Homer R. and Edith May (BEADLE) STEVENS, Wedding Photograph
A very pretty home wedding took place Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, 1900, at the residence of Mr. Benjamin F. BEADLE,
beyond the Platt, the contracting parties being Miss Edith M. BEADLE and Homer R. STEVENS, son of Ralph E. STEVENS.
Only the immediate families were present. The bride was beautifully dressed in white while the groom wore the conventional
black. The words that made the two one were spoken by their pastor, Rev. Ambroze S. WIGHT. After congratulations had been
tendered, a beautiful wedding supper was discussed by the company present. Not long after supper further congratulations
were proffered by relatives and friends, about 40 in number, after the ancient manner with much gunpowder and many cow
bells. One gentleman distinguishing himself by his performance upon the dishpan. These were received in the same spirit
of friendliness as they were tendered, cigars being offered and many good wishes spoken. Mr. and Mrs. STEVENS will reside
for the present at Mr. BEADLE's where the bride has made a happy home for her father and brother.


Homer R. and Edith May (BEADLE) STEVENS, 50th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. STEVENS observed their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday, December 12, at their home in
Diagonal, Iowa.
The ladies of the Dorcas Society of the Presbyterian Church prepared and served a delicious three-course dinner at noon
to the family and a number of invited guests.
In the afternoon, between the hours of two and five o'clock, open house was held in honor of the highly esteemed couple,
during which time 85 neighbors and. friends signed the register and extended good wishes.
The STEVENS are lifelong residents of Ringgold County. They are the parents of six children, all of whom, with the
exception of two, were present for the occasion. They also have twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Also present for the occasion were five persons, who attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. STEVENS fifty years
ago - Mrs. Laura WILLIAMS, of Des Moines, Zell JONES, of Ellston, Mrs. Myrtle FOGLE and Ed STEVENS, of Clarinda, and Mrs.
Walter BAILEY, of Diagonal.
Mr. and Mrs. STEVENS received many lovely and useful gifts and beautiful cards, for which they express their sincere
thanks, remembering (that life is filled with memories, of which the memory and love of old friends are the strongest.)
NOTE: Ruth Ann and Claude Dale MOORE, Jr. were visiting Grampa and Gramma STEVENS in the fall of 1950 at their home in
Diagonal. The 4 of us went to Creston and helped pick out a new suit and some other related items for the upcoming 50th
anniversary party. We were living in Longmont, Colo. at the time so we didn't get to attend the party.
Donna STEVENS BEAR remembers that the anniversary dinner was held in the Presbyterian Church of Diagonal followed by a
reception at the home of Homer and Edith STEVENS. The home was located a block west of the Diagonal School. During the
reception cake, punch, etc. were served. Donna and daughter Glee rode the train from Portland, Oregon, as did sister
Vera HARRIMAN, to Creston, Iowa to attend the anniversary.
Photographs courtesy of Deloris (Gravett) and Ramon L. "Ray" Bear
Courtesy of Deloris (Gravett) and Ramon L. "Ray" Bear, November of 2009
