Fairbanks Daily Times
Fairbanks, Alaska Territory
March 23, 1916

On the stage for the coast this morning, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. WEBB will start a race with death. Mr. WEBB recently received a
telegram informing him that his mother, who is well advanced in years, had undergone a serious operation, from which she
probably would never recover, and that her condition at the time the telegram was sent was dangerous. Mr. WEBB immediately
decided to start for Mount Ayr [Ringgold County], Iowa, where his mother lives, in the hope that he may reach her before
death comes. Mr. WEBB will be accompanied by his wife. After he has seen his mother, if he wins his race with death, Mr.
WEBB will go to Rochester, Minnesota, where he will seek relief from the Mayo brothers. Last summer, Mr. WEBB injured his
spine, and he has never fully recovered from that injury. He is ging to see if the Mayos can ascertain what the trouble is
and cure him of it. If it is possible for him to do so, Mr. WEBB will return over the trail, but Mrs. WEBB will stay
outside until after the opening of navigation. Mr. WEBB will return over Lake Labarge if he does not come in over the trail.
During the absence of his parents, George, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. WEBB, will live with Mrs. J. E. MOODY, and the
WEBB home will be closed.

Fairbanks Sunday Times
Fairbanks, Alaska Territory
May 14, 1916
A letter received by a friend in Fairbanks tells of the safe arrival of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. WEBB in Mt. Ayr, Iowa. They
reached there about the 12th of April and the letter was dated a week later. Mr. WEBB states that his mother's health is
greatly improved and that when she heard Mr. and Mrs. WEBB were coming to see her she brightened up. She has improved so
much that she is now able to sit up several hours a day. Mr. WEBB did not state when he would start for Fairbanks, but he
expected when he left here to come back on one of the first boats if possible.
[TRANSCRIBER NOTES: The 1885 U.S. census, Ringgold co., Poe twp. shows J. A. WEBB's family: father Alford G. age 48;
mother Lucitta, age 43; Sherman A., age 20; John A., age 18; William D., age 16 and Olla J., age 13. The 1915 Iowa State
census enumerated one Lucretia Webb, a 72 year old widow in Mt. Ayr.]
Posting and note by Sharyl FERRALL, April 24, 2007