Des Moines Tribune Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa 1941
Legislators' ChildrenTHEY LIKE IT HERE

State legislators' children from out of town who are in Des Moines schools temporarily while their fathers debate on
Capitol Hill hae one thing in common. They're smart - they refuse to comment on whether studies here are harder or easier, as
compared with conditions back home. One youngster, demonstrating he was a true 'chip off the old (politician's) block,'
would speak off the record. "Gosh," he said, "but the teachers here are old. "I like them young and pretty . . . like
they are at home." The Tribune interviewed five children of senators and representatives who will be in Des
Moines schools for the duration of the 1941 state legislative session. Courtesy.As a courtesy
to the visiting legislators, the school board admits their children, without tution, to any school the parents may choose,
regardless of their residential location in the city. School officials said there are probably at least 20 to 25 of these
children here but since no record is kept of their attendance except at individual schools, the exact number is not know.
From Mount Ayr.
Over in the adjoining buildings which comprise Warren Harding Junior High school and Saylor elementary school are
Jeanne [sic, Jean was known as Jeannie] PRENTIS, 14, and her brother, Raymond, 10, children of X. T. PRENTIS, representative from Mount Ayr, Ia.
Raymond thinks the schools are "O.K." but Jeanne misses her friends. "I suppose I'll like it better when I get to know
more people," she said.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2010
