Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa June 21, 1900
Wednesday, June the thirteenth, at the home of J. F. TEALE, in this city, there occurred a reunion such as falls to
the lot of few families. There were six brothers who had not been together since the sixties. The enjoyment of the
occasion was marred somewhat by the absence of a seventh brother, Frederick J. TEALE, of Los Angeles,California.
This family has a war record of which they may feel justly proud. Of seven brothers all but the youngest, Albert H.
TEALE of Kellerton, Iowa, saw from three to four years active service in the civil war. Those present last Wednesday
were enlisted as follows: James E. TEALE, of Davis City, 13th Illinois Cavalry; Joseph TEALE, of Dorchester,
Nebraska, 13th Illinois Infantry; Thomas TEALE, of Leon, 15th Illinois Infantry; George H. TEALE, of Lamoni, 96th
Illinois Infantry; Eugene B. TEALE, of Lamoni, 17th Illinois Cavalry. When the war was over they located in
different parts of the country and as mentioned above this is the first time since, that they have met together.

Ringgold Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa February 25, 1904
Bert TEALE of Lamoni, will be the cashier of the new state bank to be started here March 1, and he was in Mount Ayr
the most of last week looking after the affairs of the new institution. He has rented the J. F. WALL property and
will soon move his family to this city. Mr. TEALE has long been a successful business man in Lamoni [Decatur Co. IA], and he is well
qualified by a long business experience for his new position as cashier of the bank. He will be welcomed to the
business and social life of Mount Ayr.

The Lamoni Chronicle Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa June 29, 1905
About twenty-five Lamoni people participated in a pleasant surprise at Mount Ayr, Tuesday. The affair was in charge
of the survivors of the old Social Club, and was in honor of one of its old members, Mrs. Bert TEALE, now residing
with her husband at Mount Ayr. Taking the morning train, 6:9, and will-filled baskets, the party departed for their
destination, bent on a good time; and they had it, too. There was no question about is being a surprise. But Mrs.
TEALE soon rallied, cleared away the breakfast dishes, and, with the help of Mr. TEALE and Verne, proceeded to take
care of the party. Mr. and Mrs. TEALE are known here as royal entertainers and their residence in Mount Ayr seems to
have in no way detracted from their aptness in that line. Dinner and supper were alike enjoyed upon the lawn, about
thirty being seated upon each occasion. And the happy hours passed swiftly in "Do you remembers," "Have you
forgottens," and "Isn't it just lovelies," etc. In the afternoon Mr. TEALE engaged rigs and took the entire party
driving. This proved one of the most pleasing features of the day. A visit to the Mayor's office was the occasion of
no little mirth and comment. It is reported that none of the party were fined, however. On the evening train the
band returned, tired but happy, long to cherish the remembrance of this another day of the "Social Club." Those of
the party were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH Mrs. W. H. GRAHAM Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Dr. MOORE Otis WHITE and Roland W. A. HOPKINS
Dwight DAVIS & Walker W. A. GRENAWALT & Ruth C. F. SMITH & Maud
F. NEWCOMB & Harriet W. W. SCOTT O. J. LAWHORN & Marjorie
D. F. NICHOLSON & Gracia Mrs. George BLAIR, Kellerton Mrs. Arthur SMITH
Mrs. Fred TEALE, Leon.

The Lamoni Chronicle Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa October 14, 1909
C. H. CUDNEY is in Mount Ayr this week installing the heating plant in Bert TEALE's new residence.

Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa November 12, 1914
One of the grandest and most long to be remembered events in Lamoni's history occurred Tuesday evening at the
Coliseum, when Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH received one hundred and seventy of their friends and relatives to help them
celebrate their golden wedding, says the Lamoni Chronicle. The guests assembled in the main auditorium and
from there marched to the beautiflly decorated dining hall in the basement to the strains of a march played on the
Victrola, operated by Leighton TEALE. The basement was decorated in the color scheme of gold and white together with
palms, ferns and chrysanthemums. A large gold wedding bell hung over the bride's table, at which were seated the
entire family of six children, seventeen grandchildren and one great grandchild.
While the excellent two-course turkey dinner was being served by twenty-four of Lamoni's loveliest young ladies all
dressed in white, the following program was rendered:
Toastmaster, G. W. BLAIR
Original reading by Miss. Marjorie LAWHORN, dedicated to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH.
Song, "Silver Threads Among the Gold", Saxo Male Quartet.
Toast, "Memories of Associations from Boyhood," W. A. HOPKINS
Reading, Maud Wayne SMITH, written by Vide E. SMITH, dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH
Toast, "Reminiscence of the Past", Dr. J. B. HORNER
Song, "When I was Twenty-One and You Were Sweet Sixteen", Saxo Male Quartet
Reading, Mrs. Helen SILSBEE-SMITH, written by Mrs. COBB, dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH
After dinner Mr. and Mrs. SMITH took their places in the front of the room with Mrs. SHERMAN, of Burlington, as maid
of honor and Dr. SHERMAN as best man, and again reviewed the vows of fifty years ago. G. W. BLAIR officiating. Then
old-fashioned congratulations followed. All the men had the pleasure of kissing the blushing bride and the ladies
kissed the groom, wishing them many more happy years of married life.
The bride wore a beautiful white silk poplin dress with dainty lace and pearl trimming.
Mr. and Mrs. SMITH received many beautiful presents suitable to the occasion, and in evidence of their
the guests were received at the home from 2 til 5 on Wednesday afternoon to view the many tokens.
Out of town guests were in attendance from Burlington, Indianola, Leon, Pleasanton, Davis City, Mount Ayr and
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH are among the early settlers of New Buda Township [Decatur County IA] where they settled in the autumn of 1866.
When they settled in New Buda Township they bought 160 acres of land where they lived continously till they moved to
Lamoni a few years ago. To this original 160 acres Mr. SMITH kept adding till at one time he had 900 acres here all
in one body besides a farm of 320 acres in Bloomington Township. At the present time Mr. and Mrs. SMITH own the old
homestead and an elegant home in Lamoni. Mr. SMITH is also a stock-holder and vice-president of the Farmers State
Bank of Lamoni.
Mr. SMITH was born in Lewis County, New York, April 3, 1841; Mrs. SMITH was born in northern Illinois, in July 1844.
At the age of fifteen years, Mr. SMITH started to make his own way. He left New York and came to LaSalle County,
Illinois, where he lived till manhood. When about 21 years of age he went to Jo Davies County, Illinois, where he
married Miss. Eliza A. GRAHAM on November 3, 1864. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH continued to live in Jo Davies County, until
they moved to New Buda Township, [Decatur County] Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are the parents of eleven children, three dying in infancy. Those living being: Mrs. Gertie TEALE,
Mount Ayr; Mrs. Minnie KELLER, Mrs. Louisa WHITE, Clarence F., Theodore J. and Arthur H., all of Lamoni.
While living on the farm Mr. SMITH was quite an extensive dealer in stock, buying and feeding. This business alone
amounted to around $50,000 per year. In those days there was no such thing as a check book, everything was paid for
in cash, so Mr. SMITH had to have a considerable amount of ready money about him all the time. While engaged in the
stock business, Mr. SMITH was always considered as one of the leaders, and was at all times willing to impart what
information he could to his friends and neighbors, for the betterment of the business. We think it can be truly said
of J. R. SMITH that he was one of the leaders at all times in his community in advocating improvement and progression
along right lines not hesitating to devote his time as well as his money for the betterment of conditions as he saw
them. In the early days while living on the farm the Jim SMITH's home was known far and wide as one of the most
hospitalbe places in this section of the country.
In the evening of their lives, Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are surrounded by their children and grandchildren together with a
host of friends that could not be numbered who only wish for them many more years of happiness, contentment and
NOTE: Eliza A. (GRAHAM) SMITH was born July 12, 1844, and died June 23, 1923. J. R. SMITH
died February 20, 1922. They were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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