALLOU and Moss Della STILL were married Saturday evening at the
Methodist Parsonage by Rev. T.J. REAM. They have taken rooms at the
WILLOW home.
Mr. BALLOU is foreman of the News office, and has been an employee of
the office for many years. He is a skilled mechanic, a young man of
good habits, and has many friends. His bride came here about a year ago
as an employee in the Record office; she being particularly efficient as
a compositor. She has impressed Mt. Ayr people as being a dignified,
industrious ladylike young woman. They are entitled to the hearty
congratulations they are receiving.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
January 4, 1906
M. W. HAMILTON and Eeith F. ANDREW were united in marriage Saturday
morning, December 23, l905. The marriage occurred at the M.E. Parsonage
in Decatur, Rev. George ROBERTS officiating. The wedding was a quiet
one and the happy couple took the morning train for Davis City, where
the groom resides. Miss Myrtle ANDREW accompanied them, intending to
spend a few days at Davis City. Mr. and Mrs. HAMILTON expect to reside
near Kellerton. Their many friends wish them a life of happiness.

The Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa February 1, 1906
Grandma DUNNING, 91-years-old, is Ringgold County's oldest person.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa March 22, 1906
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. CLAWSON, Sunday, March llth, at 4:30
p.m. occurred the wedding of their daughter, Ella, to Thos. H. JONES of
Kansas City, Mo. Quite a number of friends and relatives were present.
Rev. G. W. MILLS of Beaconsfield, Iowa, performed the ceremony that made
them man and wife. The bride is one of Richland Township's [Decatur County] most
respected and popular young ladies. The groom was formerly of this
neighborhood but is now employed in the baggage department of the Union
Depot at Kansas City, Mo. He is highly respected and esteemed by the
people of this community and is in every respect worthy of the estimable
young lady he has chosen as his bride. The young couple expect to make
their future home in Kansas City, Mo. They will carry with them the
best wishes and congratulations of their many friends and acquaintances.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa August 2, 1906
John BAXTER, of Denver, Colorado, was in Bedford Tuesday
visiting at the homes of J. H. HUMPHREY and A.C. BRICE, old friends of his. Twenty years ago, Mr. BAXTER left Iowa for
the west, and this has been his first visit here in that time. He has been visiting friends in Lenox, Creston, Cromwell,
Tingley and other points in this vicinity, and will probably go to Des Moines before returning home. He is associated
with his son in the printing business in Denver and both are prospering. Mr, and Mrs, BAXTER has recently obtained a
patent on a short-hand method of music.

The Lamoni CHRONICLE Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa November 29, 1906
Miss Oma GILLILAND and Loyd CANFIELD of Kellerton were united in marriage at the bride's home, Wednesday evening.
Miss Oma was highly respected by all and will be greatly missed by her many friends, but Lee's loss will be
Kellerton's gain. Floyd RICHARDSON delivered hogs at Kellerton, Monday. V. B. WAERS made a
business trip to Kellerton Saturday. Some unprincipled person entered W. W. JOHNSON's stable Saturday night
and cut a couple of the traces on his harness and ruined a horse collar. Such a person will bear watching anywhere.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa March 14, 1907
Dr. J. E. WATSON is moving from Blockton to Knowlton in Ringgold County.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa September 5, 1907
John BELLAMY of Lawton, Oklahoma, is visiting his parents at Delphos, Ringgold County.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa
October 18, 1907
Mr. and Mrs. Ed HOLMES of Maloy are moving to Lang, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa
Thursday, December 18, 1907
MARRIED.--H. T. MILLER, of Redding, Iowa, and Mrs. Josie SHANER of Natural Bridge, Virginia, were married
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, at the M. E. Church, [by] Rev. J. H. REDFORD of Mt. Ayr, assisted by G. T. ROBERTS
of Redding. They left Wednesday morning for their home at Redding.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa July 16, 1908
Mrs. C. C. ROBERTS of Redding is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave TERBELL.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa
July 1, 1909 Dr. A. E. JESSUP and his family are moving from Sharpsburg [Iowa] to Diagonal.

The Kellerton Globe Kellerton, Decatur County, Iowa
October 28, 1909
J. C. SINCOE has bought a half interest in the Harding &Enslow granite and marble works at Chariton, the new firm
to be known as Harding &Sincoe, and will move his family to that place in about two weeks. Mr. SINCOE has been a
resident of Ringgold county for fifty four years, settling here in 1855, and he and his wife lived on a farm south
of Kellerton for forty years, moving to town in March, 1908. They built an elegant, and modern residence here, and
unless it is sold within a few days he has it rented. Mr. and Mrs. SINCOE and daughter Jessie are fine people, and
we wish them success in their new home.

Lamoni Chronicle Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa November 4, 1909
On Wednesday, October 27, Emmett NOFTSGER and Miss Addie LONG of Lamoni were united in marriage at the home of the
groom's father, Marion NOFTSGER in Kellerton, Justice D. J. McDONALD officiating.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa January 20, 1910
Frank DUNNING of Bedford is putting a stone in the Mount Ayr cemetery for his parents - "Barton B. DUNNING,
1809 - 1877; Laura STILES, his wife, 1815 - 1906." His parents settled in Mount Ayr in April of 1855 on the
located townsite of Mount Ayr, which was surveyed in August of 1855.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa January 6, 1916
A very pretty wedding took place on New Year's Day at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. LANDES, when
their daughter, Estella, was united in marriage to Ira Brice REASONER Jr., of Beaconsfield. As the clock was striking
twelve the bridal couple took their place before the bay window which was beautifully decorated with potted plants, where
the ceremony was performed by Rev. FOWLIN, of the U. B. Church, of Beaconsfield in the presence of the immediate
relatives. The bride wore a beautiful dress of white crepe de chene trimmed in net silk. The groom wore the conventional
black. After the ceremony the guests retired to the dining room where a bounteous dinner was served by the bride's
sister. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. LANDES. She was born and raised in Decatur Township.
She numbers her friends by her acquaintances. The groom is the only son of Mr. Brice REASONER, of Beaconsfield, and is
prominent in church and social cirlces. They will make their future home in Beaconsfield where the groom owns a garage.
Their many friends extend congratulations.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa September 28, 1922
I.C. DULING will be making his home at Tingley.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa June 13, 1917
Mrs. C. A. HOUSE and Mrs. Jess JONES, both of Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa, will move to Helena, Montana.

Bedford Times-Republican Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa May 09, 1918
Mrs. Syrus (sic) SWEET had been making her home with Mrs. RUSCO at Athelstan. She will live with her son
Bud SWEET near Redding, Ringgold County, for a time.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, August 1, 1918
On the morning of July 22nd, the children of William R. CASH surprised him by marching into the old home on Grand
River with well filled baskets. There were present Winfield CASH and wife, J. G. SPRINGER and wife, G. A. MEEK,
wife and daughter, all of Leon, B. M. RUSSELL, wife and children, of Lamoni, F. W. CASH, wife and children, of
Kellerton, Dr. Wm. H. CASH, wife and children of Lenox, Mrs. Isabelle TAYLOR, son and daughter, and John A. CASH.
The only child not present being HON. J. R. CASH, of Bonesteel, S.D., who was kept away by urgent war work. There
was present also his only living sister, Lotta, and her husband, John SELLERS.
A suitable table having been improvised under a large elm tree in the yard, the whole company of thirty--children,
grandchildren and relatives, sat down together to enjoy the bounteous dinner.
Mr. CASH, although eighty-eight is able to get around quite easily and help with the gardening and chores and takes
a keen interest in everything and especially the progress of the war. Mr. CASH has been a resident of this county
for seventy-three years, having come here in l845, when fifteen years of age, and with his father, Eli CASH, settled
on the place which is still his home. He has watched the country develop from a wilderness and home of the Indian to
its present state. He has seen the transition of dropping corn by hand and covering with the hoe to plating with the
modern check-row planter. He has seen the sickle and cradle superceded by the mower and self binder, the single
shovel by the riding cultivator, the ox team by the automobile, the dip lamp by the electric light. He has seen the
introduction of the washing machine, the sewing machine, the telephone and telegraph and the mighty railroad. He has
a wonderful store of memories of the early days of the county and state and reads with interest the items of
"Fifty Years Ago," having been a reader of the Journal since its first issue.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, March 13, 1919
Mr. Herschel Duncan PRICE and Miss Gertrude Henrietta RHOADES, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. I. D. DUTCHER, at Plainview, Neb., on Thursday, February 27. Mr. and Mrs. PRICE are well and favorably
known in Mount Ayr. For several years, until he was called to service in the national Army, Mr. PRICE was a member
of the firm of Price &Agee of this city. He is a successful business man and his sterling character commands the
respect of all his acquaintances. Mr. PRICE received his honorable discharge from service soon after his return from
France a few weeks ago, and has not fully decided where he will locate.
The bride is the daughter of H. W. RHOADES of this city. She is an accomplished young lady, possessed of the womanly
graces which admirably fit her to preside over the new home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. PRICE hope that they
will decide to make their home in Mount Ayr.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, April 3, 1919
A happy surprise occurred last Saturday evening when after the close of the preaching service, at the Brick
church in Davis City, Mr. Orville F. FOLAND of Leon, led Miss Fern WELDON, of Grand River, to the hymeneal altar where they
were met by Elder W. H. HAMILTON who, with a few well chosen words, pronounced them husband and wife.
These young people are well known in the surrounding communities, by both their social and religious qualities. Mr.
FOLAND is another one of Uncle Sam's honorably discharged soldier boys, having recently returned from camp. He is a
young Minister in the Assembly of God, while his wife is a licensed worker in the fellowship of the same body of
believers. They have planned to begin their life's work together in the Gospel by joining the band of workers under
the leadership of Elder and Mrs. Phillip M. STOKELY, who are now engaged in a series of meetings at Knowlton, Iowa.
Those accompanying the bridal couple to Davis City were Mr. and Mrs. Hammie YOUNG of Beaconsfield, also by Miss Maud
WELDON, sister of the bride, as the bride's maid, and Mr. Gerald HAMILTON as best man. We join many friends in best

New Market Herald New Market, Taylor County, Iowa May 27, 1920
Alex WILEY will move to Hardy, Arkansas, making his home with his brother.

New Market Herald New Market, Taylor County, Iowa September 30, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. HAYDEN of Ellston, Iowa, are visiting her mother, Mary HAMILTON.

The Tingley Vindicator Tingley, Iowa June 23, 1921
Of Local Interest
New Route Carrier--Geo. D. BLUNCK of Delphos has been appointed carrier on Route No. 1 out of Tingley, and was here
Tuesday looking after the work. He expects to begin work regularly Monday, June 27. E. A. STOVER has been carrier for
many years, with A. A. SIMPSON and Earl ECKERMAN as substitute carriers.

New Market Herald New Market, Taylor County, Iowa June 15, 1922
Mrs. Mary E. HARBISON is visiting her brother at Ellston, then she was go to make her home in
Briggsville, Illinois.

Bedford Free Press Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa September 30, 1920
Mrs. John CURRIE of Aurora, Nebraska, is visiting her father, F. C. HOGUE of Tingley, Iowa.

Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
March 9, 1922
Mr. G. C. COOPER, of Ellston and Miss Florence BUSH, of Kellerton, were quietly married in this city last Thursday,
the ceremony being performed by Justice A. M. PRYOR. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. B. C. MELVIN, of
near Leon, Mrs. MELVIN being a sister of Mr. COOPER.
They will make their home at Ellston, and friends extend congratulations and well wishes for their happiness and

The Redding Herald Redding, Iowa November 26, 1922
Miss Louvisa SUMMERS and Mr. Geo. D. BLUNK, a popular young couple from Tingley, were united in marriage in Creston at
4: o'clock Thursday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Jerome E. EMANUEL at the Little Parsonage Around the
Corner. Mrs. BLUNCK is the youngest daughter of Mrs. L. A. SUMMERS of Tingley and is a charming and accomplished young
woman. Mr. BLUNCK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BLUNCK of Delphos, since entering the U.S. Mail Service at Tingley has made
for himself many friends by his courteous and obliging manner.
Mr. and Mrs. BLUNCK will make Tingley their home, where they have a host of friends who will wish them many years of
happiness and success.

The Tingley Vindicator Tingley, Iowa February 22, 1923
Three of the young lady friends of Mrs. Geo. BLUNCK planned and successfully carried out a surprise miscelanious shower
in her honor Friday evening. Those who superintended the affair were Misses Fay STANLEY, Margaret EIGHME and Ellen SUMMERS.
This company met at the home of the latter and proceeded to the home of Mr. and Mrs. BLUNCK in north Tingley, where they
made themselves at home. After the first shock of surprise was over, Mrs. BLUNCK became her charming self again. A number
of useful presents were brought. The evening was passed by the guests in hemming tea towels for Mrs. BLUNCK and a
splendid social time. Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evening was reported. Those who were there: Misses
Amy MORRISON, Margaret, Mareitta and Franke EIGHME, Marie and Ellen ECKERMAN, Mary BEVERS, Margarie CARTER, Helen O'LEARY,
Birdie McDOWELL, Geraldine OXENREIDER, Grace RICHARDS, Barbara HOGUE, Florence KESTER, Fay STANLEY, Ellen SUMMERS, Mrs. L. A.
SUMMERS and granddaughter Opal SUMMERS.

The Tingley Vindicator Tingley, Iowa August 12, 1937
Saturday afternoon a group of the younger boys went to East Grand River for a weekend camping trip. Upon arrival there,
they pitched their camp and after some fishing and a swim, prepared their evening meal.
After journeying through the woods in darkness, a campfire conference was held at which it was decided to organize a
troop of Boy Scouts.
Sunday morning all were up bright and early and prepared their breakfast of flap jacks and syrup. After policing up the
camp, all gathered in the green sward and a regular Sunday School session was held. Following this, all took a swim and a
journey was made to the west fork of the river and the old town of Westerville. About four o'clock cars were headed for
home. Those who went were Paul ALEXANDER, Raymond BALL, Clell BLUNCK, Russell BOYD, Billy BRECKENRIDGE, Dean
They were accompanied by Supt. PIDGEN and Loren GROUT.

The Tingley Vindicator Tingley, Iowa May 5, 1938
Geo. D. BLUNCK of Tingley announced in this week's issue of the Vindicator his candidacy for the Republican
nomination for the office of sheriff of Ringgold County.
Mr. BLUNCK will be 40 years of age May 30th. He was born in Redding; a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William BLUNCK and
has been a lifelong resident of the county. Mr. BLUNCK is married and has five children. He enjoys a wide acquaintance
and has a large circle of friends, many of whom have insisted that he enter the race for sheriff.
Mr. BLUNCK is now employed in the carpenter trade. His ability as a mechanic is also recognized.
Those who meet Mr. BLUNCK are refreshed by his buoyancy and enthusiasm. He is congenial, affable and agreeable. These
traits, which promote friendship and harmony are augmented by determination, a sense of responsibility and aptitude for
service--all of which are of pronounced importance in conducting the office to which he aspires.
Although one of the best known men in the county, Mr. BLUNCK expects to renew acquaintances by meeting as many of the
voters as possible before the primary election June 2.
NOTE: Primary election returns for Ringgold County Sheriff were:
Geo. D. BLUNCK 107, Geo. A. DICKSON 28, Roy ROWE 25, H. P. TODD 39.

Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, August 27, 1925
Harvey Park was the scene of a reunion of the KELLEY families, Sunday, a big picnic dinner being a feature of the
gathering. There were thirty-six sat down to dinner, and it goes without saying they had everything in the eats line
on the table. Those who were in attendance were Albert KELLEY and family; Fred KELLEY and family; Lee KELLEY and
family; R.E. FISHER and family, of Mt. Ayr; Miss Florence ONEY, of Des Moines; A. M. PRYOR and family; Mrs. Louie
HURST and family; Amos DECK and family and Roscoe ONEY and family, of Leon.

Clarinda Herald-Journal Clarinda, Page County, Iowa February 20, 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey COMBS went to Tingley Wednesday and brought their son Estel home. He had spent a few weeks
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack SLACK.

Clarinda Herald-Journal Clarinda, Page County, Iowa January 11, 1940
Dewey COMBS was elected rodeo president at Hawleyville. NOTE: Mr. COMBS was re-elected to this office again
January 1941.

The Tingley Vindicator Tingley, Iowa 1944 or 1945 (date illegible)
The marriage of Clell BLUNCK, Q.M., 1-c, of the U. S. Navy and Miss Pauline HILLEBRAN of Mount Ayr, IA.
took place in the Methodist church at Troy, Kansas on December 11, at 3:30 p.m. Rev. Clarence HARDER read
the marriage lines. The couple was attended by Gail SMITH of Creston and Miss Christine EGLEY of Mount
Ayr. Mrs. Blunck is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. HILLENBRAN and grew to womanhood in Tingley, having
moved to Mount Ayr 2 years ago with her parents.
Seaman BLUNCK is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Blunck and was attending Drake University when he enlisted in the
Navy. He is on a 20-day leave and will report to Des Moines on December 26th for further assignment with the fleet.
Both young people were graduated from the Tingley high school in the class of 1942 and were popular among the young set.
The Vindicator joins the host of friends in extending best wishes to the young people.

To submit your Ringgold County news clippings and articles, contact
The County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.
