Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 20, 2014
Forty years were celebrated by 110 people at Friendship Meal Site in Tingley on March 4

Forty years were celebrated by 110 persons in true party form Tuesday, March 4, at Friendship Meal Site in Tingley. The day
got underway with a variety program by the site's participants at 11 a.m. Bonnie Manders served a emcee and extended
a welcome to everyone. Both groups, the band and Friday Singers, who have come into being at the meal site and entertain
there regularly, played and sang a selection of songs. Carmene James is accompanist for the band and Virginia Walden
plays for the singers who are directed by Mary Jane Narigon. One of their special couples, George and Naomi Hosfield,
danced the "Anniversary Waltz." They just recently observed their 62nd wedding anniversary.
Clone Hosfield and Peggy Wagenknecht, sporting pom-poms, led a cheer to the Tingley Meal Site. Sue Richards directed a fun
activity she made up that involved lost of people and red letters. Site manager Nancy Jarred acknowledged several special
guests present. The site was privileged to have three ladies present representing the central Corrections Agency on
Aging office, Barb Morrison, Sherry Carson and Ronda Engels. Also present was one of the members of the Ringgold County
Board of Supervisors, Kraig Pennington. It was good to have Lily Repperger present to share the day. Julie England made
it possible for three folks, Vergene Higgins, Annabelle Jones and Dick Fuqua, to be present from Maple Ridge. The site's
cook, Melynda Crawford, George and Naomi Hosfield and all the faithful volunteers were give a big hand for all they do
daily. Recognition was given to Neil and Irma Johnston, who are Ringgold County's representatives on the advisory board,
and also to the site's council members, Marge Werner, Irma Johnston, Bonnie Manders and Sharon Case. Decor for the day
and the program were all planned using the day's theme, "It's A Red Letter Day." Tables were covered in red table
clothes sported red-letter treat
cups, made by Ardith Keplinger and filled with goodies donated by Sharon Case and Sue Richards. Hy-Vee at Mount Ayr graciously
provided cake decorated with a 40 on top. Everyone at the site received a bag of popcorn for a favor, which was donated
by Sue Richards. Ethel Campbell shared several jokes to ensure that everyone laughed this day. All joined together to
sing "Happy Birthday" to the meal site. Dick Walden gave the blessing before all dined on a roast beef menu. A drawing
was used to give away many donated prizes. Winners were Irma Johnston, Naomi Hosfield, Marge Werner, Turk Allen, Betty
Oxenreider, Darlene White, Ronda Engels, Rose Campbell, John Overtholtzer, Barb Walters, Muriel Johnson, Virginia Walden,
Sue Richards, Doris Overholser, Margaret Hull, Dorothy Barber, Janell Taylor, Connie Eason, Pinkie Collins, Dianne Hulsebus,
Neil Johnston, Don Narigon, Carmene James, Barb Morrison, Mary Sue McIntosh, Lloyd Johnson, Norma Webb, Sharon Case, Luetta
Lambrecht, Iona Triggs, Bonnie Manders, Vergene Higgins, Bob Eason, Beulah Walters and Melynda Crawford.
Prizes were made possible due to the generosity of the following: Fireside Bar and Grill, Woodlink, Sweet Escapes, Starbucks,
Great Western, Dollar General, Co-op, Lumber Yard, Smith Oil, Subway, Joyce England, Jamie's, Mount Ayr Record-News, Rumors,
Casey's, Bean Town, Country Blossoms, CGI, Beauty Brands, Sue Richards, Nancy Jarred, Dayna Campbell and Marge Patch.
Looking at the 40 years, two things really stand out, the many friendships that have developed over the years and all the
help the faithful volunteers have contributed to keep everything going. Whatever the future holds, this day was
declared a fun-filled success by all those present and everyone looks forward to celebrating again next year.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2014

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