The Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa August 30, 1883

MARRIED -- At the residence of the bride's parents, near Lamoni, J. P. PETERS
and Zulu Z. WHARTON, at 11 o'clock yesterday morning.
This was a grand social occasion. The friends who went from Leon on the
8:40 train were met at Bethany Junction with carriages and were thus
conveyed to the elegant residence of Hon. Thos. TEALE, the bride's home.
At 11 o'clock music announced the approach of the contracting parties, who
immediately appeared in the parlors, where everything was tastefully
arranged for the occasion. The bride was draped in a beautiful white mulle,
trimmed in Irish point lace. Rev. S. JOHNSON performed the ceremony. The
friends gathered around and with mingled joy and deep feeling congratulated
the bride and groom. A bountiful and elegant dinner was spread and well
Among the friends present were Mr. BIDDLE and two daughters, of Moravia; Mrs.
J. S. WARNER and son, J. HOFFHINES, wife and two daughters; J. R. BASHAW,
wife and daughter; Geo. T. YOUNG and family; W. H. ROBB, wife and daughter;
Mrs. Sofronia PATTERSON, grandmother of the bride, Leon; Mrs. Mint PATTERSON
and sons, Mercer County, Mo.; Mrs. Eugene TEALE, Kellerton.
The presents were grand and appropriate, and a partial list only is reported
to us, as follows: Silver tea set, cake dish, knives and forks, spoons, pie
knife, one clock, China tea set and many others, consisting of books, toilet
articles, etc.MO<
The bride and groom left on the 2 p.m. Train for Piqua, Ohio, where they
will visit with the parents and friends of the bridegroom.
Mr. PETERS carries away from our midst one of our many bright young girls
and were it not for the fact that we think she has fallen into good hands we
would be reluctant to relinquish our claims.
Transcription by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert, January 4, 2010
